
Dependencies:   easy-connect-v16 Watchdog FP MQTTPacket RecordType-v-16 watersenor_and_temp_code

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for iot_water_monitor_v2


Async< Network, Timer, Thread, Mutex > Non-blocking, threaded MQTT client API
NDefNfcTag::Callbacks Class that contains all the function called when a command finished
Client< Network, Timer, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE, MAX_MESSAGE_HANDLERS > Blocking, non-threaded MQTT client API
jsmn_parser JSON parser
jsmntok_t JSON token description
Json C++ JSON wrapper over JSMN lib ( )
Message Class containing a list of Record
NDefNfcTag Abstract class used to write/read NDef messages to/from a nfc tag
Record Base class for a NDefRecord
RecordHeader Record header class


CommandExecution.cpp [code]
CommandExecution.h [code]
flash_programming.cpp [code]
flash_programming.h [code]
jsmn.c [code]
jsmn.h [code]
Json.cpp [code]
Json.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
Message.cpp [code] NDef Message class implementation
Message.h [code] NDef Message class
MQTTAsync.h [code]
MQTTClient.h [code]
MQTTEthernet.h [code]
MQTTLogging.h [code]
MQTTmbed.h [code]
MQTTNetwork.h [code]
MQTTSocket.h [code]
NDefNfcTag.h [code] Generic interface that a device must implement to use the NDefLib with async communication
ReadSensor.cpp [code]
ReadSensor.h [code]
Record.h [code] Generic Record class
RecordHeader.h [code] Record header class
SimpleMQTT.h [code]