Initial Program for MultiTech Dragonfly to communicate to PTC ThingWorx. Sensors are from Rohm version1

Dependencies:   MbedJSONValue mbed mtsas

Fork of UUU_MultiTech_Dragonfly_Sprint by Paul Jaeger

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 09 21:35:00 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Initial release of Dragonfly, Rohm, AT&T. reads Rohm sensors with a timer, sends SMS and M2X data at different time intervals.

Changed in this revision

X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1.lib	Sat Sep 26 22:07:27 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Sep 26 22:07:27 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 21:35:00 2015 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  * Dragonfly Example program for 2015 AT&T Government Solutions Hackathon
- * 
+ *
  * The following hardware is required to successfully run this program:
  *   - MultiTech UDK2 (4" square white PCB with Arduino headers, antenna
  *     connector, micro USB ports, and 40-pin connector for Dragonfly)
@@ -45,10 +45,23 @@
  * Go have fun and make something cool!
+Sample Program Description:
+   This Program will enable to Multi-Tech Dragonfly platform to utilize ROHM's Multi-sensor Shield Board.
+   This program will initialize all sensors on the shield and then read back the sensor data.
+   Data will then be output to the UART Debug Terminal every 1 second.
+Sample Program Author:
+Additional Resources:
+   ROHM Sensor Shield GitHub Repository:
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "mtsas.h"
-#include "x_nucleo_iks01a1.h"
 #include "MbedJSONValue.h"
 #include "HTTPJson.h"
 #include <string>
@@ -85,19 +98,9 @@
 std::string url = "" + m2x_device_id + "/update";
-// handle to MEMs board object
-static X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1* mems = X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1::Instance();
-// Moisture sensor
-AnalogIn moisture_sensor(A0);
-// Button
-InterruptIn button(D8);
-bool button_pressed = false;
 // variables for sensor data
 float temp_celsius;
-float temp_fahrenheit;
 float humidity_percent;
 float pressure_mbar;
 float moisture_percent;
@@ -108,110 +111,348 @@
 // misc variables
 static char wall_of_dash[] = "--------------------------------------------------";
 bool radio_ok = false;
-static int thpm_interval_ms = 2000;
-static int motion_interval_ms = 250;
-static int print_interval_ms = 10000;
+static int thpm_interval_ms = 5000;
+static int motion_interval_ms = 5000;
+static int print_interval_ms = 5000;
+static int sms_interval_ms = 60000;
 static int post_interval_ms = 30000;
 int debug_baud = 115200;
+ ****************************************************************************************************/
+//Macros for checking each of the different Sensor Devices
+#define AnalogTemp  //BDE0600
+#define AnalogUV    //ML8511
+#define HallSensor  //BU52011
+#define RPR0521     //RPR0521
+#define KMX62       //KMX61, Accel/Mag         
+#define COLOR       //BH1745
+#define KX022       //KX022, Accel Only
+#define Pressure    //BM1383
+#define SMS         //allow SMS messaging
+#define Web         //allow M2X communication
+//Define Pins for I2C Interface
+I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+bool        RepStart = true;
+bool        NoRepStart = false;
+//Define Sensor Variables
+#ifdef AnalogTemp
+AnalogIn    BDE0600_Temp(PC_4); //Mapped to A2
+uint16_t    BDE0600_Temp_value;
+float       BDE0600_output;
+#ifdef AnalogUV
+AnalogIn    ML8511_UV(PC_1);    //Mapped to A4
+uint16_t    ML8511_UV_value;
+float       ML8511_output;
+#ifdef HallSensor
+DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO0(PC_8);
+DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO1(PB_5);
+int         Hall_Return1;
+int         Hall_Return0;
+int32_t     Hall_Return[2];
+#ifdef RPR0521
+int         RPR0521_addr_w = 0x70;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with write bit 0
+int         RPR0521_addr_r = 0x71;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with read bit 1
+char        RPR0521_ModeControl[2] = {0x41, 0xE6};
+char        RPR0521_ALSPSControl[2] = {0x42, 0x03};
+char        RPR0521_Persist[2] = {0x43, 0x20};
+char        RPR0521_Addr_ReadData = 0x44;
+char        RPR0521_Content_ReadData[6];
+int         RPR0521_PS_RAWOUT = 0;                  //this is an output
+float       RPR0521_PS_OUT = 0;
+int         RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = 0;
+int         RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = 0;
+float       RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = 0;
+float       RPR0521_ALS_OUT = 0;                    //this is an output
+float       RPR0521_ALS[2];                         // is this ok taking an int to the [0] value and float to [1]???????????
