
Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
Commit message:
This updates the lib to the mbed lib v 151

Changed in this revision

mbed.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
platform/mbed_application.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_K66F/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL27Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL43Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL82Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KW24D/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K22F/TARGET_MCU_K22F512/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K64F/device/cmsis_nvic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_hsusbd.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_sys.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/lib_peripheral_mbed_arm.ar Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/rtl8195a.sct Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/sys.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/lib_peripheral_mbed_gcc.a Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rlx8195A-symbol-v02-img2.ld Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rtl8195a.ld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rtl8195a_rom.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/lib_peripheral_mbed_iar.a Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/rtl8195a.icf Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/platform_autoconf.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_init.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_timer.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/analogin_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/ota_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/ota_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/us_ticker.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_Realtek/mbed_rtx.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F1/pin_device.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE/device/system_clock.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE/device/system_clock.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F401xE/device/hal_tick.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F439xI/TARGET_UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2/PinNames.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/analogin_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/device/system_clock.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/xdot_low_power.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L4/device/stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_16b.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_32b.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/TARGET_STM/stm_spi_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/targets.json Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/mbed.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/mbed.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 #ifndef MBED_H
 #define MBED_H
 // RTOS present, this is valid only for mbed OS 5
 // mbed 2
--- a/platform/mbed_application.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/platform/mbed_application.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
 static void powerdown_nvic()
-    int isr_count;
+    int isr_groups_32;
     int i;
     int j;
-    for (i = 0; i < isr_count; i++) {
+    isr_groups_32 = ((SCnSCB->ICTR & SCnSCB_ICTR_INTLINESNUM_Msk) >> SCnSCB_ICTR_INTLINESNUM_Pos) + 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < isr_groups_32; i++) {
         NVIC->ICER[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
         NVIC->ICPR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
         for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_K66F/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_K66F/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 100)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL27Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL27Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 32)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL43Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL43Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 32)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL82Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KL82Z/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 32)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KW24D/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_KW24D/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 65)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K22F/TARGET_MCU_K22F512/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K22F/TARGET_MCU_K22F512/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #endif /* defined(__CC_ARM) */
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 74)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K64F/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_K64F/device/cmsis_nvic.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #endif /* defined(__CC_ARM) */
 /* Symbols defined by the linker script */
-#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 240)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
+#define NVIC_NUM_VECTORS        (16 + 86)        // CORE + MCU Peripherals
 #define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS (__VECTOR_RAM)    // Vectors positioned at start of RAM
--- a/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_hsusbd.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_hsusbd.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
     if ((gUsbCmd.bmRequestType & 0x80ul) == 0x80ul) { /* request data transfer direction */
         /* Device to host */
         switch (gUsbCmd.bRequest) {
-        case GET_CONFIGURATION: {
             /* Return current configuration setting */
             HSUSBD_PrepareCtrlIn((uint8_t *)&g_hsusbd_UsbConfig, 1ul);
@@ -302,14 +302,14 @@
-        case GET_DESCRIPTOR: {
+        case USBD_GET_DESCRIPTOR: {
             if (!HSUSBD_GetDescriptor()) {
-        case GET_INTERFACE: {
+        case USBD_GET_INTERFACE: {
             /* Return current interface setting */
             HSUSBD_PrepareCtrlIn((uint8_t *)&g_hsusbd_UsbAltInterface, 1ul);
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
-        case GET_STATUS: {
+        case USBD_GET_STATUS: {
             /* Device */
             if (gUsbCmd.bmRequestType == 0x80ul) {
                 if ((g_hsusbd_sInfo->gu8ConfigDesc[7] & 0x40ul) == 0x40ul) {
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
     } else {
         /* Host to device */
         switch (gUsbCmd.bRequest) {
-        case CLEAR_FEATURE: {
+        case USBD_CLEAR_FEATURE: {
             if((gUsbCmd.wValue & 0xfful) == FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
                 uint32_t epNum, i;
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
-        case SET_ADDRESS: {
+        case USBD_SET_ADDRESS: {
             g_hsusbd_UsbAddr = (uint8_t)gUsbCmd.wValue;
             /* Status Stage */
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
-        case SET_CONFIGURATION: {
             g_hsusbd_UsbConfig = (uint8_t)gUsbCmd.wValue;
             g_hsusbd_Configured = (uint8_t)1ul;
             /* Status stage */
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
-        case SET_FEATURE: {
+        case USBD_SET_FEATURE: {
             if ((gUsbCmd.wValue & 0x3ul) == 2ul) {  /* TEST_MODE */
                 g_hsusbd_EnableTestMode = (uint8_t)1ul;
                 g_hsusbd_TestSelector = (uint8_t)(gUsbCmd.wIndex >> 8);
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
-        case SET_INTERFACE: {
+        case USBD_SET_INTERFACE: {
             g_hsusbd_UsbAltInterface = (uint8_t)gUsbCmd.wValue;
             if (g_hsusbd_pfnSetInterface != NULL) {
@@ -442,11 +442,11 @@
 void HSUSBD_UpdateDeviceState(void)
     switch (gUsbCmd.bRequest) {
-    case SET_ADDRESS: {
+    case USBD_SET_ADDRESS: {
         if (g_hsusbd_UsbConfig == 0ul) {
             uint32_t volatile i;
             /* Reset PID DATA0 */
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
-    case SET_FEATURE: {
+    case USBD_SET_FEATURE: {
         if(gUsbCmd.wValue == FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
             uint32_t idx;
             idx = (uint32_t)(gUsbCmd.wIndex & 0xFul);
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
-    case CLEAR_FEATURE: {
         if(gUsbCmd.wValue == FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
             uint32_t idx;
             idx = (uint32_t)(gUsbCmd.wIndex & 0xFul);
--- a/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_sys.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_sys.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -117,7 +117,10 @@
 #define SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_STD_USBH   (0x1UL << SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_Pos)   /*!<  Standard USB host \hideinitializer */
 #define SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_ID_DEPH    (0x2UL << SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_Pos)   /*!<  ID dependent device \hideinitializer */
 #define SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_ON_THE_GO  (0x3UL << SYS_USBPHY_USBROLE_Pos)   /*!<  On-The-Go device \hideinitializer */
+#define SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_STD_USBD   (0x0UL << SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_Pos)     /*!<  Standard USB device \hideinitializer */
+#define SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_STD_USBH   (0x1UL << SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_Pos)     /*!<  Standard USB host \hideinitializer */
+#define SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_ID_DEPH    (0x2UL << SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_Pos)     /*!<  ID dependent device \hideinitializer */
+#define SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_ON_THE_GO  (0x3UL << SYS_USBPHY_HSUSBROLE_Pos)     /*!<  On-The-Go device \hideinitializer */
 /*  Multi-Function constant definitions.                                                                   */
--- a/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
     if((g_usbd_SetupPacket[0] & 0x80ul) == 0x80ul) {  /* request data transfer direction */
         /* Device to host */
         switch(g_usbd_SetupPacket[1]) {
-        case GET_CONFIGURATION: {
             /* Return current configuration setting */
             /* Data stage */
             addr = USBD_BUF_BASE + USBD_GET_EP_BUF_ADDR(EP0);
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@
             USBD_PrepareCtrlOut(0, 0ul);
-        case GET_DESCRIPTOR: {
+        case USBD_GET_DESCRIPTOR: {
             USBD_PrepareCtrlOut(0, 0ul); /* For status stage */
-        case GET_INTERFACE: {
+        case USBD_GET_INTERFACE: {
             /* Return current interface setting */
             /* Data stage */
             addr = USBD_BUF_BASE + USBD_GET_EP_BUF_ADDR(EP0);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
             USBD_PrepareCtrlOut(0, 0ul);
-        case GET_STATUS: {
+        case USBD_GET_STATUS: {
             /* Device */
             if(g_usbd_SetupPacket[0] == 0x80ul) {
                 uint8_t u8Tmp;
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
     } else {
         /* Host to device */
         switch(g_usbd_SetupPacket[1]) {
-        case CLEAR_FEATURE: {
+        case USBD_CLEAR_FEATURE: {
             if(g_usbd_SetupPacket[2] == FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) {
                 uint32_t epNum, i;
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
             USBD_SET_PAYLOAD_LEN(EP0, 0ul);
-        case SET_ADDRESS: {
+        case USBD_SET_ADDRESS: {
             g_usbd_UsbAddr = g_usbd_SetupPacket[2];
             /* Status Stage */
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
-        case SET_CONFIGURATION: {
             g_usbd_UsbConfig = g_usbd_SetupPacket[2];
             if(g_usbd_pfnSetConfigCallback) {
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
             USBD_SET_PAYLOAD_LEN(EP0, 0ul);
-        case SET_FEATURE: {
+        case USBD_SET_FEATURE: {
             if( (g_usbd_SetupPacket[0] & 0xFul) == 0ul ) { /* 0: device */
                 if((g_usbd_SetupPacket[2] == 3ul) && (g_usbd_SetupPacket[3] == 0ul)) { /* 3: HNP enable */
                     OTG->CTL |= (OTG_CTL_HNPREQEN_Msk | OTG_CTL_BUSREQ_Msk);
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
-        case SET_INTERFACE: {
+        case USBD_SET_INTERFACE: {
             g_usbd_UsbAltInterface = g_usbd_SetupPacket[2];
             if(g_usbd_pfnSetInterface != NULL) {
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
     } else {
         /* In ACK for Set address */
-        if((g_usbd_SetupPacket[0] == REQ_STANDARD) && (g_usbd_SetupPacket[1] == SET_ADDRESS)) {
+        if((g_usbd_SetupPacket[0] == REQ_STANDARD) && (g_usbd_SetupPacket[1] == USBD_SET_ADDRESS)) {
             addr = USBD_GET_ADDR();
             if((addr != g_usbd_UsbAddr) && (addr == 0ul)) {
--- a/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M480/device/StdDriver/m480_usbd.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
 #define REQ_VENDOR          0x40ul
 /* USB Standard Request */
-#define GET_STATUS          0x00ul
-#define CLEAR_FEATURE       0x01ul
-#define SET_FEATURE         0x03ul
-#define SET_ADDRESS         0x05ul
-#define GET_DESCRIPTOR      0x06ul
-#define SET_DESCRIPTOR      0x07ul
-#define GET_CONFIGURATION   0x08ul
-#define SET_CONFIGURATION   0x09ul
-#define GET_INTERFACE       0x0Aul
-#define SET_INTERFACE       0x0Bul
-#define SYNC_FRAME          0x0Cul
+#define USBD_GET_STATUS          0x00ul
+#define USBD_CLEAR_FEATURE       0x01ul
+#define USBD_SET_FEATURE         0x03ul
+#define USBD_SET_ADDRESS         0x05ul
+#define USBD_GET_DESCRIPTOR      0x06ul
+#define USBD_SET_DESCRIPTOR      0x07ul
+#define USBD_GET_CONFIGURATION   0x08ul
+#define USBD_SET_CONFIGURATION   0x09ul
+#define USBD_GET_INTERFACE       0x0Aul
+#define USBD_SET_INTERFACE       0x0Bul
+#define USBD_SYNC_FRAME          0x0Cul
 /* USB Descriptor Type */
 #define DESC_DEVICE         0x01ul
Binary file targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/lib_peripheral_mbed_arm.ar has changed
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/rtl8195a.sct	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/rtl8195a.sct	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -1,51 +1,78 @@
-; *************************************************************
-; *** Scatter-Loading Description File for RTL8195A         ***
-; *************************************************************
-LR_ROM 0x00000000 0x00030000{
-	_ROM_CODE 0x00000000 0x00030000  {
-	;*.o (RESET, +First)   
-	;*(InRoot$$Sections)
-	}
+; Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
+; RTL8195A ARMCC Scatter File
+; {
