Simple Vector Library 1.5

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Mat2.h	Mon Jan 04 15:19:10 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+    File:           Mat2.h
+    Function:       Defines a 2 x 2 matrix.
+    Author(s):      Andrew Willmott
+    Copyright:      (c) 1995-2001, Andrew Willmott
+ */
+#ifndef __Mat2__
+#define __Mat2__
+#include "Vec2.h"
+// --- Mat2 Class -------------------------------------------------------------
+class Mat2
+    // Constructors
+                Mat2();
+                Mat2(Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d);   // Create from rows
+                Mat2(const Mat2 &m);                    // Copy constructor
+                Mat2(ZeroOrOne k);
+                Mat2(Block k);
+    // Accessor functions
+    Int         Rows() const { return(2); };
+    Int         Cols() const { return(2); };
+    Vec2        &operator [] (Int i);
+    const Vec2  &operator [] (Int i) const;
+    Real        *Ref() const;               // Return pointer to data
+    // Assignment operators
+    Mat2        &operator =  (const Mat2 &m);
+    Mat2        &operator =  (ZeroOrOne k);
+    Mat2        &operator =  (Block k);
+    Mat2        &operator += (const Mat2 &m);
+    Mat2        &operator -= (const Mat2 &m);
+    Mat2        &operator *= (const Mat2 &m);
+    Mat2        &operator *= (Real s);
+    Mat2        &operator /= (Real s);
+    // Comparison operators
+    Bool        operator == (const Mat2 &m) const;  // M == N?
+    Bool        operator != (const Mat2 &m) const;  // M != N?
+    // Arithmetic operators
+    Mat2        operator + (const Mat2 &m) const;   // M + N
+    Mat2        operator - (const Mat2 &m) const;   // M - N
+    Mat2        operator - () const;                // -M
+    Mat2        operator * (const Mat2 &m) const;   // M * N
+    Mat2        operator * (Real s) const;          // M * s
+    Mat2        operator / (Real s) const;          // M / s
+    // Initialisers
+    Void        MakeZero();                         // Zero matrix
+    Void        MakeDiag(Real k = vl_one);          // I
+    Void        MakeBlock(Real k = vl_one);         // all elts=k
+    // Vector Transformations
+    Mat2&       MakeRot(Real theta);
+    Mat2&       MakeScale(const Vec2 &s);
+    // Private...
+    Vec2        row[2];     // Rows of the matrix
+// --- Matrix operators -------------------------------------------------------
+inline Vec2     &operator *= (Vec2 &v, const Mat2 &m);      // v *= m
+inline Vec2     operator * (const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v);  // m * v
+inline Vec2     operator * (const Vec2 &v, const Mat2 &m);  // v * m
+inline Mat2     operator * (Real s, const Mat2 &m);         // s * m
+inline Mat2     trans(const Mat2 &m);               // Transpose
+inline Real     trace(const Mat2 &m);               // Trace
+inline Mat2     adj(const Mat2 &m);                 // Adjoint
+Real            det(const Mat2 &m);                 // Determinant
+Mat2            inv(const Mat2 &m);                 // Inverse
+Mat2            oprod(const Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &b);
+                                                    // Outer product
+// The xform functions help avoid dependence on whether row or column
+// vectors are used to represent points and vectors.
