mbedNet API
This page sumarizes the mbedNet library from an end-user point of view as well as from a protocol/driver/api developer point of view.
End-user API
Interface setup
- interface = NetIF_RegisterInterface(address, netmask, gateway, driver, driver_parameter)
- NetIF_Up(interface)
- NetIF_Down(interface)
Available drivers
- ethernet
Available protocols
- Ethernet
- IPv4
- ICMPv4
- UDPv4
Each protocol can register a sub-protocol. Suppose you want to register UDPv4 over IPv4, you will simply use the following call:
- ipv4.RegisterProtocol(&udpv4);
ARP cache
- ARP_ResolveIPv4Address()
- ARP_AddStaticEntry()
- ARP_RemoveEntry()
- ARP_FlushCache()
- ARP_DisplayCache()
- Sockets_Open()
- Sockets_Bind()
- Sockets_Recv()
- Sockets_RecvFrom()
- Sockets_Send()
- Sockets_SendTo()
- Sockets_Close()
Stack developer API
1 comment on mbedNet API:
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Hi just to tell you that i was able to make it work with the lpcxpresso board, just had to make some modifications to lpc_17xx_emac and now its sending udp packets! Thanks for the lib its really a nice one so far!