+;   SROM (rx)    : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x00007000
+;   SRAM (rwx)   : ORIGIN = 0x10007000, LENGTH = 0x00070000 - 0x00007000
+;   TCM  (rwx)   : ORIGIN = 0x1FFF0000, LENGTH = 0x00010000
+;   DRAM (rwx)   : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 2M
+; }
-LR_RAM 0x10006000 0x6FFFF  {
-;LR_RAM 0x10000000 0x6FFFF  {
-  ;ROM_BSS 0x10000000 0x0005FFF{
-	;rtl_console.o(.mon.ram.bss*)
-  ;}
-  .image2.table 0x10006000 FIXED  {
-    rtl8195a_init.o(.image2.ram.data*)	
-    rtl8195a_init.o(.image2.validate.rodata*)
-  }
-  .text +0 FIXED{
-	rtl8195a_init.o(.infra.ram.start)
-  	;*.o(.mon.ram.text*)
-  	;*.o(.hal.flash.text*)
-  	;*.o(.hal.sdrc.text*)
-  	;*.o(.hal.gpio.text*)
-  	;*.o(.text*)
-  	;*.o(.rodata*)
-  	.ANY (+RO)
+LR_IRAM 0x10007000 (0x70000 - 0x7000) {
+  IMAGE2_TABLE 0x10007000 FIXED {
+    *rtl8195a_init.o(.image2.ram.data*, +FIRST)
+    *rtl8195a_init.o(.image2.validate.rodata*)
-  .data +0 FIXED{
-    .ANY (+RW)
+    *rtl8195a_crypto.o (+RO)
+    * (i.mbedtls*)
+    *libc.a (+RO)
+	*rtx_*.o (+RO)
+    *Ticker.o (+RO)
+    *Timeout.o (+RO)
+	*rtx_timer.o (+RO)
+    *TimerEvent.o (+RO)
+    *mbed_ticker_api.o (+RO)
+    *mbed_critical.o (+RO)
+    *us_ticker.o (+RO)
+    *lib_peripheral_mbed_arm.ar (+RO)
-   .ANY (+ZI)
+    *rtl8195a_crypto.o(+RW)
+    ;*mbedtls*.o(+RW)
+    *libc.a (+RW)
+    *(.sdram.data*)
+    *lib_peripheral_mbed_arm.ar (+RW)
-  TCM_OVERLAY 0x1FFF0000 0x10000{
-    lwip_mem.o(.bss*)
-    lwip_memp.o(.bss*)
-    *.o(.tcm.heap*)
+    *rtl8195a_crypto.o(+ZI, COMMON)
+    ;*mbedtls*.o(+ZI, COMMON)
+    *libc.a (+ZI, COMMON)
+    *(.bss.thread_stack_main)
+    *lib_peripheral_mbed_arm.ar (+ZI, COMMON)
+  }
+  ARM_LIB_STACK (0x10070000 - 0x1000) EMPTY 0x1000 {
-LR_DRAM 0x30000000 0x1FFFFF{
-	_DRAM_CODE 0x30000000 0x1FFFFF{
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+LR_TCM 0x1FFF0000 0x10000 {
+    TCM_OVERLAY 0x1FFF0000 0x10000 {
+        *lwip_mem.o(.bss*)
+        *lwip_memp.o(.bss*)
+        *.o(.tcm.heap*)
+    }
+LR_DRAM 0x30000000 0x200000 {
+    .ANY (+RO)
+  }
+   .ANY (+RW)
+  }
+   .ANY (+ZI)
+  }
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/sys.cpp	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/sys.cpp	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -1,46 +1,24 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library - stackheap
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * mbed Microcontroller Library - stackheap
- * Setup a fixed single stack/heap memory model, 
- * between the top of the RW/ZI region and the stackpointer
- ******************************************************************************/
+ * Setup a fixed single stack/heap memory model,
+ *  between the top of the RW/ZI region and the stackpointer
+ */
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
 #include <rt_misc.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
-extern char Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit[];
+extern char Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Limit[];
 extern __value_in_regs struct __initial_stackheap __user_setup_stackheap(uint32_t R0, uint32_t R1, uint32_t R2, uint32_t R3) {
-    uint32_t zi_limit = (uint32_t)Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit;
+    uint32_t zi_limit = (uint32_t)Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Limit;
     uint32_t sp_limit = __current_sp();
     zi_limit = (zi_limit + 7) & ~0x7;    // ensure zi_limit is 8-byte aligned
-    //push down stack pointer to recycle some of the stack space that are not use in future
-    __asm volatile
-    (
-        "MRS  IP, MSP \n"
-        "ADD  IP, #64 \n"
-        "BIC   IP, IP, #7 \n"
-        "MSR  MSP, IP \n"
-    );
     struct __initial_stackheap r;
     r.heap_base = zi_limit;
     r.heap_limit = sp_limit;
@@ -49,4 +27,4 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
Binary file targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/lib_peripheral_mbed_gcc.a has changed
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rlx8195A-symbol-v02-img2.ld	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/*INCLUDE "mbed-os/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/export-rom_v02.txt"*/
-    __vectors_table = 0x0;
-    Reset_Handler = 0x101;
-    NMI_Handler = 0x109;
-    HardFault_Handler = 0x10d;
-    MemManage_Handler = 0x121;
-    BusFault_Handler = 0x125;
-    UsageFault_Handler = 0x129;
-    HalLogUartInit = 0x201;
-    HalSerialGetcRtl8195a = 0x309;
-    HalSerialGetIsrEnRegRtl8195a = 0x329;
-    HalSerialSetIrqEnRegRtl8195a = 0x335;
-    HalCpuClkConfig = 0x341;
-    HalGetCpuClk = 0x355;
-    HalRomInfo = 0x39d;
-    HalGetRomInfo = 0x3b5;
-    HalResetVsr = 0x3c5;
-    HalDelayUs = 0x899;
-    HalNMIHandler = 0x8e1;
-    HalHardFaultHandler = 0x911;
-    HalMemManageHandler = 0xc09;
-    HalBusFaultHandler = 0xc39;
-    HalUsageFaultHandler = 0xc69;
-    HalUart0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xcfd;
-    HalUart1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xdc9;
-    HalUart2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xe9d;
-    HalSPI0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xf75;
-    HalSPI1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1015;
-    HalSPI2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x10e5;
-    HalSPI0MCSPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x11b5;
-    HalI2C0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1275;
-    HalI2C1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1381;
-    HalI2C2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1459;
-    HalI2C3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1529;
-    HalI2S0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1639;
-    HalI2S1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x176d;
-    HalPCM0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1845;
-    HalPCM1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1949;
-    HalSDIODPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1a1d;
-    HalSDIOHPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1a6d;
-    HalMIIPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1ab9;
-    HalWLLEDPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1b51;
-    HalWLANT0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1c0d;
-    HalWLANT1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1c61;
-    HalWLBTCOEXPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1cb5;
-    HalWLBTCMDPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1d05;
-    HalNFCPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1d59;
-    HalPWM0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1da9;
-    HalPWM1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1ead;
-    HalPWM2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1fb5;
-    HalPWM3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x20b1;
-    HalETE0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x21b9;
-    HalETE1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x22c1;
-    HalETE2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x23c9;
-    HalETE3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x24d1;
-    HalEGTIMPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x25d9;
-    HalSPIFlashPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2679;
-    HalSDRPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2725;
-    HalJTAGPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x280d;
-    HalTRACEPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2861;
-    HalLOGUartPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x28b9;
-    HalLOGUartIRPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x291d;
-    HalSICPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2981;
-    HalEEPROMPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x29d9;
-    HalDEBUGPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2a31;
-    HalPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2b39;
-    SpicRxCmdRtl8195A = 0x2e5d;
-    SpicWaitBusyDoneRtl8195A = 0x2ea5;
-    SpicGetFlashStatusRtl8195A = 0x2eb5;
-    SpicWaitWipDoneRtl8195A = 0x2f55;
-    SpicTxCmdRtl8195A = 0x2f6d;
-    SpicSetFlashStatusRtl8195A = 0x2fc1;
-    SpicCmpDataForCalibrationRtl8195A = 0x3049;
-    SpicLoadInitParaFromClockRtl8195A = 0x3081;
-    SpicInitRtl8195A = 0x30e5;
-    SpicEraseFlashRtl8195A = 0x31bd;
-    SpiFlashApp = 0x3279;
-    HalPeripheralIntrHandle = 0x33b5;
-    HalSysOnIntrHandle = 0x3439;
-    HalWdgIntrHandle = 0x3485;
-    HalTimer0IntrHandle = 0x34d5;
-    HalTimer1IntrHandle = 0x3525;
-    HalI2C3IntrHandle = 0x3575;
-    HalTimer2To7IntrHandle = 0x35c5;
-    HalSpi0IntrHandle = 0x3615;
-    HalGpioIntrHandle = 0x3665;
-    HalUart0IntrHandle = 0x36b5;
-    HalSpiFlashIntrHandle = 0x3705;
-    HalUsbOtgIntrHandle = 0x3755;
-    HalSdioHostIntrHandle = 0x37a5;
-    HalI2s0OrPcm0IntrHandle = 0x37f5;
-    HalI2s1OrPcm1IntrHandle = 0x3845;
-    HalWlDmaIntrHandle = 0x3895;
-    HalWlProtocolIntrHandle = 0x38e5;
-    HalCryptoIntrHandle = 0x3935;
-    HalGmacIntrHandle = 0x3985;
-    HalGdma0Ch0IntrHandle = 0x39d5;
-    HalGdma0Ch1IntrHandle = 0x3a25;
-    HalGdma0Ch2IntrHandle = 0x3a75;
-    HalGdma0Ch3IntrHandle = 0x3ac5;
-    HalGdma0Ch4IntrHandle = 0x3b15;
-    HalGdma0Ch5IntrHandle = 0x3b65;
-    HalGdma1Ch0IntrHandle = 0x3bb5;
-    HalGdma1Ch1IntrHandle = 0x3c05;
-    HalGdma1Ch2IntrHandle = 0x3c55;
-    HalGdma1Ch3IntrHandle = 0x3ca5;
-    HalGdma1Ch4IntrHandle = 0x3cf5;
-    HalGdma1Ch5IntrHandle = 0x3d45;
-    HalSdioDeviceIntrHandle = 0x3d95;
-    VectorTableInitRtl8195A = 0x3de5;
-    VectorTableInitForOSRtl8195A = 0x4019;
-    VectorIrqRegisterRtl8195A = 0x4029;
-    VectorIrqUnRegisterRtl8195A = 0x4091;
-    VectorIrqEnRtl8195A = 0x40f1;
-    VectorIrqDisRtl8195A = 0x418d;
-    _UartRxDmaIrqHandle = 0x422d;
-    HalRuartPutCRtl8195a = 0x4281;
-    HalRuartGetCRtl8195a = 0x429d;
-    HalRuartRTSCtrlRtl8195a = 0x42bd;
-    HalRuartGetDebugValueRtl8195a = 0x42e1;
-    HalRuartGetIMRRtl8195a = 0x43e1;
-    HalRuartSetIMRRtl8195a = 0x442d;
-    _UartIrqHandle = 0x4465;
-    HalRuartDmaInitRtl8195a = 0x4681;
-    HalRuartIntDisableRtl8195a = 0x4845;
-    HalRuartDeInitRtl8195a = 0x4855;
-    HalRuartIntEnableRtl8195a = 0x4985;
-    _UartTxDmaIrqHandle = 0x4995;
-    HalRuartRegIrqRtl8195a = 0x49d1;
-    HalRuartAdapterLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4a4d;
-    HalRuartTxGdmaLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4add;
-    HalRuartRxGdmaLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4bc9;
-    RuartLock = 0x4cc9;
-    RuartUnLock = 0x4ced;
-    HalRuartIntSendRtl8195a = 0x4d09;
-    HalRuartDmaSendRtl8195a = 0x4e35;
-    HalRuartStopSendRtl8195a = 0x4f89;
-    HalRuartIntRecvRtl8195a = 0x504d;
-    HalRuartDmaRecvRtl8195a = 0x51ad;
-    HalRuartStopRecvRtl8195a = 0x52cd;
-    RuartIsTimeout = 0x5385;
-    HalRuartSendRtl8195a = 0x53b1;
-    HalRuartRecvRtl8195a = 0x5599;
-    RuartResetRxFifoRtl8195a = 0x5751;
-    HalRuartResetRxFifoRtl8195a = 0x5775;
-    HalRuartInitRtl8195a = 0x5829;
-    HalGdmaOnOffRtl8195a = 0x5df1;
-    HalGdmaChIsrEnAndDisRtl8195a = 0x5e0d;
-    HalGdmaChEnRtl8195a = 0x5e51;
-    HalGdmaChDisRtl8195a = 0x5e6d;
-    HalGdamChInitRtl8195a = 0x5e91;
-    HalGdmaChSetingRtl8195a = 0x5ebd;
-    HalGdmaChBlockSetingRtl8195a = 0x000060dd;
-    HalGdmaChIsrCleanRtl8195a = 0x6419;
-    HalGdmaChCleanAutoSrcRtl8195a = 0x64a1;
-    HalGdmaChCleanAutoDstRtl8195a = 0x6501;
-    HalEFUSEPowerSwitch8195AROM = 0x6561;
-    HALEFUSEOneByteReadROM = 0x65f9;
-    HALEFUSEOneByteWriteROM = 0x6699;
-    __rtl_memcmpb_v1_00 = 0x681d;
-    __rtl_random_v1_00 = 0x6861;
-    __rtl_align_to_be32_v1_00 = 0x6881;
-    __rtl_memsetw_v1_00 = 0x6899;
-    __rtl_memsetb_v1_00 = 0x68ad;
-    __rtl_memcpyw_v1_00 = 0x68bd;
-    __rtl_memcpyb_v1_00 = 0x68dd;
-    __rtl_memDump_v1_00 = 0x68f5;
-    __rtl_AES_set_encrypt_key = 0x6901;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_AES_set_decrypt_key = 0x6c11;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_set_security_mode_v1_00 = 0x6c95;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_init_v1_00 = 0x6ea9;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_exit_v1_00 = 0x7055;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_reset_v1_00 = 0x70b1;
-    __rtl_cryptoEngine_v1_00 = 0x70ed;
-    __rtl_crypto_cipher_init_v1_00 = 0x7c69;
-    __rtl_crypto_cipher_encrypt_v1_00 = 0x7c89;
-    __rtl_crypto_cipher_decrypt_v1_00 = 0x7cad;
-    HalSsiPinmuxEnableRtl8195a = 0x7cd5;
-    HalSsiEnableRtl8195a = 0x7e45;
-    HalSsiDisableRtl8195a = 0x7ef9;
-    HalSsiLoadSettingRtl8195a = 0x7fad;
-    HalSsiSetInterruptMaskRtl8195a = 0x8521;
-    HalSsiGetInterruptMaskRtl8195a = 0x85c9;
-    HalSsiSetSclkPolarityRtl8195a = 0x863d;
-    HalSsiSetSclkPhaseRtl8195a = 0x8715;
-    HalSsiWriteRtl8195a = 0x87e9;
-    HalSsiSetDeviceRoleRtl8195a = 0x8861;
-    HalSsiSetRxFifoThresholdLevelRtl8195a = 0x88c9;
-    HalSsiSetTxFifoThresholdLevelRtl8195a = 0x8941;
-    HalSsiReadRtl8195a = 0x89b9;
-    HalSsiGetRxFifoLevelRtl8195a = 0x8a2d;
-    HalSsiGetTxFifoLevelRtl8195a = 0x8aa5;
-    HalSsiGetStatusRtl8195a = 0x8b1d;
-    HalSsiWriteableRtl8195a = 0x8b91;
-    HalSsiReadableRtl8195a = 0x8c09;
-    HalSsiBusyRtl8195a = 0x8c81;
-    HalSsiReadInterruptRtl8195a = 0x8cf9;
-    HalSsiWriteInterruptRtl8195a = 0x8efd;
-    HalSsiSetSlaveEnableRegisterRtl8195a = 0x9009;
-    HalSsiGetInterruptStatusRtl8195a = 0x90d9;
-    HalSsiInterruptEnableRtl8195a = 0x914d;
-    HalSsiInterruptDisableRtl8195a = 0x9299;
-    HalSsiGetRawInterruptStatusRtl8195a = 0x93e9;
-    HalSsiGetSlaveEnableRegisterRtl8195a = 0x945d;
-    HalSsiInitRtl8195a = 0x94d1;
-    _SsiReadInterrupt = 0x9ba5;
-    _SsiWriteInterrupt = 0x9db1;
-    _SsiIrqHandle = 0x9eb1;
-    HalI2CWrite32 = 0xa061;
-    HalI2CRead32 = 0xa09d;
-    HalI2CDeInit8195a = 0xa0dd;
-    HalI2CSendRtl8195a = 0xa1f1;
-    HalI2CReceiveRtl8195a = 0xa25d;
-    HalI2CEnableRtl8195a = 0xa271;
-    HalI2CIntrCtrl8195a = 0xa389;
-    HalI2CReadRegRtl8195a = 0xa3a1;
-    HalI2CWriteRegRtl8195a = 0xa3b1;
-    HalI2CSetCLKRtl8195a = 0xa3c5;
-    HalI2CMassSendRtl8195a = 0xa6e9;
-    HalI2CClrIntrRtl8195a = 0xa749;
-    HalI2CClrAllIntrRtl8195a = 0xa761;
-    HalI2CInit8195a = 0xa775;
-    HalI2CDMACtrl8195a = 0xaa31;
-    RtkI2CIoCtrl = 0xaa61;
-    RtkI2CPowerCtrl = 0xaa65;
-    HalI2COpInit = 0xaa69;
-    I2CIsTimeout = 0xac65;
-    I2CTXGDMAISRHandle = 0xb435;
-    I2CRXGDMAISRHandle = 0xb4c1;
-    RtkI2CIrqInit = 0xb54d;
-    RtkI2CIrqDeInit = 0xb611;
-    RtkI2CPinMuxInit = 0xb675;
-    RtkI2CPinMuxDeInit = 0xb7c9;
-    RtkI2CDMAInit = 0xb955;
-    RtkI2CInit = 0xbc95;
-    RtkI2CDMADeInit = 0xbdad;
-    RtkI2CDeInit = 0xbe4d;
-    RtkI2CSendUserAddr = 0xbee5;
-    RtkI2CSend = 0xc07d;
-    RtkI2CLoadDefault = 0xce51;
-    RtkSalI2COpInit = 0xcf21;
-    HalI2SWrite32 = 0xcf65;
-    HalI2SRead32 = 0xcf85;
-    HalI2SDeInitRtl8195a = 0xcfa9;
-    HalI2STxRtl8195a = 0xcfc9;
-    HalI2SRxRtl8195a = 0xd011;
-    HalI2SEnableRtl8195a = 0xd05d;
