Dependencies:   MPU9250_SPI PID01 SDFileSystem00 Servo mbed

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API Documentation at this revision

Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

MPU9250.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SDFileSystem.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada MPU9250.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MPU9250.lib	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada PID.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PID.lib	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada SDFileSystem.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SDFileSystem.lib	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada Servo.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Servo.lib	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1423 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "MPU9250.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+/* "PID.h"--- https://developer.mbed.org/users/aberk/code/PID/ */
+/* "Servo.h"-- https://developer.mbed.org/users/andrewrussell/code/Servo/file/4c315bcd91b4/Servo.cpp */
+// SDFileSystem---1. https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/SDFileSystem/
+//                2. https://developer.mbed.org/users/simon/code/SDCardTest/
+// SD care---3.3v
+// Ctrl+? =>註解
+#define pi 3.14159265359
+//**************************** PID control para declaration ************************************//
+#define RATE  0.005
+#define Kp_1    1.1             //1.1
+#define Ki_1    0.18            //0.2
+#define Kd_1    0.001
+//**************************** Angle Sonsor para declaration ************************************//
+#define Kp 0.5f         // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer/magnetometer
+#define Ki 0.0f//0.005f       // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
+//**************************** pragram debug declaration ************************************//
+int index_times = 0;
+double RunTime =0,lastTime =0;
+double t_trajectory=0;
+int do_measure_index=0;
+double t_MeasureAngularVelocity=0.03;
+double t_PIDcontrol_velocity =0.03;
+double t_LQR_control = 0.05;
+double t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle = 0.05;
+double t_quadratureDecoder = 15;
+//double t_TrajectoryTracking = 0.1;
+//**************************** Motor para declaration ************************************//
+double r_ball = 0.1; // 球的半徑
+double r_grounder = 0.018;  //滾球的半徑
+//**************************** Ticker ************************************//
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Ticker Sample_Motor_encoder;                                // create a timer to sample the encoder.
+Ticker Sample_robotAngleSensor;                                // create a timer to sample the robot attitude.
+Ticker MeasureAngularVelocity;                      // create a timer to measure the motor angular velocity.
+Ticker PIDcontrol_velocity;                         // create a timer to do the motor angular velocity PID control.
+Ticker LQR_control;                                 // create a timer to do the position control.
+//Ticker TrajectoryTracking_control;
+//**************************** Measuremant of angular velocity declaration ************************************//
+double Angle_1 =0,Angle_2 =0,Angle_3 =0,Angle_4 =0;
+double LastAngle_1 =0,LastAngle_2 =0,LastAngle_3 =0,LastAngle_4 =0;
+double _1_SectionAngle=0,_1_LastSectionAngle,_1_LastSectionAngle_1,_1_LastSectionAngle_2,_1_LastSectionAngle_3,_1_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _2_SectionAngle=0,_2_LastSectionAngle,_2_LastSectionAngle_1,_2_LastSectionAngle_2,_2_LastSectionAngle_3,_2_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _3_SectionAngle=0,_3_LastSectionAngle,_3_LastSectionAngle_1,_3_LastSectionAngle_2,_3_LastSectionAngle_3,_3_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _4_SectionAngle=0,_4_LastSectionAngle,_4_LastSectionAngle_1,_4_LastSectionAngle_2,_4_LastSectionAngle_3,_4_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double Average_SectionAngle_1,Now_angularVelocity_1=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_2,Now_angularVelocity_2=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_3,Now_angularVelocity_3=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_4,Now_angularVelocity_4=0;
+double Now_angularVelocity_X=0,Now_angularVelocity_Y=0;
+double Angle_X=0, Angle_Y=0;
+double SectionTime =0;
+double NowTime_measureVelocity=0, LastTime_measureVelocity = 0;
+//**************************** PID control declaration ************************************//
+float Now_time_PID,Last_Time_PID;
+    //Command
+//double Command_AngularVel_1=1,Command_AngularVel_2=1,Command_AngularVel_3=1,Command_AngularVel_4=1;
+//double command_AngularVel_1=1,command_AngularVel_2=1,command_AngularVel_3=1,command_AngularVel_4=1;
+double Command_AngularVel_X=1,Command_AngularVel_Y=1;
+double command_AngularVel_X=1,command_AngularVel_Y=1;
+    //Control
+double Control_motor_X,Control_motor_Y;
+    //Control PWM value
+double Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y;
+PID Motor_X (&Now_angularVelocity_X, &Control_motor_X, &Command_AngularVel_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+PID Motor_Y (&Now_angularVelocity_Y, &Control_motor_Y, &Command_AngularVel_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_X (&Command_AngularVel_X, &Control_motor_X, &Now_angularVelocity_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_Y (&Command_AngularVel_Y, &Control_motor_Y, &Now_angularVelocity_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//****************************LQR_control declaration************************************//
+double Ka = 60;                //16.9573  25.0
+double Kav = 10;            //10.4423  10.7423
+double Kt = 4.0 ;                   //3.0  3.1  
+double Kt_y = 4.0;                 //4.0  3.98
+double Kv = 1.0;                    //1.0
+double Kv_y = 1.1;                  //1.1
+double Kz = 0.05;                   //0.05
+double Kii = 0.2;                  //0.2
+double KI_xy = 0.9;                //0.02
+double KI_xy_y = 0.9;                //0.025
+double Roll_offset = -5;      //2.88       4.0   3.5
+double Pitch_offset = -4;      //-0.05       2.1   2.1
+double Diff_Roll,Diff_Pitch,Diff_Yaw;
+double Integ_Roll,Integ_Pitch;
