Forked from TuanPM.

Dependencies:   DS1820

Fork of ds18b20_test by Tuan PM

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Aug 11 13:08:05 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Fixed:; -Relay glitch at start up.; -Water sensor library issues. Replaced with the working one by Erik Olieman.;

Changed in this revision

DS1820.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DS1820/DS1820.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DS1820/DS1820.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 9ff078416e17 -r 6f1dd22234a6 DS1820.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DS1820.lib	Thu Aug 11 13:08:05 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 9ff078416e17 -r 6f1dd22234a6 DS1820/DS1820.cpp
--- a/DS1820/DS1820.cpp	Thu Jul 28 13:20:43 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-#include "DS1820.h"
-#include "mbed.h"
-// Global variables shared between all DS1820 objects
-bool DS1820_done_flag;
-int  DS1820_last_descrepancy;
-char DS1820_search_ROM[8];
-DS1820::DS1820 (PinName data_pin, PinName power_pin) : _datapin(data_pin), _parasitepin(power_pin) {
-    int byte_counter;
-    _parasite_power = true;
-    for(byte_counter=0;byte_counter<8;byte_counter++)
-        ROM[byte_counter] = 0xFF;
-    for(byte_counter=0;byte_counter<9;byte_counter++)
-        RAM[byte_counter] = 0x00;
-DS1820::DS1820 (PinName data_pin) : _datapin(data_pin), _parasitepin(NC) {
-    int byte_counter;
-    _parasite_power = false;
-    for(byte_counter=0;byte_counter<8;byte_counter++)
-        ROM[byte_counter] = 0xFF;
-    for(byte_counter=0;byte_counter<9;byte_counter++)
-        RAM[byte_counter] = 0x00; 
-bool DS1820::onewire_reset() {
-// This will return false if no devices are present on the data bus
-    bool presence=false;
-    _datapin.output();
-    _datapin.mode(PullUp);
-    _datapin = 0;           // bring low for 500 us
-    wait_us(500);
-    _datapin.input();       // let the data line float high
-    _datapin.mode(PullUp);
-    wait_us(90);            // wait 90us
-    if ( // see if any devices are pulling the data line low
-        presence=true;
-    wait_us(410);
-    return presence;
-void DS1820::onewire_bit_out (bool bit_data) {
-    _datapin.output();
-    _datapin = 0;
-    wait_us(5);
-    if (bit_data) {
-        _datapin.input(); // bring data line high
-        _datapin.mode(PullUp);
-        wait_us(55);
-    } else {
-        wait_us(55);            // keep data line low
-        _datapin.input();
-        _datapin.mode(PullUp);
-    }
-void DS1820::onewire_byte_out(char data) { // output data character (least sig bit first).
-    int n;
-    for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
-        onewire_bit_out(data & 0x01);
-        data = data >> 1; // now the next bit is in the least sig bit position.
-    }
-bool DS1820::onewire_bit_in() {
-    bool answer;
-    _datapin.output();
-    _datapin = 0;
-    wait_us(5);
-    _datapin.input();
-    _datapin.mode(PullUp);
-    wait_us(5);
-    answer =;
-    wait_us(50);
-    return answer;
-char DS1820::onewire_byte_in() { // read byte, least sig byte first
-    char answer = 0x00;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
-        answer = answer >> 1; // shift over to make room for the next bit
-        if (onewire_bit_in())
-            answer = answer | 0x80; // if the data port is high, make this bit a 1
-    }
-    return answer;
-bool DS1820::search_ROM() {
-    return search_ROM_routine(0xF0);    // Search ROM command
-bool DS1820::search_alarm() {
-    return search_ROM_routine(0xEC);    // Search Alarm command
-bool DS1820::search_ROM_routine(char command) {
-    extern bool DS1820_done_flag;
-    extern int DS1820_last_descrepancy;
-    extern char DS1820_search_ROM[8];
-    int descrepancy_marker, ROM_bit_index;
-    bool return_value, Bit_A, Bit_B;
-    char byte_counter, bit_mask;
-    return_value=false;
-    if (!DS1820_done_flag) {
-        if (!onewire_reset()) {
-            DS1820_last_descrepancy = 0; // no devices present
-        } else {
-            ROM_bit_index=1;
-            descrepancy_marker=0;
-            onewire_byte_out(command); // Search ROM command or Search Alarm command
-            byte_counter = 0;
-            bit_mask = 0x01;
-            while (ROM_bit_index<=64) {
-                Bit_A = onewire_bit_in();
-                Bit_B = onewire_bit_in();
-                if (Bit_A & Bit_B) {
-                    descrepancy_marker = 0; // data read error, this should never happen