-    HalI2SIntrCtrlRtl8195a = 0xd0b1;
-    HalI2SReadRegRtl8195a = 0xd0d1;
-    HalI2SClrIntrRtl8195a = 0xd0dd;
-    HalI2SClrAllIntrRtl8195a = 0xd0fd;
-    HalI2SInitRtl8195a = 0xd11d;
-    GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a = 0xd2e5;
-    GPIO_GetChipPinName_8195a = 0xd331;
-    GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a = 0xd39d;
-    GPIO_FuncOn_8195a = 0xd421;
-    GPIO_FuncOff_8195a = 0xd481;
-    GPIO_Int_Mask_8195a = 0xd4e9;
-    GPIO_Int_SetType_8195a = 0xd511;
-    HAL_GPIO_IrqHandler_8195a = 0xd5fd;
-    HAL_GPIO_MbedIrqHandler_8195a = 0xd645;
-    HAL_GPIO_UserIrqHandler_8195a = 0xd6a1;
-    HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195a = 0xd6cd;
-    HAL_GPIO_Init_8195a = 0xd805;
-    HAL_GPIO_DeInit_8195a = 0xdac1;
-    HAL_GPIO_ReadPin_8195a = 0xdbd1;
-    HAL_GPIO_WritePin_8195a = 0xdc91;
-    HAL_GPIO_RegIrq_8195a = 0xddad;
-    HAL_GPIO_UnRegIrq_8195a = 0xddf5;
-    HAL_GPIO_UserRegIrq_8195a = 0xde15;
-    HAL_GPIO_UserUnRegIrq_8195a = 0xdef9;
-    HAL_GPIO_MaskIrq_8195a = 0xdfc1;
-    HAL_GPIO_UnMaskIrq_8195a = 0xe061;
-    HAL_GPIO_IntDebounce_8195a = 0xe101;
-    HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a = 0xe1c1;
-    HAL_GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a = 0xe1c9;
-    DumpForOneBytes = 0xe259;
-    CmdRomHelp = 0xe419;
-    CmdWriteWord = 0xe491;
-    CmdDumpHelfWord = 0xe505;
-    CmdDumpWord = 0xe5f1;
-    CmdDumpByte = 0xe6f5;
-    CmdSpiFlashTool = 0xe751;
-    GetRomCmdNum = 0xe7a9;
-    CmdWriteByte = 0xe7ad;
-    Isspace = 0xe7ed;
-    Strtoul = 0xe801;
-    ArrayInitialize = 0xe8b1;
-    GetArgc = 0xe8c9;
-    GetArgv = 0xe8f9;
-    UartLogCmdExecute = 0xe95d;
-    UartLogShowBackSpace = 0xe9fd;
-    UartLogRecallOldCmd = 0xea39;
-    UartLogHistoryCmd = 0xea71;
-    UartLogCmdChk = 0xeadd;
-    UartLogIrqHandle = 0xebf5;
-    RtlConsolInit = 0xecc5;
-    RtlConsolTaskRom = 0xed49;
-    RtlExitConsol = 0xed79;
-    RtlConsolRom = 0xedcd;
-    HalTimerOpInit = 0xee0d;
-    HalTimerIrq2To7Handle = 0xee59;
-    HalGetTimerIdRtl8195a = 0xef09;
-    HalTimerInitRtl8195a = 0xef3d;
-    HalTimerDisRtl8195a = 0xf069;
-    HalTimerEnRtl8195a = 0xf089;
-    HalTimerReadCountRtl8195a = 0xf0a9;
-    HalTimerIrqClearRtl8195a = 0xf0bd;
-    HalTimerDumpRegRtl8195a = 0xf0d1;
-    VSprintf = 0xf129;
-    DiagPrintf = 0xf39d;
-    DiagSPrintf = 0xf3b9;
-    DiagSnPrintf = 0xf3d1;
-    prvDiagPrintf = 0xf3ed;
-    prvDiagSPrintf = 0xf40d;
-    _memcmp = 0xf429;
-    _memcpy = 0xf465;
-    _memset = 0xf511;
-    Rand = 0xf585;
-    _strncpy = 0xf60d;
-    _strcpy = 0xf629;
-    prvStrCpy = 0xf639;
-    _strlen = 0xf651;
-    _strnlen = 0xf669;
-    prvStrLen = 0xf699;
-    _strcmp = 0xf6b1;
-    _strncmp = 0xf6d1;
-    prvStrCmp = 0xf719;
-    StrUpr = 0xf749;
-    prvAtoi = 0xf769;
-    prvStrStr = 0xf7bd;
-    _strsep = 0xf7d5;
-    skip_spaces = 0xf815;
-    skip_atoi = 0xf831;
-    _parse_integer_fixup_radix = 0xf869;
-    _parse_integer = 0xf8bd;
-    simple_strtoull = 0xf915;
-    simple_strtoll = 0xf945;
-    simple_strtoul = 0xf965;
-    simple_strtol = 0xf96d;
-    _vsscanf = 0xf985;
-    _sscanf = 0xff71;
-    div_u64 = 0xff91;
-    div_s64 = 0xff99;
-    div_u64_rem = 0xffa1;
-    div_s64_rem = 0xffb1;
-    _strpbrk = 0xffc1;
-    _strchr = 0xffed;
-    aes_set_key = 0x10005;
-    aes_encrypt = 0x103d1;
-    aes_decrypt = 0x114a5;
-    AES_WRAP = 0x125c9;
-    AES_UnWRAP = 0x12701;
-    crc32_get = 0x12861;
-    arc4_byte = 0x12895;
-    rt_arc4_init = 0x128bd;
-    rt_arc4_crypt = 0x12901;
-    rt_md5_init = 0x131c1;
-    rt_md5_append = 0x131f5;
-    rt_md5_final = 0x1327d;
-    rt_md5_hmac = 0x132d5;
-    rtw_get_bit_value_from_ieee_value = 0x13449;
-    rtw_is_cckrates_included = 0x13475;
-    rtw_is_cckratesonly_included = 0x134b5;
-    rtw_check_network_type = 0x134dd;
-    rtw_set_fixed_ie = 0x1350d;
-    rtw_set_ie = 0x1352d;
-    rtw_get_ie = 0x1355d;
-    rtw_set_supported_rate = 0x13591;
-    rtw_get_rateset_len = 0x13611;
-    rtw_get_wpa_ie = 0x1362d;
-    rtw_get_wpa2_ie = 0x136c9;
-    rtw_get_wpa_cipher_suite = 0x13701;
-    rtw_get_wpa2_cipher_suite = 0x13769;
-    rtw_parse_wpa_ie = 0x137d1;
-    rtw_parse_wpa2_ie = 0x138ad;
-    rtw_get_sec_ie = 0x13965;
-    rtw_get_wps_ie = 0x13a15;
-    rtw_get_wps_attr = 0x13a99;
-    rtw_get_wps_attr_content = 0x13b49;
-    rtw_ieee802_11_parse_elems = 0x13b91;
-    str_2char2num = 0x13d9d;
-    key_2char2num = 0x13db9;
-    convert_ip_addr = 0x13dd1;
-    rom_psk_PasswordHash = 0x13e9d;
-    rom_psk_CalcGTK = 0x13ed5;
-    rom_psk_CalcPTK = 0x13f69;
-    wep_80211_encrypt = 0x14295;
-    wep_80211_decrypt = 0x142f5;
-    tkip_micappendbyte = 0x14389;
-    rtw_secmicsetkey = 0x143d9;
-    rtw_secmicappend = 0x14419;
-    rtw_secgetmic = 0x14435;
-    rtw_seccalctkipmic = 0x1449d;
-    tkip_phase1 = 0x145a5;
-    tkip_phase2 = 0x14725;
-    tkip_80211_encrypt = 0x14941;
-    tkip_80211_decrypt = 0x149d5;
-    aes1_encrypt = 0x14a8d;
-    aesccmp_construct_mic_iv = 0x14c65;
-    aesccmp_construct_mic_header1 = 0x14ccd;
-    aesccmp_construct_mic_header2 = 0x14d21;
-    aesccmp_construct_ctr_preload = 0x14db5;
-    aes_80211_encrypt = 0x14e29;
-    aes_80211_decrypt = 0x151ad;
-    _sha1_process_message_block = 0x155b9;
-    _sha1_pad_message = 0x15749;
-    rt_sha1_init = 0x157e5;
-    rt_sha1_update = 0x15831;
-    rt_sha1_finish = 0x158a9;
-    rt_hmac_sha1 = 0x15909;
-    rom_aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x15a65;
-    rom_aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x15ae1;
-    rom_rijndaelKeySetupEnc = 0x15b5d;
-    rom_aes_decrypt_init = 0x15c39;
-    rom_aes_internal_decrypt = 0x15d15;
-    rom_aes_decrypt_deinit = 0x16071;
-    rom_aes_encrypt_init = 0x16085;
-    rom_aes_internal_encrypt = 0x1609d;
-    rom_aes_encrypt_deinit = 0x16451;
-    bignum_init = 0x17b35;
-    bignum_deinit = 0x17b61;
-    bignum_get_unsigned_bin_len = 0x17b81;
-    bignum_get_unsigned_bin = 0x17b85;
-    bignum_set_unsigned_bin = 0x17c21;
-    bignum_cmp = 0x17cd1;
-    bignum_cmp_d = 0x17cd5;
-    bignum_add = 0x17cfd;
-    bignum_sub = 0x17d0d;
-    bignum_mul = 0x17d1d;
-    bignum_exptmod = 0x17d2d;
-    WPS_realloc = 0x17d51;
-    os_zalloc = 0x17d99;
-    rom_hmac_sha256_vector = 0x17dc1;
-    rom_hmac_sha256 = 0x17ebd;
-    rom_sha256_vector = 0x18009;
-    phy_CalculateBitShift = 0x18221;
-    PHY_SetBBReg_8195A = 0x18239;
-    PHY_QueryBBReg_8195A = 0x18279;
-    ROM_odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage = 0x1829d;
-    ROM_odm_EVMdbToPercentage = 0x182bd;
-    ROM_odm_SignalScaleMapping_8195A = 0x182e5;
-    ROM_odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics = 0x183cd;
-    ROM_odm_SetEDCCAThreshold = 0x18721;
-    ROM_odm_SetTRxMux = 0x18749;
-    ROM_odm_SetCrystalCap = 0x18771;
-    ROM_odm_GetDefaultCrytaltalCap = 0x187d5;
-    ROM_ODM_CfoTrackingReset = 0x187e9;
-    ROM_odm_CfoTrackingFlow = 0x18811;
-    curve25519_donna = 0x1965d;
-    aes_test_alignment_detection = 0x1a391;
-    aes_mode_reset = 0x1a3ed;
-    aes_ecb_encrypt = 0x1a3f9;
-    aes_ecb_decrypt = 0x1a431;
-    aes_cbc_encrypt = 0x1a469;
-    aes_cbc_decrypt = 0x1a579;
-    aes_cfb_encrypt = 0x1a701;
-    aes_cfb_decrypt = 0x1a9e5;
-    aes_ofb_crypt = 0x1acc9;
-    aes_ctr_crypt = 0x1af7d;
-    aes_encrypt_key128 = 0x1b289;
-    aes_encrypt_key192 = 0x1b2a5;
-    aes_encrypt_key256 = 0x1b2c1;
-    aes_encrypt_key = 0x1b2e1;
-    aes_decrypt_key128 = 0x1b351;
-    aes_decrypt_key192 = 0x1b36d;
-    aes_decrypt_key256 = 0x1b389;
-    aes_decrypt_key = 0x1b3a9;
-    aes_init = 0x1b419;
-    CRYPTO_chacha_20 = 0x1b41d;
-    CRYPTO_poly1305_init = 0x1bc25;
-    CRYPTO_poly1305_update = 0x1bd09;
-    CRYPTO_poly1305_finish = 0x1bd8d;
-    rom_sha512_starts = 0x1ceb5;
-    rom_sha512_update = 0x1d009;
-    rom_sha512_finish = 0x1d011;
-    rom_sha512 = 0x1d261;
-    rom_sha512_hmac_starts = 0x1d299;
-    rom_sha512_hmac_update = 0x1d35d;
-    rom_sha512_hmac_finish = 0x1d365;
-    rom_sha512_hmac_reset = 0x1d3b5;
-    rom_sha512_hmac = 0x1d3d1;
-    rom_sha512_hkdf = 0x1d40d;
-    rom_ed25519_gen_keypair = 0x1d501;
-    rom_ed25519_gen_signature = 0x1d505;
-    rom_ed25519_verify_signature = 0x1d51d;
-    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_seed_keypair = 0x1d521;
-    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_detached = 0x1d579;
-    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_verify_detached = 0x1d655;
-    rom_ed25519_ge_double_scalarmult_vartime = 0x1f86d;
-    rom_ed25519_ge_frombytes_negate_vartime = 0x1fc35;
-    rom_ed25519_ge_p3_tobytes = 0x207d5;
-    rom_ed25519_ge_scalarmult_base = 0x20821;
-    rom_ed25519_ge_tobytes = 0x209e1;
-    rom_ed25519_sc_muladd = 0x20a2d;
-    rom_ed25519_sc_reduce = 0x2603d;
-    __rtl_memchr_v1_00 = 0x28a4d;
-    __rtl_memcmp_v1_00 = 0x28ae1;
-    __rtl_memcpy_v1_00 = 0x28b49;
-    __rtl_memmove_v1_00 = 0x28bed;
-    __rtl_memset_v1_00 = 0x28cb5;
-    __rtl_strcat_v1_00 = 0x28d49;
-    __rtl_strchr_v1_00 = 0x28d91;
-    __rtl_strcmp_v1_00 = 0x28e55;
-    __rtl_strcpy_v1_00 = 0x28ec9;
-    __rtl_strlen_v1_00 = 0x28f15;
-    __rtl_strncat_v1_00 = 0x28f69;
-    __rtl_strncmp_v1_00 = 0x28fc5;
-    __rtl_strncpy_v1_00 = 0x2907d;
-    __rtl_strstr_v1_00 = 0x293cd;
-    __rtl_strsep_v1_00 = 0x2960d;
-    __rtl_strtok_v1_00 = 0x29619;
-    __rtl__strtok_r_v1_00 = 0x2962d;
-    __rtl_strtok_r_v1_00 = 0x29691;
-    __rtl_close_v1_00 = 0x29699;
-    __rtl_fstat_v1_00 = 0x296ad;
-    __rtl_isatty_v1_00 = 0x296c1;
-    __rtl_lseek_v1_00 = 0x296d5;
-    __rtl_open_v1_00 = 0x296e9;
-    __rtl_read_v1_00 = 0x296fd;
-    __rtl_write_v1_00 = 0x29711;
-    __rtl_sbrk_v1_00 = 0x29725;
-    __rtl_ltoa_v1_00 = 0x297bd;
-    __rtl_ultoa_v1_00 = 0x29855;
-    __rtl_dtoi_v1_00 = 0x298c5;
-    __rtl_dtoi64_v1_00 = 0x29945;
-    __rtl_dtoui_v1_00 = 0x299dd;
-    __rtl_ftol_v1_00 = 0x299e5;
-    __rtl_itof_v1_00 = 0x29a51;
-    __rtl_itod_v1_00 = 0x29ae9;
-    __rtl_i64tod_v1_00 = 0x29b79;
-    __rtl_uitod_v1_00 = 0x29c55;
-    __rtl_ftod_v1_00 = 0x29d2d;
-    __rtl_dtof_v1_00 = 0x29de9;
-    __rtl_uitof_v1_00 = 0x29e89;
-    __rtl_fadd_v1_00 = 0x29f65;
-    __rtl_fsub_v1_00 = 0x2a261;
-    __rtl_fmul_v1_00 = 0x2a559;
-    __rtl_fdiv_v1_00 = 0x2a695;
-    __rtl_dadd_v1_00 = 0x2a825;
-    __rtl_dsub_v1_00 = 0x2aed9;
-    __rtl_dmul_v1_00 = 0x2b555;
-    __rtl_ddiv_v1_00 = 0x2b8ad;
-    __rtl_dcmpeq_v1_00 = 0x2be4d;
-    __rtl_dcmplt_v1_00 = 0x2bebd;
-    __rtl_dcmpgt_v1_00 = 0x2bf51;
-    __rtl_dcmple_v1_00 = 0x2c049;
-    __rtl_fcmplt_v1_00 = 0x2c139;
-    __rtl_fcmpgt_v1_00 = 0x2c195;
-    __rtl_cos_f32_v1_00 = 0x2c229;
-    __rtl_sin_f32_v1_00 = 0x2c435;
-    __rtl_fabs_v1_00 = 0x2c639;
-    __rtl_fabsf_v1_00 = 0x2c641;
-    __rtl_dtoa_r_v1_00 = 0x2c77d;
-    __rom_mallocr_init_v1_00 = 0x2d7d1;
-    __rtl_free_r_v1_00 = 0x2d841;
-    __rtl_malloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2da31;
-    __rtl_realloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2df55;
-    __rtl_memalign_r_v1_00 = 0x2e331;
-    __rtl_valloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e421;
-    __rtl_pvalloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e42d;
-    __rtl_calloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e441;
-    __rtl_cfree_r_v1_00 = 0x2e4a9;
-    __rtl_Balloc_v1_00 = 0x2e515;
-    __rtl_Bfree_v1_00 = 0x2e571;
-    __rtl_i2b_v1_00 = 0x2e585;
-    __rtl_multadd_v1_00 = 0x2e599;
-    __rtl_mult_v1_00 = 0x2e629;
-    __rtl_pow5mult_v1_00 = 0x2e769;
-    __rtl_hi0bits_v1_00 = 0x2e809;
-    __rtl_d2b_v1_00 = 0x2e845;
-    __rtl_lshift_v1_00 = 0x2e901;
-    __rtl_cmp_v1_00 = 0x2e9bd;
-    __rtl_diff_v1_00 = 0x2ea01;
-    __rtl_sread_v1_00 = 0x2eae9;
-    __rtl_seofread_v1_00 = 0x2eb39;
-    __rtl_swrite_v1_00 = 0x2eb3d;
-    __rtl_sseek_v1_00 = 0x2ebc1;
-    __rtl_sclose_v1_00 = 0x2ec11;
-    __rtl_sbrk_r_v1_00 = 0x2ec41;
-    __rtl_fflush_r_v1_00 = 0x2ef8d;
-    __rtl_vfprintf_r_v1_00 = 0x2f661;
-    __rtl_fpclassifyd = 0x30c15;
-    CpkClkTbl = 0x30c68;
-    ROM_IMG1_VALID_PATTEN = 0x30c80;
-    SpicCalibrationPattern = 0x30c88;
-    SpicInitCPUCLK = 0x30c98;
-    BAUDRATE = 0x30ca8;
-    OVSR = 0x30d1c;
-    DIV = 0x30d90;
-    OVSR_ADJ = 0x30e04;
-    __AES_rcon = 0x30e78;
-    __AES_Te4 = 0x30ea0;
-    I2CDmaChNo = 0x312a0;
-    UartLogRomCmdTable = 0x316a0;
-    _HalRuartOp = 0x31700;
-    _HalGdmaOp = 0x31760;
-    RTW_WPA_OUI_TYPE = 0x3540c;
-    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE = 0x35410;
-    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 = 0x35414;
-    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP = 0x35418;
-    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP = 0x3541c;
-    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104 = 0x35420;
-    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE = 0x35424;
-    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 = 0x35428;
-    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP = 0x3542c;
-    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP = 0x35430;
-    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104 = 0x35434;
-    RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK_OVER_802_1X = 0x35444;
-    RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_UNSPEC_802_1X = 0x35448;
-    RSN_VERSION_BSD = 0x3544c;
-    rom_wps_Te0 = 0x35988;
-    rom_wps_rcons = 0x35d88;
-    rom_wps_Td4s = 0x35d94;
-    rom_wps_Td0 = 0x35e94;
-    NewVectorTable = 0x10000000;
-    UserIrqFunTable = 0x10000100;
-    UserIrqDataTable = 0x10000200;
-    __rom_bss_start__ = 0x10000300;
-    CfgSysDebugWarn = 0x10000300;
-    CfgSysDebugInfo = 0x10000304;
-    CfgSysDebugErr = 0x10000308;
-    ConfigDebugWarn = 0x1000030c;
-    ConfigDebugInfo = 0x10000310;
-    ConfigDebugErr = 0x10000314;
-    HalTimerOp = 0x10000318;
-    GPIOState = 0x10000334;
-    gTimerRecord = 0x1000034c;
-    SSI_DBG_CONFIG = 0x10000350;
-    _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter = 0x10000354;
-    Timer2To7VectorTable = 0x10000358;
-    pUartLogCtl = 0x10000384;
-    UartLogBuf = 0x10000388;
-    UartLogCtl = 0x10000408;
-    UartLogHistoryBuf = 0x10000430;
-    ArgvArray = 0x100006ac;
-    rom_wlan_ram_map = 0x100006d4;
-    FalseAlmCnt = 0x100006e0;
-    ROMInfo = 0x10000720;
-    DM_CfoTrack = 0x10000738;
-    rom_libgloss_ram_map = 0x10000760;
-    __rtl_errno = 0x10000bc4;
-    _rtl_impure_ptr = 0x10001c60;
-/* DATA_RAM: We cannot put Code(.text) in DATA_RAM, this region is reserved for Image1(boot loader).
-   But we can put .data/.bss of Image2 in this region */
-  TCM (rwx)        : ORIGIN = 0x1FFF0000, LENGTH = 0x00010000
-  ROM_USED_RAM (rwx)  : ORIGIN = 0x10000bc8, LENGTH = 0x10006000-0x10000bc8
-  DATA_RAM (rwx)   : ORIGIN = 0x10002100, LENGTH = 0x10006000 - 0x10002100
-  BD_RAM (rwx)     : ORIGIN = 0x10006000, LENGTH = 0x10070000 - 0x10006000
-  SD_RAM (rwx)     : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 2M
-/* Linker script to place sections and symbol values. Should be used together
- * with other linker script that defines memory regions FLASH and RAM.
