Example program to demonstrate the use of the UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt class, providing FTP, HTTP, and CellLocate support. It may be used on the C027 and C030 (non-N2xx flavour) boards.

Dependencies:   gnss ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext ublox-cellular-base ublox-cellular-driver-gen

Fork of example-ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext by u-blox

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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017 u-blox
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include "mbed.h"
00018 #include "UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt.h"
00019 #include "gnss.h"
00021 // The credentials of the SIM in the board.  If PIN checking is enabled
00022 // for your SIM card you must set this to the required PIN.
00023 #define PIN NULL
00025 // Network credentials.  You should set this according to your
00026 // network/SIM card.  For C030 boards, leave the parameters as NULL
00027 // otherwise, if you do not know the APN for your network, you may
00028 // either try the fairly common "internet" for the APN (and leave the
00029 // username and password NULL), or you may leave all three as NULL and then
00030 // a lookup will be attempted for a small number of known networks
00031 // (see APN_db.h in mbed-os/features/netsocket/cellular/utils).
00032 #define APN         "portalmmm.ml"
00033 #define USERNAME    NULL
00034 #define PASSWORD    NULL
00036 // LEDs
00037 DigitalOut ledRed(LED1, 1);
00038 DigitalOut ledGreen(LED2, 1);
00039 DigitalOut ledBlue(LED3, 1);
00041 // The user button
00042 volatile bool buttonPressed = false;
00044 static void good() {
00045     ledGreen = 0;
00046     ledBlue = 1;
00047     ledRed = 1;
00048 }
00050 static void bad() {
00051     ledRed = 0;
00052     ledGreen = 1;
00053     ledBlue = 1;
00054 }
00056 static void event() {
00057     ledBlue = 0;
00058     ledRed = 1;
00059     ledGreen = 1;
00060 }
00062 static void pulseEvent() {
00063     event();
00064     wait_ms(500);
00065     good();
00066 }
00068 static void ledOff() {
00069     ledBlue = 1;
00070     ledRed = 1;
00071     ledGreen = 1;
00072 }
00074 static void printCellLocateData(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CellLocData *pData)
00075 {
00076     char timeString[25];
00078     printf("Cell Locate data:\n");
00079     if (strftime(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%F %T", (const tm *) &(pData->time)) > 0) {
00080         printf("  time:               %s\n", timeString);
00081     }
00082     printf("  longitude:          %.6f\n", pData->longitude);
00083     printf("  latitude:           %.6f\n", pData->latitude);
00084     printf("  altitude:           %d metre(s)\n", pData->altitude);
00085     switch (pData->sensor) {
00086         case UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CELL_LAST:
00087             printf("  sensor type:        last\n");
00088             break;
00089         case UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CELL_GNSS:
00090             printf("  sensor type:        GNSS\n");
00091             break;
00092         case UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CELL_LOCATE:
00093             printf("  sensor type:        Cell Locate\n");
00094             break;
00095         case UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CELL_HYBRID:
00096             printf("  sensor type:        hybrid\n");
00097             break;
00098         default:
00099             printf("  sensor type:        unknown\n");
00100             break;
00101     }
00102     printf("  uncertainty:        %d metre(s)\n", pData->uncertainty);
00103     printf("  speed:              %d metre(s)/second\n", pData->speed);
00104     printf("  direction:          %d degree(s)\n", pData->direction);
00105     printf("  vertical accuracy:  %d metre(s)/second\n", pData->speed);
00106     printf("  satellite(s) used:  %d\n", pData->svUsed);
00107     printf("I am here: "
00108            "https://maps.google.com/?q=%.5f,%.5f\n", pData->latitude, pData->longitude);       
00109 }
00111 static void cbButton()
00112 {
00113     buttonPressed = true;
00114     pulseEvent();
00115 }
00117 /* This example program for the u-blox C030 and C027 boards instantiates
00118  * the UbloxAtCellularInterfaceExt to do FTP, HTTP and CellLocate operations.
00119  * It uses the site test.rebex.net for FTP testing and the site
00120  * developer.mbed.org for HTTP GET testing.
00121  * Progress may be monitored with a serial terminal running at 9600 baud.
00122  * The LED on the C030 board will turn green when this program is
00123  * operating correctly, pulse blue when an FTP get, HTTP get or CellLocate
00124  * operation is completed and turn red if there is a failure.
00125  */
00127 int main()
00128 {
00129     UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *interface = new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt();
00130     // If you need to debug the cellular interface, comment out the
00131     // instantiation above and uncomment the one below.
00132 //    UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *interface = new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt(MDMTXD, MDMRXD,
00133 //                                                                             MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_BAUD_RATE,
00134 //                                                                             true);
00135     UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::Error *err;
00136     UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CellLocData data;
00137     char buf[1024];
00138     int httpProfile;
00139     int numRes;
00140     GnssSerial gnssSerial; // This needed purely to power on the GNSS chip in 
00141                            // order that Cell Locate on the module can use it
00142 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
00143     // No user button on C027
00144     InterruptIn userButton(NC);
00145 #else
00146     InterruptIn userButton(SW0);
00147 #endif
00149     // Attach a function to the user button
00150     userButton.rise(&cbButton);
00152     // Power up GNSS to assist with the Cell Locate bit
00153     gnssSerial.init();
00154     good();
00155     printf("Starting up, please wait up to 180 seconds for network registration to complete...\n");
