Version FC

Dependencies:   DmTftLibrary eeprom SX1280Lib filesystem mbed

Fork of MSNV2-Terminal_V1-5 by Francis CHATAIN

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 15 13:16:44 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Aug 02 21:59:03 2017 +0000
@@ -1,52 +1,14 @@
-  ______                              _
- / _____)             _              | |
-( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
- \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
- _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
-(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
-    (C)2017 Semtech
-Description: Main program
-Maintainer: Gregory Cristian & Gilbert Menth
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "radio.h"
 #include "sx1280-hal.h"
- * \brief Used to display firmware version on RS232
- */
-#define FIRMWARE_VERSION ( ( char* )"Firmware Version: 170314A" )
- * Use the Ping Ping in uncommented Mode
- */
-//#define MODE_BLE
-#define MODE_LORA
-//#define MODE_GENERIC
-//#define MODE_FLRC
+#define FIRMWARE_VERSION ( ( char* )"Firmware Version: 01" )    // display firmware version on RS232
+#define MODE_LORA                                               // Lora modulation 
+#define RF_FREQUENCY     2400000000UL                           // HzNominal frequency
+#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER  13                                     // Output power in dBm [-18..+13] dBm
- * \brief Defines the nominal frequency
- */
-#define RF_FREQUENCY                                2400000000UL // Hz
- * \brief Defines the output power in dBm
- *
- * \remark The range of the output power is [-18..+13] dBm
- */
-#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER                             13
- * \brief Defines the states of the application
- */
-typedef enum
+typedef enum         // States of the application
@@ -56,15 +18,15 @@
- * \brief Defines the buffer size, i.e. the payload size
- */
-#define BUFFER_SIZE                                 16
+#define BUFFER_SIZE     16          // Payload size
+//#define BUFFER_SIZE                                 34
- * \brief Define the possible message type for this application
+ * Message type for this application
-const uint8_t PingMsg[] = "PING";
+//const uint8_t PingMsg[] = "DATA IOT TERMINAL";
+//const uint8_t PongMsg[] = "RESPONSE GATEWAY ";
+const uint8_t PingMsg[] = "PING DATA IOT TERMINAL";
 const uint8_t PongMsg[] = "PONG";
@@ -72,53 +34,21 @@
 #define PINGPONGSIZE                    4
- * \brief The size of the buffer
- */
-uint8_t BufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
+uint8_t BufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;           // Size of the buffer
+uint8_t Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];                // Buffer 
- * \brief The buffer
- */
-uint8_t Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
- * \brief The State of the application
- */
-AppStates_t AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
+AppStates_t AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;        // State of the application
 int8_t RssiValue = 0;
 int8_t SnrValue = 0;
- * \brief Function to be executed on Radio Tx Done event
- */
-void OnTxDone( void );
- * \brief Function to be executed on Radio Rx Done event
- */
-void OnRxDone( void );
- * \brief Function executed on Radio Tx Timeout event
- */
-void OnTxTimeout( void );
+void OnTxDone       ( void );               // Function to be executed on Radio Tx Done event
+void OnRxDone       ( void );               // Function to be executed on Radio Rx Done event
+void OnTxTimeout    ( void );               // Function executed on Radio Tx Timeout event
+void OnRxTimeout    ( void );               // Function executed on Radio Rx Timeout event
+void OnRxError      ( IrqErrorCode_t );     // Function executed on Radio Rx Error event
- * \brief Function executed on Radio Rx Timeout event
- */
-void OnRxTimeout( void );
- * \brief Function executed on Radio Rx Error event
- */
-void OnRxError( IrqErrorCode_t );
- * \brief All the callbacks are stored in a structure
- */
-RadioCallbacks_t callbacks =
+RadioCallbacks_t callbacks =                // All the callbacks are stored in a structure
     &OnTxDone,        // txDone
     &OnRxDone,        // rxDone
@@ -131,280 +61,199 @@
     NULL,             // cadDone
-// mosi, miso, sclk, nss, busy, dio1, dio2, dio3, rst, callbacks...