-                    ROM_bit_index = 0xFF;
-                } else {
-                    if (Bit_A | Bit_B) {
-                        // Set ROM bit to Bit_A
-                        if (Bit_A) {
-                            DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] = DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] | bit_mask; // Set ROM bit to one
-                        } else {
-                            DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] = DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] & ~bit_mask; // Set ROM bit to zero
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        // both bits A and B are low, so there are two or more devices present
-                        if ( ROM_bit_index == DS1820_last_descrepancy ) {
-                            DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] = DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] | bit_mask; // Set ROM bit to one
-                        } else {
-                            if ( ROM_bit_index > DS1820_last_descrepancy ) {
-                                DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] = DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] & ~bit_mask; // Set ROM bit to zero
-                                descrepancy_marker = ROM_bit_index;
-                            } else {
-                                if (( DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] & bit_mask) == 0x00 )
-                                    descrepancy_marker = ROM_bit_index;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    onewire_bit_out (DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter] & bit_mask);
-                    ROM_bit_index++;
-                    if (bit_mask & 0x80) {
-                        byte_counter++;
-                        bit_mask = 0x01;
-                    } else {
-                        bit_mask = bit_mask << 1;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            DS1820_last_descrepancy = descrepancy_marker;
-            if (ROM_bit_index != 0xFF) {
-                for(byte_counter=0;byte_counter<8;byte_counter++)
-                    ROM[byte_counter] = DS1820_search_ROM[byte_counter];
-                return_value = true;
-            }
-        }
-        if (DS1820_last_descrepancy == 0)
-            DS1820_done_flag = true;
-    }
-    return return_value;
-void DS1820::search_ROM_setup() {
-    extern bool DS1820_done_flag;
-    extern int DS1820_last_descrepancy;
-    extern char DS1820_search_ROM[8];
-    DS1820_done_flag = false;
-    DS1820_last_descrepancy = 0;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
-        DS1820_search_ROM[i]=0x00;
-void DS1820::read_ROM() {
-    // NOTE: This command can only be used when there is one DS1820 on the bus. If this command
-    // is used when there is more than one slave present on the bus, a data collision will occur
-    // when all the DS1820s attempt to respond at the same time.
-    int i;
-    onewire_reset();
-    onewire_byte_out(0x33);   // Read ROM id
-    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
-        ROM[i]=onewire_byte_in();
-void DS1820::match_ROM() {
-// Used to select a specific device
-    int i;
-    onewire_reset();
-    onewire_byte_out( 0x55);  //Match ROM command
-    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-        onewire_byte_out(ROM[i]);
-void DS1820::skip_ROM() {
-    onewire_reset();
-    onewire_byte_out(0xCC);   // Skip ROM command
-bool DS1820::ROM_checksum_error() {
-    char xCRC=0x00;
-    int i;
-    for(i=0;i<7;i++) // Only going to shift the lower 7 bytes
-        xCRC = CRC_byte(xCRC, ROM[i]);
-    // After 7 bytes CRC should equal the 8th byte (ROM CRC)
-    return (xCRC!=ROM[7]); // will return true if there is a CRC checksum error         
-bool DS1820::RAM_checksum_error() {
-    char xCRC=0x00;
-    int i;
-    read_RAM();
-    for(i=0;i<8;i++) // Only going to shift the lower 8 bytes
-        xCRC = CRC_byte(xCRC, RAM[i]);
-    // After 8 bytes CRC should equal the 9th byte (RAM CRC)
-    return (xCRC!=RAM[8]); // will return true if there is a CRC checksum error         
-char DS1820::CRC_byte (char xCRC, char byte ) {
-    int j;
-    for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
-        if ((byte & 0x01 ) ^ (xCRC & 0x01)) {
-            // DATA ^ LSB CRC = 1
-            xCRC = xCRC>>1;
-            // Set the MSB to 1
-            xCRC = xCRC | 0x80;
-            // Check bit 3
-            if (xCRC & 0x04) {
