Dependents:   LCDprint_HELLOMBED kumitate batteryReamid LCDModeChangeRemocon ... more

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API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 02 17:49:55 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Refactored TextLCD bus version to fix issue with pins default defined as NC.; Note: I2C and SPI versions now need to be declared as TextLCD_I2C() or TextLCD_SPI() in user code.

Changed in this revision

TextLCD.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TextLCD.cpp	Tue Apr 01 21:30:25 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.cpp	Wed Apr 02 17:49:55 2014 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  *               2013, v05: WH, Added support for 8x2B, added some UDCs   
  *               2013, v06: WH, Added support for devices that use internal DC/DC converters 
  *               2013, v07: WH, Added support for backlight and include portdefinitions for LCD2004 Module from DFROBOT 
- *               2014, v08: WH, Refactored in Base in Derived Classes to deal with mbed lib change regarding 'NC' defined pins 
+ *               2014, v08: WH, Refactored in Base and Derived Classes to deal with mbed lib change regarding 'NC' defined pins 
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -723,9 +723,11 @@
+///--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------
+///--------- Start TextLCD Bus -----------
 /* Create a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
@@ -741,29 +743,56 @@
                  PinName d4, PinName d5, PinName d6, PinName d7,
                  LCDType type, PinName bl, PinName e2, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                  TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
-                 _rs(rs), _e(e), _bl(bl), _e2(e2),
-                 _d(d4, d5, d6, d7) {
+                 _rs(rs), _e(e), _d(d4, d5, d6, d7) {
+  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
+  if (bl != NC) {
+    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
+    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
+  }
+  else {
+    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
+    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
+  }  
+  // The hardware Enable2 pin is only needed for LCD40x4. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
+  if (e2 != NC) {
+    _e2 = new DigitalOut(e2);   //Construct new pin 
+    _e2->write(0);              //Deactivate    
+  }
+  else {
+    // No Hardware Enable pin       
+    _e2 = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
+  }  
-// Set E pin (or E2 pin)
-// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+/** Set E pin (or E2 pin)
+  * Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+  * Default PinName value for E2 is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
+  *   @param  value true or false
+  *   @return none 
+  */
 void TextLCD::_setEnable(bool value) {
-                    if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
-                      if (value)
-                        _e  = 1;    // Set E bit 
-                      else  
-                        _e  = 0;    // Reset E bit  
-                    }    
-                    else {   
-                      if (value)
-                        _e2 = 1;    // Set E2 bit 
-                      else  
-                        _e2 = 0;    // Reset E2 bit  
-                    }    
+  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
+    if (value) {
+      _e  = 1;    // Set E bit 
+    }  
+    else { 
+      _e  = 0;    // Reset E bit  
+    }  
+  }    
+  else { 
+    if (value) {
+      if (_e2 != NULL) {_e2->write(1);}  //Set E2 bit
+    }  
+    else { 
+      if (_e2 != NULL) {_e2->write(0);}  //Reset E2 bit     
+    }  
+  }    
@@ -771,50 +800,66 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD::_setRS(bool value) {
-  if (value)
+  if (value) {
     _rs  = 1;    // Set RS bit 
-  else  
+  }  
+  else  {
     _rs  = 0;    // Reset RS bit 
+  }  
-// Set BL pin
-// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+/** Set BL pin
+  * Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
+  * Default PinName value is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
+  *   @param  value true or false
+  *   @return none  
+  */
 void TextLCD::_setBL(bool value) {
-  if (value)
-    _bl  = 1;    // Set BL bit 
-  else  
-    _bl  = 0;    // Reset BL bit 
+  if (value) {
+    if (_bl != NULL) {_bl->write(1);}  //Set BL bit
+  }  
+  else { 
+    if (_bl != NULL) {_bl->write(0);}  //Reset BL bit  
+  }  
 // Place the 4bit data on the databus
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shifregister
 void TextLCD::_setData(int value) {
   _d = value & 0x0F;   // Write Databits 
+/** Destruct a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
+  *
+  * @param  none
+  * @return none
+  */ 
+TextLCD::~TextLCD() {
+   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
+   if (_e2 != NULL) {delete _e2;}  // E2 pin
+///----------- End TextLCD ---------------
-/* Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 portexpander
- *
- * @param i2c             I2C Bus
- * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (PCF8574)
- * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
- * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)    
- */
+///--------- Start TextLCD_I2C -----------
+/** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 or PCF8574A portexpander
+  *
+  * @param i2c             I2C Bus
+  * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (PCF8574 or PCF8574A, default = 0x40)
+  * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+  * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)    
+  */
 TextLCD_I2C::TextLCD_I2C(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                          TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
-  _slaveAddress = deviceAddress;
+  _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
   // Init the portexpander bus
   _lcd_bus = D_LCD_BUS_DEF;
@@ -830,21 +875,21 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_I2C::_setEnable(bool value) {
-                   if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
-                     if (value)
-                       _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
-                     else                     
-                       _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
-                   }
-                   else {
-                     if (value)
-                       _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
-                     else                     
-                       _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2bit                     
-                   }    
+  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
+    if (value)
+      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
+    else                     
+      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
+  }
+  else {
+    if (value)
+      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
+    else                     
+      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2bit                     
+    }    
-                   // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
-                   _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    
