This is a part of the Kinetiszer project.

Dependencies:   inc

Dependents:   kinetisizer



File content as of revision 0:cb80470434eb:

Copyright 2013 Paul Soulsby
    This file is part of Atmegatron.

    Atmegatron is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Atmegatron is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Atmegatron.  If not, see <>.

#include "atmegatron.h"

//local variables
unsigned long porta_starttick;              //portamento - tick glide started
unsigned long porta_curtick;                //portamento - current tick through glide
byte pitch_lfolookup[256];                  //look up table to convert lfo output to pitch multiplier.  Lookup saves having to do v slow exp calculation every cycle
byte pitch_fenvlookup[256];                 //look up table to convert env output to pitch multiplier.  Lookup saves having to do v slow exp calculation every cycle
byte pitch_pbendlookup;                     //look up value to convert pitch bend to pitch multiplier.  Lookup saves having to do v slow exp calculation every cycle.  Don't need table, because it's a fixed value
float pitch_lfoamtf = 0;                    //lfo amount as float (0-1)
float pitch_fenvamtf = 0;                   //env amount as float (0-1)
unsigned long pitch_lastfreq_calc = 220;    //last value of pitch_freq_calc
char pitch_lastpbend;
boolean pitch_changed = true;

//lets and gets
unsigned int pitch_lastfreq = 220;          //last frequency set
unsigned int pitch_curfreq = 220;           //current frequency (must never be 0)
unsigned int pitch_nextfreq = 220;          //next frequency.  Frequency that current frequency is heading to (based on portamento level)
unsigned int pitch_portaticks = 0;          //portamento speed in ticks (ticks to glide from one note to another)
unsigned int pitch_portaspeed = 0;          //portamento speed in ticks not taking into account of distance between prev and next notes (propotional mode)
boolean pitch_propporta = false;            //portamento propotional mode
byte pitch_lfoamt = 0;                      //amount lfo effects pitch
byte pitch_fenvamt = 0;                     //amount env effects pitch
unsigned long pitch_freq_calc = 220;        //master current frequency (after lfo, env, pitch wheel calculated)

//lets and gets
void Pitch_Let_NextFreq(unsigned int newfreq)
{  //set next frequency - i.e. the freq that the portamento heads towards
  if (newfreq!=pitch_nextfreq){                 //if new value != current, then update and refresh portamento
    pitch_nextfreq = newfreq;                   
    pitch_lastfreq = pitch_curfreq;

unsigned int Pitch_Get_NextFreq(void)
  return pitch_nextfreq;

void Pitch_Let_Porta(int newporta)
{            //set portamento speed.  this is a preset value stored in hardware tab.
  if (newporta!=pitch_portaspeed){
    pitch_portaspeed = newporta;
    Pitch_RefreshPortaTicks();                 //if proportional mode is on, the actual porta speed (portaticks) needs calculating.

int Pitch_Get_Porta(void)
  return pitch_portaspeed;

void Pitch_ResetPorta(void)
  porta_starttick = master_tick;

void Pitch_RefreshPortaTicks(void)
  unsigned long p;
  if (pitch_portaspeed==0){                                                                        //if portamento is off, speed = 0 ticks
    pitch_portaticks = 0;
  else if (pitch_propporta==true) {                                                                //if propotional mode is on, speeed is proportional to diff between current and next frequencies
    if (pitch_nextfreq>pitch_curfreq){
      p = (unsigned long)(pitch_nextfreq-pitch_curfreq) * pitch_portaspeed / pitch_curfreq;
      p = (unsigned long)(pitch_curfreq-pitch_nextfreq) * pitch_portaspeed / pitch_nextfreq;
    pitch_portaticks = (unsigned int)p;
    pitch_portaticks = pitch_portaspeed;                                                            //if proportional mode is off, speed is just = portaspeed

unsigned long Pitch_Get_FreqCalc(void)
  return pitch_freq_calc;                                                                            //needed by interrupt loop to set frequency

boolean Pitch_Get_PitchChanged(void)
{                                                                    //has freq changed since last
  return pitch_changed;

void Pitch_Let_PropPorta(boolean newprop)
{                                                           //set proportional portamento mode.  refresh portaticks.
  if (newprop!=pitch_propporta){
    pitch_propporta = newprop;

boolean Pitch_Get_PropPorta(void)
  return pitch_propporta;

//************PITCH PROCESS****************
void Pitch_Process(void)
  unsigned long p;
  if (pitch_curfreq!=pitch_nextfreq){                                                              //is current frequency = next freq (i.e. the freq we want it to eventually be).  first calculate the portamento
    if (pitch_portaticks==0){                                                                      //if portamento is off
      pitch_curfreq = pitch_nextfreq;                                                              //curfreq = next freq (no glide)
    else{                                                                                          //if portamento is on
      porta_curtick = master_tick - porta_starttick;                                               //calc ticks passed
      if (porta_curtick>pitch_portaticks){                                                         //curtick > portaticks, curfreq = next freq (i.e. glide has finished)
        pitch_curfreq = pitch_nextfreq;
      else{                                                                                        //otherwise
        pitch_curfreq = map(porta_curtick,0,pitch_portaticks,pitch_lastfreq,pitch_nextfreq);       //map current frequency to ticks  (uses arduino map function:   curtick*(nextfreq - lastfreq) / portticks + lastfreq)
  else if (pitch_lastfreq!=pitch_curfreq){                                                         //if curfreq at next freq, but last freq != cur freq, make sure it is.

