Rotary Encoder handling library for mbed

Dependents:   MIDI_CW Gemphet8

--- a/REnc.cpp	Wed Aug 06 23:54:19 2014 +0000
+++ b/REnc.cpp	Tue Aug 12 01:49:49 2014 +0000
@@ -1,42 +1,16 @@
 #include "REnc.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
-/** class to make sound with a buzzer, based on a PwmOut
- *   The class use a timeout to switch off the sound  - it is not blocking while making noise
+ *  @file       REnc.cpp
+ *  Project     Rotary Encoder handling Library
+ *  @brief      Rotary Encoder handling library for mbed
+ *  @version    1.0
+ *  @author     Chuck Timber
+ *  @date       12/08/2014
+ */
+/** class to handle a rotary encoder
- * Example:
- * @code
- * // REnc sample
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "REnc.h"
- * void proc_REnc_right(void);
- * void proc_REnc_left(void);
- * 
- * // void proc_REnc_right(void) { }
- * // void proc_REnc_left(void)  { }
- * 
- * REnc renc(dp1, dp2);
- * 
- * int main()
- * {
- * 
- *     // renc.setHandleRight(&proc_REnc_right);
- *     // renc.setHandleLeft(&proc_REnc_left);
- *  
- *     while(1) {
- *         if (renc.CMD == CLOCKWISE) {
- *             proc_REnc_right();
- *             renc.CMD = STOP;
- *         } else if (renc.CMD == COUNTERCLOCKWISE) {
- *             proc_REnc_left();
- *             renc.CMD = STOP;
- *         }
- *         if (renc.STABLE) {
- *             // do_something
- *         }
- *     }
- * }
- * @endcode
 using namespace mbed;
@@ -59,14 +33,14 @@
             CMD = CLOCKWISE;
             cnt = RENC_EXECUTION_DELAY;
             STABLE = 0;
-            if (mRightCallback != NULL)  { mRightCallback();  CMD = STOP; }
+            if (mCCCallback != NULL)  { mCCCallback();  CMD = STOP; }
         case 0xb:
         case 0xd:
             cnt = RENC_EXECUTION_DELAY;
             STABLE = 0;
-            if (mLeftCallback != NULL)   { mLeftCallback();   CMD = STOP; } 
+            if (mCCWCallback != NULL)   { mCCWCallback();   CMD = STOP; } 
             CMD = STOP;
@@ -77,20 +51,24 @@
-void REnc::setHandleRight(void (*fptr)(void))  { mRightCallback = fptr; }
-void REnc::setHandleLeft(void (*fptr)(void))   { mLeftCallback  = fptr; }
+/** set callback function to Clockwise TURN */
+void REnc::setHandleCC(void (*fptr)(void))  { mCCCallback = fptr; }
+/** set callback function to Counterclockwise TURN */
+void REnc::setHandleCCW(void (*fptr)(void)) { mCCWCallback  = fptr; }
  // constructor
- /** Create an REnc object connected to DigitalIn pins
-  *
-  * @param pina - Digital Input to A-phase of the rotary encoder
-  * @param pinb - Digital Input to B-phase of the rotary encoder   
-  */
+/** Create an REnc object connected to DigitalIn pins
+ *
+ * @param pina - Digital Input to A-phase of the rotary encoder
+ * @param pinb - Digital Input to B-phase of the rotary encoder   
+ */
 REnc::REnc(PinName pina, PinName pinb) : _pina(pina), _pinb(pinb)
+    _pina.mode(PullUp);
+    _pinb.mode(PullUp);
     CMD = STOP;
     STABLE = 1;
-    mRightCallback  = NULL;
-    mLeftCallback   = NULL;
+    mCCCallback  = NULL;
+    mCCWCallback   = NULL;
     _tick.attach(this, &REnc::sample_encoder, RENC_SAMPLING_PERIOD);