- * It references following symbols, which must be defined in code:
- * _reset_init : Entry of reset handler
- *
- * It defines following symbols, which code can use without definition:
- * __exidx_start
- * __exidx_end
- * __etext
- * __data_start__
- * __preinit_array_start
- * __preinit_array_end
- * __init_array_start
- * __init_array_end
- * __fini_array_start
- * __fini_array_end
- * __data_end__
- * __bss_start__
- * __bss_end__
- * __end__
- * end
- * __HeapLimit
- * __StackLimit
- * __StackTop
- * __stack
- */
-    __rom_bss_start__ = 0x10000300;
-    __rom_bss_end__ = 0x10000bc8;
-    __ram_table_start__ = 0x10000bc8;
-    .ram.start.table :
-	{
-    .image2.table :
-    {
-        __image2_start__ = .;
-        __image2_entry_func__ = .;
-        KEEP(*(SORT(.image2.ram.data*)))
-        __image2_validate_code__ = .;
-        KEEP(*(.image2.validate.rodata*))
-    } > BD_RAM
-    .text :
-    {
-        . = ALIGN(4);
-        *(.infra.ram.start*)
-        *(.mon.ram.text*)
-        *(.hal.flash.text*)
-        *(.hal.sdrc.text*)
-        *(.hal.gpio.text*)
-        *(.text*)
-        KEEP(*(.init))
-        KEEP(*(.fini))
-        /* .ctors */
-        *crtbegin.o(.ctors)
-        *crtbegin?.o(.ctors)
-        *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .ctors)
-        *(SORT(.ctors.*))
-        *(.ctors)
-        /* .dtors */
-        *crtbegin.o(.dtors)
-        *crtbegin?.o(.dtors)
-        *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .dtors)
-        *(SORT(.dtors.*))
-        *(.dtors)
-	    *(.rodata*)
-        KEEP(*(.eh_frame*))
-    } > BD_RAM
-    __etext = .;
-    __data_start__ = .;
-    .data :
-    {
-        *(vtable)
-        *(.data*)
-        . = ALIGN(4);
-        /* preinit data */
-        PROVIDE (__preinit_array_start = .);
-        KEEP(*(.preinit_array))
-        PROVIDE (__preinit_array_end = .);
-        . = ALIGN(4);
-        /* init data */
-        PROVIDE (__init_array_start = .);
-        KEEP(*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
-        KEEP(*(.init_array))
-        PROVIDE (__init_array_end = .);
-        . = ALIGN(4);
-        /* finit data */
-        PROVIDE (__fini_array_start = .);
-        KEEP(*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
-        KEEP(*(.fini_array))
-        PROVIDE (__fini_array_end = .);
-        . = ALIGN(4);
-        /* All data end */
-    } > BD_RAM
-    __data_end__ = .;
-    __image2_end__ = .;
-    .ARM.extab :
-    {
-        *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
-    } > BD_RAM
-    __exidx_start = .;
-    .ARM.exidx :
-    {
-        *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
-    } > BD_RAM
-    __exidx_end = .;
-    .bss :
-    {
-        __bss_start__ = .;
-        *(.bss*)
-        *(.bdsram.data*)
-        *(COMMON)
-        __bss_end__ = .;
-    } > BD_RAM
-    .bf_data :
-    {
-        __buffer_data_start__ = .;
-        *(.bfsram.data*)
-        __buffer_data_end__ = .;
-    } > BD_RAM
-    .heap :
-    {
-        __end__ = .;
-        end = __end__;
-        *(.heap*)
-        __HeapLimit = .;
-    } > BD_RAM
-    .TCM_overlay :
-    {
-        *lwip_mem.o (.bss*)
-        *lwip_memp.o (.bss*)
-        *(.tcm.heap*)
-    } > TCM
-    /* .stack_dummy section doesn't contains any symbols. It is only
-     * used for linker to calculate size of stack sections, and assign
-     * values to stack symbols later */
-    .stack_dummy :
-    {
-        *(.stack)
-    } > BD_RAM
-    /* Set stack top to end of RAM, and stack limit move down by
-     * size of stack_dummy section */
-    __StackTop = ORIGIN(BD_RAM) + LENGTH(BD_RAM);
-    __StackLimit = __StackTop - SIZEOF(.stack_dummy);
-    PROVIDE(__stack = __StackTop);
-    /* Check if data + heap + stack exceeds RAM limit */
-    ASSERT(__StackLimit >= __HeapLimit, "region RAM exceeds ram limit")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rtl8195a.ld	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+INCLUDE "rtl8195a_rom.h"
+/* DATA_RAM: We cannot put Code(.text) in DATA_RAM, this region is reserved for Image1(boot loader).
+   But we can put .data/.bss of Image2 in this region */
+  TCM (rwx)        : ORIGIN = 0x1FFF0000, LENGTH = 0x00010000
+  DATA_RAM (rwx)   : ORIGIN = 0x10002100, LENGTH = 0x10007000 - 0x10002100
+  SRAM1 (rwx)      : ORIGIN = 0x10007000, LENGTH = 0x10070000 - 0x10007000
+  SRAM2 (rwx)      : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 2M
+/* Stack sizes: */
+StackSize = 0x1000;
+/* Linker script to place sections and symbol values. Should be used together
+ * with other linker script that defines memory regions FLASH and RAM.
+ * It references following symbols, which must be defined in code:
+ * _reset_init : Entry of reset handler
+ *
+ * It defines following symbols, which code can use without definition:
+ * __exidx_start
+ * __exidx_end
+ * __etext
+ * __data_start__
+ * __preinit_array_start
+ * __preinit_array_end
+ * __init_array_start
+ * __init_array_end
+ * __fini_array_start
+ * __fini_array_end
+ * __data_end__
+ * __bss_start__
+ * __bss_end__
+ * __end__
+ * end
+ * __HeapLimit
+ * __StackLimit
+ * __StackTop
+ * __stack
+ */
+    .image2.table :
+    {
+        KEEP(*(SORT(.image2.ram.data*)))
+        KEEP(*(.image2.validate.rodata*))
+    } > SRAM2
+    .text.sram1 :
+    {
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        *rtl8195a_crypto.o (.text* .rodata*)
+        *mbedtls*.o (.text* .rodata*)
+        *libc.a: (.text* .rodata*)
+        *Ticker.o (.text*)
+        *Timeout.o (.text*)
+        *TimerEvent.o (.text*)
+        *mbed_ticker_api.o (.text*)
+        *mbed_critical.o (.text*)
+        *us_ticker.o (.text*)
+        *lib_peripheral_mbed_gcc.a: (.text*)
+    } > SRAM1
+    .text.sram2 :
+    {
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        *(.mon.ram.text*)
+        *(.hal.flash.text*)
+        *(.hal.sdrc.text*)
+        *(.hal.gpio.text*)
+        *(.text*)
+        KEEP(*(.init))
+        KEEP(*(.fini))
+        /* .ctors */
+        *crtbegin.o(.ctors)
+        *crtbegin?.o(.ctors)
+        *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .ctors)
+        *(SORT(.ctors.*))
+        *(.ctors)
+        /* .dtors */
+        *crtbegin.o(.dtors)
+        *crtbegin?.o(.dtors)
+        *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .dtors)
+        *(SORT(.dtors.*))
+        *(.dtors)
+        *(.rodata*)
+        KEEP(*(.eh_frame*))
+    } > SRAM2
+    __etext = .;
+    __data_start__ = .;
+    .data.sram1 :
+    {
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        __sram_data_start__ = .;
+        *rtl8195a_crypto*.o (.data*)
+        *mbedtls*.o (.data*)
+        __sram_data_end__ = .;
+    } > SRAM1
+    .data.sram2 :
+    {
+        __sdram_data_start__ = .;
+        *(vtable)
+        *(.data*)
+        *(.sdram.data*)
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        /* preinit data */
+        PROVIDE (__preinit_array_start = .);
+        KEEP(*(.preinit_array))
+        PROVIDE (__preinit_array_end = .);
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        /* init data */
+        PROVIDE (__init_array_start = .);
+        KEEP(*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
+        KEEP(*(.init_array))
+        PROVIDE (__init_array_end = .);
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        /* finit data */
+        PROVIDE (__fini_array_start = .);
+        KEEP(*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))
+        KEEP(*(.fini_array))
+        PROVIDE (__fini_array_end = .);
+        . = ALIGN(4);
+        __sdram_data_end__ = .;
+        /* All data end */
+    } > SRAM2
+    __data_end__ = .;
+    __image2_end__ = .;
+    .ARM.extab :
+    {
+        *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
+    } > SRAM2
+    __exidx_start = .;
+    .ARM.exidx :
+    {
+        *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
+    } > SRAM2
+    __exidx_end = .;
+    .bss.sram1 (NOLOAD) :
+    {
+        __bss_sram_start__ = .;
+        *rtl8195a_crypto.o (.bss* COMMON)
+        *mbedtls*.o (.bss* COMMON)
+        *(.bss.thread_stack_main)
+        __bss_sram_end__ = .;
+    } > SRAM1
+    .bss.sram2 (NOLOAD) :
+    {
+        __bss_start__ = .;
+        __bss_dram_start__ = .;
+        *(.bss*)
+        *(COMMON)
+        *(.bdsram.data*)
+        __bss_dram_end__ = .;
+        __bss_end__ = .;
+    } > SRAM2
+    .bf_data :
+    {
+        __buffer_data_start__ = .;
+        *(.bfsram.data*)
+        __buffer_data_end__ = .;
+    } > SRAM2
+    .heap (NOLOAD):
+    {
+        __end__ = .;
+        end = __end__;
+        *(.heap*)
+    . = ORIGIN(SRAM1) + LENGTH(SRAM1) - StackSize;
+        __HeapLimit = .;
+    } > SRAM1
+    .TCM_overlay :
+    {
+        __bss_dtcm_start__ = .;
+        *lwip_mem.o (.bss*)
+        *lwip_memp.o (.bss*)
+        *(.tcm.heap*)
+        __bss_dtcm_end__ = .;
+    } > TCM
+    /* .stack_dummy section doesn't contains any symbols. It is only
+     * used for linker to calculate size of stack sections, and assign
+     * values to stack symbols later */
+    .stack_dummy (NOLOAD):
+    {
+        __StackLimit = .;
+        *(.stack)
+    . += StackSize - (. - __StackLimit);
+    } > SRAM1
+    /* Set stack top to end of RAM, and stack limit move down by
+     * size of stack_dummy section */
+    __StackTop = ORIGIN(SRAM1) + LENGTH(SRAM1);
+    __StackLimit = __StackTop - SIZEOF(.stack_dummy);
+    PROVIDE(__stack = __StackTop);
+    /* Check if data + heap + stack exceeds RAM limit */
+    ASSERT(__StackLimit >= __HeapLimit, "region RAM exceeds ram limit")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/rtl8195a_rom.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+    __vectors_table = 0x0;
+    Reset_Handler = 0x101;
+    NMI_Handler = 0x109;
+    HardFault_Handler = 0x10d;
+    MemManage_Handler = 0x121;
+    BusFault_Handler = 0x125;
+    UsageFault_Handler = 0x129;
+    HalLogUartInit = 0x201;
+    HalSerialPutcRtl8195a = 0x2d9;
+    HalSerialGetcRtl8195a = 0x309;
+    HalSerialGetIsrEnRegRtl8195a = 0x329;
+    HalSerialSetIrqEnRegRtl8195a = 0x335;
+    HalCpuClkConfig = 0x341;
+    HalGetCpuClk = 0x355;
+    HalRomInfo = 0x39d;
+    HalGetRomInfo = 0x3b5;
+    HalResetVsr = 0x3c5;
+    HalDelayUs = 0x899;
+    HalNMIHandler = 0x8e1;
+    HalHardFaultHandler = 0x911;
+    HalMemManageHandler = 0xc09;
+    HalBusFaultHandler = 0xc39;
+    HalUsageFaultHandler = 0xc69;
+    HalUart0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xcfd;
+    HalUart1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xdc9;
+    HalUart2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xe9d;
+    HalSPI0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0xf75;
+    HalSPI1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1015;
+    HalSPI2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x10e5;
+    HalSPI0MCSPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x11b5;
+    HalI2C0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1275;
+    HalI2C1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1381;
+    HalI2C2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1459;
+    HalI2C3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1529;
+    HalI2S0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1639;
+    HalI2S1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x176d;
+    HalPCM0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1845;
+    HalPCM1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1949;
+    HalSDIODPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1a1d;
+    HalSDIOHPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1a6d;
+    HalMIIPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1ab9;
+    HalWLLEDPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1b51;
+    HalWLANT0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1c0d;
+    HalWLANT1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1c61;
+    HalWLBTCOEXPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1cb5;
+    HalWLBTCMDPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1d05;
+    HalNFCPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1d59;
+    HalPWM0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1da9;
+    HalPWM1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1ead;
+    HalPWM2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x1fb5;
+    HalPWM3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x20b1;
+    HalETE0PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x21b9;
+    HalETE1PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x22c1;
+    HalETE2PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x23c9;
+    HalETE3PinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x24d1;
+    HalEGTIMPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x25d9;
+    HalSPIFlashPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2679;
+    HalSDRPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2725;
+    HalJTAGPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x280d;
+    HalTRACEPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2861;
+    HalLOGUartPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x28b9;
+    HalLOGUartIRPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x291d;
+    HalSICPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2981;
+    HalEEPROMPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x29d9;
+    HalDEBUGPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2a31;
+    HalPinCtrlRtl8195A = 0x2b39;
+    SpicRxCmdRtl8195A = 0x2e5d;
+    SpicWaitBusyDoneRtl8195A = 0x2ea5;
+    SpicGetFlashStatusRtl8195A = 0x2eb5;
+    SpicWaitWipDoneRtl8195A = 0x2f55;
+    SpicTxCmdRtl8195A = 0x2f6d;
+    SpicSetFlashStatusRtl8195A = 0x2fc1;
+    SpicCmpDataForCalibrationRtl8195A = 0x3049;
+    SpicLoadInitParaFromClockRtl8195A = 0x3081;
+    SpicInitRtl8195A = 0x30e5;
+    SpicEraseFlashRtl8195A = 0x31bd;
+    SpiFlashApp = 0x3279;
+    HalPeripheralIntrHandle = 0x33b5;
+    HalSysOnIntrHandle = 0x3439;
+    HalWdgIntrHandle = 0x3485;
+    HalTimer0IntrHandle = 0x34d5;
+    HalTimer1IntrHandle = 0x3525;
+    HalI2C3IntrHandle = 0x3575;
+    HalTimer2To7IntrHandle = 0x35c5;
+    HalSpi0IntrHandle = 0x3615;
+    HalGpioIntrHandle = 0x3665;
+    HalUart0IntrHandle = 0x36b5;
+    HalSpiFlashIntrHandle = 0x3705;
+    HalUsbOtgIntrHandle = 0x3755;
+    HalSdioHostIntrHandle = 0x37a5;
+    HalI2s0OrPcm0IntrHandle = 0x37f5;
+    HalI2s1OrPcm1IntrHandle = 0x3845;
+    HalWlDmaIntrHandle = 0x3895;
+    HalWlProtocolIntrHandle = 0x38e5;
+    HalCryptoIntrHandle = 0x3935;
+    HalGmacIntrHandle = 0x3985;
+    HalGdma0Ch0IntrHandle = 0x39d5;
+    HalGdma0Ch1IntrHandle = 0x3a25;
+    HalGdma0Ch2IntrHandle = 0x3a75;
+    HalGdma0Ch3IntrHandle = 0x3ac5;
+    HalGdma0Ch4IntrHandle = 0x3b15;
+    HalGdma0Ch5IntrHandle = 0x3b65;
+    HalGdma1Ch0IntrHandle = 0x3bb5;
+    HalGdma1Ch1IntrHandle = 0x3c05;
+    HalGdma1Ch2IntrHandle = 0x3c55;
+    HalGdma1Ch3IntrHandle = 0x3ca5;
+    HalGdma1Ch4IntrHandle = 0x3cf5;
+    HalGdma1Ch5IntrHandle = 0x3d45;
+    HalSdioDeviceIntrHandle = 0x3d95;
+    VectorTableInitRtl8195A = 0x3de5;
+    VectorTableInitForOSRtl8195A = 0x4019;
+    VectorIrqRegisterRtl8195A = 0x4029;
+    VectorIrqUnRegisterRtl8195A = 0x4091;
+    VectorIrqEnRtl8195A = 0x40f1;
+    VectorIrqDisRtl8195A = 0x418d;
+    _UartRxDmaIrqHandle = 0x422d;
+    HalRuartPutCRtl8195a = 0x4281;
+    HalRuartGetCRtl8195a = 0x429d;
+    HalRuartRTSCtrlRtl8195a = 0x42bd;
+    HalRuartGetDebugValueRtl8195a = 0x42e1;
+    HalRuartGetIMRRtl8195a = 0x43e1;
+    HalRuartSetIMRRtl8195a = 0x442d;
+    _UartIrqHandle = 0x4465;
+    HalRuartDmaInitRtl8195a = 0x4681;
+    HalRuartIntDisableRtl8195a = 0x4845;
+    HalRuartDeInitRtl8195a = 0x4855;
+    HalRuartIntEnableRtl8195a = 0x4985;
+    _UartTxDmaIrqHandle = 0x4995;
+    HalRuartRegIrqRtl8195a = 0x49d1;
+    HalRuartAdapterLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4a4d;
+    HalRuartTxGdmaLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4add;
+    HalRuartRxGdmaLoadDefRtl8195a = 0x4bc9;
+    RuartLock = 0x4cc9;
+    RuartUnLock = 0x4ced;
+    HalRuartIntSendRtl8195a = 0x4d09;
+    HalRuartDmaSendRtl8195a = 0x4e35;
+    HalRuartStopSendRtl8195a = 0x4f89;
+    HalRuartIntRecvRtl8195a = 0x504d;
+    HalRuartDmaRecvRtl8195a = 0x51ad;
