Class library for a polling-based 4x4 keypad.

Dependents:   lock_system

Fork of Keypad2 by tatiuc embedded

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Tue Jul 04 08:44:57 2017 +0000
Commit message:
keypad.h adjust;

Changed in this revision

Keypad.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Keypad.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Keypad.cpp	Wed Jun 21 09:35:40 2017 +0000
+++ b/Keypad.cpp	Tue Jul 04 08:44:57 2017 +0000
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 // Keypad layout:
 //                [row][col]   Col0 Col1 Col2 Col3 
-char const kpdLayout[4][4] = {{'1' ,'2' ,'3' ,'4'},  //row0
+/*char const kpdLayout[4][4] = {{'1' ,'2' ,'3' ,'4'},  //row0
                               {'4' ,'5' ,'6' ,'B'},  //row1
                               {'7' ,'8' ,'9' ,'C'},  //row2
-                              {'*' ,'0' ,'#' ,'D'}}; //row3
+                              {'*' ,'0' ,'#' ,'D'}}; //row3*/
+extern char kpdLayout[4][4];
 //NIBBLE LOW=0000,  HIGH= 0111 1011 1101 1110    Col  (x)
 //const char KpdInMask[4] ={0xe0,0xd0,0xb0,0x70};
 const char KpdInMask[4] ={0x0e,0x0d,0x0b,0x07};
--- a/Keypad.h	Wed Jun 21 09:35:40 2017 +0000
+++ b/Keypad.h	Tue Jul 04 08:44:57 2017 +0000
@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@
  * @code
  * #include "mbed.h"
  * #include "Keypad.h"
- *
+ * char kpdLayout[4][4] = {{'1' ,'2' ,'3' ,'4'},  //row0
+ *                        {'4' ,'5' ,'6' ,'B'},  //row1
+ *                        {'7' ,'8' ,'9' ,'C'},  //row2
+ *                        {'*' ,'0' ,'#' ,'D'}}; //row3
  * Keypad kpad(PE_15, PE_14, PE_13, PE_12, PE_11, PE_10, PE_9, PE_8);
  * int main() {