+double Integ_x,Integ_y;
+double Roll_last,Pitch_last;
+double Vx=0,Vy=0,Wz=0;
+double d_x=0,d_y=0;
+double u_x=0,u_y=0;
+double Point_x;
+double x_now,y_now;
+double x_pre_1,y_pre_1;
+double ax_now,ay_now;
+double ax_pre_1,ay_pre_1;
+double ax_pre_2,ay_pre_2;
+double Vx_pre_1,Vy_pre_1;
+double Diff_x,Diff_y;
+double Diff_x_pre,Diff_y_pre;
+double dot_diff_x,dot_diff_y;
+//****************************Trajectory Tracking declaration************************************//
+double x_trajectory=0,y_trajectory=0;
+//****************************Encoder declaration************************************//
+// phase a of the quadrature encoder
+// phase b of the quadrature encoder
+DigitalIn phaseA_1( PA_0 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_1( PA_1 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_2( PA_8 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_2( PA_9 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_3( PC_6 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_3( PC_7 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_4( PB_8 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_4( PB_9 ); 
+// hold the signed value corresponding to the number of clicks left or right since last sample
+// keep a record of the last actioned sample state of the Qb+Qa outputs for comparison on each interrupt
+int encoderClickCount_1    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_1 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_2    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_2 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_3    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_3 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_4    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_4 = 0; 
+//****************************Angle Sensor declaration************************************//
+float Times[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+float control_frequency = 800;//PPM_FREQU;         // frequency for the main loop in Hz
+int counter = 0;
+int divider = 20;
+float dt;                       // time for entire loop
+float dt_sensors;               // time only to read sensors
+float q0 = 1, q1 = 0, q2 = 0, q3 = 0;
+float q0_A = 1, q1_A = 0, q2_A = 0, q3_A = 0;
+float exInt = 0, eyInt = 0, ezInt = 0;
+float OX = 0, OY = 0, OZ = 0;
+float Roll_pre_1,Roll_pre_2,Roll_pre_3,Roll_pre_4;
+float Pitch_pre_1,Pitch_pre_2,Pitch_pre_3,Pitch_pre_4;
+float Mag_x_pre,Mag_y_pre,Mag_z_pre;
+float Mag_x_pre_L,Mag_y_pre_L,Mag_z_pre_L;
+float Mag_x_pre_LL,Mag_y_pre_LL,Mag_z_pre_LL;
+float Mag_x_pre_LLL,Mag_y_pre_LLL,Mag_z_pre_LLL;
+float Mag_x_ave,Mag_y_ave,Mag_x_total,Mag_y_total;
+float Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL,Cal_Mag_x_pre_L,Cal_Mag_x_pre,Cal_Mag_x;
+float GYRO_z_pre,GYRO_z_pre_L,GYRO_z_pre_LL,GYRO_z_pre_LLL;
+float GYRO_z_total,GYRO_z_offset,Global_GYRO_z;
+float Global_mag_vector_angle,Yaw_pre;
+float Global_mag_x_vector_angle,Mag_x_vector_angle;
+float Global_mag_y_vector_angle,Mag_y_vector_angle;
+int Count_mag_check=0;
+float angle[3];
+float Roll,Pitch,Yaw;
+float calibrated_values[3],magCalibrationp[3];
+float v_index[3];
+float dest1,dest2;
+int f=0;
+int j=0;
+int k=0;
+int g=0;
+int count1=0,count2=0,count3=0,count4=0,count5=0,count6=0,count7=0,count8=0,count9=0,count11=0,count12=0,count14=0;
+int Rot_index;
+float mRes = 10.*4912./32760.0;
+int AngleFilter_counter = 0;
+float Roll_total = 0,Pitch_total = 0;
+//****************************Motor & SD card & MPU9250 declare************************************//
+int control_AR=0, control_brake=0,control_stopRun=1, control_X1_CW_CCW=0, control_X2_CW_CCW=0, control_Y1_CW_CCW=0, control_Y2_CW_CCW=0;
+int Control_stopRun=1, Control_brake=0, Control_AR=0, Control_X1_CW_CCW=0, Control_X2_CW_CCW=0, Control_Y1_CW_CCW=0, Control_Y2_CW_CCW=0; 
+int control_LiftingStopRun=1, control_F_R=1, control_H_F=1;
+int Control_LiftingStopRun=1, Control_F_R=1, Control_H_F=1;
+int X_pos=0, Y_pos=0;
+DigitalOut StopRun(PA_12);
+DigitalOut Brake(PA_11);
+DigitalOut AR(PB_12);
+DigitalOut X1_CW_CCW(PC_11);
+DigitalOut X2_CW_CCW(PC_10);
+DigitalOut Y1_CW_CCW(PC_12);
+DigitalOut Y2_CW_CCW(PD_2);
+Servo X_PWM(PB_1);
+Servo Y_PWM(PB_2);
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+//---SD card---//
+SDFileSystem sd( D4, D5, D3, D6, "sd"); //  mosi, miso, sclk, cs
+DigitalIn mybutton(USER_BUTTON);
+//---MPU 9250---//
+//SPI_MOSI = PA_7(D11), SPI_MISO = PA_6(D12), SPI_SCK = PA_5(D13), SPI_CS = PB_6(D10)
+mpu9250_spi imu(spi,SPI_CS);   //define the mpu9250 object
+//****************************Lifting mechanism & limit switches declare************************************//
+DigitalOut LiftingStopRun(PA_15);
+DigitalOut F_R(PA_14);  // CW/CCW
+DigitalOut H_F(PA_13);  
+//DigitalIn TIM(PB_7);
+DigitalIn LimitSwitchUp(PB_15,PullUp);
+DigitalIn LimitSwitchDown(PB_14,PullUp);
+int limitSwitchUp;
+int limitSwitchDown;
+//****************************Timer declaration************************************//
+Timer NowTime;
+Timer LiftingDownTime;
+//**************************** Filter_IMUupdate ************************************//
+//**************************** Filter_IMUupdate ************************************//
+void Filter_IMUupdate(float halfT, float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az) 
+    float norm;
+    float vx, vy, vz;
+    float ex, ey, ez;         
+    // normalise the measurements
+    norm = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az);
+    if(norm == 0.0f) return;   
+    ax /= norm;
+    ay /= norm;
+    az /= norm;      
+    // estimated direction of gravity
+    vx = 2*(q1*q3 - q0*q2);
+    vy = 2*(q0*q1 + q2*q3);
+    vz = q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3;
+    // error is sum of cross product between reference direction of field and direction measured by sensor
+    ex = (ay*vz - az*vy);
+    ey = (az*vx - ax*vz);
+    ez = (ax*vy - ay*vx);
+    // integral error scaled integral gain
+    exInt += ex*Ki;
+    eyInt += ey*Ki;
+    ezInt += ez*Ki;
+    // adjusted gyroscope measurements
+    gx += Kp*ex + exInt;
+    gy += Kp*ey + eyInt;
+    gz += Kp*ez + ezInt;
+    // integrate quaternion rate and normalise
+    float q0o = q0; // he did the MATLAB to C error by not thinking of the beginning vector elements already being changed for the calculation of the rest!