  p = (unsigned long)pitch_curfreq;                                                                //now mult pitch by lfo, env and pitch wheel
  if (pitch_lfoamt>0){
    p = p * (Pitch_Get_LFOGain() + 1) >> PITCH_LFOBS;                                              //mult pitch by lfo gain and bit shift.  This is the fixed point maths way of mult pitch by lfo (i.e. not using floating point)
  if (pitch_fenvamt>0){
    p = p * (Pitch_Get_FenvGain() + 1) >> PITCH_ENVBS;                                             //mult pitch by env gain and bit shift.  This is the fixed point maths way of mult pitch by env (i.e. not using floating point)

  if (MIDI_Get_PitchBend_Level()!=0){
    p = p * (Pitch_Get_MIDIPbendGain() + 1) >> 7UL;                                                //mult pitch by pbend wheel and bit shift.  This is the fixed point maths way of mult pitch by pbend (i.e. not using floating point)
  }                                                                                                //pbend is MSB only, so 0-127, hence bit shift by 7 bits
  pitch_freq_calc = p;                                                                             //set pitch_freq_calc, for use in interrupt

  if (pitch_freq_calc!=pitch_lastfreq_calc){                                                       //see if pitch has actually changed since last calculation (to save unneccessary calc in interrupt)
    pitch_changed = true;
    pitch_lastfreq_calc = pitch_freq_calc;
    pitch_changed = false;

//Pitch LFO amount.  This is stored as a byte representing knob position and a float (0-PITCH_LFOMAX)
void Pitch_Let_LFOAmt(byte newamt)
  if (newamt!=pitch_lfoamt){                                    //if new value different to current
    pitch_lfoamt = newamt;                                      //set new value
    pitch_lfoamtf = (float)pitch_lfoamt * PITCH_LFOMAX / 255;   //calculate new float value used to calculate LFO lookup table (0-PITCH_LFOMAX)
    memset(pitch_lfolookup,0,sizeof(pitch_lfolookup));          //clear the lookup table  (quicker than loop)

byte Pitch_Get_LFOAmt(void)
  return pitch_lfoamt;

//Return the 'gain' of LFO.  This is stored in a lookup table to save time consuming calculations each time.  See the forums for further explanation of the 'gain' term
byte Pitch_Get_LFOGain(void)
  byte index;
  float f, g;
  index = LFO_Get_Level() + 127;                              //get the current output level of LFO (-127 - 128) and add offset (can't lookup negative array indexes)
  if (pitch_lfolookup[index]==0){                             //if index of lookup table hasn't yet been calculated:
      f = (float)LFO_Get_Level() / 127;                       //convert LFO output to float (0 - 1)
      g = round(exp(f * pitch_lfoamtf) * PITCH_LFOMULT - 1);  //calculate lookup table.  e.g. lfoamt = 0: exp(0) * 64 - 1 = 63   e.g.  lfoamt = 1 and lfo level = 127: exp(ln(4)) * 64 - 1 = 255  e.g. lfoamt = 1 and lfo = -127: exp(-ln(4)) * 64 - 1 = 15   
      pitch_lfolookup[index] = (byte)g;                       //write value to lookup table
  return pitch_lfolookup[index];

//pitch Env amount.   This is stored as a byte representing knob position and a float (0-PITCH_ENVMAX)
void Pitch_Let_FenvAmt(byte newamt)
  if (newamt!=pitch_fenvamt){                                  //if new value different to current
    pitch_fenvamt = newamt;                                    //set new value
    pitch_fenvamtf = (float)pitch_fenvamt * PITCH_ENVMAX / 255;//calculate new float value used to calculate env lookup table (0-PITCH_ENVMAX)
    memset(pitch_fenvlookup,0,sizeof(pitch_fenvlookup));       //clear the lookup table  (quicker than loop)

byte Pitch_Get_FenvAmt(void)
  return pitch_fenvamt;

//Return the 'gain' of env.  This is stored in a lookup table to save time consuming calculations each time.  See the forums for further explanation of the 'gain' term
byte Pitch_Get_FenvGain(void)
  byte index;
  float f, g;
  index = Fenv_Get_Level() + 127;                                //get the current output level of env (-127 - 128) and add offset (can't lookup negative array indexes)
  if (pitch_fenvlookup[index]==0){                               //if index of lookup table hasn't yet been calculated:
      f = (float)Fenv_Get_Level() / 127;                         //convert env output to float (0 - 1)
      g = round(exp(f * pitch_fenvamtf) * PITCH_ENVMULT - 1);    //calculate lookup table.  e.g. envamt = 0: exp(0) * 64 - 1 = 63   e.g.  envamt = 1 and lfo level = 127: exp(ln(4)) * 64 - 1 = 255  e.g. envamt = 1 and env = -127: exp(-ln(4)) * 64 - 1 = 15  
      pitch_fenvlookup[index] = (byte)g;                         //write value to lookup table
  return pitch_fenvlookup[index];

//Return the 'gain' of the pitch bend.   This does not require a lookup table, as it's a single value (rather than waveform or env shape)
byte Pitch_Get_MIDIPbendGain(void)
  float f, g;
  if (MIDI_Get_PitchBend_Level()!=pitch_lastpbend){   //has pitchbend value actually changed?   
    f = (float)MIDI_Get_PitchBend_Level() / 63;       //convert to floating point.  
    g = round(exp(f * PITCH_LFOMAX) * 128 - 1);       //Change 128 to change unity value (eg 64)
    pitch_pbendlookup = (byte)g;                      //convert to byte
    pitch_lastpbend = MIDI_Get_PitchBend_Level();     //set last pbend value
  return pitch_pbendlookup;