Driver for the JY-MCU v1.06 HC-06 Bluetooth module.

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test MbedTableControl

diff -r 95bbfc340a1a -r 14bf9b541f9a HC06Bluetooth.cpp
--- a/HC06Bluetooth.cpp	Thu Jun 09 18:35:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/HC06Bluetooth.cpp	Thu Jun 16 23:24:08 2016 +0000
@@ -8,16 +8,44 @@
 #include <HC06Bluetooth.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
-HC06Bluetooth::HC06Bluetooth(PinName TX, PinName RX, std::string deviceName, void (*callbackFunc) (const char* readString))
-: btSerialObj(TX, RX), callbackFunc (callbackFunc) {
-    // The default baud rate is 9600. Overwrite it to 230400.
-    btSerialObj.puts("AT+BAUD9");
-    btSerialObj.baud(230400);
+HC06Bluetooth::HC06Bluetooth(PinName TX, PinName RX, void (*lineCallbackFunc) (const char* readString), void (*charCallbackFunc) (char readChar))
+: btSerialObj(TX, RX), lineCallbackFunc(lineCallbackFunc), charCallbackFunc(charCallbackFunc) {
+    btSerialObj.baud(115200);
+    // Set the interrupt to be called when a byte is received.
+    if ((lineCallbackFunc != NULL) || (charCallbackFunc != NULL)) {
+        btSerialObj.attach(this, &HC06Bluetooth::receiveByteISR);
+    }
+void HC06Bluetooth::runSetup(std::string deviceName, std::string PIN) {
+    // TODO: Sweep through a list of Baud rates until we find one that works!
+    int numCharsReceived = 0;
+    // The default baud rate is 9600. Overwrite it to 115200.
+    btSerialObj.puts("AT+BAUD8");
+    btSerialObj.baud(115200);
+    // Wait for the 8 character reply "OK115200"
+    for(numCharsReceived = 0 ; numCharsReceived < 8; numCharsReceived++) {
+        while(!btSerialObj.readable());
+        btSerialObj.getc();
+    }
     // Set the name of the device.
-    btSerialObj.puts(("AT+NAME" + deviceName).c_str());
-    // Set the interrupt to be called when a byte is received.
-    if (callbackFunc != NULL) {
-        btSerialObj.attach(this, &HC06Bluetooth::receiveByteISR);
+    btSerialObj.puts(("AT+NAME" + deviceName.substr(0,20)).c_str());
+    // Wait for the 6 character reply "OKname"
+    for(numCharsReceived = 0 ; numCharsReceived < 6; numCharsReceived++) {
+        while(!btSerialObj.readable());
+        btSerialObj.getc();
+    }
+    //Set the password of the device.
+    btSerialObj.puts(("AT+PIN" + PIN.substr(0, 4)).c_str());
+    // Wait for the 8 character reply "OKsetpin"
+    for(numCharsReceived = 0 ; numCharsReceived < 8; numCharsReceived++) {
+        while(!btSerialObj.readable());
+        btSerialObj.getc();
@@ -29,12 +57,22 @@
+void HC06Bluetooth::print(char c) {
+    btSerialObj.putc(c);
 void HC06Bluetooth::receiveByteISR() {
     while(btSerialObj.readable()) {
         // Get the character from the input.
         char receivedChar = btSerialObj.getc();
-        // If the character is a newline, then a full command has been read.
-        if (receivedChar == '\n') {
+        // Call the character callback function if it is not null.
+        if (charCallbackFunc != NULL) {
+            charCallbackFunc(receivedChar);
+        }
+        // If the character is a newline or carriage return, then call the line callback function.
+        if ((receivedChar == '\n') || (receivedChar == '\r')) {
             // Terminate the buffer with a null character, since that is what strings end with.
             receivedChar = '\0';
             dataReceivedBuffer[dataReceivedBufferPos] = receivedChar;
@@ -43,11 +81,13 @@
             // Reset the buffer position.
             dataReceivedBufferPos = 0;
             // Call the callback function.
-            callbackFunc((const char*)dataReceivedBuffer);
+            if (lineCallbackFunc != NULL) {
+                lineCallbackFunc((const char*)dataReceivedBuffer);
+            }
         // Otherwise, just place it in the buffer and move on.
         else {
-            dataReceivedBuffer[dataReceivedBufferPos] = btSerialObj.getc();
+            dataReceivedBuffer[dataReceivedBufferPos] = receivedChar;