Driver for the JY-MCU v1.06 HC-06 Bluetooth module.

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test MbedTableControl

Revisions of HC06Bluetooth.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
17:63261635b153 2016-08-03 0-Initialized dataReceivedBufferPos. File  Diff  Annotate
14:73e799413e66 2016-08-03 Fixed bug where dataReceivedBufferPos was not incremented on receiving a line, leading to an off-by-one error for callers. File  Diff  Annotate
13:5768b18a1289 2016-08-03 Fixed bug where baud rate was being set incorrectly. File  Diff  Annotate
12:5ba022adbbfb 2016-08-02 Allowed user to set the Baud rate in the constructor. File  Diff  Annotate
11:aeb8c5c27111 2016-08-02 Updated line callback function to also accept the length of the read string. File  Diff  Annotate
10:b0a0a82a9ff5 2016-08-02 Removed references to FRDM-K22F Pins in header file. ; Deleted outdated example code. File  Diff  Annotate
9:3e23f3f615f2 2016-06-19 Implemented routine to detect the previous baud rate in setup() and change it, since no hard reset line is available on the HC-06 module. Note that this does not also detect parity or stop bits, so it is assumed that the user has not changed that.; File  Diff  Annotate
8:14bf9b541f9a 2016-06-16 Now tested. ; ; TODO: Ensure the setup function works when attempting to deal with different baud rates. File  Diff  Annotate
6:5ba0038a7a9a 2016-06-09 Fixed error with merging branches (I should have deleted the other branch.) File  Diff  Annotate
3:ee17212e838e 2016-06-07 Revised class to inherit from RawSerial, since it is just a wrapper for a serial object. File  Diff  Annotate
2:7e0453895727 2016-06-07 Removed setCallback, and integrated it into the constructor;; Wrote testing code, but still needs testing.; File  Diff  Annotate
1:026034717620 2016-06-06 First draft, untested. File  Diff  Annotate
0:3ab5e47dde1e 2016-06-05 Continuing Writing Library File  Diff  Annotate