-SX1280Hal Radio( D11, D12, D13, D7, D3, D5, NC, NC, A0, &callbacks );
-DigitalOut ANT_SW( A3 );
-DigitalOut TxLed( A4 );
-DigitalOut RxLed( A5 );
- * \brief Define IO for Unused Pin
- */
-DigitalOut F_CS( D6 );      // MBED description of pin
-DigitalOut SD_CS( D8 );     // MBED description of pin
+//                    mosi, miso, sclk, nss, busy, dio1, dio2, dio3, rst, callbacks...
+SX1280Hal Radio     ( D11 , D12 , D13 , D7 , D3  , D5  , NC  , NC  , A0 , &callbacks );
- * \brief Number of tick size steps for tx timeout
- */
-#define TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE                            100 // ms
- * \brief Number of tick size steps for rx timeout
- */
-#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE                            100 // ms
- * \brief Size of ticks (used for Tx and Rx timeout)
- */
-#define RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE                        RADIO_TICK_SIZE_1000_US
- * \brief Mask of IRQs to listen to in rx mode
- */
-uint16_t RxIrqMask = IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT;
+DigitalOut ANT_SW   ( A3 );
+DigitalOut TxLed    ( A4 );
+DigitalOut RxLed    ( A5 );
- * \brief Mask of IRQs to listen to in tx mode
- */
-uint16_t TxIrqMask = IRQ_TX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT;
- * \brief Locals parameters and status for radio API
- */
-PacketParams_t PacketParams;
-PacketStatus_t PacketStatus;
- * \brief Specify serial datarate for UART debug output
+ * Define IO for Unused Pin
-void baud( int baudrate )
-    Serial s( USBTX, USBRX );
+DigitalOut F_CS     ( D6 );     // MBED description of pin
+DigitalOut SD_CS    ( D8 );     // MBED description of pin
-    s.baud( baudrate );
+#define TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE        100         // ms   Number of tick size steps for tx timeout
+#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE        100         // ms Number of tick size steps for rx timeout
+#define RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE    RADIO_TICK_SIZE_1000_US   // Size of ticks (used for Tx and Rx timeout)
+uint16_t RxIrqMask = IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT;       // Mask of IRQs to listen to in rx mode
+uint16_t TxIrqMask = IRQ_TX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT;       // Mask of IRQs to listen to in tx mode
+PacketParams_t PacketParams;        // Locals parameters and status for radio API
-int main( )
-    bool isMaster = true;
-    ModulationParams_t modulationParams;
+bool isMaster       = true;
+ModulationParams_t modulationParams;
+/* Specify serial datarate for UART debug output */
+void baud   ( int baudrate )    { Serial s( USBTX, USBRX ); s.baud( baudrate );}
-    baud( 115200 );
+void setup () {
+    baud    (115200);
+    printf( "\n\n\r     SX1280 Terminal IoT LORA MODULATION 2.4GHz (%s)\n\n\r", FIRMWARE_VERSION );
-    F_CS   = 1;
-    SD_CS  = 1;
-    RxLed  = 1;
-    TxLed  = 1;
-    ANT_SW = 1;
+    F_CS   = 1  ;
+    SD_CS  = 1  ;
+    RxLed  = 1  ;
+    TxLed  = 1  ;
+    ANT_SW = 1  ;
     wait_ms( 500 ); // wait for on board DC/DC start-up time
-    Radio.Init( );
-    Radio.SetRegulatorMode( USE_DCDC ); // Can also be set in LDO mode but consume more power
-    memset( &Buffer, 0x00, BufferSize );
-    printf( "\n\n\r     SX1280 Ping Pong Demo Application (%s)\n\n\r", FIRMWARE_VERSION );
-#if defined( MODE_BLE )
+    Radio.Init              ( );
+    Radio.SetRegulatorMode  ( USE_DCDC ); // Can also be set in LDO mode but consume more power
-    printf( "\nPing Pong running in BLE mode\n\r");
-    modulationParams.PacketType                   = PACKET_TYPE_BLE;
-    modulationParams.Params.Ble.BitrateBandwidth  = GEN_BLE_BR_0_125_BW_0_3;
-    modulationParams.Params.Ble.ModulationIndex   = GEN_BLE_MOD_IND_1_00;
-    modulationParams.Params.Ble.ModulationShaping = RADIO_MOD_SHAPING_BT_1_0;
-    packetParams.PacketType                 = PACKET_TYPE_BLE;
-    packetParams.Params.Ble.BlePacketType   = BLE_EYELONG_1_0;
-    packetParams.Params.Ble.ConnectionState = BLE_MASTER_SLAVE;
-    packetParams.Params.Ble.CrcField        = BLE_CRC_3B;
-    packetParams.Params.Ble.Whitening       = RADIO_WHITENING_OFF;
-#elif defined( MODE_GENERIC )
+    memset  ( &Buffer, 0x00, BufferSize );
-    printf( "\nPing Pong running in GENERIC mode\n\r");
-    modulationParams.PacketType                       = PACKET_TYPE_GENERIC;
-    modulationParams.Params.Generic.BitrateBandwidth  = GEN_BLE_BR_0_125_BW_0_3;
-    modulationParams.Params.Generic.ModulationIndex   = GEN_BLE_MOD_IND_1_00;
-    modulationParams.Params.Generic.ModulationShaping = RADIO_MOD_SHAPING_BT_1_0;
+    RxLed = 0;
+    TxLed = 0;
+    modulationParams.PacketType                     =   PACKET_TYPE_LORA        ;