+    HalRuartStopRecvRtl8195a = 0x52cd;
+    RuartIsTimeout = 0x5385;
+    HalRuartSendRtl8195a = 0x53b1;
+    HalRuartRecvRtl8195a = 0x5599;
+    RuartResetRxFifoRtl8195a = 0x5751;
+    HalRuartResetRxFifoRtl8195a = 0x5775;
+    HalRuartInitRtl8195a = 0x5829;
+    HalGdmaOnOffRtl8195a = 0x5df1;
+    HalGdmaChIsrEnAndDisRtl8195a = 0x5e0d;
+    HalGdmaChEnRtl8195a = 0x5e51;
+    HalGdmaChDisRtl8195a = 0x5e6d;
+    HalGdamChInitRtl8195a = 0x5e91;
+    HalGdmaChSetingRtl8195a = 0x5ebd;
+    HalGdmaChBlockSetingRtl8195a = 0x60dd;
+    HalGdmaChIsrCleanRtl8195a = 0x6419;
+    HalGdmaChCleanAutoSrcRtl8195a = 0x64a1;
+    HalGdmaChCleanAutoDstRtl8195a = 0x6501;
+    HalEFUSEPowerSwitch8195AROM = 0x6561;
+    HALEFUSEOneByteReadROM = 0x65f9;
+    HALEFUSEOneByteWriteROM = 0x6699;
+    __rtl_memcmpb_v1_00 = 0x681d;
+    __rtl_random_v1_00 = 0x6861;
+    __rtl_align_to_be32_v1_00 = 0x6881;
+    __rtl_memsetw_v1_00 = 0x6899;
+    __rtl_memsetb_v1_00 = 0x68ad;
+    __rtl_memcpyw_v1_00 = 0x68bd;
+    __rtl_memcpyb_v1_00 = 0x68dd;
+    __rtl_memDump_v1_00 = 0x68f5;
+    __rtl_AES_set_encrypt_key = 0x6901;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_AES_set_decrypt_key = 0x6c11;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_set_security_mode_v1_00 = 0x6c95;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_init_v1_00 = 0x6ea9;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_exit_v1_00 = 0x7055;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_reset_v1_00 = 0x70b1;
+    __rtl_cryptoEngine_v1_00 = 0x70ed;
+    __rtl_crypto_cipher_init_v1_00 = 0x7c69;
+    __rtl_crypto_cipher_encrypt_v1_00 = 0x7c89;
+    __rtl_crypto_cipher_decrypt_v1_00 = 0x7cad;
+    HalSsiPinmuxEnableRtl8195a = 0x7cd5;
+    HalSsiEnableRtl8195a = 0x7e45;
+    HalSsiDisableRtl8195a = 0x7ef9;
+    HalSsiLoadSettingRtl8195a = 0x7fad;
+    HalSsiSetInterruptMaskRtl8195a = 0x8521;
+    HalSsiGetInterruptMaskRtl8195a = 0x85c9;
+    HalSsiSetSclkPolarityRtl8195a = 0x863d;
+    HalSsiSetSclkPhaseRtl8195a = 0x8715;
+    HalSsiWriteRtl8195a = 0x87e9;
+    HalSsiSetDeviceRoleRtl8195a = 0x8861;
+    HalSsiSetRxFifoThresholdLevelRtl8195a = 0x88c9;
+    HalSsiSetTxFifoThresholdLevelRtl8195a = 0x8941;
+    HalSsiReadRtl8195a = 0x89b9;
+    HalSsiGetRxFifoLevelRtl8195a = 0x8a2d;
+    HalSsiGetTxFifoLevelRtl8195a = 0x8aa5;
+    HalSsiGetStatusRtl8195a = 0x8b1d;
+    HalSsiWriteableRtl8195a = 0x8b91;
+    HalSsiReadableRtl8195a = 0x8c09;
+    HalSsiBusyRtl8195a = 0x8c81;
+    HalSsiReadInterruptRtl8195a = 0x8cf9;
+    HalSsiWriteInterruptRtl8195a = 0x8efd;
+    HalSsiSetSlaveEnableRegisterRtl8195a = 0x9009;
+    HalSsiGetInterruptStatusRtl8195a = 0x90d9;
+    HalSsiInterruptEnableRtl8195a = 0x914d;
+    HalSsiInterruptDisableRtl8195a = 0x9299;
+    HalSsiGetRawInterruptStatusRtl8195a = 0x93e9;
+    HalSsiGetSlaveEnableRegisterRtl8195a = 0x945d;
+    HalSsiInitRtl8195a = 0x94d1;
+    _SsiReadInterrupt = 0x9ba5;
+    _SsiWriteInterrupt = 0x9db1;
+    _SsiIrqHandle = 0x9eb1;
+    HalI2CWrite32 = 0xa061;
+    HalI2CRead32 = 0xa09d;
+    HalI2CDeInit8195a = 0xa0dd;
+    HalI2CSendRtl8195a = 0xa1f1;
+    HalI2CReceiveRtl8195a = 0xa25d;
+    HalI2CEnableRtl8195a = 0xa271;
+    HalI2CIntrCtrl8195a = 0xa389;
+    HalI2CReadRegRtl8195a = 0xa3a1;
+    HalI2CWriteRegRtl8195a = 0xa3b1;
+    HalI2CSetCLKRtl8195a = 0xa3c5;
+    HalI2CMassSendRtl8195a = 0xa6e9;
+    HalI2CClrIntrRtl8195a = 0xa749;
+    HalI2CClrAllIntrRtl8195a = 0xa761;
+    HalI2CInit8195a = 0xa775;
+    HalI2CDMACtrl8195a = 0xaa31;
+    RtkI2CIoCtrl = 0xaa61;
+    RtkI2CPowerCtrl = 0xaa65;
+    HalI2COpInit = 0xaa69;
+    I2CIsTimeout = 0xac65;
+    I2CTXGDMAISRHandle = 0xb435;
+    I2CRXGDMAISRHandle = 0xb4c1;
+    RtkI2CIrqInit = 0xb54d;
+    RtkI2CIrqDeInit = 0xb611;
+    RtkI2CPinMuxInit = 0xb675;
+    RtkI2CPinMuxDeInit = 0xb7c9;
+    RtkI2CDMAInit = 0xb955;
+    RtkI2CInit = 0xbc95;
+    RtkI2CDMADeInit = 0xbdad;
+    RtkI2CDeInit = 0xbe4d;
+    RtkI2CSendUserAddr = 0xbee5;
+    RtkI2CSend = 0xc07d;
+    RtkI2CLoadDefault = 0xce51;
+    RtkSalI2COpInit = 0xcf21;
+    HalI2SWrite32 = 0xcf65;
+    HalI2SRead32 = 0xcf85;
+    HalI2SDeInitRtl8195a = 0xcfa9;
+    HalI2STxRtl8195a = 0xcfc9;
+    HalI2SRxRtl8195a = 0xd011;
+    HalI2SEnableRtl8195a = 0xd05d;
+    HalI2SIntrCtrlRtl8195a = 0xd0b1;
+    HalI2SReadRegRtl8195a = 0xd0d1;
+    HalI2SClrIntrRtl8195a = 0xd0dd;
+    HalI2SClrAllIntrRtl8195a = 0xd0fd;
+    HalI2SInitRtl8195a = 0xd11d;
+    GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a = 0xd2e5;
+    GPIO_GetChipPinName_8195a = 0xd331;
+    GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a = 0xd39d;
+    GPIO_FuncOn_8195a = 0xd421;
+    GPIO_FuncOff_8195a = 0xd481;
+    GPIO_Int_Mask_8195a = 0xd4e9;
+    GPIO_Int_SetType_8195a = 0xd511;
+    HAL_GPIO_IrqHandler_8195a = 0xd5fd;
+    HAL_GPIO_MbedIrqHandler_8195a = 0xd645;
+    HAL_GPIO_UserIrqHandler_8195a = 0xd6a1;
+    HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195a = 0xd6cd;
+    HAL_GPIO_Init_8195a = 0xd805;
+    HAL_GPIO_DeInit_8195a = 0xdac1;
+    HAL_GPIO_ReadPin_8195a = 0xdbd1;
+    HAL_GPIO_WritePin_8195a = 0xdc91;
+    HAL_GPIO_RegIrq_8195a = 0xddad;
+    HAL_GPIO_UnRegIrq_8195a = 0xddf5;
+    HAL_GPIO_UserRegIrq_8195a = 0xde15;
+    HAL_GPIO_UserUnRegIrq_8195a = 0xdef9;
+    HAL_GPIO_MaskIrq_8195a = 0xdfc1;
+    HAL_GPIO_UnMaskIrq_8195a = 0xe061;
+    HAL_GPIO_IntDebounce_8195a = 0xe101;
+    HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a = 0xe1c1;
+    HAL_GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a = 0xe1c9;
+    DumpForOneBytes = 0xe259;
+    CmdRomHelp = 0xe419;
+    CmdWriteWord = 0xe491;
+    CmdDumpHelfWord = 0xe505;
+    CmdDumpWord = 0xe5f1;
+    CmdDumpByte = 0xe6f5;
+    CmdSpiFlashTool = 0xe751;
+    GetRomCmdNum = 0xe7a9;
+    CmdWriteByte = 0xe7ad;
+    Isspace = 0xe7ed;
+    Strtoul = 0xe801;
+    ArrayInitialize = 0xe8b1;
+    GetArgc = 0xe8c9;
+    GetArgv = 0xe8f9;
+    UartLogCmdExecute = 0xe95d;
+    UartLogShowBackSpace = 0xe9fd;
+    UartLogRecallOldCmd = 0xea39;
+    UartLogHistoryCmd = 0xea71;
+    UartLogCmdChk = 0xeadd;
+    UartLogIrqHandle = 0xebf5;
+    RtlConsolInit = 0xecc5;
+    RtlConsolTaskRom = 0xed49;
+    RtlExitConsol = 0xed79;
+    RtlConsolRom = 0xedcd;
+    HalTimerOpInit = 0xee0d;
+    HalTimerIrq2To7Handle = 0xee59;
+    HalGetTimerIdRtl8195a = 0xef09;
+    HalTimerInitRtl8195a = 0xef3d;
+    HalTimerDisRtl8195a = 0xf069;
+    HalTimerEnRtl8195a = 0xf089;
+    HalTimerReadCountRtl8195a = 0xf0a9;
+    HalTimerIrqClearRtl8195a = 0xf0bd;
+    HalTimerDumpRegRtl8195a = 0xf0d1;
+    VSprintf = 0xf129;
+    DiagPrintf = 0xf39d;
+    DiagSPrintf = 0xf3b9;
+    DiagSnPrintf = 0xf3d1;
+    prvDiagPrintf = 0xf3ed;
+    prvDiagSPrintf = 0xf40d;
+    _memcmp = 0xf429;
+    _memcpy = 0xf465;
+    _memset = 0xf511;
+    __memcmp = 0xf429;
+    __memcpy = 0xf465;
+    __memset = 0xf511;
+    Rand = 0xf585;
+    _strncpy = 0xf60d;
+    _strcpy = 0xf629;
+    __strncpy = 0xf60d;
+    __strcpy = 0xf629;
+    prvStrCpy = 0xf639;
+    _strlen = 0xf651;
+    _strnlen = 0xf669;
+    __strlen = 0xf651;
+    __strnlen = 0xf669;
+    prvStrLen = 0xf699;
+    _strcmp = 0xf6b1;
+    _strncmp = 0xf6d1;
+    __strcmp = 0xf6b1;
+    __strncmp = 0xf6d1;
+    prvStrCmp = 0xf719;
+    StrUpr = 0xf749;
+    prvAtoi = 0xf769;
+    prvStrStr = 0xf7bd;
+    _strsep = 0xf7d5;
+    __strsep = 0xf7d5;
+    skip_spaces = 0xf815;
+    skip_atoi = 0xf831;
+    _parse_integer_fixup_radix = 0xf869;
+    _parse_integer = 0xf8bd;
+    simple_strtoull = 0xf915;
+    simple_strtoll = 0xf945;
+    simple_strtoul = 0xf965;
+    simple_strtol = 0xf96d;
+    _vsscanf = 0xf985;
+    _sscanf = 0xff71;
+    div_u64 = 0xff91;
+    div_s64 = 0xff99;
+    div_u64_rem = 0xffa1;
+    div_s64_rem = 0xffb1;
+    __strpbrk = 0xffc1;
+    __strchr = 0xffed;
+    aes_set_key = 0x10005;
+    aes_encrypt = 0x103d1;
+    aes_decrypt = 0x114a5;
+    AES_WRAP = 0x125c9;
+    AES_UnWRAP = 0x12701;
+    crc32_get = 0x12861;
+    arc4_byte = 0x12895;
+    rt_arc4_init = 0x128bd;
+    rt_arc4_crypt = 0x12901;
+    rt_md5_init = 0x131c1;
+    rt_md5_append = 0x131f5;
+    rt_md5_final = 0x1327d;
+    rt_md5_hmac = 0x132d5;
+    rtw_get_bit_value_from_ieee_value = 0x13449;
+    rtw_is_cckrates_included = 0x13475;
+    rtw_is_cckratesonly_included = 0x134b5;
+    rtw_check_network_type = 0x134dd;
+    rtw_set_fixed_ie = 0x1350d;
+    rtw_set_ie = 0x1352d;
+    rtw_get_ie = 0x1355d;
+    rtw_set_supported_rate = 0x13591;
+    rtw_get_rateset_len = 0x13611;
+    rtw_get_wpa_ie = 0x1362d;
+    rtw_get_wpa2_ie = 0x136c9;
+    rtw_get_wpa_cipher_suite = 0x13701;
+    rtw_get_wpa2_cipher_suite = 0x13769;
+    rtw_parse_wpa_ie = 0x137d1;
+    rtw_parse_wpa2_ie = 0x138ad;
+    rtw_get_sec_ie = 0x13965;
+    rtw_get_wps_ie = 0x13a15;
+    rtw_get_wps_attr = 0x13a99;
+    rtw_get_wps_attr_content = 0x13b49;
+    rtw_ieee802_11_parse_elems = 0x13b91;
+    str_2char2num = 0x13d9d;
+    key_2char2num = 0x13db9;
+    convert_ip_addr = 0x13dd1;
+    rom_psk_PasswordHash = 0x13e9d;
+    rom_psk_CalcGTK = 0x13ed5;
+    rom_psk_CalcPTK = 0x13f69;
+    wep_80211_encrypt = 0x14295;
+    wep_80211_decrypt = 0x142f5;
+    tkip_micappendbyte = 0x14389;
+    rtw_secmicsetkey = 0x143d9;
+    rtw_secmicappend = 0x14419;
+    rtw_secgetmic = 0x14435;
+    rtw_seccalctkipmic = 0x1449d;
+    tkip_phase1 = 0x145a5;
+    tkip_phase2 = 0x14725;
+    tkip_80211_encrypt = 0x14941;
+    tkip_80211_decrypt = 0x149d5;
+    aes1_encrypt = 0x14a8d;
+    aesccmp_construct_mic_iv = 0x14c65;
+    aesccmp_construct_mic_header1 = 0x14ccd;
+    aesccmp_construct_mic_header2 = 0x14d21;
+    aesccmp_construct_ctr_preload = 0x14db5;
+    aes_80211_encrypt = 0x14e29;
+    aes_80211_decrypt = 0x151ad;
+    _sha1_process_message_block = 0x155b9;
+    _sha1_pad_message = 0x15749;
+    rt_sha1_init = 0x157e5;
+    rt_sha1_update = 0x15831;
+    rt_sha1_finish = 0x158a9;
+    rt_hmac_sha1 = 0x15909;
+    rom_aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x15a65;
+    rom_aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x15ae1;
+    rom_rijndaelKeySetupEnc = 0x15b5d;
+    rom_aes_decrypt_init = 0x15c39;
+    rom_aes_internal_decrypt = 0x15d15;
+    rom_aes_decrypt_deinit = 0x16071;
+    rom_aes_encrypt_init = 0x16085;
+    rom_aes_internal_encrypt = 0x1609d;
+    rom_aes_encrypt_deinit = 0x16451;
+    bignum_init = 0x17b35;
+    bignum_deinit = 0x17b61;
+    bignum_get_unsigned_bin_len = 0x17b81;
+    bignum_get_unsigned_bin = 0x17b85;
+    bignum_set_unsigned_bin = 0x17c21;
+    bignum_cmp = 0x17cd1;
+    bignum_cmp_d = 0x17cd5;
+    bignum_add = 0x17cfd;
+    bignum_sub = 0x17d0d;
+    bignum_mul = 0x17d1d;
+    bignum_exptmod = 0x17d2d;
+    WPS_realloc = 0x17d51;
+    os_zalloc = 0x17d99;
+    rom_hmac_sha256_vector = 0x17dc1;
+    rom_hmac_sha256 = 0x17ebd;
+    rom_sha256_vector = 0x18009;
+    phy_CalculateBitShift = 0x18221;
+    PHY_SetBBReg_8195A = 0x18239;
+    PHY_QueryBBReg_8195A = 0x18279;
+    ROM_odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage = 0x1829d;
+    ROM_odm_EVMdbToPercentage = 0x182bd;
+    ROM_odm_SignalScaleMapping_8195A = 0x182e5;
+    ROM_odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics = 0x183cd;
+    ROM_odm_SetEDCCAThreshold = 0x18721;
+    ROM_odm_SetTRxMux = 0x18749;
+    ROM_odm_SetCrystalCap = 0x18771;
+    ROM_odm_GetDefaultCrytaltalCap = 0x187d5;
+    ROM_ODM_CfoTrackingReset = 0x187e9;
+    ROM_odm_CfoTrackingFlow = 0x18811;
+    curve25519_donna = 0x1965d;
+    aes_test_alignment_detection = 0x1a391;
+    aes_mode_reset = 0x1a3ed;
+    aes_ecb_encrypt = 0x1a3f9;
+    aes_ecb_decrypt = 0x1a431;
+    aes_cbc_encrypt = 0x1a469;
+    aes_cbc_decrypt = 0x1a579;
+    aes_cfb_encrypt = 0x1a701;
+    aes_cfb_decrypt = 0x1a9e5;
+    aes_ofb_crypt = 0x1acc9;
+    aes_ctr_crypt = 0x1af7d;
+    aes_encrypt_key128 = 0x1b289;
+    aes_encrypt_key192 = 0x1b2a5;
+    aes_encrypt_key256 = 0x1b2c1;
+    aes_encrypt_key = 0x1b2e1;
+    aes_decrypt_key128 = 0x1b351;
+    aes_decrypt_key192 = 0x1b36d;
+    aes_decrypt_key256 = 0x1b389;
+    aes_decrypt_key = 0x1b3a9;
+    aes_init = 0x1b419;
+    CRYPTO_chacha_20 = 0x1b41d;
+    CRYPTO_poly1305_init = 0x1bc25;
+    CRYPTO_poly1305_update = 0x1bd09;
+    CRYPTO_poly1305_finish = 0x1bd8d;
+    rom_sha512_starts = 0x1ceb5;
+    rom_sha512_update = 0x1d009;
+    rom_sha512_finish = 0x1d011;
+    rom_sha512 = 0x1d261;
+    rom_sha512_hmac_starts = 0x1d299;
+    rom_sha512_hmac_update = 0x1d35d;
+    rom_sha512_hmac_finish = 0x1d365;
+    rom_sha512_hmac_reset = 0x1d3b5;
+    rom_sha512_hmac = 0x1d3d1;
+    rom_sha512_hkdf = 0x1d40d;
+    rom_ed25519_gen_keypair = 0x1d501;
+    rom_ed25519_gen_signature = 0x1d505;
+    rom_ed25519_verify_signature = 0x1d51d;
+    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_seed_keypair = 0x1d521;
+    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_detached = 0x1d579;
+    rom_ed25519_crypto_sign_verify_detached = 0x1d655;
+    rom_ed25519_ge_double_scalarmult_vartime = 0x1f86d;
+    rom_ed25519_ge_frombytes_negate_vartime = 0x1fc35;
+    rom_ed25519_ge_p3_tobytes = 0x207d5;
+    rom_ed25519_ge_scalarmult_base = 0x20821;
+    rom_ed25519_ge_tobytes = 0x209e1;
+    rom_ed25519_sc_muladd = 0x20a2d;
+    rom_ed25519_sc_reduce = 0x2603d;
+    __rtl_memchr_v1_00 = 0x28a4d;
+    __rtl_memcmp_v1_00 = 0x28ae1;
+    __rtl_memcpy_v1_00 = 0x28b49;
+    __rtl_memmove_v1_00 = 0x28bed;
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00 = 0x28cb5;
+    __rtl_strcat_v1_00 = 0x28d49;
+    __rtl_strchr_v1_00 = 0x28d91;
+    __rtl_strcmp_v1_00 = 0x28e55;
+    __rtl_strcpy_v1_00 = 0x28ec9;
+    __rtl_strlen_v1_00 = 0x28f15;
+    __rtl_strncat_v1_00 = 0x28f69;
+    __rtl_strncmp_v1_00 = 0x28fc5;
+    __rtl_strncpy_v1_00 = 0x2907d;
+    __rtl_strstr_v1_00 = 0x293cd;
+    __rtl_strsep_v1_00 = 0x2960d;
+    __rtl_strtok_v1_00 = 0x29619;
+    __rtl__strtok_r_v1_00 = 0x2962d;
+    __rtl_strtok_r_v1_00 = 0x29691;
+    __rtl_close_v1_00 = 0x29699;
+    __rtl_fstat_v1_00 = 0x296ad;
+    __rtl_isatty_v1_00 = 0x296c1;
+    __rtl_lseek_v1_00 = 0x296d5;
+    __rtl_open_v1_00 = 0x296e9;
+    __rtl_read_v1_00 = 0x296fd;
+    __rtl_write_v1_00 = 0x29711;
+    __rtl_sbrk_v1_00 = 0x29725;
+    __rtl_ltoa_v1_00 = 0x297bd;
+    __rtl_ultoa_v1_00 = 0x29855;
+    __rtl_dtoi_v1_00 = 0x298c5;
+    __rtl_dtoi64_v1_00 = 0x29945;
+    __rtl_dtoui_v1_00 = 0x299dd;
+    __rtl_ftol_v1_00 = 0x299e5;
+    __rtl_itof_v1_00 = 0x29a51;
+    __rtl_itod_v1_00 = 0x29ae9;
+    __rtl_i64tod_v1_00 = 0x29b79;
+    __rtl_uitod_v1_00 = 0x29c55;
+    __rtl_ftod_v1_00 = 0x29d2d;
+    __rtl_dtof_v1_00 = 0x29de9;
+    __rtl_uitof_v1_00 = 0x29e89;
+    __rtl_fadd_v1_00 = 0x29f65;
+    __rtl_fsub_v1_00 = 0x2a261;
+    __rtl_fmul_v1_00 = 0x2a559;
+    __rtl_fdiv_v1_00 = 0x2a695;
+    __rtl_dadd_v1_00 = 0x2a825;
+    __rtl_dsub_v1_00 = 0x2aed9;
+    __rtl_dmul_v1_00 = 0x2b555;
+    __rtl_ddiv_v1_00 = 0x2b8ad;
+    __rtl_dcmpeq_v1_00 = 0x2be4d;
+    __rtl_dcmplt_v1_00 = 0x2bebd;
+    __rtl_dcmpgt_v1_00 = 0x2bf51;
+    __rtl_dcmple_v1_00 = 0x2c049;
+    __rtl_fcmplt_v1_00 = 0x2c139;
+    __rtl_fcmpgt_v1_00 = 0x2c195;
+    __rtl_cos_f32_v1_00 = 0x2c229;
+    __rtl_sin_f32_v1_00 = 0x2c435;
+    __rtl_fabs_v1_00 = 0x2c639;
+    __rtl_fabsf_v1_00 = 0x2c641;
+    __rtl_dtoa_r_v1_00 = 0x2c77d;
+    __rom_mallocr_init_v1_00 = 0x2d7d1;
+    __rtl_free_r_v1_00 = 0x2d841;
+    __rtl_malloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2da31;
+    __rtl_realloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2df55;
+    __rtl_memalign_r_v1_00 = 0x2e331;
+    __rtl_valloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e421;
+    __rtl_pvalloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e42d;
+    __rtl_calloc_r_v1_00 = 0x2e441;
+    __rtl_cfree_r_v1_00 = 0x2e4a9;
+    __rtl_Balloc_v1_00 = 0x2e515;
+    __rtl_Bfree_v1_00 = 0x2e571;
+    __rtl_i2b_v1_00 = 0x2e585;
+    __rtl_multadd_v1_00 = 0x2e599;
+    __rtl_mult_v1_00 = 0x2e629;
+    __rtl_pow5mult_v1_00 = 0x2e769;
+    __rtl_hi0bits_v1_00 = 0x2e809;
+    __rtl_d2b_v1_00 = 0x2e845;
+    __rtl_lshift_v1_00 = 0x2e901;
+    __rtl_cmp_v1_00 = 0x2e9bd;
+    __rtl_diff_v1_00 = 0x2ea01;
+    __rtl_sread_v1_00 = 0x2eae9;
+    __rtl_seofread_v1_00 = 0x2eb39;
+    __rtl_swrite_v1_00 = 0x2eb3d;
+    __rtl_sseek_v1_00 = 0x2ebc1;
+    __rtl_sclose_v1_00 = 0x2ec11;
+    __rtl_sbrk_r_v1_00 = 0x2ec41;
+    __rtl_fflush_r_v1_00 = 0x2ef8d;
