Dynamic Lighting Lib. of 7Seg-LED (add DP) x4. Features: - Unified Anode/Cathode and NPN/PNP sw. - Non-use wait(); Useing Interrupt Timer. - Modulates Brightness with PWM. - Display Hex. - Using BusOut(s) of Digits(4) and Segments(8). - Sinmple Interface of Class.
change seg '9'.; d-seg added. (0x67 -> 0x6F)
2018-04-18, by AkinoriHashimoto [Wed, 18 Apr 2018 09:18:11 +0000] rev 1
change seg '9'.; d-seg added. (0x67 -> 0x6F)
Dynamic Lighting Lib. of 7Seg-LED (add DP) x4.; ; Features:; - Unified Anode/Cathode common 7Segs, and NPN/PNP switchings.; - Using BusOut(s) of Digits(0-3) and Segments(A-G,DP).; - Sinmple Interface of Class.; - Non-use wait(); Useing Inte
2018-04-11, by AkinoriHashimoto [Wed, 11 Apr 2018 09:18:20 +0000] rev 0
Dynamic Lighting Lib. of 7Seg-LED (add DP) x4.; ; Features:; - Unified Anode/Cathode common 7Segs, and NPN/PNP switchings.; - Using BusOut(s) of Digits(0-3) and Segments(A-G,DP).; - Sinmple Interface of Class.; - Non-use wait(); Useing Inte