RenBuggyTimed with edited function and access to seven segment display

Dependencies:   SevenSegmentDisplay mbed

Fork of 1-RenBuggyTimed by Ren Buggy

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00001 /*********************************************************
00002 *TimedMovement.cpp                                       *
00003 *Author: Dan Argust                                      *
00004 *                                                        *  
00005 *A library of functions that can be used to control the  * 
00006 *RenBuggy.                                               *
00007 *********************************************************/
00009 #ifndef TIMEDMOVEMENT_C
00010 #define TIMEDMOVEMENT_C
00012 /* necessary includes */
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00014 #include "TimedMovement.h"
00015 #include "SevenSegmentDisplay.h"
00017 /* PwmOut is a class included in the mbed.h library that allows
00018 a pin to be configured as a PWM output. This is used to control
00019 the speed of the motors. Lmotor and Rmotor are chosen names for
00020 the pins, LeftMotorPin and RightMotorPin (see TimedMovement.h)
00021 specify the physical pins to be used. */
00022 PwmOut Lmotor(LeftMotorPin);
00023 PwmOut Rmotor(RightMotorPin);
00025 DigitalIn CurrentButtonState(p7);
00026 bool LastButtonState = 0;
00028 SevenSegmentDisplay seg(0);
00030 /* Function definitions contain the code that will execute when 
00031 the function is called. These must have the same return type
00032 and parameters as the function declarations. */
00034 /****************************************************************
00035 * Function: forward()                                           *
00036 *                                                               *
00037 * Moves the RenBuggy directly forwards                          *
00038 *                                                               *
00039 * Inputs: A floating point value representing the length of     *
00040 * time the buggy will move for                                  *
00041 *                                                               *
00042 * Returns: none                                                 *
00043 ****************************************************************/
00044 extern void hold(float time)
00045 {
00046     seg.DisplayDigits(0,0);
00047     for (float i = time;i>0;i-=0.01){
00048         seg.DisplayDigits((int)i/10,(int)i%10);
00049         //if (CurrentButtonState == 1 and LastButtonState == 0){
00050         //    rollDice();
00051         //}
00052         //LastButtonState = CurrentButtonState;
00053         wait(0.01);
00054     }
00055 }
00057 extern void forward(float time)
00058 {
00059     /* Lmotor and Rmotor are set to 1.0 (i.e. the motors will 
00060     operate at full speed). As both motors will move at the 
00061     same speed, the RenBuggy will go directly forward. */
00062     //Lmotor = Rmotor = 1.0;
00063     Lmotor = Rmotor = 1.0;
00064     /* the program will wait here for the length of time passed 
00065     to the function before continuing. hold() is used to wait a
00066     number of seconds and display them on the seven seg display */
00067     hold(time);
00068     stop();
00069 }
00071 /****************************************************************
00072 * Function: left()                                              *
00073 *                                                               *
00074 * Turns the RenBuggy to the left                                *
00075 *                                                               *
00076 * Inputs: A floating point value representing the length of     *
00077 * time the buggy will turn for                                  *
00078 *                                                               *
00079 * Returns: none                                                 *
00080 ****************************************************************/
00081 extern void left(float time)
00082 {
00083     Rmotor = 1.0;
00084     Lmotor = 0.0;
00085     hold(time);
00086     //readButton(time);
00087     stop();
00088 }
00090 /****************************************************************
00091 * Function: right()                                             *
00092 *                                                               *
00093 * Turns the RenBuggy to the right                               *
00094 *                                                               *
00095 * Inputs: A floating point value representing the length of     *
00096 * time the buggy will turn for                                  *
00097 *                                                               *
00098 * Returns: none                                                 *
00099 ****************************************************************/
00100 extern void right(float time)
00101 {
00102     Lmotor = 1.0;
00103     Rmotor = 0.0;
00104     hold(time);
00105     stop();
00106 }
00108 /****************************************************************
00109 * Function: stop()                                              *
00110 *                                                               *
00111 * Brings the RenBuggy to a complete stop                        *
00112 *                                                               *
00113 * Inputs: none                                                  *
00114 *                                                               *
00115 * Returns: none                                                 *
00116 ****************************************************************/
00117 extern void stop()
00118 {
00119     Lmotor = Rmotor = 0;
00120 }
00122 extern void readButton(float time)
00123 {
00124     seg.DisplayDigits(0,0);
00125     for (float i = time;i>0;i-=0.01)
00126     {
00127         if (CurrentButtonState == 1 and LastButtonState == 0){
00128             rollDice();
00129             //stop();
00130             //right(2.0);
00131         }
00132         LastButtonState = CurrentButtonState;
00133         wait(0.01);
00134     }
00135 }
00137 extern int rollDice()
00138 {
00139     int tens;
00140     int units;
00141     for (int i = 20;i>0;i--){
00142         tens = rand()%9;
00143         units = rand()%9;
00144         seg.DisplayDigits(tens,units);
00145         wait(0.04);
00146     }
00147     return tens*10+units;
00148 }
00149 #endif // TIMEDMOVEMENT_C