+    float q1o = q1;
+    float q2o = q2;
+    float q3o = q3;
+    q0 += (-q1o*gx - q2o*gy - q3o*gz)*halfT;
+    q1 += (q0o*gx + q2o*gz - q3o*gy)*halfT;
+    q2 += (q0o*gy - q1o*gz + q3o*gx)*halfT;
+    q3 += (q0o*gz + q1o*gy - q2o*gx)*halfT;  
+    // normalise quaternion
+    norm = sqrt(q0*q0 + q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3);
+    q0 = q0 / norm;
+    q1 = q1 / norm;
+    q2 = q2 / norm;
+    q3 = q3 / norm;
+//**************************** Filter_compute ************************************//
+//**************************** Filter_compute ************************************//
+void Filter_compute(float dt, const float * Gyro_data, const float * Acc_data, const float * Comp_data)
+    // IMU/AHRS
+    float d_Gyro_angle[3];
+    void get_Acc_angle(const float * Acc_data);
+     // IMU/AHRS (from http://www.x-io.co.uk/open-source-imu-and-ahrs-algorithms/)   
+    float radGyro[3],Gyro_cal_data; // Gyro in radians per second
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+    {
+        radGyro[i] = Gyro_data[i] * 3.14159/ 180;
+    }
+        Filter_IMUupdate(dt/2, radGyro[0], radGyro[1], radGyro[2], Acc_data[0], Acc_data[1], Acc_data[2]);
+        //IMU_AHRSupdate(dt/2, radGyro[0], radGyro[1], radGyro[2], Acc_data[0], Acc_data[1], Acc_data[2], Comp_data[0], Comp_data[1], Comp_data[2]);
+        float rangle[3]; // calculate angles in radians from quternion output, formula from Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles)
+        rangle[0] = atan2(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3, 1 - 2*(q1*q1 + q2*q2));
+        rangle[1] = asin (2*q0*q2 - 2*q3*q1);
+        rangle[2] = atan2(2*q0_A*q3_A + 2*q1_A*q2_A, 1 - 2*(q2_A*q2_A + q3_A*q3_A));            // Z-axis
+        for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
+        {  // angle in degree
+            angle[i] = rangle[i] * 180 / 3.14159;
+        }
+        /*Roll=angle[0]*0.2 + Roll_pre_1*0.2 + Roll_pre_2*0.2 +Roll_pre_3*0.2 + Roll_pre_4*0.2;
+        Roll_pre_4 = Roll_pre_3;
+        Roll_pre_3 = Roll_pre_2;
+        Roll_pre_2 = Roll_pre_1;
+        Roll_pre_1 = Roll;
+        Pitch=angle[1]*0.2 + Pitch_pre_1*0.2 + Pitch_pre_2*0.2 + Pitch_pre_3*0.2 + Pitch_pre_4*0.2;
+        Pitch_pre_4 = Pitch_pre_3;
+        Pitch_pre_3 = Pitch_pre_2;
+        Pitch_pre_2 = Pitch_pre_1;
+        Pitch_pre_1 = Pitch;*/
+        Roll_total += angle[0];
+        Pitch_total += angle[1];
+        AngleFilter_counter++;
+        if( AngleFilter_counter > 1 )
+        {   // The average of the attitude angle for 100 times.
+            Roll = Roll_total / AngleFilter_counter;
+            Pitch = Pitch_total / AngleFilter_counter;
+            AngleFilter_counter = 0;
+            Roll_total = 0;
+            Pitch_total = 0;
+            Roll -= Roll_offset;
+            Pitch -= Pitch_offset;
+        }
+//**************************************************Gyro_data[2]  filter      start
+        float GYRO_z=0;
+        GYRO_z=Gyro_data[2]*0.15 + GYRO_z_pre*0.20 + GYRO_z_pre_L*0.20 + GYRO_z_pre_LL*0.25 + GYRO_z_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        if( count4==1 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_L=GYRO_z_pre;
+            count4=0;
+        }
+        if( count5==2 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_LL=GYRO_z_pre_L;
+            count5=0;
+        }
+        if( count6==3 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_LLL=GYRO_z_pre_LL;
+            count6=0;
+        }
+        count4++;
+        count5++;
+        count6++;
+        GYRO_z_pre=Gyro_data[2];
+        Global_GYRO_z=GYRO_z;
+       /*printf("     GYRO_z:%10.3f     ,count8:%10d   \n", 
+            GYRO_z,
+            count8
+            );*/
+        if((count8>5)&&(count8<=2005))
+        {
+            GYRO_z_total+=GYRO_z;
+        }
+        if( count8==2005 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_offset=GYRO_z_total/2000;
+           /* printf("     GYRO_z_offset:%10.5f    \n ", 
+            GYRO_z_offset
+            );*/
+            GYRO_z_total=0;
+            count8=0;
+        }
+        count8++;
+//**************************************************Gyro_data[2]'s average  filter   :     answer=GYRO_Z is roughly = 0.74956
+//************************************************** calculate Yaw
+    if( (count11==35) )
+    {
+        if( abs(Yaw_pre-Yaw)<1 )
+        {
+            Yaw_pre=Yaw_pre;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Yaw_pre=Yaw;
+        }
+        count11=0;
+    }
+    count11++;
+    if( count12>=20 )
+    {
+        Yaw += (Gyro_data[2]-0.74936) *dt; 
+    }
+    count12++;
+    //pc.printf("     Yaw:%10.5f     ", 
+            //Yaw
+    // );
+//**************************** Mag_Complentary_Filter ************************************//
+void Mag_Complentary_Filter(float dt, const float * Comp_data)
+        float Mag_x=0,Mag_y=0,Mag_z=0;
+        Mag_x=Comp_data[0]*0.15 + Mag_x_pre*0.20 + Mag_x_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_x_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_x_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        Mag_y=Comp_data[1]*0.15 + Mag_y_pre*0.20 + Mag_y_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_y_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_y_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        Mag_z=Comp_data[2]*0.15 + Mag_z_pre*0.20 + Mag_z_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_z_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_z_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        if( count1==1 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_L=Mag_x_pre;
+            Mag_y_pre_L=Mag_y_pre;
+            Mag_z_pre_L=Mag_z_pre;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre=Cal_Mag_x;
+            count1=0;
+        }
+        if( count2==2 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_LL=Mag_x_pre_L;
