Axeda Ready Demo for Freescale FRDM-KL46Z as accident alert system

Dependencies:   FRDM_MMA8451Q KL46Z-USBHost MAG3110 SocketModem TSI mbed FATFileSystem

Fork of AxedaGo-Freescal_FRDM-KL46Z revert by Axeda Corp

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00001 /************************************************************************************/
00002 /* axHTTP.h                                                                         */
00003 /* �2013 Axeda Corporation                                                          */
00004 /*                                                                                  */
00005 /*Provides a basic, bare bones implementation of the HTTP 1.1 protocol spec to allow*/
00006 /*this library to be more platform independent. The function calls in this file     */
00007 /*depend on the socket calls provided in axTransport                                */
00008 /*                                                                                  */
00009 /************************************************************************************/
00010 #ifndef AXHTTP_H
00011 #define AXHTTP_H
00013 //#include "axTransport.h"
00015 #define AX_HTTP_GET    0  //Standard GET Operation
00016 #define AX_HTTP_POST   1  //Standard HTTP Post operation
00017 #define AX_HTTP_MPOST  2  //Multipart form data operation, POST
00018 #define AX_HTTP_PUT    3
00022 typedef struct {
00023  // char *host; ..Host is passed in when sending to the
00024   char *contentType;
00025 }HTTP_Headers;
00027 typedef struct HTTP_Part{
00028    char *file_name;
00029    unsigned char *data;
00030    int data_sz;
00031    char *hint;
00032    struct HTTP_Part *next;
00033 }HTTP_Part;
00035 typedef struct {
00036     int operation;          //POST, GET, MPOST.
00037     char *resource;         //A pointer to a string that the resource is identified by
00038     HTTP_Headers headers;   //a structure of headers for the request
00039     char *body;             //the body of the request, used only for post and mpost
00040     int body_length;        //the length of the main body, used only for post and mpost
00041     HTTP_Part *mpData;      //the first link in a chain of data to be uploaded as part of a multipart post request
00042     int response_code;      //For responses only, this field will be populated after calling http_parse
00043     int secure;             //use SSL or TLS
00044 }HTTP_Transmission;
00046 //Flag used to turn on debug x-count header.
00047 extern int http_debug;
00049 struct ax_socket; //incomplete declaration, see axTransport.h for full declaration
00051 #ifdef __cplusplus 
00052   extern "C" {
00053 #endif
00056 //Operations
00057 int http_send(HTTP_Transmission *request, char *host, int port, int secure, HTTP_Transmission *response);
00058 int http_send_get(char *resource, char *host, int port, int secure, HTTP_Transmission *response);
00059 int http_send_put(char *resource, char *host, int port, int secure, HTTP_Headers *headers, char *data, int data_sz, HTTP_Transmission *response);
00060 int http_send_post(char *resource, char *host, int port, int secure, HTTP_Headers *headers, char *data, int data_sz, HTTP_Transmission *response);
00061 int http_send_mpost(char *resource, char *host, int port, int secure, HTTP_Headers *headers, char *data, int data_sz, HTTP_Part *files, int part_ct, HTTP_Transmission *response);
00062 void http_add_mpart(HTTP_Transmission *request, char *file_name, unsigned char *data, int file_sz); //For Future expansion, do not use.
00064 //Return Handling
00065 HTTP_Transmission *http_parse(HTTP_Transmission *response, char *data);
00067 //Supporting Methods
00068 char *http_getBoundary(char *buff, int length);
00069 void zeroOutHTTPXmission(HTTP_Transmission *tgt);
00070 char *createHeaders(char *tgtBuff, int http_operation, char *resource, int httpver, char *hostname, char *contentType, int contentLength, int xCount);
00072 #ifdef __cplusplus
00073   }
00074 #endif
00075 #endif