-                xCRC = xCRC & 0xFB; // Bit 3 is set, so clear it
-            } else {
-                xCRC = xCRC | 0x04; // Bit 3 is clear, so set it
-            }
-            // Check bit 4
-            if (xCRC & 0x08) {
-                xCRC = xCRC & 0xF7; // Bit 4 is set, so clear it
-            } else {
-                xCRC = xCRC | 0x08; // Bit 4 is clear, so set it
-            }
-        } else {
-            // DATA ^ LSB xCRC = 0
-            xCRC = xCRC>>1;
-            // clear MSB
-            xCRC = xCRC & 0x7F;
-            // No need to check bits, with DATA ^ LSB xCRC = 0, they will remain unchanged
-        }
-        byte = byte>>1;
-    }
-return xCRC;
-void DS1820::convert_temperature(devices device) {
-    // Convert temperature into scratchpad RAM for all devices at once
-    int delay_time = 750; // Default delay time
-    char resolution;
-    if (device==all_devices)
-        skip_ROM();          // Skip ROM command, will convert for ALL devices
-    else {
-        match_ROM();
-        if (FAMILY_CODE == FAMILY_CODE_DS18B20 ) {
-            resolution = RAM[4] & 0x60;
-            if (resolution == 0x00) // 9 bits
-                delay_time = 94;
-            if (resolution == 0x20) // 10 bits
-                delay_time = 188;
-            if (resolution == 0x40) // 11 bits. Note 12bits uses the 750ms default
-                delay_time = 375;
-        }
-    }
-    onewire_byte_out( 0x44);  // perform temperature conversion
-    if (_parasite_power)
-        _parasitepin = 1;       // Parasite power strong pullup
-    wait_ms(delay_time);
-    if (_parasite_power)
-        _parasitepin = 0;
-void DS1820::read_RAM() {
-    // This will copy the DS1820's 9 bytes of RAM data
-    // into the objects RAM array. Functions that use
-    // RAM values will automaticly call this procedure.
-    int i;
-    match_ROM();             // Select this device
-    onewire_byte_out( 0xBE);   //Read Scratchpad command
-    for(i=0;i<9;i++) {
-        RAM[i] = onewire_byte_in();
-    }
-bool DS1820::set_configuration_bits(unsigned int resolution) {
-    bool answer = false;
-    resolution = resolution - 9;
-    if (resolution < 4) {
-        resolution = resolution<<5; // align the bits
-        RAM[4] = (RAM[4] & 0x60) | resolution; // mask out old data, insert new
-        write_scratchpad ((RAM[2]<<8) + RAM[3]);
-//        store_scratchpad (DS1820::this_device); // Need to test if this is required
-        answer = true;
-    }
-    return answer;
-int DS1820::read_scratchpad() {
-    int answer;
-    read_RAM();
-    answer = (RAM[2]<<8) + RAM[3];
-    return answer;
-void DS1820::write_scratchpad(int data) {
-    RAM[3] = data;
-    RAM[2] = data>>8;
-    match_ROM();
-    onewire_byte_out(0x4E);   // Copy scratchpad into DS1820 ram memory
-    onewire_byte_out(RAM[2]); // T(H)
-    onewire_byte_out(RAM[3]); // T(L)
-    if ( FAMILY_CODE == FAMILY_CODE_DS18B20 ) {
-        onewire_byte_out(RAM[4]); // Configuration register
-    }
-void DS1820::store_scratchpad(devices device) {
-    if (device==all_devices)
-        skip_ROM();          // Skip ROM command, will store for ALL devices
-    else
-        match_ROM();
-    onewire_byte_out(0x48);   // Write scratchpad into E2 command
-    if (_parasite_power)
-        _parasitepin=1;
-    wait_ms(10);            // Parasite power strong pullup for 10ms
-    if (_parasite_power)
-        _parasitepin=0;
-int DS1820::recall_scratchpad(devices device) {
-// This copies the E2 values into the DS1820's memory.
-// If you specify all_devices this will return zero, otherwise
-// it will return the value of the scratchpad memory.
-    int answer=0;
-    if (device==all_devices)
-        skip_ROM();          // Skip ROM command, will recall for ALL devices
-    else
-        match_ROM();
-    onewire_byte_out(0xB8);   // Recall E2 data to scratchpad command
-    wait_ms(10); // not sure I like polling for completion
-                 // it could cause an infinite loop
-    if (device==DS1820::this_device) {
-        read_RAM();
-        answer = read_scratchpad();
-    }
-    return answer;
-float DS1820::temperature(char scale) {
-// The data specs state that count_per_degree should be 0x10 (16), I found my devices
-// to have a count_per_degree of 0x4B (75). With the standard resolution of 1/2 deg C
-// this allowed an expanded resolution of 1/150th of a deg C. I wouldn't rely on this
-// being super acurate, but it does allow for a smooth display in the 1/10ths of a
-// deg C or F scales.