+            Mag_y_pre_LL=Mag_y_pre_L;
+            Mag_z_pre_LL=Mag_z_pre_L;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_L=Cal_Mag_x_pre;
+            count2=0;
+        }
+        if( count7==3 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_LLL=Mag_x_pre_LL;
+            Mag_y_pre_LLL=Mag_y_pre_LL;
+            Mag_z_pre_LLL=Mag_z_pre_LL;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL=Cal_Mag_x_pre_L;
+            count7=0;
+        }
+        count1++;
+        count2++;
+        count7++;
+        Mag_x_pre=Comp_data[0];
+        Mag_y_pre=Comp_data[1];
+        Mag_z_pre=Comp_data[2];
+        if( count14>4 )
+        { 
+            Cal_Mag_x=Mag_x;             
+        }
+        count14++;
+//*************************************Mag_ave calculate
+        if(count3<=20)
+        {
+            Mag_x_total+=Mag_x;
+            Mag_y_total+=Mag_y;
+        }
+        if( count3==20)
+        {
+            Mag_x_ave=Mag_x_total/21;
+            Mag_y_ave=Mag_y_total/21;
+            /*pc.printf("     Mag_x_ave:%10.5f    ,Mag_y_ave:%10.5f     ", 
+            Mag_x_ave,
+            Mag_y_ave
+            );*/
+            Mag_x_total=0;
+            Mag_y_total=0;
+            count3=0;          
+        }
+        count3++;
+//********************************ROT_check  start
+        float v_length,v_length_ave,MagVector_angle;
+        v_length=sqrt( Mag_x*Mag_x + Mag_y*Mag_y );
+        v_length_ave=sqrt( Mag_x_ave*Mag_x_ave + Mag_y_ave*Mag_y_ave );
+        MagVector_angle=acos(( Mag_x*Mag_x_ave + Mag_y*Mag_y_ave )/(v_length*v_length_ave))*57.3;
+        if( count9==3 )
+        {
+            Global_mag_vector_angle=MagVector_angle;
+            count9=0;
+        }
+        count9++;
+        if( (abs(Global_mag_vector_angle-MagVector_angle)<5) && (abs(Global_GYRO_z)<5) )
+        {
+            Count_mag_check++;
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+            Count_mag_check=0; 
+        }
+        if( Count_mag_check==30 )
+        {
+            Yaw=Yaw_pre;
+            Count_mag_check=0;
+        }
+        float ABS_CHECK=abs(Global_mag_vector_angle-MagVector_angle);
+//********************************Theta_check  end
+        /*pc.printf("ABS_CHECK:%10.3f,Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL:%10.3f,Mag_x:%10.3f,Count_mag_check:%10d ,Yaw_pre:%10.3f,Yaw_filter:%10.3f    ", 
+            ABS_CHECK,
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL,
+            Mag_x,
+            Count_mag_check,
+            Yaw_pre,
+            Yaw
+            );*/
+int Motor_run(double control_value_PWM_X, double control_value_PWM_Y, int control_AR, int control_brake , int control_stopRun, int control_X1_CW_CCW, int control_X2_CW_CCW, int control_Y1_CW_CCW, int control_Y2_CW_CCW)
+    StopRun.write(control_stopRun);
+    Brake.write(control_brake);
+    AR.write(control_AR);
+    X1_CW_CCW.write(control_X1_CW_CCW);
+    X2_CW_CCW.write(control_X2_CW_CCW);
+    Y1_CW_CCW.write(control_Y1_CW_CCW);
+    Y2_CW_CCW.write(control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+    X_PWM.write(control_value_PWM_X);
+    Y_PWM.write(control_value_PWM_Y);
+void quadratureDecoder( void )
+    int  currentEncoderState_1 = (phaseB_1.read() << 1) + phaseA_1.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_2 = (phaseB_2.read() << 1) + phaseA_2.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_3 = (phaseB_3.read() << 1) + phaseA_3.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_4 = (phaseB_4.read() << 1) + phaseA_4.read();
+//****************************  1  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_1 == previousEncoderState_1 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_1 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_1 = currentEncoderState_1;
+//****************************  2  ************************************//    
+    if( currentEncoderState_2 == previousEncoderState_2 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_2 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_2 = currentEncoderState_2;
+//****************************  3  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_3 == previousEncoderState_3 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_3 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_3 = currentEncoderState_3;
+//****************************  4  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_4 == previousEncoderState_4 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_4 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_4 = currentEncoderState_4;
+void getAngular( void )
+//    Angle_1 = (encoderClickCount_1*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_2 = (encoderClickCount_2*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_3 = (encoderClickCount_3*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_4 = (encoderClickCount_4*0.1499)/5; 
+    Angle_1 = encoderClickCount_1*0.03; 
+    Angle_2 = encoderClickCount_2*0.03; 
+    Angle_3 = encoderClickCount_3*0.03; 
+    Angle_4 = encoderClickCount_4*0.03;
+    _1_SectionAngle = Angle_1 - LastAngle_1;
+    _2_SectionAngle = Angle_2 - LastAngle_2;
+    _3_SectionAngle = Angle_3 - LastAngle_3;
+    _4_SectionAngle = Angle_4 - LastAngle_4;
+    Average_SectionAngle_1 = (_1_SectionAngle*0.3 + _1_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _1_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_2 = (_2_SectionAngle*0.3 + _2_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _2_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_3 = (_3_SectionAngle*0.3 + _3_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _3_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_4 = (_4_SectionAngle*0.3 + _4_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _4_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    NowTime_measureVelocity = NowTime.read();
+    SectionTime = NowTime_measureVelocity - LastTime_measureVelocity;