+#ifdef KMX62
+int         KMX62_addr_w = 0x1C;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with write bit 0
+int         KMX62_addr_r = 0x1D;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with read bit 1
+char        KMX62_CNTL2[2] = {0x3A, 0x5F};
+char        KMX62_Addr_Accel_ReadData = 0x0A;
+char        KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[6];
+char        KMX62_Addr_Mag_ReadData = 0x10;
+char        KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[6];
+short int   MEMS_Accel_Xout = 0;
+short int   MEMS_Accel_Yout = 0;
+short int   MEMS_Accel_Zout = 0;
+double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Xout = 0;
+double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Yout = 0;
+double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Zout = 0;
+short int   MEMS_Mag_Xout = 0;
+short int   MEMS_Mag_Yout = 0;
+short int   MEMS_Mag_Zout = 0;
+float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Xout = 0;
+float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Yout = 0;
+float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Zout = 0;
+double      MEMS_Accel[3];
+float       MEMS_Mag[3];
+#ifdef COLOR
+int         BH1745_addr_w = 0x72;   //write
+int         BH1745_addr_r = 0x73;   //read
+char        BH1745_persistence[2] = {0x61, 0x03};
+char        BH1745_mode1[2] = {0x41, 0x00};
+char        BH1745_mode2[2] = {0x42, 0x92};
+char        BH1745_mode3[2] = {0x43, 0x02};
+char        BH1745_Content_ReadData[6];
+char        BH1745_Addr_color_ReadData = 0x50;
+int         BH1745_Red;
+int         BH1745_Blue;
+int         BH1745_Green;
+int32_t     BH1745[3];  //Red, Blue Green matrix
+#ifdef KX022
+int         KX022_addr_w = 0x3C;   //write
+int         KX022_addr_r = 0x3D;   //read
+char        KX022_Accel_CNTL1[2] = {0x18, 0x41};
+char        KX022_Accel_ODCNTL[2] = {0x1B, 0x02};
+char        KX022_Accel_CNTL3[2] = {0x1A, 0xD8};
+char        KX022_Accel_TILT_TIMER[2] = {0x22, 0x01};
+char        KX022_Accel_CNTL2[2] = {0x18, 0xC1};
+char        KX022_Content_ReadData[6];
+char        KX022_Addr_Accel_ReadData = 0x06;
+float       KX022_Accel_X;
+float       KX022_Accel_Y;
+float       KX022_Accel_Z;
+short int   KX022_Accel_X_RawOUT = 0;
+short int   KX022_Accel_Y_RawOUT = 0;
+short int   KX022_Accel_Z_RawOUT = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_X_LB = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_X_HB = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_Y_LB = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_Y_HB = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_Z_LB = 0;
+int         KX022_Accel_Z_HB = 0;
+float       KX022_Accel[3];
+#ifdef Pressure
+int         Press_addr_w = 0xBA;   //write
+int         Press_addr_r = 0xBB;   //read
+char        PWR_DOWN[2] = {0x12, 0x01};
+char        SLEEP[2] = {0x13, 0x01};
+char        Mode_Control[2] = {0x14, 0xC4};
+char        Press_Content_ReadData[6];
+char        Press_Addr_ReadData =0x1A;
+int         BM1383_Temp_highByte;
+int         BM1383_Temp_lowByte;
+int         BM1383_Pres_highByte;
+int         BM1383_Pres_lowByte;
+int         BM1383_Pres_leastByte;
+short int   BM1383_Temp_Out;
+float       BM1383_Temp_Conv_Out;
+float       BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out;
+float_t       BM1383[2];   // Temp is 0 and Pressure is 1
+float       BM1383_Var;
+float       BM1383_Deci;
 // function prototypes
+ ****************************************************************************************************/
 bool init_mtsas();
-void read_temperature();
-void read_humidity();
-void read_pressure();
