Version FC

Dependencies:   DmTftLibrary eeprom SX1280Lib filesystem mbed

Fork of MSNV2-Terminal_V1-5 by Francis CHATAIN

diff -r 784bb5247f0b -r 1d890cab51bd main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Aug 15 17:01:32 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Aug 20 15:16:24 2017 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
 #include "stdio.h"
 #include "XNucleoIKS01A2.h"
-#define FIRMWARE_VERSION ( ( char* )"Firmware Version: 0.1" )   // display firmware version on RS232
+#include "DmTftHX8353C.h" 
+#include "DmTftS6D0164.h"
+#include "DmTftIli9325.h"
+#include "DmTftIli9341.h"
+#include "DmTftSsd2119.h"
+#include "DmTftRa8875.h"
+#define FIRMWARE_VERSION ( ( char* )"Firmware Version: 1.0" )   // display firmware version on RS232
 #define MODE_LORA                                               // Lora modulation 
 #define RF_FREQUENCY     2400000000UL                           // HzNominal frequency
 #define TX_OUTPUT_POWER  -18                                    // Output power in dBm [-18..+13] dBm
@@ -26,6 +33,11 @@
 float temperature = 0.0 ; 
 float humidite    = 0.0 ; 
+float etalonTemp1 = 6.3F ; 
+float etalonTemp2 = 8.7F ; 
+#define log(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
 #define MESSAGESIZE     34                  // Defines the size of the token defining message type in the payload
@@ -104,9 +116,163 @@
 void        sendRadio       ( char TERMINAL, char GATEWAY, float value1, float value2) ; 
+DmTftIli9341 tft(D10, D9, D11, D12, D13);  /* DmTftIli9341(PinName cs, PinName dc, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk)  DM_TFT28_105 */
+int bmpWidth, bmpHeight;
+uint8_t bmpImageoffset;
+ * Global variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+extern uint8_t dmlogo[];
+ * Local functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+uint16_t read16(uint8_t *src)
+  uint16_t d;
+  uint8_t b;
+  b = *src;
+  d = *(src+1);
+  d <<= 8;
+  d |= b;
+  return d;
+uint32_t read32(uint8_t *src)
+  uint32_t d;
+  uint16_t b;
+  b = read16(src);
+  d = read16(src+2);
+  d <<= 16;
+  d |= b;
+  return d;
+void drawBmpFromFlash(int x, int y)
+  uint16_t pos = bmpImageoffset;
+  uint16_t p;  // pixel
+  uint8_t g, b;
+  int i, j; // line, column
+  for(i=bmpHeight; i>0; i--) {
+    for(j=0; j<bmpWidth; j++) {
+      b = *(dmlogo+pos++);
+      g = *(dmlogo+pos++);
+      p = *(dmlogo+pos++);
+      p >>= 3;
+      p <<= 6;
+      g >>= 2;
+      p |= g;
+      p <<= 5;
+      b >>= 3;
+      p |= b;
+      // write out the 16 bits of color
+      tft.setPixel(j, i+y, p);
+    }
+  }
+int bmpReadHeader() {
+  uint32_t fileSize;
+  uint32_t headerSize;
+  uint16_t bmpDepth;
+  uint16_t pos = 0;
+  log("reading bmp header\r\n");
+  log("Magic byte is: %d \r\n", read16(dmlogo));
+  if (read16(dmlogo) !=0x4D42){ // read magic byte
+    log("Magic byte not found\r\n");
+    return false;
+  }
+  pos += 2;
+  // read file size
+  fileSize = read32(dmlogo+pos);
+  log("filesize is: %d \r\n", fileSize);
+  log("");
+  pos += 4;
+  pos += 4; // Skip creator bytes
+  bmpImageoffset = read32(dmlogo+pos);
+  pos += 4;
+  // read DIB header
+  headerSize = read32(dmlogo+pos);
+  pos +=4;
+  bmpWidth = read32(dmlogo+pos);
+  pos += 4;
+  bmpHeight = read32(dmlogo+pos);
+  pos += 4;
+  //if (bmpHeight == -40) bmpHeight = 40 ; 
+  log("Image size:        %d\r\n", fileSize);
+  log("Image offset:      %d\r\n", bmpImageoffset);
+  log("Header size:       %d\r\n", headerSize);
+  log("Image width:       %d\r\n", bmpWidth );
+  log("Image height:      %d\r\n", bmpHeight );
+  if (read16(dmlogo+pos) != 1){
+    // number of color planes must be 1
+    return false;
+  }
+  pos += 2;
+  bmpDepth = read16(dmlogo+pos);
+  pos +=2;
+  log("Bitdepth:          %d\r\n", bmpDepth);
+  if (read16(dmlogo+pos) != 0) {
+    // compression not supported!