+    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor    =   LORA_SF7                ;
+    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth          =   LORA_BW_0400            ;
+    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate         =   LORA_CR_4_5             ;
-    packetParams.PacketType                    = PACKET_TYPE_GENERIC;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.PreambleLength = PREAMBLE_LENGTH_32_BITS;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.SyncWordLength = GEN_SYNCWORD_LENGTH_5_BYTE;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.SyncWordMatch  = RADIO_RX_MATCH_SYNCWORD_1;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.HeaderType     = RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.PayloadLength  = 15;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.CrcLength      = RADIO_CRC_3_BYTES;
-    packetParams.Params.Generic.Whitening      = RADIO_WHITENING_ON;
-#elif defined( MODE_LORA )
-    printf( "\nPing Pong running in LORA mode\n\r");
-    modulationParams.PacketType                  = PACKET_TYPE_LORA;
-    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor = LORA_SF7;
-    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth       = LORA_BW_0400;
-    modulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate      = LORA_CR_4_5;
-    PacketParams.PacketType                 = PACKET_TYPE_LORA;
-    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = 0x08;
-    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType     = LORA_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH;
-    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength  = 15;
+    PacketParams.PacketType                         =   PACKET_TYPE_LORA        ;
+    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength         =   0x08                    ;
+    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType             =   LORA_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH;
+    PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength          =   15                      ;
     PacketParams.Params.LoRa.CrcMode        = LORA_CRC_ON;
     PacketParams.Params.LoRa.InvertIQ       = LORA_IQ_INVERTED;
-#elif defined( MODE_FLRC )
-    printf( "\nPing Pong running in FLRC mode\n\r");
-    modulationParams.PacketType                    = PACKET_TYPE_FLRC;
-    modulationParams.Params.Flrc.BitrateBandwidth  = FLRC_BR_0_260_BW_0_3;
-    modulationParams.Params.Flrc.CodingRate        = FLRC_CR_1_2;
-    modulationParams.Params.Flrc.ModulationShaping = RADIO_MOD_SHAPING_BT_1_0;
-    packetParams.PacketType                 = PACKET_TYPE_FLRC;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.PreambleLength = PREAMBLE_LENGTH_32_BITS;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.SyncWordLength = FLRC_SYNCWORD_LENGTH_4_BYTE;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.SyncWordMatch  = RADIO_RX_MATCH_SYNCWORD_1;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.HeaderType     = RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.PayloadLength  = 15;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.CrcLength      = RADIO_CRC_3_BYTES;
-    packetParams.Params.Flrc.Whitening      = RADIO_WHITENING_OFF;
-#error "Please select the mode of operation for the Ping Ping demo"
+    Radio.SetStandby                ( STDBY_RC );
+    Radio.SetPacketType             ( modulationParams.PacketType );
+    Radio.SetModulationParams       ( &modulationParams );
+    Radio.SetPacketParams           ( &PacketParams );
-    Radio.SetStandby( STDBY_RC );
-    Radio.SetPacketType( modulationParams.PacketType );
-    Radio.SetModulationParams( &modulationParams );
-    Radio.SetPacketParams( &PacketParams );
-    Radio.SetRfFrequency( RF_FREQUENCY );
-    Radio.SetBufferBaseAddresses( 0x00, 0x00 );
-    Radio.SetTxParams( TX_OUTPUT_POWER, RADIO_RAMP_20_US );
+    Radio.SetRfFrequency            ( RF_FREQUENCY );
+    Radio.SetBufferBaseAddresses    ( 0x00, 0x00 );
+    Radio.SetTxParams               ( TX_OUTPUT_POWER, RADIO_RAMP_20_US );
-    // only used in GENERIC and BLE mode
-    Radio.SetSyncWord( 1, ( uint8_t[] ){ 0xDD, 0xA0, 0x96, 0x69, 0xDD } );
-    RxLed = 0;
-    TxLed = 0;
+    Radio.SetDioIrqParams           ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+    Radio.SetRx                     ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
-    Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-    Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
-    AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
+    AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;   
+    }
-    while( 1 )
-    {
+void loop () {   
         switch( AppState )
             case APP_RX:
-                AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
-                RxLed = !RxLed;
