RenBuggyTimed with edited function and access to seven segment display

Dependencies:   SevenSegmentDisplay mbed

Fork of 1-RenBuggyTimed by Ren Buggy

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00001 /*********************************************************
00002 *TimedMovement.h                                         *
00003 *Author: Elijah Orr                                      *
00004 *                                                        *  
00005 *A library of functions that can be used to control the  * 
00006 *RenBuggy.                                               *
00007 *********************************************************/
00009 /* include guards are used to prevent problems caused by 
00010 multiple definitions */
00011 #ifndef TIMEDMOVEMENT_H
00012 #define TIMEDMOVEMENT_H
00014 /* mbed.h must be included in this file also */
00015 #include "mbed.h"
00017 /* #define LeftMotorPin p5 tells the preprocessor to replace
00018 any mention of LeftMotorPin with p5. This is used to select 
00019 which pins to use to control the motors. Here pins 5 and 6 
00020 are used. */
00021 #define LeftMotorPin p5
00022 #define RightMotorPin p6
00024 /* these are function prototypes that declare all the functions
00025 in the library. extern tells the compiler that the functions
00026 may be called in other files, such as main.cpp. void specifies 
00027 that the function will not return a value, i.e. the program will 
00028 execute the function and then move on the the next line of code. 
00029 forward is the name of the function and float specifies that 
00030 the function expects to be passed a variable of the format float. */
00031 extern void forward(float);
00032 extern void left(float);
00033 extern void right(float);
00034 extern void hold(float);
00035 extern void stop();
00037 extern void readButton(float);
00038 extern int rollDice();
00039 /* stop() is slightly different in that it doesn't expect to be passed
00040 any variables, so the parentheses can be left empty. Passing a variable
00041 to this function would cause an error */
00043 #endif // TIMEDMOVEMENT_H