-void read_moisture();
-void read_magnetometer();
-void read_accelerometer();
-void read_gyroscope();
-void button_irq();
+void ReadAnalogTemp();
+void ReadAnalogUV ();
+void ReadHallSensor ();
+void ReadCOLOR ();
+void ReadRPR0521_ALS ();
+void ReadKMX62_Accel ();
+void ReadKMX62_Mag ();
+void ReadPressure ();
+void ReadKX022();
 // main
-int main() {
+ ****************************************************************************************************/
+int main()
+    /****************************************************************************************************
+          Initialize I2C Devices ************
+     ****************************************************************************************************/
+#ifdef RPR0521
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ModeControl[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ALSPSControl[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Persist[0], 2, false);
+#ifdef KMX62
+    i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_CNTL2[0], 2, false);
+#ifdef COLOR
+    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_persistence[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode1[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode2[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode3[0], 2, false);
+#ifdef KX022
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Accel_CNTL1[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Accel_ODCNTL[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Accel_CNTL3[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Accel_TILT_TIMER[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Accel_CNTL2[0], 2, false);
+#ifdef Pressure
+    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_DOWN[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
+//End I2C Initialization Section **********************************************************
+// Initialization Radio Section **********************************************************
     radio_ok = init_mtsas();
     if (! radio_ok)
         logError("MTSAS init failed");
         logInfo("MTSAS is ok");
-    button.fall(&button_irq);
+//End Radio Initialization Section **********************************************************
+//    button.fall(&button_irq);
     Timer thpm_timer;
-    Timer motion_timer;
+    thpm_timer.start();         // Timer data is set in the Variable seciton see misc variables    Timer motion_timer;
     Timer print_timer;
+    print_timer.start();
+    Timer motion_timer;
+    motion_timer.start();
+#ifdef SMS
+    Timer sms_timer;
+    sms_timer.start();
+#ifdef Web
     Timer post_timer;
-    thpm_timer.start();
-    motion_timer.start();
-    print_timer.start();
     while (true) {
+        if (thpm_timer.read_ms() > thpm_interval_ms) {
+#ifdef AnalogTemp
+            ReadAnalogTemp ();
+#ifdef AnalogUV
+            ReadAnalogUV ();
+#ifdef HallSensor
+            ReadHallSensor ();
+#ifdef COLOR
+            ReadCOLOR ();
+#ifdef RPR0521       //als digital
+            ReadRPR0521_ALS ();
+#ifdef Pressure
+            ReadPressure();
+            thpm_timer.reset();
+        }
         if (motion_timer.read_ms() > motion_interval_ms) {
-            read_magnetometer();
-            read_accelerometer();
-            read_gyroscope();
+#ifdef KMX62
+            ReadKMX62_Accel ();
+            ReadKMX62_Mag ();
+#ifdef KX022
+            ReadKX022 ();
-        if (thpm_timer.read_ms() > thpm_interval_ms) {
-            read_temperature();
-            read_humidity();
-            read_pressure();
-            read_moisture();