+    __rtl_vfprintf_r_v1_00 = 0x2f661;
+    __rtl_fpclassifyd = 0x30c15;
+    CpkClkTbl = 0x30c68;
+    ROM_IMG1_VALID_PATTEN = 0x30c80;
+    SpicCalibrationPattern = 0x30c88;
+    SpicInitCPUCLK = 0x30c98;
+    BAUDRATE = 0x30ca8;
+    OVSR = 0x30d1c;
+    DIV = 0x30d90;
+    OVSR_ADJ = 0x30e04;
+    __AES_rcon = 0x30e78;
+    __AES_Te4 = 0x30ea0;
+    I2CDmaChNo = 0x312a0;
+    _GPIO_PinMap_Chip2IP_8195a = 0x312b4;
+    _GPIO_PinMap_PullCtrl_8195a = 0x3136c;
+    _GPIO_SWPORT_DDR_TBL = 0x31594;
+    _GPIO_EXT_PORT_TBL = 0x31598;
+    _GPIO_SWPORT_DR_TBL = 0x3159c;
+    UartLogRomCmdTable = 0x316a0;
+    _HalRuartOp = 0x31700;
+    _HalGdmaOp = 0x31760;
+    RTW_WPA_OUI_TYPE = 0x3540c;
+    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE = 0x35410;
+    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 = 0x35414;
+    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP = 0x35418;
+    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP = 0x3541c;
+    WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104 = 0x35420;
+    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE = 0x35424;
+    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40 = 0x35428;
+    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP = 0x3542c;
+    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP = 0x35430;
+    RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104 = 0x35434;
+    RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK_OVER_802_1X = 0x35444;
+    RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_UNSPEC_802_1X = 0x35448;
+    RSN_VERSION_BSD = 0x3544c;
+    rom_wps_Te0 = 0x35988;
+    rom_wps_rcons = 0x35d88;
+    rom_wps_Td4s = 0x35d94;
+    rom_wps_Td0 = 0x35e94;
+    __rom_b_cut_end__ = 0x4467c;
+    __rom_c_cut_text_start__ = 0x4467c;
+    HalInitPlatformLogUartV02 = 0x4467d;
+    HalReInitPlatformLogUartV02 = 0x4471d;
+    HalInitPlatformTimerV02 = 0x44755;
+    HalShowBuildInfoV02 = 0x447cd;
+    SpicReleaseDeepPowerDownFlashRtl8195A = 0x44831;
+    HalSpiInitV02 = 0x4488d;
+    HalBootFlowV02 = 0x44a29;
+    HalInitialROMCodeGlobalVarV02 = 0x44ae5;
+    HalResetVsrV02 = 0x44b41;
+    HalI2CSendRtl8195aV02 = 0x44ce1;
+    HalI2CSetCLKRtl8195aV02 = 0x44d59;
+    RtkI2CSendV02 = 0x4508d;
+    RtkI2CReceiveV02 = 0x459a1;
+    HalI2COpInitV02 = 0x461ed;
+    I2CISRHandleV02 = 0x463e9;
+    RtkSalI2COpInitV02 = 0x46be1;
+    SpicLoadInitParaFromClockRtl8195AV02 = 0x46c25;
+    SpiFlashAppV02 = 0x46c85;
+    SpicInitRtl8195AV02 = 0x46dc5;
+    SpicEraseFlashRtl8195AV02 = 0x46ea1;
+    HalTimerIrq2To7HandleV02 = 0x46f5d;
+    HalTimerIrqRegisterRtl8195aV02 = 0x46fe1;
+    HalTimerInitRtl8195aV02 = 0x4706d;
+    HalTimerReadCountRtl8195aV02 = 0x471b5;
+    HalTimerReLoadRtl8195aV02 = 0x471d1;
+    HalTimerIrqUnRegisterRtl8195aV02 = 0x4722d;
+    HalTimerDeInitRtl8195aV02 = 0x472c1;
+    HalTimerOpInitV02 = 0x472f9;
+    GPIO_LockV02 = 0x47345;
+    GPIO_UnLockV02 = 0x47379;
+    GPIO_Int_Clear_8195aV02 = 0x473a5;
+    HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195aV02 = 0x473b5;
+    FindElementIndexV02 = 0x47541;
+    HalRuartInitRtl8195aV02 = 0x4756d;
+    DramInit_rom = 0x47619;
+    ChangeRandSeed_rom = 0x47979;
+    Sdr_Rand2_rom = 0x47985;
+    MemTest_rom = 0x479dd;
+    SdrCalibration_rom = 0x47a45;
+    SdrControllerInit_rom = 0x47d99;
+    SDIO_EnterCritical = 0x47e39;
+    SDIO_ExitCritical = 0x47e85;
+    SDIO_IRQ_Handler_Rom = 0x47ec5;
+    SDIO_Interrupt_Init_Rom = 0x47f31;
+    SDIO_Device_Init_Rom = 0x47f81;
+    SDIO_Interrupt_DeInit_Rom = 0x48215;
+    SDIO_Device_DeInit_Rom = 0x48255;
+    SDIO_Enable_Interrupt_Rom = 0x48281;
+    SDIO_Disable_Interrupt_Rom = 0x482a1;
+    SDIO_Clear_ISR_Rom = 0x482c1;
+    SDIO_Alloc_Rx_Pkt_Rom = 0x482d9;
+    SDIO_Free_Rx_Pkt_Rom = 0x48331;
+    SDIO_Recycle_Rx_BD_Rom = 0x48355;
+    SDIO_RX_IRQ_Handler_BH_Rom = 0x484f1;
+    SDIO_RxTask_Rom = 0x4851d;
+    SDIO_Process_H2C_IOMsg_Rom = 0x4856d;
+    SDIO_Send_C2H_IOMsg_Rom = 0x4859d;
+    SDIO_Process_RPWM_Rom = 0x485b5;
+    SDIO_Reset_Cmd_Rom = 0x485e9;
+    SDIO_Rx_Data_Transaction_Rom = 0x48611;
+    SDIO_Send_C2H_PktMsg_Rom = 0x48829;
+    SDIO_Register_Tx_Callback_Rom = 0x488f5;
+    SDIO_ReadMem_Rom = 0x488fd;
+    SDIO_WriteMem_Rom = 0x489a9;
+    SDIO_SetMem_Rom = 0x48a69;
+    SDIO_TX_Pkt_Handle_Rom = 0x48b29;
+    SDIO_TX_FIFO_DataReady_Rom = 0x48c69;
+    SDIO_IRQ_Handler_BH_Rom = 0x48d95;
+    SDIO_TxTask_Rom = 0x48e9d;
+    SDIO_TaskUp_Rom = 0x48eed;
+    SDIO_Boot_Up = 0x48f55;
+    __rom_c_cut_text_end__ = 0x49070;
+    __rom_c_cut_rodata_start__ = 0x49070;
+    BAUDRATE_v02 = 0x49070;
+    OVSR_v02 = 0x490fc;
+    DIV_v02 = 0x49188;
+    OVSR_ADJ_v02 = 0x49214;
+    SdrDramInfo_rom = 0x492a0;
+    SdrDramTiming_rom = 0x492b4;
+    SdrDramModeReg_rom = 0x492e8;
+    SdrDramDev_rom = 0x49304;
+    __rom_c_cut_rodata_end__ = 0x49314;
+    NewVectorTable = 0x10000000;
+    UserIrqFunTable = 0x10000100;
+    UserIrqDataTable = 0x10000200;
+    __rom_bss_start__ = 0x10000300;
+    CfgSysDebugWarn = 0x10000300;
+    CfgSysDebugInfo = 0x10000304;
+    CfgSysDebugErr = 0x10000308;
+    ConfigDebugWarn = 0x1000030c;
+    ConfigDebugInfo = 0x10000310;
+    ConfigDebugErr = 0x10000314;
+    HalTimerOp = 0x10000318;
+    GPIOState = 0x10000334;
+    gTimerRecord = 0x1000034c;
+    SSI_DBG_CONFIG = 0x10000350;
+    _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter = 0x10000354;
+    Timer2To7VectorTable = 0x10000358;
+    pUartLogCtl = 0x10000384;
+    UartLogBuf = 0x10000388;
+    UartLogCtl = 0x10000408;
+    UartLogHistoryBuf = 0x10000430;
+    ArgvArray = 0x100006ac;
+    rom_wlan_ram_map = 0x100006d4;
+    FalseAlmCnt = 0x100006e0;
+    ROMInfo = 0x10000720;
+    DM_CfoTrack = 0x10000738;
+    rom_libgloss_ram_map = 0x10000760;
+    __rtl_errno = 0x10000bc4;
Binary file targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/lib_peripheral_mbed_iar.a has changed
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/rtl8195a.icf	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/rtl8195a.icf	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 //define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_start__           = 0x10002090;
 //define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_end__             = 0x100037FF;
 if( !isdefinedsymbol( __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_start__ ) ) {
-    define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_start__           = 0x10006000;
+    define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_start__           = 0x10007000;
 if( !isdefinedsymbol( __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_end__ ) ) {
     define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_end__             = 0x1006FFFF;
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 define memory mem with size = 4G;
-define region ROM_region   			= mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   			to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
-define region TCM_region   			= mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_TCM_start__   			to __ICFEDIT_region_TCM_end__];
+define region ROM_region               = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__               to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
+define region TCM_region               = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_TCM_start__               to __ICFEDIT_region_TCM_end__];
 define region ROM_USED_RAM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_USED_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_USED_RAM_end__];
-//define region RECY_RAM_region   	= mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_start__   	to __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_end__];
-define region BD_RAM_region   		= mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_start__   		to __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_end__];
-define region SDRAM_RAM_region   	= mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_SDRAM_RAM_start__   	to __ICFEDIT_region_SDRAM_RAM_end__];
+//define region RECY_RAM_region       = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_start__       to __ICFEDIT_region_RECY_RAM_end__];
+define region BD_RAM_region           = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_start__           to __ICFEDIT_region_BD_RAM_end__];
+define region SDRAM_RAM_region       = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_SDRAM_RAM_start__       to __ICFEDIT_region_SDRAM_RAM_end__];
 define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
 define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
                                                 section .infra.ram.data*,
                                                 section .timer.ram.data*,
                                                 section .cutb.ram.data*,
-                                                section .hal.ram.data* object rom.o,	// for standard libaray __impure_data_ptr
+                                                section .hal.ram.data* object rom.o,    // for standard libaray __impure_data_ptr
                                                 section .cutc.ram.data*,
                                                 section .hal.ram.data*
-define block .ram_image1.bss with fixed order{ 	//section .hal.flash.data*,
+define block .ram_image1.bss with fixed order{     //section .hal.flash.data*,
                                                 section .hal.sdrc.data*
@@ -113,13 +113,14 @@
 define block IMAGE1_DBG with fixed order { block .ram.start.table, block .ram_image1.data, block .ram_image1.bss, block .ram_image1.text };
 place at start of ROM_USED_RAM_region   {  
-                                    	  block .vector_table, 
-                                    	  block .user_vector_table,
-                                    	  block .user_data_table, 
-                                    	  block .rom.bss, 
-                                    	  block IMAGE1
-                                    	};
+                                            block .vector_table, 
+                                            block .user_vector_table,
+                                            block .user_data_table, 
+                                            block .rom.bss, 
+                                            block IMAGE1
+                                        };
 keep { section .image2.ram.data* };
 define block .image2.start.table1 with fixed order{ section .image2.ram.data* };
@@ -133,97 +134,197 @@
                                                 block SHT$$INIT_ARRAY 
 define block FPB_REMAP with alignment = 256,fixed order {
-												section .fpb.remap*
-												};
-define block .ram_image2.text with fixed order{ section .infra.ram.start*,
-                                                section .rodata*,
-                                                block CPP_INIT,
+                                                section .fpb.remap*
+                                                };
+define block MBEDTLS_TEXT with alignment = 8, fixed order{
+                                        section .text* object aes.o,
+                                        section .text* object aesni.o,
+                                        section .text* object arc4.o,
+                                        section .text* object asn1parse.o,
+                                        section .text* object asn1write.o,
+                                        section .text* object base64.o,
+                                        section .text* object bignum.o,
+                                        section .text* object blowfish.o,
+                                        section .text* object camellia.o,
+                                        section .text* object ccm.o,
+                                        section .text* object certs.o,
+                                        section .text* object cipher.o,
+                                        section .text* object cipher_wrap.o,
+                                        section .text* object cmac.o,
+                                        section .text* object ctr_drbg.o,
+                                        section .text* object debug.o,
+                                        section .text* object des.o,
+                                        section .text* object dhm.o,
+                                        section .text* object ecdh.o,
+                                        section .text* object ecdsa.o,
+                                        section .text* object ecjpake.o,
+                                        section .text* object ecp.o,
+                                        section .text* object ecp_curves.o,
+                                        section .text* object entropy.o,
+                                        section .text* object entropy_poll.o,
+                                        section .text* object error.o,
+                                        section .text* object gcm.o,
+                                        section .text* object havege.o,
+                                        section .text* object hmac_drbg.o,
+                                        section .text* object md.o,
+                                        section .text* object md2.o,
+                                        section .text* object md4.o,
+                                        section .text* object md5.o,
+                                        section .text* object md_wrap.o,
+                                        section .text* object memory_buffer_alloc.o,
+                                        section .text* object net_sockets.o,
+                                        section .text* object oid.o,
+                                        section .text* object padlock.o,
+                                        section .text* object pem.o,
+                                        section .text* object pk.o,
+                                        section .text* object pk_wrap.o,
+                                        section .text* object pkcs11.o,
+                                        section .text* object pkcs12.o,
+                                        section .text* object pkcs5.o,
+                                        section .text* object pkparse.o,
+                                        section .text* object pkwrite.o,
+                                        section .text* object platform.o,
+                                        section .text* object ripemd160.o,
+                                        section .text* object rsa.o,
+                                        section .text* object sha1.o,
+                                        section .text* object sha256.o,
+                                        section .text* object sha512.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_cache.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_ciphersuites.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_cli.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_cookie.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_srv.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_ticket.o,
+                                        section .text* object ssl_tls.o,
+                                        section .text* object threading.o,
+                                        section .text* object timing.o,
+                                        section .text* object version.o,
+                                        section .text* object version_features.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509_create.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509_crl.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509_crt.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509_csr.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509write_crt.o,
+                                        section .text* object x509write_csr.o,
+                                        section .text* object xtea.o,
+                                       };
+define block .sram1.text with fixed order   {  
+                                                block MBEDTLS_TEXT,