-                Radio.GetPayload( Buffer, &BufferSize, BUFFER_SIZE );
+            printf( "*** TERM ***  APP_RX      \r\n" ); 
+                AppState            =   APP_LOWPOWER;
+                RxLed               =   !RxLed;
+                Radio.GetPayload    ( Buffer, &BufferSize, BUFFER_SIZE );
+                printf  ( "Message Received : %s \r\n", Buffer );
                 if( isMaster == true )
                     if( BufferSize > 0 )
                         if( strncmp( ( const char* )Buffer, ( const char* )PongMsg, PINGPONGSIZE ) == 0 )
-                            printf( "...Pong\r\n" );
+                            printf  ( "<Master> Recv ...Pong\r\n" );
+                            wait_ms (2000) ; 
                             memcpy( Buffer, PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
-                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                            Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams       ( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                            Radio.SendPayload           ( Buffer, BufferSize,( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
-                        else if( strncmp( ( const char* )Buffer, ( const char* )PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE ) == 0 )
-                        {
-                            // A master already exists then become a slave
-                            printf( "...Ping\r\n" );
-                            isMaster = false;
-                            memcpy( Buffer, PongMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
-                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                            Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
-                        }
                         else // valid reception but neither a PING or a PONG message
                         {    // Set device as master ans start again
+                            printf( "<Master> Unknown message \r\n" );
                             isMaster = true;
-                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                            Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                            Radio.SetRx             ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                // Receiver 
                     if( BufferSize > 0 )
                         if( strncmp( ( const char* )Buffer, ( const char* )PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE ) == 0 )
-                            printf( "...Ping\r\n" );
-                            memcpy( Buffer, PongMsg, 4 );
-                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                            Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                            printf                  ( "...Ping\r\n" );
+                            memcpy                  ( Buffer, PongMsg, 4 );
+                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                            Radio.SendPayload       ( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
                         else // valid reception but not a PING as expected
+                            printf( "<Slave> Unknown message \r\n" );
                             isMaster = true;
-                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                            Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                            Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                            Radio.SetRx             ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
             case APP_TX:
+            printf( "*** TERM ***  APP_TX      \r\n" ); 
                 AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
                 TxLed = !TxLed;
-                if( isMaster == true )
-                {
-                    printf( "Ping...\r\n" );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    printf( "Pong...\r\n" );
-                }
-                Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                if( isMaster == true )          printf( "<Master> Send Ping...\r\n" );
+                else                            printf( "<Slave>  Send Pong...\r\n" );
+                Radio.SetDioIrqParams       ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                Radio.SetRx                 ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
             case APP_RX_TIMEOUT:
+            printf( "*** TERM ***  APP_RX_TIMEOUT      \r\n" ); 
                 AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
                 if( isMaster == true )
                     // Send the next PING frame
-                    memcpy( Buffer, PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
