BLE_Nano nRF51 Central heart rate

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ble_gatts_authorize_params_t Struct Reference

ble_gatts_authorize_params_t Struct Reference

GATT Authorization parameters. More...

#include <ble_gatts.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t gatt_status
 GATT status code for the operation, see GATT Status Codes.
uint8_t update: 1
 If set, data supplied in p_data will be used to update the attribute value.
uint16_t offset
 Offset of the attribute value being updated.
uint16_t len
 Length in bytes of the value in p_data pointer, see Maximum attribute lengths.
const uint8_t * p_data
 Pointer to new value used to update the attribute value.

Detailed Description

GATT Authorization parameters.

Definition at line 266 of file ble_gatts.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t gatt_status

GATT status code for the operation, see GATT Status Codes.

Definition at line 268 of file ble_gatts.h.

uint16_t len

Length in bytes of the value in p_data pointer, see Maximum attribute lengths.

Definition at line 273 of file ble_gatts.h.

uint16_t offset

Offset of the attribute value being updated.

Definition at line 272 of file ble_gatts.h.

const uint8_t* p_data

Pointer to new value used to update the attribute value.

Definition at line 274 of file ble_gatts.h.

uint8_t update

If set, data supplied in p_data will be used to update the attribute value.

Please note that for BLE_GATTS_OP_WRITE_REQ operations this bit must always be set, as the data to be written needs to be stored and later provided by the application.

Definition at line 269 of file ble_gatts.h.