This is a port of Henning Kralsen's UTFT library for Arduino/chipKIT to mbed, refactored to make full use of C inheritance and access control, in order to reduce work when implementing new drivers and at the same time make the code more readable and easier to maintain. As of now supported are SSD1289 (16-bit interface), HX8340-B (serial interface) and ST7735 (serial interface). Drivers for other controllers will be added as time and resources to acquire the displays to test the code permit.

Dependents:   UTFT_SSD1289

Fork of TFTLCD by Todor Todorov



File content as of revision 12:d0978272a340:

 * Copyright (C)2010-2012 Henning Karlsen. All right reserved.
 * Copyright (C)2012 Todor Todorov.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * 51 Franklin St, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "hx8340bs.h"
#include "helpers.h"

HX8340S_LCD::HX8340S_LCD( PinName CS, PinName RESET, PinName SCL, PinName SDI, PinName BL )
    : LCD( 176, 220, CS, NC, RESET ), _lcd_pin_scl( SCL ), _lcd_pin_sdi( SDI )
    if ( BL != NC ) _lcd_pin_bl = new DigitalOut( BL );
    else _lcd_pin_bl = 0;

void HX8340S_LCD::Initialize( orientation_t orientation, colordepth_t colors )
    _orientation = orientation;
    _colorDepth = colors;
    wait_ms( 100 );
    _lcd_pin_reset = HIGH;
    wait_ms( 5 );
    _lcd_pin_reset = LOW;
    wait_ms( 15 );
    _lcd_pin_reset = HIGH;
    _lcd_pin_cs = HIGH;
    _lcd_pin_scl = HIGH;
    _lcd_pin_sdi = HIGH;
    if ( _lcd_pin_bl != 0 )
        *_lcd_pin_bl = HIGH;
    wait_ms( 55 );
    WriteCmd( 0xC1 ); // SETEXTCMD
    WriteByteData( 0xFF );
    WriteByteData( 0x83 );
    WriteByteData( 0x40 );
    WriteCmd( 0x11 ); // SLPOUT
    wait_ms( 160 );
    WriteCmd( 0xCA );
    WriteByteData( 0x70 );
    WriteByteData( 0x00 );
    WriteByteData( 0xD9 );
    WriteCmd( 0xB0 ); // SETOSC
    WriteByteData( 0x01 );
    WriteByteData( 0x11 );

    WriteCmd( 0xC9 );
    WriteByteData( 0x90 );
    WriteByteData( 0x49 );
    WriteByteData( 0x10 );
    WriteByteData( 0x28 );
    WriteByteData( 0x28 );
    WriteByteData( 0x10 );
    WriteByteData( 0x00 );
    WriteByteData( 0x06 );
    wait_ms( 20 );
    WriteCmd( 0xC2 ); // SETGAMMAP
    WriteByteData( 0x60 );
    WriteByteData( 0x71 );
    WriteByteData( 0x01 );
    WriteByteData( 0x0E );
    WriteByteData( 0x05 );
    WriteByteData( 0x02 );
    WriteByteData( 0x09 );
    WriteByteData( 0x31 );
    WriteByteData( 0x0A );

    WriteCmd( 0xc3 ); // SETGAMMAN
    WriteByteData( 0x67 );
    WriteByteData( 0x30 );
    WriteByteData( 0x61 );
    WriteByteData( 0x17 );
    WriteByteData( 0x48 );
    WriteByteData( 0x07 );
    WriteByteData( 0x05 );
    WriteByteData( 0x33 );
    wait_ms( 10 );
    WriteCmd( 0xB5 ); // SETPWCTR5
    WriteByteData( 0x35 );
    WriteByteData( 0x20 );
    WriteByteData( 0x45 );

    WriteCmd( 0xB4 ); // SETPWCTR4
    WriteByteData( 0x33 );
    WriteByteData( 0x25 );
    WriteByteData( 0x4c );
    wait_ms( 10 );
    WriteCmd( 0x3A ); // COLMOD == color depth: 0x05 => 16bit, 0x06 => 18bit
    WriteByteData( _colorDepth == RGB16 ? 0x05 : 0x06 );
    WriteCmd( 0x36 ); // MADCTL
    switch ( _orientation )
        case LANDSCAPE: WriteByteData( 0xB8 ); break;
        case PORTRAIT_REV: WriteByteData( 0xDC ); break;
        case LANDSCAPE_REV: WriteByteData( 0x6C ); break;
        case PORTRAIT:
        default: WriteByteData( 0x08 ); break;
    WriteCmd( 0x29 ); // DISPON
    wait_ms( 10 );

void HX8340S_LCD::Sleep( void )
    WriteCmd( 0x28 );
    wait_ms( 10 );
    WriteCmd( 0x10 );
    wait_ms( 125 );
    if ( _lcd_pin_bl != 0 )
        *_lcd_pin_bl = LOW;

void HX8340S_LCD::WakeUp( void )
    WriteCmd( 0x29 );
    wait_ms( 10 );
    WriteCmd( 0x11 );
    wait_ms( 125 );
    if ( _lcd_pin_bl != 0 )
        *_lcd_pin_bl = HIGH;

void HX8340S_LCD::WriteCmd( unsigned short cmd )
    _lcd_pin_sdi = LOW;
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_scl );
    serializeByte( cmd & 0xFF );

void HX8340S_LCD::WriteData( unsigned short data )
    _lcd_pin_sdi = HIGH;
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_scl );
    serializeByte( ( data >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
    _lcd_pin_sdi = HIGH;
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_scl );
    serializeByte( data & 0xFF );

void HX8340S_LCD::WriteByteData( unsigned char data )
    _lcd_pin_sdi = HIGH;
    pulseLow( _lcd_pin_scl );
    serializeByte( data );

void HX8340S_LCD::SetXY( uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2 )
    WriteCmdData( 0x2A, x1 );  // CASET
    WriteData( x2 );
    WriteCmdData( 0x2B, y1 );  // PASET
    WriteData( y2 );
    WriteCmd( 0x2C ); // RAMWR

void HX8340S_LCD::SetPixelColor( unsigned int color )
    unsigned char r, g, b;
    r = ( color >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
    g = ( color >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
    b = color & 0xFF;
    if ( _colorDepth == RGB16 )
        unsigned short clr = ( ( ( ( r ) & 0xF8 ) | ( ( g ) >> 5 ) ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( ( g ) & 0x1C ) << 3 ) | ( ( b ) >> 3 ) );
        WriteData( clr );
        WriteByteData( r & 0xFC );
        WriteByteData( g & 0xFC );
        WriteByteData( b & 0xFC );

void HX8340S_LCD::serializeByte( unsigned char data )
    for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        if ( data & 0x80 ) _lcd_pin_sdi = HIGH;
        else _lcd_pin_sdi = LOW;
        pulseLow( _lcd_pin_scl );
        data = data << 1;