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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Nov 27 06:05:26 2017 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

getData.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
getData.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/getData.cpp	Mon Nov 27 06:05:26 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "HTTPServer.h"
+OneWire ow(p21);
+Serial pc1(USBTX,USBRX);
+getData::getData(const char* rootPath, const char* localPath, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& Msg, TCPSocketConnection& Tcp)
+    : HTTPRequestHandler(Msg, Tcp)// inherit from HttpRequestHandler 
+    m_rootPath = rootPath;
+    m_localPath = localPath;
+    handleRequest();
+int getData::handlePutRequest()
+    return 404;
+int getData::handlePostRequest()
+    return 404;
+std::string getData::getpath()
+    return m_rootPath;
+/** Handler function to serve GET requests. Download ressource from server from \c uri location.
+        */
+int getData::handleGetRequest()
+    char outBuf[1024] = {}; // the web page buffer 
+    char htpmsg[10]= {};   //http message  
+    char h1[5]= {};
+    char h2[1]= {};
+    bool retval = false;
+    int err = 404;
+    int i=0;
+    int m=0;
+    int h,j=8;
+    int16_t d1,d2,d3,d4,d5;
+    float t1,t2,t3,t4,t5;
+    float config;
+    char temp;
+    map<string ,string >::iterator iter;// interation the map 
+    strncpy(htpmsg,msg.uri.c_str(),msg.uri.length());// convert the string to char* 
+ // if  recive the path "get" eg:  we will get the data from onewire. 
+    if(strcmp(htpmsg,"/get")==0) {
+        if(ow.Read_Temp_On_bus()) {
+            //Get the resolution from onewire, there are some different arguments ot calculate the temperture
+            if(ow.sca[0]==0x1f) {
+                h=3;
+                config=0.5;
+            } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x3f) {
+                h=2;
+                config=0.25;
+            } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x5f) {
+                h=1;
+                config=0.125;
+            } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x7f) {
+                h=0;
+                config=0.0625;
+            }
+            // calculate the temperture 
+            d1=((ow.alltemp[9]<<(j-h))|(ow.alltemp[8]>>h));
+            d2=((ow.alltemp[7]<<(j-h))|(ow.alltemp[6]>>h));
+            d3=((ow.alltemp[5]<<(j-h))|(ow.alltemp[4]>>h));
+            d4=((ow.alltemp[3]<<(j-h))|(ow.alltemp[2]>>h));
+            d5=((ow.alltemp[1]<<(j-h))|(ow.alltemp[0]>>h));
+            t1=d1*config;
+            t2=d2*config;
+            t3=d3*config;
+            t4=d4*config;
+            t5=d5*config;
+            // formating the webpage 
+            sprintf(outBuf,"<h2>Temperature</h2><dd><dt>D1:%f</dt><br/><dt>D2:%f</dt><br/><dt>D3:%f</dt><br/><dt>D4:%f</dt><br/><dt>D5:%f</dt><br/></dd><form name=\"input\"action=\"/get\"method=\"get\"><input type=\"submit\"value=\"Refresh\"></form><dd><a href=\"/setalert\"><dt>Alarm set</dt></a><a href=\"/setreso\"><dt><br/>Resolution set</dt></a></dd>",t1,t2,t3,t4,t5);
+        } else {
+            sprintf(outBuf,"No device on bus!");
+        }
+    }//if  recive the path "setalert" eg:  we will get the alert temperture and set the alert temperture . 