+  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
+  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    
@@ -852,13 +897,13 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_I2C::_setRS(bool value) {
-                   if (value)
-                     _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_RS;    // Set RS bit 
-                   else                     
-                     _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_RS;   // Reset RS bit                     
+  if (value)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_RS;    // Set RS bit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_RS;   // Reset RS bit                     
-                   // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
-                   _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    
+  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
+  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    
@@ -882,55 +927,48 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shifregister
 void TextLCD_I2C::_setData(int value) {
   int data;
+  // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins
-                    data = value & 0x0F;
-                    if (data & 0x01)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit                     
+  data = value & 0x0F;
+  if (data & 0x01)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x02)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x02)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x04)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x04)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x08)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x08)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
-                    _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);  
+  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
+  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);  
+///---------- End TextLCD_I2C ------------
+///--------- Start TextLCD_SPI -----------
-// TextLCD_SPI Implementation
- /* Create a TextLCD interface using an SPI 74595 portexpander
-  *
-  * @param spi             SPI Bus
-  * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
-  * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
-  * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)      
-  */
+ /** Create a TextLCD interface using an SPI 74595 portexpander
+   *
+   * @param spi             SPI Bus
+   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
+   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)      
+   */
 TextLCD_SPI::TextLCD_SPI(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                          TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
@@ -959,23 +997,23 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_SPI::_setEnable(bool value) {
-                   if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
-                     if (value)
-                       _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
-                     else                     
-                       _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
-                   }
-                   else {
-                     if (value)
-                       _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
-                     else                     
-                       _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2 bit                     
-                   }
+  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
+    if (value)
+      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
+    else                     
+      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
+  }
+  else {
+    if (value)
+      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
+    else                     
+      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2 bit                     
+  }
-                   // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
-                   _setCS(false);  
-                   _spi->write(_lcd_bus);   
-                   _setCS(true);  
+  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
+  _setCS(false);  
+  _spi->write(_lcd_bus);   
+  _setCS(true);  
@@ -983,10 +1021,12 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_SPI::_setRS(bool value) {
-  if (value)
+  if (value) {
     _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_RS;    // Set RS bit 
-  else                     
+  }  
+  else {                    
     _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_RS;   // Reset RS bit                     
+  }
   // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
@@ -999,10 +1039,12 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_SPI::_setBL(bool value) {
-  if (value)
+  if (value) {
     _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_BL;    // Set BL bit 
-  else                     
+  }  
+  else {
     _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_BL;   // Reset BL bit                     
+  }
   // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
@@ -1017,32 +1059,34 @@
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
 void TextLCD_SPI::_setData(int value) {
   int data;
-                    data = value & 0x0F;
-                    if (data & 0x01)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x02)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit                     
+  // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins
+  data = value & 0x0F;
+  if (data & 0x01)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x02)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x04)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x04)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit                     
-                    if (data & 0x08)
-                      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
-                    else                     
-                      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit                     
+  if (data & 0x08)
+    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
+  else                     
+    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit                     
-                   // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
-                   _setCS(false);  
-                   _spi->write(_lcd_bus);   
-                   _setCS(true);  
+  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander
+  _setCS(false);  
+  _spi->write(_lcd_bus);   
+  _setCS(true);  
@@ -1054,18 +1098,17 @@
   if (value) {   
     _cs  = 1;    // Set CS pin 
-  else  
+  else {
     _cs  = 0;    // Reset CS pin 
+  }
+///---------- End TextLCD_SPI ------------
--- a/TextLCD.h	Tue Apr 01 21:30:25 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.h	Wed Apr 02 17:49:55 2014 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
  * Currently supports 8x1, 8x2, 12x4, 16x1, 16x2, 16x4, 20x2, 20x4, 24x2, 24x4, 40x2 and 40x4 panels
- * Interface options include direct mbed pins, I2C portexpander (PCF8474) or SPI bus shiftregister (74595)
+ * Interface options include direct mbed pins, I2C portexpander (PCF8474, PCF8574A) or SPI bus shiftregister (74595)
  * Supports some controllers that provide internal DC/DC converters for VLCD or VLED. 
