Test program for the RenBuggy drive boards

Dependencies:   mbed SevenSegmentDisplay

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Mar 21 09:41:47 2014 +0000
Commit message:
First complete program - will test a Marling designed amp board for functionality.

Changed in this revision

SevenSegmentDisplay.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r f4c08d1eeaf1 -r c6cf7028e4a8 SevenSegmentDisplay.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SevenSegmentDisplay.lib	Fri Mar 21 09:41:47 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r f4c08d1eeaf1 -r c6cf7028e4a8 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Mar 13 13:29:36 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 21 09:41:47 2014 +0000
@@ -1,28 +1,350 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "SevenSegmentDisplay.h"
+#define PLUS 1
+#define DRIVE 2
+#define MOTOR 3
+#define STOP 4
+#define MINUS 5
-/*Pins needed:                  *
-    -   DIP24   Open drain      *
-    D   DIP25   PwmOut          *
-    M   DIP27   InterruptIn     *
-    S   DIP28   DigitalOut      *
-    +   DIP30   DigitalOut      */
+DigitalInOut   D(P0_11);         //Drive
+DigitalInOut   M(P0_13);         //Motor
+DigitalInOut   S(P0_14);         //Stop (brake)
-DigitalIn   Minus(p24);     //0V
-PwmOut      D(p25);         //Drive
-InterruptIn M(p27);         //Motor
-DigitalOut  S(p28);         //Stop (brake)
-DigitalIn  Plus(p30);      //V+ - 3v3? (will be digital out eventually)
+void DisplayError(int, int);
+SevenSegmentDisplay Screens(INSTANT);
 int main()
-    Minus.mode(OpenDrain); //Open drain to act as a GND
-    Plus.mode(OpenDrain);   //Seeing if any pins want to behave
-    //Set up the PWM - 50% duty to check the output of the M pin.
-    //Period defaults to 20ms. I think that's acceptable.
-    D = 0.5; //Duty cycle set to 50%
-    while (1)
+    int Test = 0;
+    D.input();
+    M.input();
+    S.input();
+    D.mode(PullUp);
+    M.mode(PullUp);
+    S.mode(PullDown);
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 1 - all pull ups, 0V = 0 **************************************************************/
+    Test = 1;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36); //Say we're doing test 1
+    wait(0.5);
+    if (D == 1) {                                                                       //Marling = 0 Amp board = 0 Marling + motor = 1
+        //if (S == 1) {
+            if (M == 0)                                                                 //Marling = 0 Amp board = 1 Marling + motor = 0
+                {}
+            else {
+                DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+            }
+        //} else {
+        //    DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+        //}
+    } else {
+        DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 2 - ALL PULL UPS, D = 0V **************************************************************/
+    //Minus reverts to pull up, D is now pulled down.
+    D.output();
+    D = 0;
+    Test = 2;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36); 
+    wait(0.5);
+    if (M == 1) {
+       // if (S == 1)
+       // {}
+       // else 
+       // {
+       //     DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+       // }
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+        DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 3 - All pull ups, M = 0 ***************************************************************/
+    Test = 3;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    wait(0.5);
+    D.input();      //Set D back to an input so I can read it
+    D.mode(PullUp); //And I'm testing things with pull ups
+    M.output();     //Make it so I can drive M.
+    M = 0;          //Drive M low
+    if (D == 1) {                                                                        //Marling = 0 Amp board  = 0 Marling + motor = 1
+        //if (S == 1)
+        //{}
+        //else 
+       // {
+       //     DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+       // }
+    } 
+    else 
-        D = 0.5;
+        DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 4 - ALL PULL UPS, S = 0 ***************************************************************/
+    //Test = 4;
+    //M.input();      //M is back to an input
+    //M.mode(PullUp); 
+    //S.output();     //Set S to be an output
+    //S = 0;          // and drive it low.
+    //Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    //wait(0.5);
+   // if (D == 0) {
+   //     if (M == 1)
+   //         {}
+    //    else {
+    //        DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+    //    }
+    //} else {
+    //    DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+   // }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 5 - ALL PULL DOWNS, 0V = 1 ************************************************************/
+    Test = 5;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    wait(0.5);
+    //S.input();  //Set S back to being an input
+    //S.mode(PullDown); //We're testing pull downs now.
+    D.mode(PullDown);
+    M.mode(PullDown);
+    if (D == 0) {
+        if (M == 0) {                                                           //Marling = 0 amp board = 1 Marling + motor = 0
+            //if (S == 0)
+            //    {}
+           // else {
+           //     DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+          //  }
