Driver for the JY-MCU v1.06 HC-06 Bluetooth module.

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test MbedTableControl


Converted std::queue to RTOS's Queue to pass information from receivedByteISR to receivedByteThread, as std::queue is not ISR-safe. default tip

2016-08-08, by Weimen Li [Mon, 08 Aug 2016 19:48:19 -0400] rev 21

Converted std::queue to RTOS's Queue to pass information from receivedByteISR to receivedByteThread, as std::queue is not ISR-safe.

Integrated RTOS threading into receiveByteISR. This should ensure that the ISR executes quickly, so it is always ready to receive the next character, even if the client's receiveLine function takes a long time to run.

2016-08-08, by Weimen Li [Mon, 08 Aug 2016 15:03:13 -0400] rev 20

Integrated RTOS threading into receiveByteISR. This should ensure that the ISR executes quickly, so it is always ready to receive the next character, even if the client's receiveLine function takes a long time to run.

Implemented method to print and println a std::string object.

2016-08-05, by Weimen Li [Fri, 05 Aug 2016 17:13:14 -0400] rev 19

Implemented method to print and println a std::string object.

Revised data RX ISR to read all the characters available first into a queue, ensuring we don't miss any. Also process the system using std containers rather than arrays, providing for greater safety.

2016-08-05, by Weimen Li [Fri, 05 Aug 2016 12:04:08 -0400] rev 18

Revised data RX ISR to read all the characters available first into a queue, ensuring we don't miss any. Also process the system using std containers rather than arrays, providing for greater safety.

0-Initialized dataReceivedBufferPos.

2016-08-03, by Electrotiger [Wed, 03 Aug 2016 19:27:59 +0000] rev 17

0-Initialized dataReceivedBufferPos.

Correct Header file placed in.

2016-08-03, by Electrotiger [Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:49:53 +0000] rev 16

Correct Header file placed in.

Fixed bug where dataReceivedBufferPos was not 0-initialized, leading to spontaneous errors on memcpy.

2016-08-03, by Electrotiger [Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:18:05 +0000] rev 15

Fixed bug where dataReceivedBufferPos was not 0-initialized, leading to spontaneous errors on memcpy.

Fixed bug where dataReceivedBufferPos was not incremented on receiving a line, leading to an off-by-one error for callers.

2016-08-03, by Electrotiger [Wed, 03 Aug 2016 18:05:49 +0000] rev 14

Fixed bug where dataReceivedBufferPos was not incremented on receiving a line, leading to an off-by-one error for callers.

Fixed bug where baud rate was being set incorrectly.

2016-08-03, by Electrotiger [Wed, 03 Aug 2016 01:07:03 +0000] rev 13

Fixed bug where baud rate was being set incorrectly.

Allowed user to set the Baud rate in the constructor.

2016-08-02, by Electrotiger [Tue, 02 Aug 2016 20:16:26 +0000] rev 12

Allowed user to set the Baud rate in the constructor.