
Dependencies:   Servo ServoArm mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Headers/Declarations.h	Mon May 22 11:24:46 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#define NEAR 0.18f          //Used for distance Sensors. If they're to near to a wall -> turn
+#define NEAR_LEGO 0.12f     //If the DistanceSensors are near to a Lego...
+#define LEFT_L 5            //Arrayindex of the left LEGO Sensor & left LED
+#define FWD_L 0             //Arrayindex of the front LEGO Sensor & front LED
+#define RIGHT_L 1           //Arrayindex of the right LEGO Sensor & right LED
+#define LEFT 7              //Arrayindex of the left Sensor
+#define FWD 6               //Arrayindex of the front Sensor
+#define RIGHT 8             //Arrayindex of the right Sensor
+#define BRIGHT 2            //Arrayindex of the backward right Sensor & left LED
+#define BWD 3               //Arrayindex of the backward Sensor & front LED
+#define BLEFT 4             //Arrayindex of the backsward left Sensor & right LED
+#define RED_UPLIMIT 1400    //Default limit in mV
+#define GREEN_DOWNLIMIT 1401//
+#define GREEN_UPLIMIT 2000  //
+#define GREEN 1             //Will be used to operate arm functions
+#define NOBLOCK 0           //
+#define RED 2               //
+//#define PC_7 SERVO0
+#define COLLECT_POS 60.0f
+#define RELEASE_POS 85.0f
+#define TAKE_POS -65.0f
+#define UP_POS 20.0f //zu bestimmen
+#define DOWN_POS -72.0f //zu bestimmen
+#define TIMEOUT 1400        //if the timer reaches TIMEOUT ([TIMEOUT] = 0.1s), the robot will reset.
+#define MAX 3000              //Once the counter reaches MAX, it will turn around.
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