+        } else {
+            DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+        }
+    } else {
+        DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 6 - ALL PULL DOWNS, D = 1 *************************************************************/
+    Test = 6;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    wait(0.5);
+    D.output();
+    D = 1;      //Drive D high
+    if (M == 1) {                                                               //Marling = 0 Amp board = 1
+        //if (S == 0)
+        //    {}
+       // else {
+       //     DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+       // }
+    } else {
+        DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 7 - ALL PULL DOWNS, M = 1 *************************************************************/
+    Test = 7;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    wait(0.5);
+    D.input();
+    D.mode(PullDown);
+    M.output(); //Testing M now
+    M = 1;
+    if (D == 0) {
+        //if (S == 0)
+         //   {}
+        //else {
+        //    DisplayError(Test, STOP);
+        //}
+    } else {
+        DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 8 - ALL PULL DOWNS, S = 1 *************************************************************/
+    Test = 8;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    wait(0.5);
+    M.input();
+    M.mode(PullDown);
+   // S.output();
+   // S = 1;
+   // if (D == 0) {
+   //     if (M == 1)
+   //         {}
+   //     else {
+   //         DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+    //    }
+    //} else {
+   //     DisplayError(Test, DRIVE);
+   // }
+    //S = 0;
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 9 - DRIVE THE MOTOR *******************************************************************/
+    Test = 9;
+    Screens.DisplayDigits(Test, 36);
+    D.output();
+    D = 1;
+   // S.output();
+    //S = 0;
+    M.mode(PullNone);   //Highlight if there's a problem
+    wait(0.5); //LEDs still aren't turning on.
+    if (M == 0) 
+    {} 
+    else 
+    {
+        DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+    }
+    D = 0; //Making it look like there's a break between tests
+    wait (0.3);
+    /*************************************************************** TEST 10 - BRAKE THE MOTOR ******************************************************************/
+//This seems to be giving an odd result.
+ //   Test = 10;
+ //   Screens.DisplayDigits(1, 0);
+//D = 0;
+//S = 1;
+ //   D = 0; //Turn the drive off
+ //   S = 1;   //Turn the brake on
+ //   M.mode(PullNone);   //I have to pull this down to make it perform as expected.
+ //   wait(0.5); //Wait a little while to make sure the LEDs turn on, and panic if they don't.
+ //   if (M == 1) 
+ //   {} 
+ //   else 
+ //   {
+  //      DisplayError(Test, MOTOR);
+ //   }
+  //  
+  //  S = 0; //Turn off the LED for the success display.
+/***************************************************************     CONGRATULATIONS     ************************************************************************/
+    while(1) {
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(36, 28); //_S
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(28, 31); //SU
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(31, 12); //UC
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(12, 12); //CC
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(12, 14); //CE
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(14, 28); //ES
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(28, 28); //SS
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(28, 36); //S_
+        wait(0.2);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(36, 36); //__
\ No newline at end of file
+}//End of main
+/*Displays a message based on where the program thinks the error was found. Sits there blinking until the program is reset. */
+void DisplayError (int WhichTest, int WhereTheProblemIs)
+    int i = 0;
+    D = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(8,8);     //Flash all segments on and off three times to attract attention.
+        wait(0.3);
+        Screens.DisplayDigits(36,36);
+        wait(0.3);
+    }
+    if (WhichTest < 10) {
+        while (1) {
+            switch(WhereTheProblemIs) {
+                case DRIVE: {
+                    Screens.DisplayDigits(WhichTest, 13);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case MOTOR: {
+                    Screens.DisplayDigits(WhichTest, 22);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    break;
+                }
+            } //End switch
+            Screens.DisplayDigits(36, 36);
+            wait(0.5);
+        } //End while loop  BUT IT WILL NEVER END MUA HA HA HA HA
+    } //End of if less than 10
+    else {
+        while (1) {
+            switch(WhereTheProblemIs) {
+                case DRIVE: {
+                    Screens.DisplayDigits(36, 13); //L = off, R = D
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case MOTOR: {
+                    Screens.DisplayDigits(36, 22); //L = off, R = M
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    break;
+                } //end case
+            } //end switch
+            Screens.DisplayDigits(WhichTest/10, WhichTest%10); //Display the test number over two digits
+            wait(0.5);
+        } //end while
+    } //end else
+} //End of DisplayError
\ No newline at end of file