This is an example based on mbed-os cellular APIs that demonstrates a TCP or UDP echo transaction with a public echo server. Especially, BG96 operation check based Mbed OS 5.11, tested via SK Telecom in Korea

This code could be access via Cat.M1(BG96 module) of SK telecom network in Korea. Need a WIZnet BG96 board and development board. Before using this code, must be checking your modem is authorized or not from SK telecom. This code is based on Mbed OS 5.11.5.


Tested with

  • K66F
  • K64F

1. Import the application into your desktop

 mbed import

 cd mbed-os-example-cellular-BG96_os511

2. Compile and program

mbed compile -t <toolchain> -m <TARGET_BOARD>

(supported toolchains : GCC_ARM / ARM / IAR)

3. Download binary to a target board

4. Result


Built: Jun  4 2019, 13:45:53

[MAIN], plmn: (null)
Modem power on
Establishing connection

Connection Established.
TCP: connected with server
TCP: Sent 4 Bytes to
...Received from echo server 4 Bytes

Success. Exiting

5. Patched code

If need more information such as how to test, please look at

--- a/	Thu Jul 19 09:30:22 2018 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Aug 08 08:30:20 2018 +0100
@@ -90,7 +90,11 @@
 The [generic cellular modem driver]( this application uses was written using only a standard AT command set. It uses PPP with an Mbed-supported external IP stack. These abilities make the driver essentially generic, or nonvendor specific. However, this particular driver is for onboard-modem types. In other words, the modem exists on the Mbed Enabled target as opposed to plug-in modules (shields). For more details, please see our [Mbed OS cellular documentation](
-Examples of Mbed Enabled boards with onboard modem chips include [u-blox C027]( and [MultiTech MTS Dragonfly](
+Currently supported boards with onboard modem chips are:
+[u-blox C027](  
+[MultiTech MTS Dragonfly](
 ## Compiling the application