+                                                section .text* object Ticker.o,
+                                                section .text* object Timeout.o,
+                                                section .text* object TimerEvent.o,
+                                                section .text* object mbed_ticker_api.o,
+                                                section .text* object mbed_critical.o,
+                                                section .text* object us_ticker.o,
+                                                section .text* object lib_peripheral_mbed_iar.a,
+                                            };
+define block .sram2.text with fixed order   {
+                                                block .image2.start.table1,
+                                                block .image2.start.table2,
                                                 section .mon.ram.text*, 
                                                 section .hal.flash.text*,
+                                                section .hal.sdrc.text*,
                                                 section .hal.gpio.text*,
-                                                section .text* object main.o,
                                                 section .text*,
-                                                section .wlan.text,
-                                                section .wps.text,
+                                                section .infra.ram.start*,
+                                                section .rodata*,
+                                            };
+define block .sram2.data with fixed order   {
+                                                //section .infra.ram.start*,
+                                                //section .rodata*,
+                                                //section .wlan.text,
+                                                //section .wps.text,
                                                 section CODE,
-                                                section .otg.rom.text,
+                                                //section .otg.rom.text,
                                                 section Veneer object startup.o,
                                                 section __DLIB_PERTHREAD,
                                                 section .iar.dynexit*,
+                                                block CPP_INIT,
                                                 //section .mdns.text
-                                              };
+                                            };
+define block .ram.data with fixed order {
+                                            readwrite, readonly,
+                                            section .data*, 
+                                            section .wlan.data,
+                                            section .wps.data,
+                                            section DATA, 
+                                            section .ram.otg.data.a, 
+                                            section .iar.init_table,
+                                            //section .mdns.data,
+                                            //section .data* object lib_peripheral_mbed_iar.a,
+                                        };
-define block .ram.data with fixed order{ readwrite, readonly,
-                                         section .data*, 
-                                         section .wlan.data,
-                                         section .wps.data,
-                                         section DATA, 
-                                         section .ram.otg.data.a, 
-                                         section .iar.init_table,
-                                         //section .mdns.data
-                                       };
+define block .ram.bss with fixed order  {
+                                            section .bss*,
+                                            section COMMON,
+                                            section .bdsram.data*,
+                                        };
-define block IMAGE2 with fixed order { block .image2.start.table1, block .image2.start.table2, block .ram_image2.text, block .ram.data };
+define block IMAGE2 with fixed order    {
+                                            block .sram1.text,
+                                            block .ram.data,
+                                            block .ram.bss
+                                        };
-define block .ram.bss with fixed order{ section .bss*,
-                                        section .ssl_ram_map,
-                                        section .hal.flash.data*,
-                                        section .hal.gpio.data*,
-                                        section COMMON,
-                                        section .bdsram.data*,
-										section .bss* object heap_4.o
-                                      };
 define block .bf_data with fixed order{ section .bfsram.data* };
 define block .heap with fixed order{ section .heap* };
 define block .stack_dummy with fixed order { section .stack };
-place at start of BD_RAM_region   {  
+place at start of BD_RAM_region {  
                                     block IMAGE2,
                                     //block IMAGE1_DBG,
-                                    block .ram.bss,
+                                    //block .ram.bss,
                                     //block .bf_data,
-                                  };
+                                };
-//place at address mem:0x10052b00  { readwrite,
 place at end of BD_RAM_region   { 
                                      block .bf_data,
                                      block HEAP,
-                                  };
-define block SDRAM with fixed order{ section .sdram.text*, 
-                                     section .sdram.data*, 
-                                     section .mdns.text*, 
-                                     section .mdns.data*,
-                                     block FPB_REMAP
-                                   };
+                                };
+define block SDRAM with fixed order {
+                                        block .sram2.text,
+                                        block .sram2.data,  
+                                        section .sdram.text*, 
+                                        section .sdram.data*, 
+                                        section .mdns.text*, 
+                                        section .mdns.data*,
+                                        block FPB_REMAP
+                                    };
 define block SDRBSS with fixed order{ 
-                                     section .sdram.bss*								
-                                   };
+                                        section .sdram.bss*                                
+                                    };
-place at start of SDRAM_RAM_region {  
-                                     block SDRAM, 
-                                     block SDRBSS,
-                                     //block IMAGE1_DBG
+place at start of SDRAM_RAM_region  {  
+                                        block SDRAM, 
+                                        block SDRBSS,
+                                        //block IMAGE1_DBG
 /* TCM placement */
 define overlay TCM_overlay { 
-                                    section .tcm.heap,
-                                    section .bss object lwip_mem.o,
-                                    section .bss object lwip_memp.o,
-                                    block .heap,
-                                    block .stack_dummy
-							};
+                                section .tcm.heap,
+                                section .bss object lwip_mem.o,
+                                section .bss object lwip_memp.o,
+                                block .heap,
+                                block .stack_dummy
+                            };
 /* dummy code placement */
 define overlay TCM_overlay { block IMAGE1_DBG };
-place at start of TCM_region { 	overlay TCM_overlay }; 
-place at end of TCM_region  { 	block CSTACK}; 
+place at start of TCM_region {     overlay TCM_overlay }; 
+place at end of TCM_region  {     block CSTACK}; 
-define exported symbol __rom_bss_start__ = 0x10000300; 	// use in rom
-define exported symbol __rom_bss_end__ = 0x10000bc8;	// use in rom
-define exported symbol __ram_start_table_start__= 0x10000bc8;	// use in rom
-define exported symbol __image1_validate_code__= 0x10000bdc;	// needed by ram code
-define exported symbol _rtl_impure_ptr = 0x10001c60;		// for standard library
+define exported symbol __rom_bss_start__ = 0x10000300;     // use in rom
+define exported symbol __rom_bss_end__ = 0x10000bc8;    // use in rom
+define exported symbol __ram_start_table_start__= 0x10000bc8;    // use in rom
+define exported symbol __image1_validate_code__= 0x10000bdc;    // needed by ram code
+define exported symbol _rtl_impure_ptr = 0x10001c60;        // for standard library
 define exported symbol __sdio_rom_bss_start__ = 0x1006D000;
 define exported symbol __sdio_rom_bss_end__ = 0x1006fa10;
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/platform_autoconf.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/platform_autoconf.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_init.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_init.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -14,26 +14,39 @@
  * limitations under the License.
 #include "rtl8195a.h"
-#include "system_8195a.h"
-#if   defined ( __CC_ARM )                                            /* ARM Compiler 4/5 */
-extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base[];
-#define __bss_start__ Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base
-extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit[];
-#define __bss_end__ Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit
-#elif defined (__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)       /* ARM Compiler 6 */
-extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base[];
-#define __bss_start__ Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base
-extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit[];
-#define __bss_end__ Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit
+#if defined(__CC_ARM)
+#include "cmsis_armcc.h"
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#include "cmsis_gcc.h"
+#include <cmsis_iar.h>
+#if defined(__CC_ARM) || \
+    (defined (__ARMCC_VERSION) && __ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
-#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
+extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Base[];
+extern uint8_t Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Limit[];
+extern uint8_t Image$$TCM_OVERLAY$$ZI$$Base[];
+extern uint8_t Image$$TCM_OVERLAY$$ZI$$Limit[];
+extern uint8_t Image$$RW_DRAM2$$ZI$$Base[];
+extern uint8_t Image$$RW_DRAM2$$ZI$$Limit[];
+#define __bss_sram_start__ Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Base
+#define __bss_sram_end__   Image$$RW_IRAM2$$ZI$$Limit
+#define __bss_dtcm_start__ Image$$TCM_OVERLAY$$ZI$$Base
+#define __bss_dtcm_end__   Image$$TCM_OVERLAY$$ZI$$Limit
+#define __bss_dram_start__ Image$$RW_DRAM2$$ZI$$Base
+#define __bss_dram_end__   Image$$RW_DRAM2$$ZI$$Limit
+#define __stackp           Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit
+#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
 #pragma section=".ram.bss"
-#pragma section=".rom.bss"
-#pragma section=".ram.start.table"
-#pragma section=".ram_image1.bss"
-#pragma section=".image2.start.table1"
-#pragma section=".image2.start.table2"
+extern uint32_t CSTACK$$Limit;
 uint8_t *__bss_start__;
 uint8_t *__bss_end__;
@@ -42,30 +55,34 @@
     __bss_start__ = (uint8_t *)__section_begin(".ram.bss");
     __bss_end__   = (uint8_t *)__section_end(".ram.bss");
+#define __stackp           CSTACK$$Limit
-extern uint8_t __bss_start__[];
-extern uint8_t __bss_end__[];
-extern uint8_t __image1_bss_start__[];
-extern uint8_t __image1_bss_end__[];
-extern uint8_t __image2_entry_func__[];
-extern uint8_t __image2_validate_code__[];
+extern uint32_t __StackTop;
+extern uint32_t __StackLimit;
+extern uint8_t __bss_sram_start__[];
+extern uint8_t __bss_sram_end__[];
+extern uint8_t __bss_dtcm_start__[];
+extern uint8_t __bss_dtcm_end__[];
+extern uint8_t __bss_dram_start__[];
+extern uint8_t __bss_dram_end__[];
+#define __stackp           __StackTop
 extern VECTOR_Func NewVectorTable[];
 extern void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void);
 extern void PLAT_Start(void);
 extern void PLAT_Main(void);
-extern HAL_TIMER_OP HalTimerOp;
+const RAM_START_FUNCTION gImage2EntryFun0 = {
-    0x23, 0x79, 0x16, 0x88, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
+const uint8_t IMAGE2_SIGNATURE[20] = {
     'R', 'T', 'K', 'W', 'i', 'n', 0x0, 0xff,
     (FW_VERSION&0xff), ((FW_VERSION >> 8)&0xff),
     (FW_SUBVERSION&0xff), ((FW_SUBVERSION >> 8)&0xff),
@@ -93,7 +110,7 @@
-#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+#if defined (__ICCARM__)
 void __TRAP_HardFaultHandler_Patch(uint32_t addr)
     uint32_t cfsr;
@@ -118,9 +135,9 @@
              * Otherwise it will keep hitting MemMange Fault on the same assembly code.
              * To step to next command, we need parse the assembly code to check if
-	     * it is 16-bit or 32-bit command.
+         * it is 16-bit or 32-bit command.
              * Ref: ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition),
-	     * Chapter A6 - Thumb Instruction Set Encoding
+         * Chapter A6 - Thumb Instruction Set Encoding
              * However, the fault assembly code (Ex. LDR or ADR) is not actually executed,
              * So the register value is un-predictable.
@@ -154,96 +171,63 @@
-// Override original Interrupt Vector Table
-INFRA_START_SECTION void TRAP_OverrideTable(uint32_t stackp)
-    // Override NMI Handler
-    NewVectorTable[2] = (VECTOR_Func) TRAP_NMIHandler;
-    #if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
-    NewVectorTable[3] = (VECTOR_Func) TRAP_HardFaultHandler_Patch;
-    #endif
+extern _LONG_CALL_ void * __rtl_memset_v1_00(void * m , int c , size_t n);
+// Image2 Entry Function
+void PLAT_Start(void)
     uint32_t val;
-    //Set SPS lower voltage
+#if defined (__ICCARM__)
+    __iar_data_init_app();
+    // Clear RAM BSS
+#if defined (__ICCARM__)
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)__bss_start__, 0, __bss_end__ - __bss_start__);
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)__bss_sram_start__, 0, __bss_sram_end__ - __bss_sram_start__);
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)__bss_dtcm_start__, 0, __bss_dtcm_end__ - __bss_dtcm_start__);
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)__bss_dram_start__, 0, __bss_dram_end__ - __bss_dram_start__);
+    // Set MSP
+    __set_MSP((uint32_t)&__stackp - 0x100);
+    // Overwrite vector table
+    NewVectorTable[2] = (VECTOR_Func) TRAP_NMIHandler;
+#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+    NewVectorTable[3] = (VECTOR_Func) TRAP_HardFaultHandler_Patch;
+    extern HAL_TIMER_OP_EXT HalTimerOpExt;
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)&HalTimerOpExt, 0, sizeof(HalTimerOpExt));
+    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)&HalTimerOp, 0, sizeof(HalTimerOp));
+    HalTimerOpInit_Patch(&HalTimerOp);
+    SystemCoreClockUpdate();
+    // Set SPS lower voltage
     val &= 0xf0ffffff;
     val |= 0x6000000;
-    //xtal buffer driving current
+    // xtal buffer driving current
     val |= BIT_SYS_XTAL_DRV_RF1(1);
-//3 Image 2
-extern _LONG_CALL_ void * __rtl_memset_v1_00(void * m , int c , size_t n);
-//extern uint32_t mbed_stack_isr_start;
-//extern uint32_t mbed_stack_isr_size;
-	u8 isFlashEn;
-#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
-    __iar_data_init_app();
-    // Clear RAM BSS
-    __rtl_memset_v1_00((void *)__bss_start__, 0, __bss_end__ - __bss_start__);
-    TRAP_OverrideTable(0x1FFFFFFC);
-/* add by Ian --for mbed isr stack address setting */
-		__set_MSP(0x1fffffbc);
-		isFlashEn = 1;
-	} else {
-		isFlashEn = 0;
-	}
+    // Initialize SPIC, then disable it for power saving.