  * @code
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
  * // SPI Communication
  * SPI spi_lcd(p5, NC, p7); // MOSI, MISO, SCLK
- * TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);     // RS, E, D4-D7, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, E2=NC, LCDTCtrl=HD44780
- * //TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);   // SPI bus, CS pin, LCD Type  
- * //TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
+ * //TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);                          // RS, E, D4-D7, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, E2=NC, LCDTCtrl=HD44780
+ * //TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);                    // SPI bus, CS pin, LCD Type  
+ * TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4);                  // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
  * //TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::WS0010); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type, Device Type
  * int main() {
@@ -161,7 +161,8 @@
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
- * Currently supports 8x1, 8x2, 12x2, 12x4, 16x1, 16x2, 16x4, 20x2, 20x4, 24x2, 24x4, 40x2 and 40x4 panels
+ * @brief Currently supports 8x1, 8x2, 12x2, 12x4, 16x1, 16x2, 16x4, 20x2, 20x4, 24x2, 24x4, 40x2 and 40x4 panels
+ *        Interface options include direct mbed pins, I2C portexpander (PCF8474, PCF8574A) or SPI bus shiftregister (74595) 
 class TextLCD_Base : public Stream {
@@ -194,8 +195,6 @@
     /** LCD Cursor control */
     enum LCDCursor {
         CurOff_BlkOff = 0x00,  /**<  Cursor Off, Blinking Char Off */    
@@ -258,7 +257,8 @@
     void setAddress(int column, int row);        
-    /** Clear the screen and locate to 0,0 */
+    /** Clear the screen and locate to 0,0
+     */
     void cls();
     /** Return the number of rows
@@ -365,6 +365,11 @@
     LCDCursor _currentCursor;    
+///--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------
+///--------- Start TextLCD Bus -----------
 /** Create a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
@@ -383,6 +388,14 @@
     TextLCD(PinName rs, PinName e, PinName d4, PinName d5, PinName d6, PinName d7, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, PinName e2 = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = HD44780);
+   /** Destruct a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
+     *
+     * @param  none
+     * @return none
+     */ 
+    virtual ~TextLCD();
 //Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
     virtual void _setEnable(bool value);
@@ -390,26 +403,37 @@
     virtual void _setBL(bool value);
     virtual void _setData(int value);
-// Regular mbed pins bus
-    DigitalOut _rs, _e, _bl, _e2;
-    BusOut _d;   
+/** Regular mbed pins bus
+  */
+    DigitalOut _rs, _e;
+    BusOut _d;
+/** Optional Hardware pins for the Backlight and LCD40x4 device
+  * Default PinName value is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
+  */
+    DigitalOut *_bl, *_e2;       
+///----------- End TextLCD ---------------
-/** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 portexpander
+///--------- Start TextLCD_I2C -----------
+/** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 or PCF8574A portexpander
 class TextLCD_I2C : public TextLCD_Base {    
-    /** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 portexpander
+    /** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 or PCF8574A portexpander
      * @param i2c             I2C Bus
-     * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (PCF8574)
+     * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (PCF8574 or PCF8574A, default = 0x40)
      * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
      * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)                
-    TextLCD_I2C(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type = LCD16x2, LCDCtrl ctrl = HD44780);
+    TextLCD_I2C(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress = 0x40, LCDType type = LCD16x2, LCDCtrl ctrl = HD44780);
 //Low level writes to LCD Bus (serial or parallel)
@@ -428,6 +452,12 @@
+///---------- End TextLCD_I2C ------------
+///--------- Start TextLCD_SPI -----------
 /** Create a TextLCD interface using an SPI 74595 portexpander
@@ -464,5 +494,6 @@
+///---------- End TextLCD_SPI ------------