Lab 2 Code : Module Testing

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lab2.cpp	Thu Feb 04 18:08:57 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "InterruptIn.h"
+//#include "Serial.h"
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    Serial BT(p28,p27);         // Specify Serial pins to be used for the Bluetooth test
+//Digital Inputs
+    DigitalIn Sw1(p24);         // Switch 1 Connected to pin 24, used for the Simple I/O test
+//Digital Outputs
+    DigitalOut DOut1(p25);      // Digital Output 1 connected to pin 25, used for Simple I/O test
+    DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+    DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+    DigitalOut LoaCLK(p14);
+    DigitalOut LoaSI(p13);
+//Analog Inputs
+    AnalogIn AnaInput1(p15);
+    AnalogIn AnaInput2(p16);
+    AnalogIn LoaAnalogIn(p20);
+//Analog Outputs
+    AnalogOut AOutput(p18);
+//PWM Outs
+    PwmOut PWM(p21);
+// *************************************************************************
+//                         Function Declarations
+// *************************************************************************
+char DisplayMenu(void){
+    char Key;
+    printf("\n\r-------------Robotics Test Program ----------\n");
+    printf("\n\r Type number followed by enter:");
+    printf("\n\r 1: Simple Input/Output Test");
+    printf("\n\r 2: Digital Analaog Converter Test");
+    printf("\n\r 3: Analog Digital Converter Test");
+    printf("\n\r 4: Pulse Width Modulation Test");
+    printf("\n\r 5: Timer interrupt Test");
+    printf("\n\r 6: External interrupt Test");
+    printf("\n\r 7: Linear Optical Array Test");
+    printf("\n\r 8: Bluetooth SPI Test");
+    printf("\n\r\n\r Selection = "); 
+    Key = 0x7F & pc.getc();     // Restricts the selection to the ASCII table
+    wait_ms(100);
+    printf("\n\r------------------------------------------------");
+    printf("\r\n     Pressed Key = %c",Key);
+    printf("\n\r------------------------------------------------");
+    return(Key);    // Returns the selection from the menu
+int SimpleIO(){ 
+    bool State;         // Defines boolean variable
+    State = Sw1;                            // Stores the state of Sw1 so that it can be printed below
+    printf("\r\n Logic Value = %x",State);  // Outputs the logic state
+    DOut1 = Sw1;
+    return 0;
+int AOut(){
+    char Key;
+    printf("\n\rEnter a value");
+    printf("\n\r Keypress = ");
+    Key=0x7F & pc.getc();
+    printf("\n\r-------------------------------------");
+    printf("\r\n Pressed Key = %c",Key);
+    printf("\n\r-------------------------------------");
+    float K = Key;
+    AOutput.write(K/128);
+    printf("\n\rK = %2.2f",K);
+    return 0;
+int fAnalogIn(){
+    printf("\n\r Pin 15 Input = %1.4f volts\n",*3.3f);
+    AOutput.write(;
+    printf("\n\r Pin 16 Output = %1.4f volts\n",*3.3f);
+    return 0;
+int PWMOut(){
+    //Specify Period First
+    char T[4] = "500";
+    char PW[4] = "250";
+    printf("\n\r\n\r-----Robotics PWM Options-----");
+    printf("\n\rEnter a Period in milliSeconds (max 999):");
+    pc.gets(T,4);
+    long int P = strtol(T,NULL,10);
+    PWM.period_ms(P);
+    printf("\n\rEnter a Pulse Width in milliSeconds (max 999):");
+    pc.gets(PW,4);
+    long int W = strtol(PW,NULL,10);
+    PWM.pulsewidth_ms(W);
+    printf("\n\rPeriod in uS: %i", P);
+    printf("\n\rPulse Width in uS: %i", W);
+    float R = W/P;
+    printf("\n\rDuty Cycle: %3.3f", R);
+ return 0;   
+void ExternalISR(void) {
+     led2 = !led2;
+void ExternalIntInit(){
+    InterruptIn Collision(p8); // Interrupt source is p8
+    Collision.rise(&ExternalISR); // Attach the address ExternalISR to a rising edge interrupt
+    led2=0;
+    printf("\r\nWaiting for external interrupts at p8 to toggle LED2.\r\n");
+    do {}
+    while (pc.getc()!='q'); // This will be interrupted.