-                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                    Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                    memcpy                  ( Buffer, PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
+                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                    Radio.SendPayload       ( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
-                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                    Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                    Radio.SetRx             ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
             case APP_RX_ERROR:
+            printf( "*** TERM ***  APP_RX_ERROR      \r\n" ); 
                 AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
                 // We have received a Packet with a CRC error, send reply as if packet was correct
                 if( isMaster == true )
                     // Send the next PING frame
-                    memcpy( Buffer, PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
-                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                    Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                    memcpy                  ( Buffer, PingMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
+                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                    Radio.SendPayload       ( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
                     // Send the next PONG frame
-                    memcpy( Buffer, PongMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
-                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                    Radio.SendPayload( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+                    memcpy                  ( Buffer, PongMsg, PINGPONGSIZE );
+                    Radio.SetDioIrqParams   ( TxIrqMask, TxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                    Radio.SendPayload       ( Buffer, BufferSize, ( TickTime_t ){ RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
             case APP_TX_TIMEOUT:
-                AppState = APP_LOWPOWER;
-                Radio.SetDioIrqParams( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
-                Radio.SetRx( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
+           printf( "*** TERM ***  APP_TX_TIMEOUT      \r\n" ); 
+                AppState        = APP_LOWPOWER;
+                Radio.SetDioIrqParams       ( RxIrqMask, RxIrqMask, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE );
+                Radio.SetRx                 ( ( TickTime_t ) { RX_TIMEOUT_TICK_SIZE, RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE } );
             case APP_LOWPOWER:
@@ -414,49 +263,24 @@
                 // Set low power
-    }
-void OnTxDone( void )
-    AppState = APP_TX;
+int main( )  { setup () ; while (1) loop () ; }
-void OnRxDone( void )
-    AppState = APP_RX;/*
+void OnTxDone       ( void )                            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnTxDone      \r\n" ); AppState = APP_TX         ;   }
+void OnRxDone       ( void )                            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnRxDone      \r\n" ); AppState = APP_RX         ;   }
+void OnTxTimeout    ( void )                            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnTxTimeout   \r\n" ); AppState = APP_TX_TIMEOUT ;   }
+void OnRxTimeout    ( void )                            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnRxTimeout   \r\n" ); AppState = APP_RX_TIMEOUT ;   } 
+void OnRxError      ( IrqErrorCode_t errorCode )        { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnRxError     \r\n" ); AppState = APP_RX_ERROR   ;   }
+void OnRangingDone  ( IrqRangingCode_t val )            { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnRangingDone \r\n" ); }
+void OnCadDone      ( bool channelActivityDetected )    { printf( "*** TERM ***  OnCadDone     \r\n" ); }
+   /*
-#if ( defined( MODE_BLE ) || defined( MODE_GENERIC ) )
-    RssiValue = packetStatus.Ble.RssiSync;
-    printf("rssi: %d\n\r", RssiValue);
-#elif defined( MODE_LORA )
     RssiValue = packetStatus.Lr24.RssiPkt;
     SnrValue = packetStatus.Lr24.SnrPkt;
     printf("rssi: %d; snr: %d\n\r", RssiValue, SnrValue );
-void OnTxTimeout( void )
-    AppState = APP_TX_TIMEOUT;
-    printf( "<>>>>>>>>TXE\r\n" );
-void OnRxTimeout( void )
-    AppState = APP_RX_TIMEOUT;
-void OnRxError( IrqErrorCode_t errorCode )
-    AppState = APP_RX_ERROR;
-    printf( "RXE<>>>>>>>>\r\n" );
-void OnRangingDone( IrqRangingCode_t val )
-void OnCadDone( bool channelActivityDetected )
+    */