interface class for an inertial measurement unit that uses a serial protocol.

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #ifndef MS3DMGX2Library
00002 #define MS3DMGX2Library
00004 #include "stdint.h"
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00007 class MS3DMGX2
00008 {
00009     private:
00010     /////////////////////
00011 //Serial PC;
00012 //////////////////////////
00014         Serial DataLines;
00015         volatile unsigned char Buffer[87];//volatile is for interrupted access
00016         volatile unsigned char BufferEnd;
00017         volatile unsigned char PacketSize;
00018         bool Checksum(unsigned char Index, unsigned char Length);
00019         void FillSerialBuffer();
00021     public:
00022         MS3DMGX2(PinName tx, PinName rx);
00023             //serial output, serial input
00024         ~MS3DMGX2();
00025             //release resources
00026         unsigned char BufferStart;
00028         unsigned char CommandByte;
00029         unsigned char ResponseLength;
00030         unsigned char Continuous;  
00033         bool Readable();
00035         bool Mode(unsigned char Selection);
00036             //argument sets operating mode;
00037             //set flag 0x08 to 0 for polled modes, or 1 for interrupt modes;
00038             //set flag 0x04 to 0 for synchronous modes, or 1 for asynchronous modes;
00039             //set flags 0x03 to 0 for pwm, 1 for analog, or 2 for serial;
00040             //asynchronous modes read user input command, measures and calculates
00041             //output, and writes the data packet to the serial buffer every 10 ms;
00042             //interrupt modes automatically read the packet into the buffer provided
00043             //by AttachInterruptBuffer with the selected input method every 10 ms
00044             //if in an asynchronous mode, or 10 ms after RequestSyncRead is called;
00045             //interrupt mode interrupts are generated if there are bytes on the
00046             //serial buffer and are only cleared if the serial buffer is emptied;
00047             //default is 0
00048         //void AttachInterruptBuffer(float* Buffer);
00049             //if interrupts are used, user must provide address to write result to
00050         //void AttachInterruptFunction();
00051             //this overload reattaches the native interrupt function
00052         //void AttachInterruptFunction(void (*Function)());
00053             //this overload attaches a function to the serial interrupt
00054         //template<class Class> void AttachInterruptFunction
00055         //    (Class* Object, void (Class::*Function)());
00056             //this overload attaches a member function to the serial interrupt;
00057             //to change the interrupt function, call one of the
00058             //"AttachInterruptFunction" overloads with pointers to the desired function;
00059             //changes polled mode to interrupt equivalent;
00060             //the interrupt will not be cleared until the serial buffer is emptied
00061         void RequestSyncRead();
00062             //this tells the device to prepare a synchronous reading;
00063             //must be called at least 10 ms before the reading is needed;
00064             //changes asynchronous mode to synchronous equivalent
00065         void DiscardSerialBuffer();
00066             //the serial port has a buffer and only the oldest data is read from it;
00067             //the buffer has limited space and, when full, the newest data is discarded;
00068             //this method allows the user to empty the buffer of old data so new data is used
00069         bool Read(float* Data);
00070             //get a reading from the device in the set mode;
00071             //RequestSyncRead() must be called at least 10 ms
00072             //before this method can be called in a synchronous mode;
00073             //may be called at any time during asynchronous mode;
00074             //it is assumed that the input buffer has enough
00075             //room to accomodate the desired data packet
00076         //operator float*();
00077             //shorthand for taking a reading;
00078             //ex: "float reading[packetlength]; reading = MB1210Object;"
00079 };
00081 #endif