+void TimerISR(void) {
+     led2 = !led2;
+ }
+void TimerIntInit(void) {
+    Ticker PeriodicInt;
+    char x;
+    pc.printf("\n\r Periodic interrupts at LED2 and Timeout Interrupt at LED4\n\r");
+    // Specify address of the TimerISR (Ticker) function and the interval between interrupts
+    PeriodicInt.attach(&TimerISR, 0.0625);
+    led4=0;
+    led2=1;
+    do{ x=pc.getc(); // Wait for periodic interrupts.
+     }
+    while (x!='q');
+    led2 = 0;
+void scan(short ScanData[]) {
+    int j;
+     LoaSI=1;
+     LoaCLK=1;
+     LoaSI=0;
+     for(j=0;j<128;j=j+1){
+         ScanData[j]=LoaAnalogIn.read_u16();
+         LoaCLK=0; 
+         delay_us(1);
+         LoaCLK=1;
+     }
+     LoaCLK=0;
+void LinearOpticalArrayTest(void) {
+    int i;
+    short ScanData[128];
+    int IntegrationTime, Sum, Max, Min, Average, MaxPosition, MinPosition;
+    char x;
+    MinPosition=0; MaxPosition=0; IntegrationTime=1000;
+    pc.printf("\n\n\r Generating clocking sequence for linear optical array.");
+    pc.printf("\n\r Integration Time = %d",IntegrationTime);
+    do {
+     scan(ScanData);
+     wait_us(IntegrationTime);
+     scan(ScanData);
+     if (pc.readable()){
+     x=pc.getc();
+     if (x=='q') break;
+     else if (x=='i'){
+     pc.printf("\n\n\rEnter Integration Time in microsconds.");
+     pc.scanf("%d",&IntegrationTime);
+     pc.printf("\n\rIntegration Time = %d",IntegrationTime);
+     }
+     else if(x=='l') {for(i=0; i<128; i=i+1) pc.printf("\n\n\r %d ", ScanData[i]);}
+     Sum=0; Max=0; Min=131000;
+     for(i=0; i<128; i=i+1) {
+     Sum=Sum+ScanData[i];
+     if(ScanData[i]>Max) {Max=ScanData[i]; MaxPosition=i;}
+     if(ScanData[i]<Min) {Min=ScanData[i]; MinPosition=i;}
+     }
+     Average=Sum/128;
+     pc.printf("\n\n\r Average = %d Max = %d MaxPosition = %d Min = %d Min Position = %d",Average,Max,MaxPosition,Min,MinPosition);
+     }
+ }
+pc.printf("\n\n\rTerminating clocking sequence for linear optical array.\n\r");
+int BlueToothTest(){
+    char x;
+    BT.baud(9600);
+    do{
+        if (pc.readable()) {
+            x = pc.getc(); //read keypress
+            if(x == 13){
+                BT.putc('\n'); //send to pc/mobile
+                pc.putc('\n'); //echo to pc
+                BT.putc('\r'); //send to pc/mobile
+                pc.putc('\r'); //echo to pc
+                }
+            else{
+                BT.putc(x); //send to pc/mobile
+                pc.putc(x); //echo to pc
+            }
+            }
+    }while(x != 'q');
+    return 0;
+int main() {
+char Key;
+while(1) {
+ Key=DisplayMenu();
+ if(Key=='1') SimpleIO();                       //LAB 2.2
+ else if(Key=='2') AOut();                       //LAB 2.3
+ else if(Key=='3') fAnalogIn();                 //LAB 2.4
+ else if(Key=='4') PWMOut();                   //LAB 2.5
+ else if(Key=='5') TimerIntInit();              //LAB 2.6
+ else if(Key=='6') ExternalIntInit();           //LAB 2.7
+ else if(Key=='7') LinearOpticalArrayTest();    //LAB 2.8
+ else if(Key=='8') BlueToothTest();             //LAB 2.9
+ else printf("\r\nInvalid keypress entry.\r\n");