+    else if(strcmp(htpmsg,"/setalert")==0) {
+        if(ow.sca[2]==0x20) {
+            i=32;
+        } else if(ow.sca[2]==0x30) {
+            i=48;
+        } else if(ow.sca[2]==0x40) {
+            i=64;
+        } else if(ow.sca[2]==0x50) {
+            i=80;
+        }//
+        if(!msg.args.empty()) {
+            //get the arguments from the require message
+            for(iter=msg.args.begin(); iter!=msg.args.end(); iter++) {
+                strncpy(h1,iter->first.c_str(),iter->first.length());//key
+                strncpy(h2,iter->second.c_str(),iter->second.length());//value
+            }
+            temp=h2[0];
+            switch(temp) {
+                case '1':
+                    ow.sca[2]=0x20;
+                    i=32;
+                    break;
+                case '2':
+                    ow.sca[2]=0x30;
+                    i=48;
+                    break;
+                case '3':
+                    ow.sca[2]=0x40;
+                    i=64;
+                    break;
+                case '4':
+                    ow.sca[2]=0x50;
+                    i=80;
+                    break;
+            }
+            ow.Change_Res(); //change the temp alarm
+            sprintf(outBuf,"<h2>Temperture setting</h2>Now is %d.<br><br><div><form name=\"set\"action=\"/setalert\"method=\"get\">32<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"1\">48<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"2\">64<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"3\">80<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"4\"><input type=\"submit\"value=\"Submit\"></form></div><a href=\"/get\">Back</a>",i);
+        } else {
+            // if the server dont get the arguments just refresh the page or go into this pages from other one 
+            sprintf(outBuf,"<h2>Temperture setting</h2>Now is %d.<br><br><div><form name=\"set\"action=\"/setalert\"method=\"get\">32<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"1\">48<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"2\">64<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"3\">80<input type=\"radio\"name=\"s\"value=\"4\"><input type=\"submit\"value=\"Submit\"></form></div><a href=\"/get\">Back</a>",i);
+        }
+    }//if  recive the path "setreso" eg:  we will get the resolution and set the resolution . 
+    else if(strcmp(htpmsg,"/setreso")==0) {
+        if(ow.sca[0]==0x1f) {
+            m=9;
+        } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x3f) {
+            m=10;
+        } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x5f) {
+            m=11;
+        } else if(ow.sca[0]==0x7f) {
+            m=12;
+        }
+        if(!msg.args.empty()) {
+            for(iter=msg.args.begin(); iter!=msg.args.end(); iter++) {
+                strncpy(h1,iter->first.c_str(),iter->first.length());
+                strncpy(h2,iter->second.c_str(),iter->second.length());
+            }
+            temp=h2[0];
+            switch (temp) {
+                case '1':
+                    ow.sca[0]=0x1f;
+                    m=9;
+                    break;
+                case '2':
+                    ow.sca[0]=0x3f;
+                    m=10;
+                    break;
+                case '3':
+                    ow.sca[0]=0x5f;
+                    m=11;
+                    break;
+                case '4':
+                    ow.sca[0]=0x7f;
+                    m=12;
+                    break;
+            }
+            ow.Change_Res();//change the resolution
+            sprintf(outBuf,"<h2> Resolution setting</h2>Now is %d-bit.<br><br><div><form name=\"set\" action=\"/setreso\" method=\"get\">9-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"1\">10-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"2\">11-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"3\">12-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"4\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form></div><a href=\"/get\">Back</a>",m);
+        } else {
+            sprintf(outBuf,"<h2> Resolution setting</h2>Now is %d-bit.<br><br><div><form name=\"set\" action=\"/setreso\" method=\"get\">9-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"1\">10-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"2\">11-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"3\">12-bit<input type=\"radio\" name=\"s\" value=\"4\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form></div><a href=\"/get\">Back</a>",m);
+        }
+    }
+    //set the web page to the web browser
+    startResponse(retval, strlen(outBuf));
+    processResponse(strlen(outBuf), outBuf);
+    endResponse();
+    err = 0;
+    return err;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/getData.h	Mon Nov 27 06:05:26 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef __GETDATA_H__
+#define __GETDATA_H__
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FsHandler.h"
+#include "HTTPRequestHandler.h"
+class getData:public HTTPRequestHandler
+    std::string m_rootPath;
+    std::string m_localPath;
+    getData(const char* rootPath,const char* localPath, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& Msg,TCPSocketConnection& Tcp);
+    virtual ~getData();
+    std::string getpath();
+    static inline HTTPRequestHandler* create(const char* rootPath,const char* localPath, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& msg,TCPSocketConnection& tcp) {
+        return new getData(rootPath, localPath, msg, tcp);
+    }
+    virtual int handleGetRequest();
+    virtual int handlePutRequest();
+    virtual int handlePostRequest();
\ No newline at end of file