Driver for the JY-MCU v1.06 HC-06 Bluetooth module.

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test MbedTableControl


Weimen Li

File content as of revision 21:cce827364df1:

 * @file HC06Bluetooth.hpp
 * @date June 4th, 2016
 * @author Weimen Li
 * @class HC06Bluetooth
 * @brief This class creates an object representing the HC06 Bluetooth Module
 * @code
  // First, make sure to have included the hpp file:
  #include HC06Bluetooth.hpp
  // In the scope that you need it, create a new instance of the HC06Bluetooth object by calling:
  HC06Bluetooth HC06BluetoothObj(TXPin, RXPin, "My Cool Robot", someCallBackFunction);
  // The "someCallBackFunction" is a function you write that is called when a new line has been read.
  // For instance, one simple callback is to simply echo (reprint to output) the received line:

  void BTEchoCallback(const char* receivedLine) {

  // A more sophisticated callback would be one that understands the received line contains commands,
  // and parses them:
// Callback function to read a command from input
// Include the <sstream> library, since that is what we use to process information.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// Variables to read information into.
volatile float kConst;
volatile float iConst;
volatile float dConst;
void BTCommandCallback(const char* receivedString) {
    stringstream stringStream(receivedString);
    // The received string has the form "newDeviceName kConst iConst dConst"
    // Necessary to use these temporary variables since stringStream cannot read into
    // "volatile float", but it can read into "float".
    float kConstTemp;
    float iConstTemp;
    float dConstTemp;
    stringStream >> kConstTemp;
    stringStream >> iConstTemp;
    stringStream >> dConstTemp;
    kConst = kConstTemp;
    iConst = iConstTemp;
    dConst = dConstTemp;
    // Echo the received commands:
    char output[256];
    sprintf(output, "Received Command: kConst = %f, iConst = %f, dConst = %f", kConst, iConst, dConst);

 * @endcode

//TODO: Complete this example.

#ifndef HC06BLUETOOTH_H_
#define HC06BLUETOOTH_H_
#include "mbed.h"
#include <string>

class HC06Bluetooth : public RawSerial{
     * @brief Constructor for the HC06_Bluetooth class.
     * @param TX The pin that the TX line is attached to.
     * @param RX The pin that the RX line is attached to.
     * @param deviceName The name that you want your system to be identified as when you connect to it i.e. "Weimen's MAE433Robot"
     * @param callbackFunc The callback function that will be called once a newline character is encountered on the receiving data.
     * The callback function takes as an argument a string containing the line that has been read.
     * @remark The callback function is run within within an interrupt service routine, so it should be written to be safe for ISRs.
    HC06Bluetooth(PinName TX, PinName RX, std::string deviceName, void (*callbackFunc) (const char* readString) = NULL);
    virtual ~HC06Bluetooth();
     * @brief Print information in buffer to the output.
    void print(const char *buffer);

    void receiveByteISR();
    void (*callbackFunc) (const char*);
    char dataReceivedBuffer[256];
    int32_t dataReceivedBufferPos;
    char dataReceivedBufferCopy[256];

#endif /* HC06BLUETOOTH_H_ */