-            thpm_timer.reset();
-        }
         if (print_timer.read_ms() > print_interval_ms) {
             logDebug("%s", wall_of_dash);
             logDebug("SENSOR DATA");
-            logDebug("temperature: %f C\t%f F", temp_celsius, temp_fahrenheit);
-            logDebug("humidity: %f%%",  humidity_percent);
-            logDebug("pressure: %f mbar", pressure_mbar);
-            logDebug("moisture: %f%%", moisture_percent);
-            logDebug("magnetometer:\r\n\tx: %ld\ty: %ld\tz: %ld\tmgauss", mag_mgauss[0], mag_mgauss[1], mag_mgauss[2]);
-            logDebug("accelerometer:\r\n\tx: %ld\ty: %ld\tz: %ld\tmg", acc_mg[0], acc_mg[1], acc_mg[2]);
-            logDebug("gyroscope:\r\n\tx: %ld\ty: %ld\tz: %ld\tmdps", gyro_mdps[0], gyro_mdps[1], gyro_mdps[2]);
+            logDebug("temperature: %0.2f C", BM1383[0]);
+            logDebug("analog uv: %.1f mW/cm2", ML8511_output);
+            logDebug("ambient Light  %0.3f", RPR0521_ALS[0]);
+            logDebug("proximity count  %0.3f", RPR0521_ALS[1]);
+            logDebug("hall effect: South %d\t North %d",  Hall_Return[0],Hall_Return[1]);
+            logDebug("pressure: %0.2f hPa", BM1383[1]);
+            logDebug("magnetometer:\r\n\tx: %0.3f\ty: %0.3f\tz: %0.3f\tuT", MEMS_Mag[0], MEMS_Mag[1], MEMS_Mag[2]);
+            logDebug("accelerometer:\r\n\tx: %0.3f\ty: %0.3f\tz: %0.3f\tg", MEMS_Accel[0], MEMS_Accel[1], MEMS_Accel[2]);
+            logDebug("color:\r\n\tred: %ld\tgrn: %ld\tblu: %ld\t", BH1745[0], BH1745[1], BH1745[2]);
             logDebug("%s", wall_of_dash);
-        if (button_pressed) {
-            logInfo("Button was pressed");
-            button_pressed = false;
+#ifdef SMS
+        if (sms_timer.read_ms() > sms_interval_ms) {
+            sms_timer.reset();
+            logInfo("SMS Send Routine");
+printf("  In sms routine \r\n");
             if (radio_ok) {
                 MbedJSONValue sms_json;
                 string sms_str;
-                sms_json["temp_C"] = temp_celsius;
-                sms_json["temp_F"] = temp_fahrenheit;
-                sms_json["humidity_percent"] = humidity_percent;
-                sms_json["pressure_mbar"] = pressure_mbar;
-                sms_json["moisture_percent"] = moisture_percent;
-                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["x"] = mag_mgauss[0];
-                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["y"] = mag_mgauss[1];
-                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["z"] = mag_mgauss[2];
-                sms_json["acc_mg"]["x"] = acc_mg[0];
-                sms_json["acc_mg"]["y"] = acc_mg[1];
-                sms_json["acc_mg"]["z"] = acc_mg[2];
-                sms_json["gyro_mdps"]["x"] = gyro_mdps[0];
-                sms_json["gyro_mdps"]["y"] = gyro_mdps[1];
-                sms_json["gyro_mdps"]["z"] = gyro_mdps[2];
+//                sms_json["temp_C"] = BDE0600_output;
+//                sms_json["UV"] = ML8511_output;
+                sms_json["Ambient Light"] = RPR0521_ALS[0];
+                sms_json["Prox"]      = RPR0521_ALS[1];
+//                sms_json["pressure_hPa"] = BM1383[1];
+//                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["x"] = MEMS_Mag[0];
+//                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["y"] = MEMS_Mag[1];
+//                sms_json["mag_mgauss"]["z"] = MEMS_Mag[2];
+//                sms_json["acc_mg"]["x"] = MEMS_Accel[0];
+//                sms_json["acc_mg"]["y"] = MEMS_Accel[1];
+//                sms_json["acc_mg"]["z"] = MEMS_Accel[2];
+//                sms_json["Red"]   = BH1745[0];