-    float answer, remaining_count, count_per_degree;
-    int reading;
-    read_RAM();
-    reading = (RAM[1] << 8) + RAM[0];
-    if (reading & 0x8000) { // negative degrees C
-        reading = 0-((reading ^ 0xffff) + 1); // 2's comp then convert to signed int
-    }
-    answer = reading +0.0; // convert to floating point
-    if ( FAMILY_CODE == FAMILY_CODE_DS18B20 ) {
-        answer = answer / 8.0;
-    }
-    else {
-        remaining_count = RAM[6];
-        count_per_degree = RAM[7];
-        answer = answer - 0.25 + (count_per_degree - remaining_count) / count_per_degree;
-    }
-    if (scale=='C' or scale=='c')
-        answer = answer / 2.0;
-    else
-        // Convert to deg F
-        answer = answer * 9.0 / 10.0 + 32.0;
-    return answer;
-bool DS1820::read_power_supply(devices device) {
-// This will return true if the device (or all devices) are Vcc powered
-// This will return false if the device (or ANY device) is parasite powered
-    if (device==all_devices)
-        skip_ROM();          // Skip ROM command, will poll for any device using parasite power
-    else
-        match_ROM();
-    onewire_byte_out(0xB4);   // Read power supply command
-    return onewire_bit_in();
diff -r 9ff078416e17 -r 6f1dd22234a6 DS1820/DS1820.h
--- a/DS1820/DS1820.h	Thu Jul 28 13:20:43 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* mbed DS1820 Library, for the Dallas (Maxim) 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
- * Copyright (c) 2010, Michael Hagberg
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#ifndef MBED_DS1820_H
-#define MBED_DS1820_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-// Global variables shared between all DS1820 objects
-//bool DS1820_done_flag;
-//int  DS1820_last_descrepancy;
-//char DS1820_search_ROM[8];
-/** DS1820 Dallas 1-Wire Temperature Probe
- *
- * Example:
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- *
- * #include "TextLCD.h"
- * #include "DS1820.h"
- *
- * TextLCD lcd(p25, p26, p21, p22, p23, p24, TextLCD::LCD16x2); // rs, e, d0-d3, layout
- *
- * const int MAX_PROBES = 16;
- * DS1820* probe[MAX_PROBES];
- *
- * int main() {
- *     int i;
- *     int devices_found=0;
- *     // Initialize the probe array to DS1820 objects
- *     for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROBES; i++)
- *         probe[i] = new DS1820(p27);
- *     // Initialize global state variables
- *     probe[0]->search_ROM_setup();
- *     // Loop to find all devices on the data line
- *     while (probe[devices_found]->search_ROM() and devices_found<MAX_PROBES-1)
- *         devices_found++;
- *     // If maximum number of probes are found, 
- *     // bump the counter to include the last array entry
- *     if (probe[devices_found]->ROM[0] != 0xFF)
- *         devices_found++;
- * 
- *     lcd.cls();
- *     if (devices_found==0)
- *         lcd.printf("No devices found");
- *     else {
- *         while (true) {
- *             probe[0]->convert_temperature(DS1820::all_devices);
- *             lcd.cls();
- *             for (i=0; i<devices_found; i++) {
- *                 lcd.printf("%3.1f ",probe[i]->temperature('f'));
- *             }
- *         }
- *     }
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
-class DS1820 {
-    enum devices{
-        this_device,     // command applies to only this device
-        all_devices };   // command applies to all devices
-    /** Create a probe object connected to the specified pins
-     *
-     * @param data_pin DigitalInOut pin for the data bus
-     * @param power_pin DigitalOut pin to control the power MOSFET
-     */
-    DS1820(PinName data_pin, PinName power_pin); // Constructor with parasite power pin
-    /** Create a probe object connected to the specified pin
-     *  this is used when all probes are externally powered
-     *
-     * @param data_pin DigitalInOut pin for the data bus
-     */
-    DS1820(PinName data_pin);
-    /** ROM is a copy of the internal DS1820's ROM
-      * It's created during the search_ROM() or search_alarm() commands
-      *
-      * ROM[0] is the Dallas Family Code
-      * ROM[1] thru ROM[6] is the 48-bit unique serial number
-      * ROM[7] is the device xCRC
-      */
-    char ROM[8];
-    #define FAMILY_CODE ROM[0]
-    #define FAMILY_CODE_DS1820 0x10
-    #define FAMILY_CODE_DS18S20 0x10
-    #define FAMILY_CODE_DS18B20 0x28
-    /** RAM is a copy of the internal DS1820's RAM
-      * It's updated during the read_RAM() command
-      * which is automaticaly called from any function
-      * using the RAM values.
-      */
-    char RAM[9];
-    /* This function copies the DS1820's RAM into the object's
-     * RAM[].
