PGO6_VoteController (Astrid Vanneste)

Dependencies:   MQTT

Fork of PGO6_VoteController_template by Jens de hoog



File content as of revision 6:60b968c8f35c:

#include "debounce_button.h"

volatile bool button1_pressed;           // Used in the main loop
volatile bool button1_enabled;           // Used for debouncing
volatile int multiclick_state;           // Counts how many clicks occured in the time slot, used in main loop
volatile bool button1_busy;              // Informs the mainloop that the user is clicking the button => busy multiclick
volatile int internal_click_count;       // Counts how many clicks occured in the time slot

Timeout debounce_time;
Timeout multiclick_time;

    Some tips and tricks:
    -   To use the built-in LED:
            DigitalOut led1(LED1);
            led1 = 1;
    -   To delay the call of a function:
            Timeout someTimeout;
            someTimeout.attach(callback(&someFunction), 0.5) with 0.5 as 500 milliseconds
    -   The variables that are used in interrupt callbacks have to be volatile, 
        because these variables can change at any time. Therefore, the compiler is not 
        going to make optimisations.

    This function:
        -   stores the amount of clicks in a variable which is read by the main loop.
        -   resets the click counter which is used inside this file.
        -   lowers a flag which tells the main loop that the user stopped pressing the button
            such that it can proceed its program.
        -   turns the built-in LED off. Therefore, the user gets informed that the program stopped counting the clicks.
void button1_multiclick_reset_cb(void) 
    button1_busy = false;
    multiclick_state = internal_click_count;
    //printf("Clicks: %d\n", multiclick_state);
    internal_click_count = 0;
    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
    led1 = 0;
    button1_pressed = true;

    This function enables the button again, such that unwanted clicks of the bouncing button get ignored.
void button1_enabled_cb(void)
    button1_enabled = true;

    This function:
        -   turns the built-in LED on, so the user gets informed that the program has started with counting clicks
        -   disables the button such that the debouncer is active
        -   enables the button again after a certain amount of time 
            (use interrupts with "button1_enabled_cb()" as callback.
        -   counts the amount of clicks within a period of 1 second
        -   informs the main loop that the button has been pressed
        -   informs the main loop that the user is clicking the button.
            Therefore, this main loop cannot continue its procedure until the clicks within 1 second have been counted.
void button1_onpressed_cb(void)
        DigitalOut led1(LED1);
        led1 = 1;
        button1_enabled = false;        // button is not enabled => debouncing
        debounce_time.attach(callback(&button1_enabled_cb), 0.1);
            button1_busy = true;
            multiclick_time.attach(callback(&button1_multiclick_reset_cb), 1);

void init_debouncer()
    button1_pressed = false;
    button1_enabled = true;
    button1_busy = false;
    multiclick_state = 0;
    internal_click_count = 0;