Websocket example

Dependencies:   WebSocketClient

Fork of Websocket_Ethernet_HelloWorld by mbed_example

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00001 #include "config.h"
00002 #include "ATcommand.h"
00004 int configFromFile(char* path, Serial *xbee, Serial *pc, char * url){
00005     pc->printf("\n\rConfig Filename: %s", path); 
00007     int maxRetry = 2;
00009     FILE* file = fopen(path, "r");
00010     char line[256];
00011     while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
00012         bool delimiterFound = false;
00014         // Line is a comment
00015         if( (line[0]=='#') || (line[0]=='\n')){
00016             pc->printf("\n\r%s", line); 
00018         // Line is url config
00019         }else if(strstr(line, "url") != NULL){
00020             int ptr = 0;
00021             for(int i =0;i<sizeof(line)&& line[i]!='\0'; i++){
00022                 if(!delimiterFound){
00023                     delimiterFound = (line[i]=='=');
00024                 }else{
00025                     url[ptr] = line[i];
00026                     ptr++;
00027                 }
00028             }
00029             pc->printf("Url:%s", url); 
00031         // Others line is AT COMMAND
00032         }else{
00033             int ptr = 0;
00034             bool EOL = false;
00035             pc->printf("AT Command\n\r"); 
00036             for(int i =0;i<sizeof(line)&& !EOL; i++){
00037                 if(!delimiterFound){
00038                     delimiterFound = (line[i]=='=');
00039                     pc->printf("%c",line[i]); 
00040                 }else{
00042                     // Send command
00043                     char *cmd = NULL;
00044                     char *params = NULL;
00045                     int cmd_len = 0;
00046                     int param_len = 0;
00048                     for( ;i<sizeof(line)&& line[i]!= '\0'; i=i+2){
00049                         unsigned char c = ahex2bin(line[i],line[i+1]);
00050                         if(c == 0xDA){
00051                             EOL =true;
00052                         }else if(cmd_len <2){
00053                             cmd = (char*)realloc(cmd ,sizeof(char)*(cmd_len+1));
00054                             cmd[cmd_len++] = c;
00055                         }else{
00056                             params = (char*)realloc(params ,sizeof(char)*(param_len+1));
00057                             params[param_len++] =  c;
00058                         }
00059                     }
00061                     do{
00062                         bool exit = false;
00063                         sendAT(xbee, pc, cmd, params,param_len);
00064                         wait_ms(200);
00065                         ATWR (xbee, pc);
00066                         wait_ms(200);
00067                         apply(xbee, pc);
00068                         wait_ms(200);                   
00069                         // Verify command status
00070                         char status = getStatusResponse(xbee, pc);
00071                         if(status == 0x00){
00072                             pc->printf("\n\rStatus OK"); 
00073                             exit =true;      
00074                         }else{
00075                             if(status==0x02){
00076                               pc->printf("\n\Invalid Command %d\n\r",status);  
00077                             }     
00078                             toggleError(xbee, pc, 200, "Warning status fail");  
00079                             maxRetry--;    
00080                         }
00081                     }while(maxRetry>0 && !exit);
00082                     free(cmd);
00083                     free(params);
00085                     EOL =true;
00086                 }
00087             }
00088         }
00089     }
00090     fclose(file);
00091     pc->printf("\n\rClose file"); 
00092     return 0;
00093 }
00096 unsigned char ahex2bin (unsigned char MSB, unsigned char LSB){  
00097     if (MSB > '9') MSB -= 7;   // Convert MSB (0x30..0x3F)  
00098     if (LSB > '9') LSB -= 7;   // Convert LSB (0x30..0x3F)  
00099     return (MSB << 4) | (LSB & 0x0F); 
00100 }