00156     if (interface->init(PIN)) {
00157         pulseEvent();
00158         interface->set_credentials(APN, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
00159         printf("Registered, connecting to the packet network...\n");
00160         for (int x = 0; interface->connect() != 0; x++) {
00161             if (x > 0) {
00162                 bad();
00163                 printf("Retrying (have you checked that an antenna is plugged in and your APN is correct?)...\n");
00164             }
00165         }
00166         pulseEvent();
00168         // FTP OPERATIONS
00169         // Reset FTP parameters to default then set things up
00170         printf("=== FTP ===\n");
00171         interface->ftpResetPar();
00172         interface->ftpSetTimeout(60000);
00173         interface->ftpSetPar(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_SERVER_NAME, "test.rebex.net");
00174         interface->ftpSetPar(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_USER_NAME, "demo");
00175         interface->ftpSetPar(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_PASSWORD, "password");
00176         interface->ftpSetPar(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_MODE, "1");
00178         // Log into the FTP server
00179         printf("Logging into FTP server \"test.rebex.net\"...\n");
00180         err = interface->ftpCommand(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_LOGIN);
00181         if (err == NULL) {
00182             pulseEvent();
00183              // Get a directory listing from the server
00184              if (interface->ftpCommand(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_LS,
00185                                       NULL, NULL, 0, buf, sizeof (buf)) == NULL) {
00186                 pulseEvent();
00187                 printf ("Directory listing of FTP server:\n"
00188                         "--------------------------------\n%s"
00189                         "--------------------------------\n", buf);
00190              }
00191              // FTP GET a file known to be on test.rebex.net into the module file system
00192              if (interface->ftpCommand(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::FTP_GET_FILE, "readme.txt") == NULL) {
00193                 pulseEvent();
00194                 // Read the file from the module file system into buf
00195                 if (interface->readFile("readme.txt", buf, sizeof (buf))) {
00196                     printf("FTP GET of file \"readme.txt\" completed.  The file contained:\n"
00197                            "------------------------------------------------------------\n%s"
00198                            "------------------------------------------------------------\n", buf);
00199                 }
00200              }            
00201         } else {
00202             bad();
00203             printf ("Unable to log in, error class %d, error code %d.\n", err->eClass, err->eCode);
00204         }
00206         // HTTP OPERATIONS
00207         // Set up HTTP parameters
00208         printf("=== HTTP ===\n");
00209         printf("Performing HTTP GET on \"developer.mbed.org\"...\n");
00210         httpProfile = interface->httpAllocProfile();
00211         interface->httpSetTimeout(httpProfile, 30000);
00212         interface->httpSetPar(httpProfile, UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::HTTP_SERVER_NAME, "developer.mbed.org");
00214         // Do the HTTP command
00215         err = interface->httpCommand(httpProfile, UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::HTTP_GET,
00216                                     "/media/uploads/mbed_official/hello.txt",
00217                                      NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,
00218                                      buf, sizeof (buf));
00219         if (err == NULL) {
00220             pulseEvent();
00221             printf("HTTP GET of \"/media/uploads/mbed_official/hello.txt\" completed.  The response contained:\n"
00222                    "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n%s"
00223                    "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", buf);
00224         } else {
00225             bad();
00226             printf("Unable to get \"/media/uploads/mbed_official/hello.txt\" from \"developer.mbed.org\", "
00227                    "error class %d, error code %d.\n", err->eClass, err->eCode);
00228         }
00230         // CELL LOCATE OPERATIONS (in a loop)
00231         printf("=== Cell Locate ===\n");
00232         printf("Sending Cell Locate requests in a loop (until the user button is pressed on C030 or forever on C027)...\n");
00233         while (!buttonPressed) {
00234             interface->cellLocSrvUdp();
00235             interface->cellLocConfig(1); // Deep scan mode
00236             printf("Sending Cell Locate request...\n");
00237             if (interface->cellLocRequest(UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CELL_HYBRID, 10, 100,
00238                                          (UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CellRespType) 1, 1)) {
00239                 // Wait for the response
00240                 numRes = 0;
00241                 for (int x = 0; (numRes == 0) && (x < 10); x++) {
00242                     numRes = interface->cellLocGetRes();
00243                 }
00245                 if (numRes > 0) {
00246                     interface->cellLocGetData(&data);
00247                     if (data.validData) {
00248                         pulseEvent();
00249                         printCellLocateData(&data);
00250                     }
00251                 } else {
00252                     bad();
00253                     printf("No response from Cell Locate server.\n");
00254                 }
00255             }
00256             wait_ms(5000);
00257 #ifndef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
00258             printf("[Checking if user button has been pressed]\n");
00259 #endif
00260         }
00262         pulseEvent();
00263         printf("User button was pressed, stopping...\n");
00264         gnssSerial.powerOff();
00265         interface->disconnect();
00266         interface->deinit();
00267         ledOff();
00268         printf("Stopped.\n");
00269     } else {
00270         bad();
00271         printf("Unable to initialise the interface.\n");
00272     }
00273 }
00275 // End Of File