+inline Vec2     xform(const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v); // Transform of v by m
+inline Mat2     xform(const Mat2 &m, const Mat2 &n); // xform v -> m(n(v))
+//std::ostream         &operator << (std::ostream &s, const Mat2 &m);
+//std::istream         &operator >> (std::istream &s, Mat2 &m);
+void printMat2(const Mat2 &m);
+// --- Inlines ----------------------------------------------------------------
+inline Vec2 &Mat2::operator [] (Int i)
+    CheckRange(i, 0, 2, "(Mat2::[i]) index out of range");
+    return(row[i]);
+inline const Vec2 &Mat2::operator [] (Int i) const
+    CheckRange(i, 0, 2, "(Mat2::[i]) index out of range");
+    return(row[i]);
+inline Real *Mat2::Ref() const
+    return((Real*) row);
+inline Mat2::Mat2()
+inline Mat2::Mat2(Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d)
+    row[0][0] = a;  row[0][1] = b;
+    row[1][0] = c;  row[1][1] = d;
+inline Mat2::Mat2(const Mat2 &m)
+    row[0] = m[0];
+    row[1] = m[1];
+inline Void Mat2::MakeZero()
+    row[0][0] = vl_zero; row[0][1] = vl_zero;
+    row[1][0] = vl_zero; row[1][1] = vl_zero;
+inline Void Mat2::MakeDiag(Real k)
+    row[0][0] = k;          row[0][1] = vl_zero;
+    row[1][0] = vl_zero;    row[1][1] = k;
+inline Void Mat2::MakeBlock(Real k)
+    row[0][0] = k; row[0][1] = k;
+    row[1][0] = k; row[1][1] = k;
+inline Mat2::Mat2(ZeroOrOne k)
+    MakeDiag(k);
+inline Mat2::Mat2(Block k)
+    MakeBlock((ZeroOrOne) k);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator = (ZeroOrOne k)
+    MakeDiag(k);
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator = (Block k)
+    MakeBlock((ZeroOrOne) k);
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator = (const Mat2 &m)
+    row[0] = m[0];
+    row[1] = m[1];
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator += (const Mat2 &m)
+    row[0] += m[0];
+    row[1] += m[1];
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator -= (const Mat2 &m)
+    row[0] -= m[0];
+    row[1] -= m[1];
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator *= (const Mat2 &m)
+    SELF = SELF * m;
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator *= (Real s)
+    row[0] *= s;
+    row[1] *= s;
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 &Mat2::operator /= (Real s)
+    row[0] /= s;
+    row[1] /= s;
+    return(SELF);
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator + (const Mat2 &m) const
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] = row[0] + m[0];
+    result[1] = row[1] + m[1];
+    return(result);
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator - (const Mat2 &m) const
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] = row[0] - m[0];
+    result[1] = row[1] - m[1];
+    return(result);
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator - () const
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] = -row[0];
+    result[1] = -row[1];
+    return(result);
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator * (const Mat2 &m) const
+#define N(x,y) row[x][y]
+#define M(x,y) m.row[x][y]
+#define R(x,y) result[x][y]
+    Mat2 result;
+    R(0,0) = N(0,0) * M(0,0) + N(0,1) * M(1,0);
+    R(0,1) = N(0,0) * M(0,1) + N(0,1) * M(1,1);
+    R(1,0) = N(1,0) * M(0,0) + N(1,1) * M(1,0);
+    R(1,1) = N(1,0) * M(0,1) + N(1,1) * M(1,1);
+    return(result);
+#undef N
+#undef M
+#undef R
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator * (Real s) const
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] = row[0] * s;
+    result[1] = row[1] * s;
+    return(result);
+inline Mat2 Mat2::operator / (Real s) const
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] = row[0] / s;
+    result[1] = row[1] / s;
+    return(result);
+inline Mat2  operator *  (Real s, const Mat2 &m)
+    return(m * s);
+inline Vec2 operator * (const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v)
+    Vec2 result;
+    result[0] = m[0][0] * v[0] + m[0][1] * v[1];
+    result[1] = m[1][0] * v[0] + m[1][1] * v[1];
+    return(result);
+inline Vec2 operator * (const Vec2 &v, const Mat2 &m)
+    Vec2 result;
+    result[0] = v[0] * m[0][0] + v[1] * m[1][0];
+    result[1] = v[0] * m[0][1] + v[1] * m[1][1];
+    return(result);
+inline Vec2 &operator *= (Vec2 &v, const Mat2 &m)
+    Real t;
+    t    = v[0] * m[0][0] + v[1] * m[1][0];
+    v[1] = v[0] * m[0][1] + v[1] * m[1][1];
+    v[0] = t;
+    return(v);
+inline Mat2 trans(const Mat2 &m)
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0][0] = m[0][0]; result[0][1] = m[1][0];
+    result[1][0] = m[0][1]; result[1][1] = m[1][1];
+    return(result);
+inline Real trace(const Mat2 &m)
+    return(m[0][0] + m[1][1]);
+inline Mat2 adj(const Mat2 &m)
+    Mat2 result;
+    result[0] =  cross(m[1]);
+    result[1] = -cross(m[0]);
+    return(result);
+inline Vec2 xform(const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v)
+{ return(v * m); }
+inline Mat2 xform(const Mat2 &m, const Mat2 &n)
+{ return(n * m); }
+inline Vec2 xform(const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v)
+{ return(m * v); }
+inline Mat2 xform(const Mat2 &m, const Mat2 &n)
+{ return(m * n); }