+    Now_angularVelocity_1 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_1/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_2 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_2/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_3 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_3/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_4 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_4/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_X = (Now_angularVelocity_2+Now_angularVelocity_4)*0.5;
+    Now_angularVelocity_Y = (Now_angularVelocity_1+Now_angularVelocity_3)*0.5;
+    LastTime_measureVelocity = NowTime_measureVelocity;
+    LastAngle_1 = Angle_1;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_4 = _1_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_3 = _1_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_2 = _1_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_1 = _1_LastSectionAngle;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle = _1_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_2 = Angle_2;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_4 = _2_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_3 = _2_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_2 = _2_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_1 = _2_LastSectionAngle;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle = _2_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_3 = Angle_3;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_4 = _3_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_3 = _3_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_2 = _3_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_1 = _3_LastSectionAngle;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle = _3_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_4 = Angle_4;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_4 = _4_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_3 = _4_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_2 = _4_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_1 = _4_LastSectionAngle;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle = _4_SectionAngle;
+    if (Angle_1>=0 && Angle_3>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1>=0 && Angle_3<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + abs(Angle_3))*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1<=0 && Angle_3>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = -(abs(Angle_1) + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1<=0 && Angle_3<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    if (Angle_2>=0 && Angle_4>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2>=0 && Angle_4<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + abs(Angle_4))*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2<=0 && Angle_4>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = -(abs(Angle_2) + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2<=0 && Angle_4<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+double PWM_commmand_transformation( double  Control_AngVel_Value )
+    double Control_PWM_Value = 0;
+    if( Control_AngVel_Value > 0 )
+    {
+        Control_AngVel_Value = Control_AngVel_Value;
+    }
+    else if( Control_AngVel_Value < 0 )
+    {
+        Control_AngVel_Value = -Control_AngVel_Value;
+    }
+    if( Control_AngVel_Value > 325)
+    {
+        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 466 )
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 393 )
+            {
+                Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/651.6   ;   //0.5~0.6
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/658.8;   //0.6~0.7
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 523 )
+            {
+               Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/658.39; //0.7~0.8
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if( Control_AngVel_Value < 588 )
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/652.36;  //0.8~0.9
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/655.11;  //0.9~1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if( Control_AngVel_Value < 325)
+    {
+        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 40 )
+        {
+           Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/533.3; //0~0.075
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 59 )
+            {
+               Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/560.65; //0.1~0.15
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if( Control_AngVel_Value < 131 )
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/638.3;  //0.15~0.2
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if( Control_AngVel_Value < 197 )
+                    {
+                       Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/651.6; //0.2~0.3
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 263 )
+                        {
+                            Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/654.16; //0.3~0.4
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/652.5; //0.4~0.5
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return Control_PWM_Value;
+void PIDcontrol_compute_velocity(void)
+    if(command_AngularVel_X >= 0)
+    {
+        Control_X1_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Control_X2_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Command_AngularVel_X = command_AngularVel_X;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Control_X1_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Control_X2_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Command_AngularVel_X = -command_AngularVel_X;
+    }
+    if(command_AngularVel_Y >= 0)
+    {
+        Control_Y1_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Control_Y2_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Command_AngularVel_Y = command_AngularVel_Y;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Control_Y1_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Control_Y2_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Command_AngularVel_Y = -command_AngularVel_Y;