+    return false;
+  }
+  pos += 2; // Should really be 2??
+  return true;
+void updateDisplay (float temp1, float hum, float temp2, float press, int cptr1, int cptr2) ; 
+void updateLed (bool led1, bool led2) ; 
+/* Specify serial datarate for UART debug output */
+void baud   ( int baudrate )    { Serial s( USBTX, USBRX ); s.baud( baudrate );}
+  char bufferDisplay[50] ;  
+  int IDTerminal = 1 ; 
+  int IDGateway  = 1 ; 
+  float temp1 = 20.0F ; 
+  float temp2 = 20.0F ; 
+  float hum = 50.0F ; 
+  int press = 1000 ; 
 void setup () {
     baud    (115200); 
-    printf( "\n\n\r     SX1280 Terminal IoT LORA MODULATION 2.4GHz (%s)\n\n\r", FIRMWARE_VERSION );
+    printf( "\n\n\r SX1280 Terminal IoT LORA MODULATION 2.4GHz (%s)\n\n\r", FIRMWARE_VERSION );
     F_CS   = 1  ;
     SD_CS  = 1  ;
@@ -166,9 +332,39 @@
     printf("LSM303AGR accelerometer           = 0x%X\r\n", id4);
     acc_gyro->read_id       (&id5);
     printf("LSM6DSL accelerometer & gyroscope = 0x%X\r\n", id5);
+      tft.init();
+  //tft.drawString(0,32,"www.");
+  //tft.drawString(12,48,"displaymodule");
+  //tft.drawString(88,64,".com");
+  tft.drawString (20,80,"TERMINAL IoT MISNet V1.0");
+  tft.drawRectangle (05, 70 , 230, 105, GREEN);
+  tft.drawRectangle (05, 125, 230, 175, RED);
+  tft.drawRectangle (05, 185, 230, 270, BLUE);
+  tft.drawRectangle (05, 280, 230, 310, YELLOW); 
+  sprintf (bufferDisplay, "ID Terminal  : %1d ", IDTerminal); 
+  tft.drawString (40,130,bufferDisplay);
+  sprintf (bufferDisplay, "ID Gateway   : %1d ", IDGateway); 
+  tft.drawString (40,150,bufferDisplay);
+  updateDisplay ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0 ) ; 
+  updateLed     (false, false) ; 
+  if (! bmpReadHeader()) {
+    log("bad bmp\r\n");
+    //return -1;
+  }
+  drawBmpFromFlash(20, 10);
+  int cpt1, cpt2 = 0 ; 
+  bool led1, led2 ; 
 void loop () {   
     TxLed   = 0     ;     
@@ -177,7 +373,7 @@
     F_CS    = 1     ;
     SD_CS   = 1     ;
     ANT_SW  = 1     ;
-    wait( 0.5 ); // wait for on board DC/DC start-up time
+    led1 = led2 = false ; 
     /* Enable all sensors */
     hum_temp->enable        ();
@@ -186,7 +382,6 @@
     accelerometer->enable   ();
     acc_gyro->enable_x      ();
     acc_gyro->enable_g      ();
-    wait(0.5);
     printf("============================================================== \r\n");
     hum_temp->get_temperature   (&valueTH1)   ;   
@@ -204,6 +399,10 @@
     acc_gyro->get_g_axes        (axesG2)      ;        
     printf("LSM6DSL   : [gyro/mdps]   %6ld, %6ld, %6ld\r\n", axesG2[0], axesG2[1], axesG2[2]);
     printf("============================================================== \r\n");
+    valueTH1 = valueTH1 - etalonTemp1 ; 
+    valueTP1 = valueTP1 - etalonTemp2 ; 
     /* Disable all sensors */