+//                sms_json["Green"] = BH1745[1];
+//                sms_json["Blue"]  = BH1745[2];
                 sms_str = "SENSOR DATA:\n";
                 sms_str += sms_json.serialize();
                 logDebug("sending SMS to %s:\r\n%s", phone_number.c_str(), sms_str.c_str());
                 Code ret = radio->sendSMS(phone_number, sms_str);
                 if (ret != MTS_SUCCESS)
                     logError("sending SMS failed");
+#ifdef Web
         if (post_timer.read_ms() > post_interval_ms && do_cloud_post) {
+    printf("in web\n\r");
             if (radio->connect()) {
                 logDebug("posting sensor data");
@@ -222,115 +463,300 @@
                 int ret;
                 char http_response_buf[256];
                 HTTPText http_response(http_response_buf, sizeof(http_response_buf));
                 // temp_c, temp_f, humidity, pressure, and moisture are all stream IDs for my device in M2X
                 // modify these to match your streams or give your streams the same name
-                http_json_data["values"]["temp_c"] = temp_celsius;
-                http_json_data["values"]["temp_f"] = temp_fahrenheit;
-                http_json_data["values"]["humidity"] = humidity_percent;
-                http_json_data["values"]["pressure"] = pressure_mbar;
-                http_json_data["values"]["moisture"] = moisture_percent;
+                http_json_data["values"]["temp_c"] = BDE0600_output;
+                http_json_data["values"]["UV"] = ML8511_output;
+                http_json_data["values"]["Ambient Light"] = RPR0521_ALS[0];
+                http_json_data["values"]["Prox"] = RPR0521_ALS[1];
                 http_json_str = http_json_data.serialize();
                 // add extra header with M2X API key
                 HTTPJson http_json((char*)  http_json_str.c_str());
                 ret =, http_json, &http_response);
                 if (ret != HTTP_OK)
                     logError("posting data to cloud failed: [%d][%s]", ret, http_response_buf);
                     logDebug("post result [%d][%s]", http.getHTTPResponseCode(), http_response_buf);
             } else {
                 logError("establishing PPP link failed");
 // init functions
-bool init_mtsas() {
+bool init_mtsas()
     io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RTS, RADIO_CTS);
     if (! io)
         return false;
     radio = CellularFactory::create(io);
     if (! radio)
         return false;
     Code ret = radio->setApn(apn);
     if (ret != MTS_SUCCESS)
         return false;
     return true;
 // Sensor data acquisition functions
-void read_temperature() {
-    int ret;
+#ifdef AnalogTemp
+void ReadAnalogTemp ()
+    BDE0600_Temp_value = BDE0600_Temp.read_u16();
+    BDE0600_output = (float)BDE0600_Temp_value * (float)0.000050354; //(value * (3.3V/65535))
+    BDE0600_output = (BDE0600_output-(float)1.753)/((float)-0.01068) + (float)30;
+//    printf("BDE0600 Analog Temp Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" Temp = %.2f C\r\n", BDE0600_output);
+#ifdef AnalogUV
+void ReadAnalogUV ()
+    ML8511_UV_value = ML8511_UV.read_u16();
+    ML8511_output = (float)ML8511_UV_value * (float)0.000050354; //(value * (3.3V/65535))   //Note to self: when playing with this, a negative value is seen... Honestly, I think this has to do with my ADC converstion...
+    ML8511_output = (ML8511_output-(float)2.2)/((float)0.129) + 10;                           // Added +5 to the offset so when inside (aka, no UV, readings show 0)... this is the wrong approach... and the readings don't make sense... Fix this.