+        SpicNVMCalLoadAll();
+        SpicReadIDRtl8195A();
+        SpicDisableRtl8195A();
+    }
-    HalTimerOpInit_Patch(&HalTimerOp);
+    Calibration32k();
-	//DBG_8195A("===== Enter Image 2 ====\n");
-    SystemCoreClockUpdate();
-	if (isFlashEn) {
-		SpicNVMCalLoadAll();
-		SpicReadIDRtl8195A();
-		// turn off SPIC for power saving
-		SpicDisableRtl8195A();	
-	}
-    PLAT_Init();
-	Calibration32k();
-#ifdef CONFIG_WDG
-		WDGInit();
-#endif  //CONFIG_WDG_TEST
-#endif  //CONFIG_WDG
-    //InitSoCPM();
-    /* GPIOA_7 does not pull high at power on. It causes SDIO Device
-     * hardware to enable automatically and occupy GPIOA[7:0] */
@@ -256,37 +240,41 @@
 extern void PendSV_Handler(void);
 extern void SysTick_Handler(void);
+// The Main App entry point
 #if defined (__CC_ARM)
 __asm void ARM_PLAT_Main(void)
-	IMPORT  SystemInit
-	IMPORT  __main
-   	BL	SystemInit
-	BL  __main
+    IMPORT  SystemInit
+    IMPORT  __main
+    BL      SystemInit
+    BL  __main
+#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
+extern void __iar_program_start(void);
+void IAR_PLAT_Main(void)
+    SystemInit();
+    __iar_program_start();
-extern void __iar_program_start( void );
-// The Main App entry point
 void PLAT_Main(void)
     TRAP_Init((void *)SVC_Handler, (void *)PendSV_Handler, (void *)SysTick_Handler);
-#if defined (__ICCARM__)
-	//IAR_PLAT_Main();
-	SystemInit();
-    __iar_program_start();
-#elif defined (__CC_ARM)
-	ARM_PLAT_Main();
-#elif defined (__GNUC__)
-    __asm (
-    		"ldr	r0,	=SystemInit	\n"
+#if defined (__CC_ARM)
+    ARM_PLAT_Main();
+#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
+    IAR_PLAT_Main();
+    __asm ("ldr  r0, =SystemInit   \n"
            "blx  r0                \n"
            "ldr  r0, =_start       \n"
            "bx   r0                \n"
     // Never reached
-    for(;;);
+    for (;;);
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_timer.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/TARGET_RTL8195A/device/rtl8195a_timer.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #define _RTL8195A_TIMER_H_
-#define TIMER_TICK_US               31
+#define TIMER_TICK_US               32
 #define TIMER_LOAD_COUNT_OFF        0x00
 #define TIMER_CURRENT_VAL_OFF       0x04
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/analogin_api.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/analogin_api.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -113,12 +113,10 @@
     /* Load user setting */
     if ((pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCEndian == ADC_DATA_ENDIAN_LITTLE) || (pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCEndian == ADC_DATA_ENDIAN_BIG)) {
-        DBG_8195A("K\n");
         pSalADCHND->pInitDat->ADCEndian = pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCEndian;
     if ((pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCAudioEn != ADC_FEATURE_DISABLED) && (pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCAudioEn < 2)) {
-        DBG_8195A("O\n");
         pSalADCHND->pInitDat->ADCAudioEn = pHalADCInitDataTmp->ADCAudioEn;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/ota_api.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mbed_wait_api.h"
+#include "rtl8195a.h"
+#include "flash_ext.h"
+#define FLASH_TOP           0x200000
+#define FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE   0x1000
+#define OTA_REGION1         0x0b000
+#define OTA_REGION2         0xc0000
+#define TAG_OFS             0xc
+#define VER_OFS             0x10
+#define TAG_DOWNLOAD        0x81950001
+#define TAG_VERIFIED        0x81950003
+static flash_t flash_obj;
+typedef struct imginfo_s {
+    uint32_t base;
+    uint32_t tag;
+    uint64_t ver;
+} imginfo_t;
+void OTA_GetImageInfo(imginfo_t *info)
+    uint32_t ver_hi, ver_lo;
+    flash_ext_read_word(&flash_obj, info->base + TAG_OFS, &info->tag);
+    flash_ext_read_word(&flash_obj, info->base + VER_OFS, &ver_lo);
+    flash_ext_read_word(&flash_obj, info->base + VER_OFS + 4, &ver_hi);
+    if (info->tag == TAG_DOWNLOAD) {
+        info->ver = ((uint64_t)ver_hi << 32) | (uint64_t) ver_lo;
+    } else {
+        info->ver = 0;
+    }
+uint32_t OTA_GetBase(void)
+    static uint32_t ota_base = 0;
+    imginfo_t region1, region2;
+    if (ota_base == OTA_REGION1 || ota_base == OTA_REGION2) {
+        return ota_base;
+    }
+    region1.base = OTA_REGION1;
+    region2.base = OTA_REGION2;
+    OTA_GetImageInfo(&region1);
+    OTA_GetImageInfo(&region2);
+    if (region1.ver >= region2.ver) {
+        ota_base = region2.base;
+    } else {
+        ota_base = region1.base;
+    }
+    return ota_base;
+uint32_t OTA_MarkUpdateDone(void)
+    uint32_t addr = OTA_GetBase() + TAG_OFS;
+    return flash_ext_write_word(&flash_obj, addr, TAG_DOWNLOAD);
+uint32_t OTA_UpdateImage(uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *data)
+    uint32_t addr, start, end, count, shift;
+    uint8_t *pdata = data;
+    uint8_t buf[FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE];
+    start = OTA_GetBase() + offset;
+    end = start + len;
+    if (data == NULL || start > FLASH_TOP || end > FLASH_TOP) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    addr = start & FLASH_SECTOR_MASK;
+    if (addr != start) {
+        shift = start - addr;
+        count = MIN(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - shift, len);
+        flash_ext_stream_read(&flash_obj, addr, shift, buf);
+        memcpy((void *)(buf + shift), (void *)pdata, count);
+        flash_ext_erase_sector(&flash_obj, addr);
+        flash_ext_stream_write(&flash_obj, addr, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE, buf);
+        addr += FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
+        pdata += count;
+    }
+    while (addr < end) {
+        printf("OTA: update addr=0x%lx, len=%ld\r\n", addr, len);
+        count = MIN(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE, end - addr);
+        flash_ext_erase_sector(&flash_obj, addr);
+        flash_ext_stream_write(&flash_obj, addr, count, pdata);
+        addr += FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
+        pdata += count;
+    }
+    return len;
+uint32_t OTA_ReadImage(uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *data)
+    uint32_t addr, endaddr;
+    addr = OTA_GetBase() + offset;
+    endaddr = addr + len;
+    if (data == NULL || addr > FLASH_TOP || endaddr > FLASH_TOP) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    printf("OTA: read addr=0x%lx\r\n", addr);
+    return flash_ext_stream_read(&flash_obj, addr, len, data);
+void OTA_ResetTarget(void)
+    __RTK_CTRL_WRITE32(0x14, 0x00000021);
+    wait(1);
+    // write SCB->AIRCR
+    HAL_WRITE32(0xE000ED00, 0x0C,
+                (0x5FA << 16) |                               // VECTKEY
+                (HAL_READ32(0xE000ED00, 0x0C) & (7 << 8)) | // PRIGROUP
+                (1 << 2));                                    // SYSRESETREQ
+    // not reached
+    while (1);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/ota_api.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef MBED_OTA_API_H
+#define MBED_OTA_API_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+extern uint32_t OTA_UpdateImage(uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *data);
+extern uint32_t OTA_ReadImage(uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *data);
+extern uint32_t OTA_MarkUpdateDone(void);
+extern void OTA_ResetTarget(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* MBED_OTA_API_H */
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/us_ticker.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/TARGET_AMEBA/us_ticker.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -77,21 +77,22 @@
 void us_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp) 
     uint32_t cur_time_us;
-    uint32_t time_def;
+    uint32_t time_dif;
+    HalTimerOp.HalTimerDis((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId);
     cur_time_us = us_ticker_read();
-    if ((uint32_t)timestamp >= cur_time_us) {
-        time_def = (uint32_t)timestamp - cur_time_us;
+    if ((uint32_t)timestamp > cur_time_us) {
+        time_dif = (uint32_t)timestamp - cur_time_us;
     } else {
-        time_def = 0xffffffff - cur_time_us + (uint32_t)timestamp;
+        HalTimerOpExt.HalTimerReLoad((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId, 0xffffffff);
+        HalTimerOpExt.HalTimerIrqEn((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId);
+        HalTimerOp.HalTimerEn((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId);
+        NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER2_7_IRQ);
+        return;
-    if (time_def < TIMER_TICK_US) {
-        time_def = TIMER_TICK_US;       // at least 1 tick
-    }
-    HalTimerOp.HalTimerDis((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId);
-    HalTimerOpExt.HalTimerReLoad((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId, time_def);
+    TimerAdapter.TimerLoadValueUs = time_dif;
+    HalTimerOpExt.HalTimerReLoad((u32)TimerAdapter.TimerId, time_dif / TIMER_TICK_US);
--- a/targets/TARGET_Realtek/mbed_rtx.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_Realtek/mbed_rtx.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -21,16 +21,14 @@
 #include "rtl8195a.h"
 #if defined(__CC_ARM)
-#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8195A
-    #define INITIAL_SP          0x10070000
+    extern uint32_t             Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Base[];
+    extern uint32_t             Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Length[];
+    #define ISR_STACK_START     (unsigned char *)(Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Base)
+    #define ISR_STACK_SIZE      (uint32_t)(Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Length)
+    #define INITIAL_SP          (uint32_t)(Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Base)
 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
     extern uint32_t             __StackTop[];
     extern uint32_t             __StackLimit[];
-//    extern uint32_t             __end__[];
     extern uint32_t             __HeapLimit[];
     #define INITIAL_SP          (__StackTop)
@@ -54,4 +52,3 @@
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F1/pin_device.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F1/pin_device.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
 static inline void stm_pin_DisconnectDebug(PinName pin)
+    // Enable AFIO clock
     // Disconnect JTAG-DP + SW-DP signals.
     // Warning: Need to reconnect under reset
     if ((pin == PA_13) || (pin == PA_14)) {
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE/device/system_clock.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE/device/system_clock.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -240,6 +240,8 @@
 void HardFault_Handler(void)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) || NDEBUG == 0
     printf("Hard Fault\n");
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE/device/system_clock.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE/device/system_clock.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -243,6 +243,8 @@
 void HardFault_Handler(void)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) || NDEBUG == 0
     printf("Hard Fault\n");
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F401xE/device/hal_tick.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F401xE/device/hal_tick.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 #define TIM_MST      TIM5
 #define TIM_MST_IRQ  TIM5_IRQn
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F439xI/TARGET_UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2/PinNames.h	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F439xI/TARGET_UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2/PinNames.h	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
     P_A17   = PD_12,  // GPIO-3
     P_A18   = PA_3,   // UART-DSR
     // B
-	  // C
+    // C
     P_C5    = PG_4,   // SPI-IRQ
     P_C6    = PE_13,  // SPI-MISO
     P_C8    = PE_12,  // Res
@@ -153,9 +153,18 @@
     LED1    = PE_0,   // Red / Mode
     LED2    = PB_6,   // Green / Switch-1
     LED3    = PB_8,   // Blue
-	LED4    = D10,
+    LED4    = D10,
     SW0     = PF_2,   // Switch-0
     SW1     = PB_6,   // Green / Switch-1
+    LED_RED   = LED1,
+    LED_GREEN = LED2,
+    LED_BLUE  = LED3,
+    // Standardized button names
+    BUTTON1 = SW0,
+    BUTTON2 = SW1,
     // ST-Link
     USBRX   = PA_10,
     USBTX   = PA_9,
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/analogin_api.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/analogin_api.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -180,11 +180,12 @@
         case 17:
             sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT;
+            /*  From experiment, measurement needs max sampling time to be valid */
+            sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_480CYCLES;
         case 18:
             sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_VBAT;
-            /*  From experiment, VBAT measurement needs max
-             *  sampling time to be avlid */
+            /*  From experiment, measurement needs max sampling time to be valid */
             sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_480CYCLES;
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/device/system_clock.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/device/system_clock.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 /*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
      Internal SRAM. */
 /* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
-#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET  0x0 /*!< Vector Table base offset field. 
+#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET  0x0 /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
                                   This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
 /* Select the clock sources (other than HSI) to start with (0=OFF, 1=ON) */
@@ -253,7 +253,9 @@
 void HardFault_Handler(void)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) || NDEBUG == 0
     printf("Hard Fault\n");
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/xdot_low_power.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L1/TARGET_XDOT_L151CC/xdot_low_power.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
 #include "xdot_low_power.h"
 #include "stdio.h"
+#if defined(NDEBUG) && NDEBUG == 1
+#define xdot_lp_debug(...) do {} while(0)
+#define xdot_lp_debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
 static uint32_t portA[6];
 static uint32_t portB[6];
 static uint32_t portC[6];
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@
     HSERCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLMUL          = RCC_PLL_MUL4;
     HSERCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLDIV          = RCC_PLL_DIV3;
     if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&HSERCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK) {
-        printf("OSC initialization failed - initiating soft reset\r\n");
+        xdot_lp_debug("OSC initialization failed - initiating soft reset\r\n");
@@ -241,7 +247,7 @@
     RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;           // 32 MHz
     RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;           // 32 MHz
     if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_1) != HAL_OK) {
-        printf("PLL initialization failed - initiating soft reset\r\n");
+        xdot_lp_debug("PLL initialization failed - initiating soft reset\r\n");
@@ -254,7 +260,7 @@
         HSIRCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_NONE;
         HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&HSIRCC_OscInitStruct);
         if ( ret != HAL_OK ) {
-            printf("HSI initialization failed - ADC will not function properly\r\n");
+            xdot_lp_debug("HSI initialization failed - ADC will not function properly\r\n");
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L4/device/stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L4/device/stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -655,6 +655,10 @@
     hspi->ErrorCode = HAL_SPI_ERROR_FLAG;
+  if (hspi->Init.Direction == SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE) {
+      __HAL_SPI_DISABLE(hspi);
+  }
   /* Clear overrun flag in 2 Lines communication mode because received is not read */
   if (hspi->Init.Direction == SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES)
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_16b.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_16b.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -148,6 +148,13 @@
     // Enable timer
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    // Freeze timer on stop/breakpoint
 #if DEBUG_TICK > 0
     GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_32b.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/hal_tick_32b.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -118,6 +118,13 @@
     __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&TimMasterHandle, TIM_CHANNEL_2, PreviousVal + HAL_TICK_DELAY);
     __HAL_TIM_ENABLE_IT(&TimMasterHandle, TIM_IT_CC2);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    // Freeze timer on stop/breakpoint
 #if DEBUG_TICK > 0
     GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/stm_spi_api.c	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/stm_spi_api.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@
 #   define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) {}
+/* Consider 10ms as the default timeout for sending/receving 1 byte */
+#define TIMEOUT_1_BYTE 10
 void init_spi(spi_t *obj)
     struct spi_s *spiobj = SPI_S(obj);
@@ -75,7 +78,14 @@
         error("Cannot initialize SPI");
-    __HAL_SPI_ENABLE(handle);
+    /* In case of standard 4 wires SPI,PI can be kept enabled all time
+     * and SCK will only be generated during the write operations. But in case
+     * of 3 wires, it should be only enabled during rd/wr unitary operations,
+     * which is handled inside STM32 HAL layer.
+     */
+    if (handle->Init.Direction  == SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES) {
+        __HAL_SPI_ENABLE(handle);
+    }
 void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
@@ -156,7 +166,13 @@
     handle->Instance = SPI_INST(obj);
     handle->Init.Mode              = SPI_MODE_MASTER;
     handle->Init.BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256;
-    handle->Init.Direction         = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES;
+    if (miso != NC) {
+        handle->Init.Direction     = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES;
+    } else {
+       handle->Init.Direction      = SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE;
+    }
     handle->Init.CLKPhase          = SPI_PHASE_1EDGE;
     handle->Init.CLKPolarity       = SPI_POLARITY_LOW;
     handle->Init.CRCCalculation    = SPI_CRCCALCULATION_DISABLE;
@@ -353,6 +369,10 @@
     struct spi_s *spiobj = SPI_S(obj);
     SPI_HandleTypeDef *handle = &(spiobj->handle);
+    if (handle->Init.Direction == SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE) {
+        return HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, (uint8_t*)&value, 1, TIMEOUT_1_BYTE);
+    }
 #if defined(LL_SPI_RX_FIFO_TH_HALF)
     /*  Configure the default data size */
     if (handle->Init.DataSize == SPI_DATASIZE_16BIT) {
@@ -390,13 +410,31 @@
 int spi_master_block_write(spi_t *obj, const char *tx_buffer, int tx_length,
                            char *rx_buffer, int rx_length, char write_fill)
+    struct spi_s *spiobj = SPI_S(obj);
+    SPI_HandleTypeDef *handle = &(spiobj->handle);
     int total = (tx_length > rx_length) ? tx_length : rx_length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
-        char out = (i < tx_length) ? tx_buffer[i] : write_fill;
-        char in = spi_master_write(obj, out);
-        if (i < rx_length) {
-            rx_buffer[i] = in;
+    int i = 0;
+    if (handle->Init.Direction == SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES) {
+        for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
+            char out = (i < tx_length) ? tx_buffer[i] : write_fill;
+            char in = spi_master_write(obj, out);
+            if (i < rx_length) {
+                rx_buffer[i] = in;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        /* In case of 1 WIRE only, first handle TX, then Rx */
+        if (tx_length != 0) {
+            if (HAL_OK != HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, (uint8_t*)tx_buffer, tx_length, tx_length*TIMEOUT_1_BYTE)) {
+                /*  report an error */
+                total = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if (rx_length != 0) {
+            if (HAL_OK != HAL_SPI_Receive(handle, (uint8_t*)rx_buffer, rx_length, rx_length*TIMEOUT_1_BYTE)) {
+                /*  report an error */
+                total = 0;
+            }
@@ -410,17 +448,13 @@
 int spi_slave_read(spi_t *obj)
-    SPI_TypeDef *spi = SPI_INST(obj);
     struct spi_s *spiobj = SPI_S(obj);
     SPI_HandleTypeDef *handle = &(spiobj->handle);
     while (!ssp_readable(obj));
-    if (handle->Init.DataSize == SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT) {
-        // Force 8-bit access to the data register
-        uint8_t *p_spi_dr = 0;
-        p_spi_dr = (uint8_t *) & (spi->DR);
-        return (int)(*p_spi_dr);
+    if (handle->Init.DataSize == SPI_DATASIZE_16BIT) {
+        return LL_SPI_ReceiveData16(SPI_INST(obj));
     } else {
-        return (int)spi->DR;
+        return LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(SPI_INST(obj));
--- a/targets/targets.json	Thu Aug 31 17:27:04 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/targets.json	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
@@ -1594,7 +1594,8 @@
         "macros_add": ["USBHOST_OTHER"],
         "device_has_add": ["ANALOGOUT", "CAN", "LOWPOWERTIMER", "SERIAL_FC", "TRNG", "FLASH"],
         "release_versions": ["2", "5"],
-        "device_name": "STM32L476VG"
+        "device_name": "STM32L476VG",
+        "bootloader_supported": true
     "MTS_MDOT_F405RG": {
         "inherits": ["FAMILY_STM32"],