required mdot library updated

Dependents:   mDot_SPI_slave

Fork of libmDot-mbed5 by MultiTech

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Sep 08 11:15:32 2016 -0500
Commit message:
update from git revision 2.0.6-13-g2591897

Changed in this revision Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mDot.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Binary file has changed
--- a/mDot.h	Wed Sep 07 15:40:13 2016 -0500
+++ b/mDot.h	Thu Sep 08 11:15:32 2016 -0500
@@ -1043,31 +1043,40 @@
         bool readUserBackupRegister(uint32_t reg, uint32_t& data);
 #if defined(TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Filesystem (Non Volatile Memory) Operation Functions for mDot //
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
         // Save user file data to flash
         // file - name of file max 30 chars
         // data - data of file
         // size - size of file
+        // returns true if successful
         bool saveUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
         // Append user file data to flash
         // file - name of file max 30 chars
         // data - data of file
         // size - size of file
+        // returns true if successful
         bool appendUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
         // Read user file data from flash
         // file - name of file max 30 chars
         // data - data of file
         // size - size of file
+        // returns true if successful
         bool readUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
         // Move a user file in flash
         // file     - name of file
         // new_name - new name of file
+        // returns true if successful
         bool moveUserFile(const char* file, const char* new_name);
         // Delete user file data from flash
         // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        // returns true if successful
         bool deleteUserFile(const char* file);
         // Open user file in flash, max of 4 files open concurrently
@@ -1081,24 +1090,26 @@
         // file - mdot file struct
         // offset - offset in bytes
         // whence - where offset is based SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
+        // returns true if successful
         bool seekUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
         // Read bytes from open file
         // file - mdot file struct
         // data - mem location to store data
         // length - number of bytes to read
-        // returns - number of bytes written
+        // returns - number of bytes read, negative if error
         int readUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
         // Write bytes to open file
         // file - mdot file struct
         // data - data to write
         // length - number of bytes to write
-        // returns - number of bytes written
+        // returns - number of bytes written, negative if error
         int writeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
         // Close open file
         // file - mdot file struct
+        // returns true if successful
         bool closeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file);
         // List user files stored in flash
@@ -1106,7 +1117,26 @@
         // Move file into the firmware upgrade path to be flashed on next boot
         // file - name of file
+        // returns true if successful
         bool moveUserFileToFirmwareUpgrade(const char* file);
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // EEPROM (Non Volatile Memory) Operation Functions for xDot //
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Write to EEPROM
+        // addr - address to write to (0 - 0x17FF)
+        // data - data to write
+        // size - size of data
+        // returns true if successful
+        bool nvmWrite(uint16_t addr, void* data, uint16_t size);
+        // Read from EEPROM
+        // addr - address to read from (0 - 0x17FF)
+        // data - buffer for data
+        // size - size of buffer
+        // returns true if successful
+        bool nvmRead(uint16_t addr, void* data, uint16_t size);
 #endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
         // get current statistics