     hum_temp->disable        ();
@@ -219,15 +418,30 @@
             OldvalueTH1 = valueTH1 ;   
             OldvalueTH2 = valueTH2 ;
             OldaxesA[0] = axesA[0] ; 
+            led1 = true ; 
+            updateLed (led1, led2) ; 
             sendRadio (ID_TERMINAL1, ID_GATEWAY, valueTH1, valueTH2) ;   
+            cpt1++ ; 
     if (    abs(OldvalueTP1 - valueTP1) > 0.25F  || 
-            abs(OldvalueTP2 - valueTP2) > 0.25F  ) {
+            abs(OldvalueTP2 - valueTP2) > 0.25F  ||
+            abs(OldaxesM[0] - axesM[0]) > 20 ) {
             OldvalueTP1 = valueTP1 ;   
             OldvalueTP2 = valueTP2 ;
-            sendRadio (ID_TERMINAL2, ID_GATEWAY, valueTP1, valueTP2) ;   
+            OldaxesM[0] = axesM[0] ; 
+            led2 = true ; 
+            updateLed (led1, led2) ; 
+            sendRadio (ID_TERMINAL2, ID_GATEWAY, valueTP1, valueTP2) ; 
+            cpt2++ ;  
+    updateDisplay(valueTH1, valueTH2, valueTP1, valueTP2, cpt1, cpt2) ; 
+    wait (0.8) ; 
+    if (led1 ||led2) 
+        updateLed (false, false) ; 
@@ -241,6 +455,37 @@
 void OnRangingDone  ( IrqRangingCode_t val )            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnRangingDone \r\n" ); }
 void OnCadDone      ( bool channelActivityDetected )    { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnCadDone     \r\n" ); }
+void updateDisplay (float temp1, float hum, float temp2, float press, int cptr1, int cptr2) {
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "Temperature1 : %02.2f C", temp1);
+    tft.drawString (20,190,bufferDisplay) ; 
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "Humidite     : %02.2f % ", hum);
+    tft.drawString (20,210,bufferDisplay);
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "Temperature2 : %02.2f C", temp2);
+    tft.drawString (20,230,bufferDisplay);
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "Pression     : %05.1f mb", press);
+    tft.drawString (20,250,bufferDisplay);   
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "Tx #1:%04d", cptr1);
+    tft.drawString (20,286,bufferDisplay);     
+    sprintf (bufferDisplay, "#2:%04d", cptr2);
+    tft.drawString (140,286,bufferDisplay); 
+void updateLed (bool led1, bool led2) {
+    if (led1)
+        tft.fillCircle (115, 295, 8, RED) ; 
+    else
+        tft.fillCircle (115, 295, 8, BLACK) ;
+    if (led2) 
+        tft.fillCircle (210, 295, 8, RED) ; 
+    else
+        tft.fillCircle (210, 295, 8, BLACK) ;
+    tft.drawCircle (115, 295, 8, WHITE) ; 
+    tft.drawCircle (210, 295, 8, WHITE) ; 
     RssiValue = packetStatus.Lr24.RssiPkt;
@@ -301,8 +546,3 @@
   return str;
-/* Specify serial datarate for UART debug output */
-void baud   ( int baudrate )    { Serial s( USBTX, USBRX ); s.baud( baudrate );}