projet en 1 main.cpp

Dependencies:   DHT11 HMC5883L

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 char lati[20], longi[20];
00004 int Ilati, Ilongi;
00006 Serial pc(PA_0,PA_1);       // tx, rx
00008 char gpsString[1024];
00009 char tmp[20] = {}; 
00010 char tmp2[20] = {}; 
00011 char gga1[1024];
00012 char * gga2;
00013 char * fix;
00014 uint8_t sep;
00015 uint8_t mode = 2; //mode=1 fix information; mode=2 normal
00017 typedef struct {
00018     uint8_t heure;
00019     uint8_t minute;
00020     uint8_t seconde;
00021 } tim_t;
00023 typedef struct {
00024 uint8_t deg;
00025 uint8_t min;
00026 double sec;
00027 char azimute;
00028 } pos_t;
00030 typedef struct {
00031     tim_t tim;
00032     pos_t lat;
00033     pos_t lon;
00034     uint8_t sat; // Nombre de satellites utilisés pour calculer les coordonnées
00035     uint8_t fix; // Fix qualification : (0 = non valide, 1 = Fix GPS, 2 = Fix DGPS), Type de positionnement (le 1 est un positionnement GPS)
00036     float prs; // Précision horizontale ou HDOP (Horizontal dilution of precision)
00037     float alt; // Altitude, en Metres, au dessus du MSL (mean see level) niveau moyen des Océans.
00038     char unitAlt; // Unité de l'altitude (en mètre dans la majorité des trames)
00039 } gps_t;
00041 // structure contenant les données de la trame GGA à envoyer
00042 gps_t GPGGA;
00044 char * convert(char* ch, pos_t* pos) {
00046     double f = atof(ch);
00048     pos->deg = (uint8_t)(f / 100.0);
00049     pos->min = (uint8_t)(f - ((pos->deg) * 100.0));
00050     pos->sec = 60.0*(f - ((pos->deg)*100.0) - (pos->min));
00052     char *s = (char*)calloc(14,sizeof(char));
00054     sprintf(s,"%3d'%2d'%5.3f\"",pos->deg,pos->min,pos->sec);
00056     return s;
00057 }
00059 char * time(char* ch, tim_t* tim) {
00061     char hh[3], mm[3], ss[7];
00062     //hhmmss.nnn
00063     memcpy(hh, &ch[0], 2);
00064     memcpy(mm, &ch[2], 2);
00065     memcpy(ss, &ch[4], 6);
00067     tim->heure = atoi(hh); 
00068     tim->minute = atoi(mm); 
00069     tim->seconde = atoi(ss); //cast de double vers intteger, on perd la précision des millisecondes
00070     tim->heure++; //convertion des heures de UTC vers UTC+1
00072     char *s = (char*)calloc(14,sizeof(char)); 
00074     sprintf(s,"%02d:%02d:%02d",tim->heure,tim->minute,tim->seconde); 
00076     return s;
00077 }
00078 /**************************************/
00081 uint8_t parseGGA() {
00082                     gga2 = strtok(gga1, ",");
00083                     while (gga2 != NULL) {                        
00084                         switch (sep) {
00085                             case 1: // heure d'envoi de la trame
00086                                 if (mode == 2) {
00087                                     strcpy(tmp2,time( gga2,&(GPGGA.tim) ));
00088                                     pc.printf("\r\n-----Donnees GPS-----\r\nTim: %s\r\n",tmp2);                                   
00090                                 }
00091                             break;
00092                             case 2 : // latitude
00093                                 if (mode == 2) {
00094                                     strcpy(tmp,convert( gga2,&( )); 
00095                                     sprintf(lati,"\r%s",tmp);
00096                                     pc.printf("\r%s",lati);
00098                                 }
00099                             break;
00100                             case 3 : // N: Nord, S : Sud
00101                                 if (mode == 2) {
00102                            = gga2[0];
00103                                     pc.printf("%s\n\r",gga2);
00104                                     wait(0.25);
00105                                 }
00106                             break;
00107                             case 4 : // longitude
00108                                 if (mode == 2) {
00109                                     strcpy(tmp,convert( gga2,&( ));
00110                                     sprintf(longi,"\r%s",tmp);
00111                                     pc.printf("\r%s",longi);
00112                                 }
00113                             break;
00114                             case 5 : // E: Est, W: Ouest
00115                                 if (mode == 2) {
00116                            = gga2[0];
00117                                     pc.printf("%s\n\r-----Donnees GPS-----\r\n",gga2);
00119                                     wait(0.25);
00120                                 }
00121                             break;
00122                             case 6:
00123                                 if (mode == 1) {
00124                                     if (gga2 == "0") {
00125                                         fix = "Invalid";
00126                                     }
00127                                     if (gga2 == "1") {
00128                                         fix = "GPS Fix (SPS)";
00129                                     }
00130                                     if (gga2 == "2") {
00131                                         fix = "DGPS Fix";
00132                                     }
00133                                     if (gga2 == "3") {
00134                                         fix = "PPS Fix";
00135                                     }
00136                                     if (gga2 == "4") {
00137                                         fix = "Real Time Kinematic";
00138                                     }
00139                                     if (gga2 == "5") {
00140                                         fix = "Float RTK";
00141                                     }
00142                                     if (gga2 == "6") {
00143                                         fix = "Estimated (Dead Reckoning)";
00144                                     }
00145                                     if (gga2 == "7") {
00146                                         fix = "Manual Input Mode";
00147                                     }
00148                                     if (gga2 == "8") {
00149                                         fix = "Simulation Mode";
00150                                     }
00151                                     GPGGA.fix = atoi(gga2);
00152                                     pc.printf("FIX: %s_%s",gga2,fix);
00153                                 }
00154                             break;
00155                             case 7 : // Nombre de satellites
00156                                 if (mode == 2) {
00157                                     GPGGA.sat = atoi(gga2);
00158                                     pc.printf("Inf: Sat:%s",gga2);
00159                                 }
00160                             break;
00161                             case 8 : // Precision
00162                                 if (mode == 2) {
00163                                     GPGGA.prs = atof(gga2);
00164                                     pc.printf(" Prs:%s",gga2);
00165                                 }
00166                             break;
00167                             case 9 : // Altitude
00168                                 if (mode == 2) {
00169                                     GPGGA.alt = atof(gga2);
00170                                     pc.printf(" Alt:%s",gga2);
00171                                 }
00172                             break;
00173                             case 10 : // Unité altitude
00174                                 if (mode == 2) {
00175                                     GPGGA.unitAlt = gga2[0];
00176                                     pc.printf("%s\n\r",gga2);
00177                                 }
00178                             break;
00179                         }                        
00180                         gga2 = strtok(NULL, ",");
00181                         sep++;
00182                     }
00183                     sep = 1;
00184     return *gga2;
00186 }
00188 uint8_t getGPSstring() { // str used to choose between GPS trame type, here we have only GPGGA wich is available
00189 uint8_t str=1; 
00190     if (pc.scanf("%s", &gpsString) ==1) {
00191        if(str==1) {
00192             if (sscanf(gpsString, "$GPGGA,%s",gga1) >=1) 
00193             {
00194                 sep = 1;              
00195                 parseGGA();
00196             }
00197         return *gga2;
00198         }
00199     }
00200     else
00201     {
00202         pc.printf("NO GPGGA DATA RECEIVED\n\r");        
00203     }
00204     return 0;
00205 }