+    }
+    Now_time_PID=NowTime.read();
+    Motor_X.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+    Motor_Y.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_X = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_X);
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_Y = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_Y);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_X = PWM_commmand_transformation(command_AngularVel_X);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_Y = PWM_commmand_transformation(command_AngularVel_Y);
+void LQR_control_compute(void)
+    Diff_Roll = (Roll - Roll_last);
+    Diff_Pitch = (Pitch - Pitch_last);
+    Integ_Roll += Roll;
+    //printf("Diff_Roll:%.3f\n",Diff_Roll);
+    Integ_Pitch +=  Pitch;
+    Roll_last = Roll;
+    Pitch_last = Pitch;
+    //Diff_Roll =0;
+    //Roll -= 2.45;
+    //Pitch -=2.5;
+    Diff_x = x_now - x_trajectory;
+    Diff_y = y_now - y_trajectory;
+    dot_diff_x = Diff_x - Diff_x_pre;
+    dot_diff_y = Diff_y - Diff_y_pre;
+    Integ_x += Diff_x;
+    Integ_y += Diff_y;
+    //x_pre_1 = x_now;
+    //y_pre_1 = y_now;
+    Diff_x_pre = Diff_x;
+    Diff_y_pre = Diff_y;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+ Kav*Diff_Roll + Kt*Diff_x + Kv*dot_diff_x + KI_xy*Integ_x;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+Kav*Diff_Pitch + Kt_y*Diff_y + Kv_y*dot_diff_y + KI_xy_y*Integ_y;
+    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll + Kt*Diff_x + Kv*dot_diff_x + KI_xy*Integ_x;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll;
+    //u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll - Kt*(10) - Kv*0;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll);
+    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Pitch*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Pitch + Kt_y*Diff_y + Kv_y*dot_diff_y + KI_xy_y*Integ_y;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll;
+    //u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Pitch*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Pitch - Kt*0 - Kv*0;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch);
+    if(u_x > 580)
+    {
+        u_x = 580;
+    }
+    else if(u_x < -580)
+    {
+        u_x = -580;
+    }
+    if(u_y > 580 )
+    {
+        u_y = 580;
+    }
+    else if(u_y < -580)
+    {
+        u_y = -580;
+    }
+    Vx = u_x;
+    Vy = u_y;
+    Wz = Yaw;
+//    Vx = 100;
+//    Vy = 100;
+//    Wz =0;
+    command_AngularVel_X = Vx+Kz*Wz;
+    command_AngularVel_Y = Vy+Kz*Wz;
+//  /*v_dx_new=0.4*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltX)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroX)  +(x)*Kp3*19  +vel_x*Kd3*15-0*v_dx);
+//  v_dy_new=0.4*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltY)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroY)  +(y)*Kp3*19  +(vel_y)*Kd3*15-0*v_dy);*/
+//  // x_u=12.5*1.6666*v_d_gain*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltX)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroX)  +(x)*Kp3*0  +vel_x*Kd3*0-0*x_iu);
+//  // y_u=12.5*1.6666*v_d_gain*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltY)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroY)  +(y)*Kp3*0  +vel_y*Kd3*0-0*y_iu);
+//  /*x_u=6.25*v_d_gain*(  -Kp3*err_tiltX+(-1.9*Kd3)*err_gyroX  +(-0.001*0*Kp3)*x  +(-0.018*0*Kp3)*vel_x-0*x_iu);
+//  y_u=6.25*v_d_gain*(  -Kp3*err_tiltY+(-1.9*Kd3)*err_gyroY  +(-0.001*0*Kp3)*y  +(-0.018*0*Kp3)*vel_y-0*y_iu);
+//    // integral U for PI close loop
+//    x_iu=x_u*T2+x_iu_old; //integral value of v_dx
+//    y_iu=y_u*T2+y_iu_old;
+//    x_iu_old=x_iu;
+//    y_iu_old=y_iu; 
+//    // dV cmd(U cmd) PI close loop (like low-pass filter multip a gain value)
+//    C_theta1_d=(8)*((x_u-vel_x*0.3*C_theta_gain1)+(C_theta_gain2)*(x_iu*0.24- x*0.3 )+fc*vel_x);
+//    C_theta2_d=(8)*((y_u-vel_y*0.3*C_theta_gain1)+(C_theta_gain2)*(y_iu*0.24- y*0.3 )+fc*vel_y); 
+//   //  Vx = integral dVx
+//    C_theta1=C_theta1_d*T2+C_theta1_old;
+//   //  limit
+//    C_theta1= C_theta1> (5000)     ? (5000): C_theta1;
+//    C_theta1= C_theta1< (-5000)    ? (-5000): C_theta1;
+//    C_theta1_old=C_theta1;
+//    // integral Vx
+//    C_theta1_i=C_theta1*T2+C_theta1_i;
+//   //  Vy = integral dVy
+//    C_theta2=C_theta2_d*T2+C_theta2_old;
+//   //  limit
+//    C_theta2= C_theta2>(5000)     ? (5000): C_theta2;
+//    C_theta2= C_theta2<(-5000)   ?  (-5000):C_theta2;
+//    C_theta2_old=C_theta2;
+//    // integral Vy
+//    C_theta2_i=C_theta2*T2+C_theta2_i;
+//    // speed PI LOOP control
+//    C_thetaX=Kcp*(C_theta1-vel_x*Cgain1)+Kci*(C_theta1_i-x*Cgain2); //X axis 
+//    C_thetaY=Kcp*(C_theta2-vel_y*Cgain1)+Kci*(C_theta2_i-y*Cgain2); //Y axis
+// #endif 
+// #if Testmode == 1 // nonlinear
+////########### x 方向之控制器############# 
+//  r1=1;
+//  r2=1;
+//  err_tilt= 0+tilt2*0.0006086;/*tilt_out;傾斜儀資料         */
+//  err_gyro= 0+gyro2;/*陀螺儀資料*/
+//  sin_t=sin(err_tilt);
+//  cos_t=cos(err_tilt);
+//  err_tilt_i=err_tilt_i+err_tilt*0.1;
+//  x_i=x_i+x*0.001;
+// //err_tilt_i+=err_tilt;
+// //x_i+=x;
+//  delta=187.5-125.3*cos_t;
+//  A=(5.51+33.75*cos_t)/delta;
+//  B=-((125.3*sin_t*cos_t)/delta)*err_gyro*err_gyro+182.2*sin_t/delta;
+//// B=-((125.3*sin_t*cos_t)/delta)*err_gyro*err_gyro+182.2*sin_t/delta-5.5091*((err_gyro+vel_x/0.11))/187.5-125.3*cos_t*cos_t;
+//  C=Kp3*(eta1-Kp3*err_tilt-Ki3*err_tilt_i)+Ki3*err_tilt;
+//  D=-(5.51+33.75*cos_t)/delta;
+//  E=126.4/delta*err_gyro*err_gyro*sin_t-1637/delta*sin_t*cos_t;
+//  F=Kp3*(eta2-Kp3*x-Ki3*x_i)+Ki3*x;
+//  eta1=err_gyro+Kp3*err_tilt+Ki3*err_tilt_i;
+//  eta2=vel_x+Kp3*x+Ki3*x_i;
+//  s=r1*eta1+r2*eta2;
+//  if(s>=1)      sgns=1;
+//  else if(s<=-1)    sgns=-1;
+//  else          sgns=s;
+//  if     (s*abs(vel_x)>=1)  sgns_c=1;