+//    printf("ML8511 Analog UV Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" UV = %.1f mW/cm2\r\n", ML8511_output);
+#ifdef HallSensor
+void ReadHallSensor ()
+    Hall_Return[0] = Hall_GPIO0;
+    Hall_Return[1] = Hall_GPIO1;
+//    printf("BU52011 Hall Switch Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" South Detect = %d\r\n", Hall_Return[0]);
+//    printf(" North Detect = %d\r\n", Hall_Return[1]);
-    ret = mems->ht_sensor->GetTemperature(&temp_celsius);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading temp (C) failed");
-    ret = mems->ht_sensor->GetFahrenheit(&temp_fahrenheit);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading temp (F) failed");
+#ifdef COLOR
+void ReadCOLOR ()
+    //Read color data from the IC
+    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_Addr_color_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &BH1745_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    //separate all data read into colors
+    BH1745[0] = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[0]);
+    BH1745[1] = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[2]);
+    BH1745[2] = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[4]);
-void read_humidity() {
-    int ret;
-    ret = mems->ht_sensor->GetHumidity(&humidity_percent);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading humidity failed");
+    //Output Data into UART
+//    printf("BH1745 COLOR Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" Red   = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[0]);
+//    printf(" Green = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[1]);
+//    printf(" Blue  = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[2]);
-void read_pressure() {
-    int ret;
-    ret = mems->pt_sensor->GetPressure(&pressure_mbar);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading pressure failed");
+#ifdef RPR0521       //als digital
+void ReadRPR0521_ALS ()
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    RPR0521_ALS[1] = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[2]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[4]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = (float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT / (float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT;
+    if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)0.595) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)1.682*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)1.877*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)1.015) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.644*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.132*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)1.352) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.756*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.243*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)3.053) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.766*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.25*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = 0;
+    }
+//    printf("RPR-0521 ALS/PROX Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" ALS = %0.2f lx\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[0]);
+//    printf(" PROX= %0.2f ADC Counts\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[1]);     //defined as a float but is an unsigned.
+#ifdef KMX62
+void ReadKMX62_Accel ()
+    //Read Accel Portion from the IC
+    i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_Addr_Accel_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    //Note: The highbyte and low byte return a 14bit value, dropping the two LSB in the Low byte.
+    //      However, because we need the signed value, we will adjust the value when converting to "g"
+    MEMS_Accel_Xout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[0]);
+    MEMS_Accel_Yout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[2]);
+    MEMS_Accel_Zout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[4]);
+    //Note: Conversion to G is as follows:
+    //      Axis_ValueInG = MEMS_Accel_axis / 1024
+    //      However, since we did not remove the LSB previously, we need to divide by 4 again
+    //      Thus, we will divide the output by 4096 (1024*4) to convert and cancel out the LSB
+    MEMS_Accel[0] = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Xout/4096/2);
+    MEMS_Accel[1] = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Yout/4096/2);
+    MEMS_Accel[2] = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Zout/4096/2);
+    // Return Data to UART
+//    printf("KMX62 Accel+Mag Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" AccX= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[0]);
+//    printf(" AccY= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[1]);
+//    printf(" AccZ= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[2]);
-void read_moisture() {
-    moisture_percent = moisture_sensor * 100.0;
+void ReadKMX62_Mag ()
+    //Read Mag portion from the IC
+    i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_Addr_Mag_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    //Note: The highbyte and low byte return a 14bit value, dropping the two LSB in the Low byte.
