For use with STM32L746RG . Class which provides functions to control a TAOS TCS3472 Color Light-to-Digital Converter with IR Filter via I2C.

Dependents:   colerSenser2

Fork of TCS3472_I2C by Karl Maxwell


night; default tip

2017-06-01, by Allar [Thu, 01 Jun 2017 08:04:39 +0000] rev 8


need to see which is a better measurement; comp or non comp

2017-04-30, by Allar [Sun, 30 Apr 2017 08:00:52 +0000] rev 7

need to see which is a better measurement; comp or non comp

Class documentation added.

2014-04-24, by karlmaxwell67 [Thu, 24 Apr 2014 09:14:25 +0000] rev 6

Class documentation added.


2014-04-16, by karlmaxwell67 [Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:57:46 +0000] rev 5


Added isPowerEnabled, isRGBCEnabled etc. and roundTowardsZero which is used in setWaitTime and setIntegrationTime

2014-03-21, by karlmaxwell67 [Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:38:11 +0000] rev 4

Added isPowerEnabled, isRGBCEnabled etc. and roundTowardsZero which is used in setWaitTime and setIntegrationTime

Added more functions to increase the functionality of the class.

2014-03-20, by karlmaxwell67 [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:56:56 +0000] rev 3

Added more functions to increase the functionality of the class.

Added functions setIntegrationTime, enableWait, disableWait, enableInterrupt, disableInterrupt and setWaitTime.

2014-03-19, by karlmaxwell67 [Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:48:12 +0000] rev 2

Added functions setIntegrationTime, enableWait, disableWait, enableInterrupt, disableInterrupt and setWaitTime.

Can successfully read data from sensor. No ATIME functionality present.

2014-03-19, by karlmaxwell67 [Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:23:11 +0000] rev 1

Can successfully read data from sensor. No ATIME functionality present.

Created library for class TCS3472_I2C for operation of TCS3472 RGB sensor

2014-03-18, by karlmaxwell67 [Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:45:04 +0000] rev 0

Created library for class TCS3472_I2C for operation of TCS3472 RGB sensor