include the mbed library with this snippet
// Calculator: Addirion and Subtraction // Joystick Up: + ; Joystick Down - // Joystick Left: count value up (+1); Joystick Right: count value down (-1) // Joystick Calculate // Joystick Left or Joystick Right: start at input of value 1 again #include "mbed.h" #include "C12832_lcd.h" InterruptIn iiUp(p15); DigitalIn diUp(p15); InterruptIn iiDown(p12); DigitalIn diDown(p12); InterruptIn iiCenter(p14); DigitalIn diCenter(p14); InterruptIn iiLeft(p13); DigitalIn diLeft(p13); InterruptIn iiRight(p16); DigitalIn diRight(p16); uint8_t step = 0; char calcOp = '+'; bool updateLcd = true; int value1, value2, result; // prototypes void count_up(){ switch (step) { case 0 : value1++; updateLcd = true; break; case 1 : step = 2; break; case 2 : value2++; updateLcd = true; break; case 3 : value1 = 0; value2 = 0; step = 0; break; } } void count_down(){ switch (step) { case 0 : value1--; updateLcd = true; break; case 1 : step = 2; break; case 2 : value2--; updateLcd = true; break; case 3 : value1 = 0; value2 = 0; step = 0; break; } } void calculate(){ step = 3; result = 0; if (calcOp == '+') result = value1 + value2; if (calcOp == '-') result = value1 - value2; updateLcd = true; } void opChange(){ step = 1; if (calcOp == '+') calcOp = '-'; else calcOp = '+'; updateLcd = true; } // functions uint8_t debounce(DigitalIn myIn) { #define LEVEL_CHECKS 8 #define MAX_LOOPS 30 // stoppt das Überprüfen des Prellen nach max. MAX_LOOPS Durchläufen unsigned char port_buffer; unsigned char debounceCounter = 0; uint8_t loopCounter = 0; do { port_buffer = myIn; wait_us(100); loopCounter++; if(myIn == port_buffer) debounceCounter++; // mindestens 'LEVEL_CHECKS' Abtastungen in Folge: gleicher Pegel else debounceCounter = 0; } while ((debounceCounter <= LEVEL_CHECKS) && (loopCounter <= MAX_LOOPS)); return loopCounter; } // ISR // main program int main() { C12832_LCD lcd; lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0,0); lcd.printf("5ABELI: Calulator"); iiLeft.rise(&count_up); iiRight.rise(&count_down); iiUp.rise(&opChange); iiDown.rise(&opChange); iiCenter.rise(&calculate); while(1) { if (updateLcd) { updateLcd = false; switch (step) { case 0: lcd.locate(0,10); lcd.printf("%d ", value1); break; case 1: lcd.locate(0,10); lcd.printf("%d %c",value1, calcOp); break; case 2: lcd.locate(0,10); lcd.printf("%d %c %d", value1, calcOp, value2); break; case 3: lcd.locate(0,10); lcd.printf("%d %c %d = %d", value1, calcOp, value2, result); break; default: break; } } } }