+    //      However, because we need the signed value, we will adjust the value when converting to "g"
+    MEMS_Mag_Xout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[0]);
+    MEMS_Mag_Yout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[2]);
+    MEMS_Mag_Zout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[4]);
-void read_magnetometer() {
-    int ret;
-    ret = mems->magnetometer->Get_M_Axes(mag_mgauss);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading magnetometer failed");
+    //Note: Conversion to G is as follows:
+    //      Axis_ValueInG = MEMS_Accel_axis / 1024
+    //      However, since we did not remove the LSB previously, we need to divide by 4 again
+    //      Thus, we will divide the output by 4095 (1024*4) to convert and cancel out the LSB
+    MEMS_Mag[0] = (float)MEMS_Mag_Xout/4096*(float)0.146;
+    MEMS_Mag[1] = (float)MEMS_Mag_Yout/4096*(float)0.146;
+    MEMS_Mag[2] = (float)MEMS_Mag_Zout/4096*(float)0.146;
+    // Return Data to UART
+//    printf(" MagX= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[0]);
+//    printf(" MagY= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[1]);
+//    printf(" MagZ= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[2]);
-void read_accelerometer() {
-    int ret;
+#ifdef KX022
+void ReadKX022 ()
-    ret = mems->GetAccelerometer()->Get_X_Axes(acc_mg);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading accelerometer failed");
+    //Read KX022 Portion from the IC
+    i2c.write(KX022_addr_w, &KX022_Addr_Accel_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &KX022_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    //Format Data
+    KX022_Accel_X_RawOUT = (KX022_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KX022_Content_ReadData[0]);
+    KX022_Accel_Y_RawOUT = (KX022_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KX022_Content_ReadData[2]);
+    KX022_Accel_Z_RawOUT = (KX022_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KX022_Content_ReadData[4]);
+    //Scale Data
+    KX022_Accel[0] = (float)KX022_Accel_X_RawOUT / 16384;
+    KX022_Accel[1] = (float)KX022_Accel_Y_RawOUT / 16384;
+    KX022_Accel[2] = (float)KX022_Accel_Z_RawOUT / 16384;
+    //Return Data through UART
+//    printf("KX022 Accelerometer Sensor Data: \r\n");
+//    printf(" AccX= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[0]);
+//    printf(" AccY= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[1]);
+//    printf(" AccZ= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[2]);
+#ifdef Pressure
+void ReadPressure ()
+    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    BM1383_Temp_Out = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<8) | (Press_Content_ReadData[1]);
+    BM1383[0] = (float)BM1383_Temp_Out/32;
+    BM1383_Var  = (Press_Content_ReadData[2]<<3) | (Press_Content_ReadData[3] >> 5);
+    BM1383_Deci = ((Press_Content_ReadData[3] & 0x1f) << 6 | ((Press_Content_ReadData[4] >> 2)));
+    BM1383_Deci = (float)BM1383_Deci* (float)0.00048828125;  //0.00048828125 = 2^-11
+    BM1383[1] = (BM1383_Var + BM1383_Deci);   //question pending here...
+//    printf("BM1383 Pressure Sensor Data:\r\n");
+//    printf(" Temperature= %0.2f C\r\n", BM1383[0]);
+//    printf(" Pressure   = %0.2f hPa\r\n", BM1383[1]);
-void read_gyroscope() {
-    int ret;
-    ret = mems->GetGyroscope()->Get_G_Axes(gyro_mdps);
-    if (ret)
-        logError("reading gyroscope failed");
-void button_irq() {
-    button_pressed = true;
+//  reference only to remember what the names and fuctions are without finding them above.
+ ************************************************************************************
+    (" Temp = %.2f C\r\n", BDE0600_output);
+    printf(" UV = %.1f mW/cm2\r\n", ML8511_output);
+    printf("BH1745 COLOR Sensor Data:\r\n");
+    printf(" Red   = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[0]);
+    printf(" Green = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[1]);
+    printf(" Blue  = %d ADC Counts\r\n",BH1745[2]);
+    printf(" ALS = %0.2f lx\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[0]);
+    printf(" PROX= %u ADC Counts\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[1]);     //defined as a float but is an unsigned.
+    printf("KMX62 Accel+Mag Sensor Data:\r\n");
+    printf(" AccX= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[0]);
+    printf(" AccY= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[1]);
+    printf(" AccZ= %0.2f g\r\n", MEMS_Accel[2]);
+    printf(" MagX= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[0]);
+    printf(" MagY= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[1]);
+    printf(" MagZ= %0.2f uT\r\n", MEMS_Mag[2]);
+    printf("KX022 Accelerometer Sensor Data: \r\n");
+    printf(" AccX= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[0]);
+    printf(" AccY= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[1]);
+    printf(" AccZ= %0.2f g\r\n", KX022_Accel[2]);
+    printf("BM1383 Pressure Sensor Data:\r\n");
+    printf(" Temperature= %0.2f C\r\n", BM1383[0]);
+    printf(" Pressure   = %0.2f hPa\r\n", BM1383[1]);
+ **********************************************************************************/
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