Reverse Parking Sensor

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl SRF02 beep mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for ParkingSensor


main.cpp [code] Reverse Parking Sensor Project
main.h [code] Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables


ain1 Analog input for the potentiometer to control the brightness of the lcd
ain2 Analog input for the potentiometer to control the frequency of the buzzer
button_1 Set button_1 to be interrupt, coonected to GPIO
button_2 Set button_2 to be interrupt, coonected to GPIO
button_3 Set button_3 to be interrupt, coonected to GPIO
button_4 Set button_4 to be interrupt, coonected to GPIO
buzzer Piezo buzzer connected to PWM pin
lcd NOKIA 5110 LCD display
led_green Green led connected to PWM pin for brightness
led_red Red led connected to PWM pin for brightness
led_yellow Yellowonnected to PWM pin for brightness
leds The four LEDs on mbed
srf02 Ultrasonic distance sensor connects to I2C pins SDA and SCL
timer_green Ticker object used to control the time of green LED
timer_red Ticker object used to control the time of red LED
timer_yellow Ticker object used to control the time of yellow LED