+//  else if(s*abs(vel_x)<=-1) sgns_c=-1;
+//  else                      sgns_c=s*abs(vel_x);
+////########### y 方向之控制器############# 
+//  err_tilt2= 0+tilt5*0.0006086;/*tilt_out;傾斜儀資料         */
+//  err_gyro2= 0+gyro5;/*陀螺儀資料*/
+//  sin_t2=sin(err_tilt2);
+//  cos_t2=cos(err_tilt2);
+//  err_tilt2_i=err_tilt2_i+err_tilt2*0.1;
+//  y_i=y_i+y*0.001;
+//  delta2=187.5-125.3*cos_t2;
+//  A2=(5.51+33.75*cos_t2)/delta2;
+//  B2=-((125.3*sin_t2*cos_t2)/delta2)*err_gyro2*err_gyro2+182.2*sin_t2/delta2;
+//  C2=Kp3*(eta3-Kp3*err_tilt2-Ki3*err_tilt2_i)+Ki3*err_tilt2;
+//  D2=-(5.51+33.75*cos_t2)/delta2;
+//  E2=126.4/delta2*err_gyro2*err_gyro2*sin_t2-1637/delta2*sin_t2*cos_t2;
+//  F2=Kp3*(eta4-Kp3*y-Ki3*y_i)+Ki3*y;
+//  eta3=err_gyro2+Kp3*err_tilt2+Ki3*err_tilt2_i;
+//  eta4=vel_y+Kp3*y+Ki3*y_i;
+//  s2=r1*eta3+r2*eta4;
+//  if(s2>=1)         sgns2=1;
+//  else if(s2<=-1)   sgns2=-1;
+//  else              sgns2=s2;
+//  if(s2*abs(vel_y)>=1)      sgns2_c=1;
+//  else if(s2*abs(vel_y)<=-1)    sgns2_c=-1;
+//  else                      sgns2_c=s2*abs(vel_y);
+//  C_theta1_new=((r1*B+r1*C+r2*E+r2*F)+s+sgns+sgns_c)/(r1*A+r2*D);
+//  C_theta2_new=((r1*B2+r1*C2+r2*E2+r2*F2)+s2+sgns2+sgns2_c)/(r1*A2+r2*D2);
+//  }
+//   i++;
+//   C_theta1=C_theta1_new*0.00050+C_theta1_old;
+//   C_theta1_old=C_theta1;
+//   C_theta2=C_theta2_new*0.00050+C_theta2_old;
+//   C_theta2_old=C_theta2;
+//   C_theta1= C_theta1>(42143)?(42143): C_theta1;
+//   C_theta1= C_theta1<-1*(42143)?-1*(42143): C_theta1;
+//   C_theta2= C_theta2>(42143)?(42143): C_theta2;
+//   C_theta2=C_theta2<-1*(42143)?-1*(42143):C_theta2;
+// #endif
+void MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle(void)
+    dt = t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle;
+    imu.read_all();
+    Mag_Complentary_Filter(dt,imu.Magnetometer);
+    Filter_compute(dt, imu.gyroscope_data, imu.accelerometer_data, imu.Magnetometer);
+    /*x_now = x_pre_1 + (1/(dt*dt))*(ax_now-2*ax_pre_1+ax_pre_2);
+    y_now = y_pre_1 + (1/(dt*dt))*(ay_now-2*ay_pre_1+ay_pre_2);
+    x_pre_1 = x_now;
+    y_pre_1 = y_now;*/
+    x_now = r_grounder*pi*(Angle_X/180);
+    y_now = r_grounder*pi*(Angle_Y/180);
+//    x_now = r_ball*pi*(Angle_X/180);
+//    y_now = r_ball*pi*(Angle_Y/180);
+    do_measure_index++;
+//void Trajectory_tracking(void)
+//    double t_trajectory = NowTime.read();
+//    if( RunTime>=0 &&( RunTime<=10))
+//    {
+//        //x_trajectory = t_trajectory * (0.5);
+//        x_trajectory = 0;
+//        y_trajectory = 0;
+//    }
+//    else if( RunTime>10  )
+//    {
+//        x_trajectory = 0;
+//        y_trajectory = 0;
+//    }
+//****************************main function************************************//
+int main() 
+//    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.baud(230400);
+//****************************Motor driver declare************************************//    
+    //ExtInt = 0;            //number high, voltage high.
+    //Control_stopRun=0;
+//    Control_brake=1;
+    Control_AR=1; 
+    Control_H_F=1;
+    H_F.write(Control_H_F);  // control_H_F must equal to 1
+//    StopRun.write(Control_stopRun);
+//    Brake.write(Control_brake);
+//    AR.write(Control_AR);
+//****************************Angle Sensor initialization************************************//    
+    if(imu.init(1,BITS_DLPF_CFG_188HZ))
+    {  //INIT the mpu9250
+//        pc.printf("\nCouldn't initialize MPU9250 via SPI!");
+    }    
+    imu.whoami();
+//    wait(0.1);    
+    imu.set_gyro_scale(BITS_FS_2000DPS);
+//    wait(0.1);  
+    imu.set_acc_scale(BITS_FS_16G);
+//    wait(0.1);
+    imu.AK8963_whoami();
+//    wait(0.1);  
+    imu.AK8963_calib_Magnetometer();
+////****************************SD card************************************//        
+    mkdir("/sd/Amber20170822a", 0777);  //SD裡面的資料夾叫Amber77,在此做宣告
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/Amber20170822a/RollPitchYaw_y1.csv", "a");     
+    //將檔案存進SD的資料夾Amber77裡面,並取名為PWM_AngVel_PWM.xls/.xlsx/.csv
+    fprintf(fp,"RunTime,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,x_trajectory,y_trajectory\n");
+    //**************************** PWM ************************************//
+//    X_PWM.calibrate(0.00005, 0.08*0.00005, 1*0.00005);     //20kHZ
+//    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.00005, 0.08*0.00005, 1*0.00005);     //20kHZ
+//    X_PWM.calibrate(0.02, 0*0.02, 1*0.02);
+//    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.02, 0*0.02, 1*0.02);
+    X_PWM.calibrate(0.0001, 0*0.0001, 1*0.0001);  //10kHZ
+    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.0001, 0*0.0001, 1*0.0001);  //10kHZ
+//**************************** Encoder ************************************//
+    phaseA_1.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_1.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_2.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_2.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_3.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_3.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_4.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_4.mode( PullUp );
+//**************************** Create the motor encoder sampler. ************************************//
+    Sample_Motor_encoder.attach_us( &quadratureDecoder, t_quadratureDecoder ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor encoder sampler. ************************************//
+    Sample_robotAngleSensor.attach( &MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle, t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor angular velocity measurement. ************************************//
+    MeasureAngularVelocity.attach( &getAngular, t_MeasureAngularVelocity ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor angular velocity PID control. ************************************//
+    PIDcontrol_velocity.attach( &PIDcontrol_compute_velocity, t_PIDcontrol_velocity );
