Ultrasound timeout demo

Dependencies:   F7_Ethernet HCSR04 MQTT mbed

Fork of Nucleo_F746ZG_Ethernet by Dieter Graef

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Mail< T, queue_sz >The Mail class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for mail
MemoryPool< T, pool_sz >Define and manage fixed-size memory pools of objects of a given type
MutexUsed to synchronise the execution of threads
NTPClientNTP Client to update the mbed's RTC using a remote time server
Queue< T, queue_sz >The Queue class allow to control, send, receive, or wait for messages
RtosTimerAllow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system
SemaphoreUsed to manage and protect access to a set of shared resources
ThreadAllow defining, creating, and controlling thread functions in the system