-     */
-    void read_RAM();
-    /** This routine initializes the global variables used in
-      * the search_ROM() and search_alarm() funtions. It should
-      * be called once before looping to find devices.
-      */
-    void search_ROM_setup();
-    /** This routine will search for an unidentified device
-      * on the bus. It uses the variables in search_ROM_setup
-      * to remember the pervious ROM address found.
-      * It will return FALSE if there were no new devices
-      * discovered on the bus.
-      */
-    bool search_ROM();
-    /** This routine will search for an unidentified device
-      * which has the temperature alarm bit set. It uses the 
-      * variables in search_ROM_setup to remember the pervious 
-      * ROM address found. It will return FALSE if there were 
-      * no new devices with alarms discovered on the bus.
-      */
-    bool search_alarm();
-    /** This routine will read the ROM (Family code, serial number
-      * and Checksum) from a dedicated device on the bus.
-      *
-      * NOTE: This command can only be used when there is only one 
-      *       DS1820 on the bus. If this command is used when there 
-      *       is more than one slave present on the bus, a data 
-      *       collision will occur when all the DS1820s attempt to 
-      *       respond at the same time.
-      */
-    void read_ROM();
-    /** This routine will initiate the temperature conversion within
-      * a DS1820. There is a built in 750ms delay to allow the 
-      * conversion to complete.
-      *
-      * To update all probes on the bus, use a statement such as this:
-      * probe[0]->convert_temperature(DS1820::all_devices);
-      *
-      * @param allows the fnction to apply to a specific device or
-      * to all devices on the 1-Wire bus.
-      */
-    void convert_temperature(devices device=this_device);
-    /** This function will return the probe temperature. This function
-      * uses the count remainding values to interpolate the temperature
-      * to about 1/150th of a degree. Whereas the probe is not spec to
-      * that precision. It does seem to give a smooth reading to the
-      * tenth of a degree.
-      *
-      * @param scale, may be either 'c' or 'f'
-      * @returns temperature for that scale
-      */
-    float temperature(char scale='c');
-    /** This function calculates the ROM checksum and compares it to the
-      * xCRC value stored in ROM[7].
-      *
-      * @returns true if the checksum matches, otherwise false.
-      */
-    bool ROM_checksum_error();
-    /** This function calculates the RAM checksum and compares it to the
-      * xCRC value stored in RAM[8].
-      *
-      * @returns true if the checksum matches, otherwise false.
-      */
-    bool RAM_checksum_error();
-    /** This function returns the values stored in the temperature
-      * alarm registers. 
-      *
-      * @returns a 16 bit integer of TH (upper byte) and TL (lower byte).
-      */
-    bool set_configuration_bits(unsigned int resolution);
-    /** This function sets the temperature resolution for the DS18B20
-      * in the configuration register.
-      *
-      * @param a number between 9 and 12 to specify the resolution
-      * @returns true if successful
-      */
-    int read_scratchpad();
-    /** This function will store the passed data into the DS1820's RAM.
-      * Note: It does NOT save the data to the EEPROM for retention
-      * during cycling the power off and on.
-      *
-      * @param a 16 bit integer of TH (upper byte) and TL (lower byte).
-      */
-    void write_scratchpad(int data);
-    /** This function will transfer the TH and TL registers from the
-      * DS1820's RAM into the EEPROM.
-      * Note: There is a built in 10ms delay to allow for the
-      * completion of the EEPROM write cycle.
-      *
-      * @param allows the fnction to apply to a specific device or
-      * to all devices on the 1-Wire bus.
-      */
-    void store_scratchpad(devices device=this_device);
-    /** This function will copy the stored values from the EEPROM
-      * into the DS1820's RAM locations for TH and TL.
-      *
-      * @param allows the function to apply to a specific device or
-      * to all devices on the 1-Wire bus.
-      */
-    int recall_scratchpad(devices device=this_device);
-    /** This function will return the type of power supply for
-      * a specific device. It can also be used to query all devices
-      * looking for any device that is parasite powered.
-      *
-      * @returns true if the device (or all devices) are Vcc powered,
-      * returns false if the device (or ANY device) is parasite powered.
-      */
-    bool read_power_supply(devices device=this_device);
-    bool _parasite_power;
-    char CRC_byte (char xCRC, char byte );
-    bool onewire_reset();
-    void match_ROM();
-    void skip_ROM();
-    bool search_ROM_routine(char command);
-    void onewire_bit_out (bool bit_data);
-    void onewire_byte_out(char data);
-    bool onewire_bit_in();
-    char onewire_byte_in();
-    DigitalInOut _datapin;
-    DigitalOut _parasitepin;