+//**************************** Create the robot LQR control. ************************************//
+    LQR_control.attach( &LQR_control_compute, t_LQR_control );
+//**************************** Trajectory tracking control ************************************//   
+//    TrajectoryTracking_control.attach( &Trajectory_tracking, t_trajectory );
+//**************************** Motor settlement ************************************//
+    Motor_X.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+    Motor_Y.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+//    Command_AngularVel_X = 0;
+//    Command_AngularVel_Y = 0;
+//**************************** Timers start ************************************//
+    NowTime.start();
+    while( 1 )
+    { 
+        RunTime = NowTime.read();
+        t_trajectory = NowTime.read();
+        limitSwitchUp = LimitSwitchUp.read();
+        limitSwitchDown = LimitSwitchDown.read();
+        //pc.printf("%d \n",Control_F_R);
+        if (mybutton == 0)
+        {
+            if( Control_F_R == 1)
+            {
+                Control_LiftingStopRun=0;
+                LiftingStopRun.write(Control_LiftingStopRun);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+                F_R.write(Control_F_R);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+                Control_stopRun=0;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(3);
+            }
+            else if ( Control_F_R == 0)
+            {
+                Control_LiftingStopRun=0;
+                LiftingStopRun.write(Control_LiftingStopRun);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+                F_R.write(Control_F_R);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+                Control_stopRun=0;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(2);
+                Control_stopRun=1;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(1);                
+            }
+            Control_F_R=1-Control_F_R;
+            wait(0.2);
+        }
+        if(limitSwitchUp == 0)
+        {
+            LiftingStopRun.write(1);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+            F_R.write(1);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+        }
+        if(limitSwitchDown == 0)
+        {
+            LiftingStopRun.write(1);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+            F_R.write(0);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+        }
+        if( RunTime>=0 &&( RunTime<=10))
+        {
+            //x_trajectory = t_trajectory * (0.5);
+            //Control_stopRun=0;
+//            Control_brake=1;
+            x_trajectory = 0;
+            y_trajectory = 0;
+        }
+        else if( RunTime>10 && (RunTime <=20 ))
+        {
+            //Control_stopRun=0;
+//            Control_brake=1;
+            x_trajectory = 0;
+            y_trajectory = 0;
+        }
+        else if( RunTime>=20  )
+        {
+            //Control_stopRun=0;
+//            Control_brake=1;
+            x_trajectory = 0;
+            y_trajectory = 0;
+        }
+        if( (RunTime-lastTime) > 0.1  )
+        {
+            index_times++;
+            lastTime = RunTime;
+        }
+        if( index_times >= 0.1 )
+        {
+                /*pc.printf("x_now: %.3f   , y_now: %.3f , x_trajectory: %f   , u_y: %f ",x_now,y_now,x_trajectory,u_y);
+                pc.printf(" Roll : %10.3f, Pitch : %10.3f, Yaw : %10.3f   \n", 
+                            Roll,
+                            Pitch,
+                            Yaw
+                            );*/
+            //pc.printf(" %.3f   ,  %.3f , %.3f   , %.3f ",x_now,y_now,x_trajectory,y_trajectory);
+            //pc.printf("RunTime=%10.3f || Roll=%10.3f || Pitch=%10.3f || Yaw=%10.3f \n",RunTime, Roll, Pitch, Yaw);
+//            pc.printf("Vx=%10.3f || Vy=%10.3f || PWM_X=%10.3f || PWM_Y=%10.3f || x_now=%10.3f || y_now=%10.3f || Angle_X=%10.3f || Angle_Y=%10.3f\n", 
+//                        Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,x_now,y_now,Angle_X,Angle_Y);
+            pc.printf("RunTime=%.3f || Roll=%.3f || Pitch=%.3f || Yaw=%.3f \n",RunTime, Roll, Pitch, Yaw);
+            pc.printf("Vx=%.3f || Vy=%.3f || PWM_X=%.3f || PWM_Y=%.3f || x_now=%.3f || y_now=%.3f || Angle_X=%.3f || Angle_Y=%.3f\n\n\n", 
+                        Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,x_trajectory,y_trajectory,Angle_X,Angle_Y);
+            //pc.printf(" Now_angularVelocity : %.3f ",Now_angularVelocity);
+//            pc.printf(",RunTime : %.3f ", RunTime );
+//            pc.printf(",control_PWM_Value : %.3f \n", control_PWM_Value);
+            index_times = 0;
+            //if(fp == NULL) 
+//            {
+//                error("Could not open file for write\n");
+//            }
+//            //fprintf(fp,"%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\n", RunTime,Now_angularVelocity,control_PWM_Value);  
+            fprintf(fp,"%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f   \n", RunTime,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y, x_trajectory,y_trajectory);
+        }
+//        Lifting(Control_LiftingStopRun, Control_F_R , Control_H_F);
+        Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+    //wait(0.1);
+       // if(!mybutton)
+//        {
+//            StopRun.write(1);
+//            Brake.write(1);
+//            X1_CW_CCW.write(1);                   // clockwise:0    counterclockwise:1
+//            X2_CW_CCW.write(0);  
+//            Y1_CW_CCW.write(1);                   // clockwise:0    counterclockwise:1
+//            Y2_CW_CCW.write(0);
+//            X_PWM.write(0);                   // clockwise:0    counterclockwise:1
+//            Y_PWM.write(0);
+//            break;
+//        }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 54f408fdeada mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Aug 30 02:07:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file