Dependents:   LCDprint_HELLOMBED kumitate batteryReamid LCDModeChangeRemocon ... more

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Jun 14 17:04:25 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Updated to support ST7032i with native I2C and SPI interface.

Changed in this revision

TextLCD.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TextLCD.cpp	Fri Jun 13 19:02:26 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.cpp	Sat Jun 14 17:04:25 2014 +0000
@@ -53,21 +53,16 @@
     _initCtrl();                 // Init 2nd controller
-    // Secondary LCD controller Clearscreen
-    _writeCommand(0x01);         // cls, and set cursor to 0    
-    wait_ms(10);     // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
-                     // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms   
   // Select and configure primary LCD controller
   _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0;          // Select primary controller  
   _initCtrl();                   // Init primary controller
-  // Primary LCD controller Clearscreen
-  _writeCommand(0x01);           // cls, and set cursor to 0
-  wait_ms(10);     // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
-                   // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms    
+  // Reset Cursor location
+  _row=0;
+  _column=0; 
 /**  Init the LCD controller
@@ -96,62 +91,69 @@
       case ST7036:
           // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
           // Note: supports 1,2 or 3 lines
-          _writeByte( 0x29 );    // 4-bit Databus, 2 Lines, Select Instruction Set = 1
-          wait_ms(30);           // > 26,3ms 
-          _writeByte( 0x14 );    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
-          wait_ms(30);           // > 26,3ms
-          _writeByte( 0x55 );    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
-          wait_ms(30);           // > 26,3ms
-          _writeByte( 0x6D );    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
-          wait_ms(200);          // > 200ms!
-          _writeByte( 0x78 );    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
-          wait_ms(30);           // > 26,3ms
-          _writeByte( 0x28 );    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
+          _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, 2 Lines, Select Instruction Set = 1
+          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
+          _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
+//          _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
+          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+          _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
+          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+          _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
+          wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
+          _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
+          wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
+          _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
       case ST7032_3V3:
           // ST7032 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
-//          _writeByte( 0x39 );    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-          _writeByte( 0x29 );    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                 //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
-          wait_us(30);     
-          _writeByte( 0x1C );    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment 183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-          wait_us(30);
-          _writeByte( 0x73 );    //Contrast control low byte
-          wait_us(30);  
-          _writeByte( 0x57 );    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-          wait_us(30);
-          _writeByte( 0x6C );    //Follower control
-          wait_us(50);   
-//          _writeByte( 0x0C );    //DISPLAY ON, not needed
-//          _writeByte( 0x38 );    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
-          _writeByte( 0x28 );    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
-                                 //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                   
-          wait_us(30);
+//          _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+          _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
+          _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+          _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+          _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//          _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0        
+          _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
+                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices    
+          _writeCommand(0x14);    // Cursor or Display shift 0001 S/C R/L x x 
+                                  //   S/C=0 Cursor moves
+                                  //   R/L=1 Right
+                                  //    
-//Check and fix booster disable
       case ST7032_5V:
           // ST7032 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V      
-//          _writeByte( 0x39 );    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 1
-          _writeByte( 0x29 );    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
-                                 //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices         
-          wait_us(30);               
-          _writeByte( 0x1C );    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment 183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
-          wait_us(30);
-          _writeByte( 0x73 );    //Contrast control low byte
-          wait_us(30);  
-          _writeByte( 0x57 );    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
-          wait_us(30);
-          _writeByte( 0x6C );    //Follower control
-          wait_us(50);   
-//          _writeByte( 0x0C );    //DISPLAY ON  --> remove, done later?
-//          _writeByte( 0x38 );    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 0                  
-          _writeByte( 0x28 );    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                            
-                                 //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                   
-          wait_us(30);
+//          _writeCommand(0x39);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 1
+          _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
+                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices         
+          _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment 183HZ, bias will be 1/4 
+          _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte
+          _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+          _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
+          wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
+//          _writeCommand(0x38);    //FUNCTION SET 8 bit,N=1 2-line display mode,5*7dot, Instruction Set = 0                  
+          _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                            
+                                  //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                   
       case WS0010:         
@@ -165,9 +167,9 @@
                            //  PWR =   (DC/DC On/Off)
           //_writeCommand(0x13);   // DC/DC off              
-          _writeCommand(0x17);   // DC/DC on
+          _writeCommand(0x17);   // DC/DC on        
+          wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
-          wait_ms(10);
@@ -228,10 +230,17 @@
-    _writeCommand(0x06); // Entry Mode 0000 01 CD S 
+    _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
+    wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  
+    _writeCommand(0x02); // Return Home 
+                         //   Cursor Home, DDRAM Address to Origin
+    _writeCommand(0x06); // Entry Mode 0000 0 1 I/D S 
                          //   Cursor Direction and Display Shift
-                         //   CD=1 (Cur incr)
-                         //   S=0  (No display shift)                        
+                         //   I/D=1 (Cur incr)
+                         //     S=0 (No display shift)                        
 //    _writeCommand(0x0C); // Display Ctrl 0000 1 D C B
 //                         //   Display On, Cursor Off, Blink Off   
@@ -255,7 +264,6 @@
     _writeCommand(0x01);  // cls, and set cursor to 0    
     wait_ms(10);     // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                      // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
     _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0; // Select primary controller
@@ -438,7 +446,6 @@
               return 0x08 + column;                        
         case LCD16x1:
             // LCD16x1 is a special layout of LCD8x2
             if (column<8) 
@@ -446,6 +453,36 @@
               return 0x40 + (column - 8);                        
+// Special mode for ST7036 
+//        case LCD16x3:
+// Special mode for PCF2116 (and KS0078) 
+        case LCD12x3:
+            switch (row) {
+                case 0:
+                    return 0x00 + column;
+                case 1:
+                    return 0x20 + column;
+                case 2:
+                    return 0x40 + column;
+            }
+// Special mode for PCF2116 (and KS0078) 
+        case LCD12x4B:
+            switch (row) {
+                case 0:
+                    return 0x00 + column;
+                case 1:
+                    return 0x20 + column;
+                case 2:
+                    return 0x40 + column;
+                case 3:
+                    return 0x60 + column;                   
+            }
         case LCD12x4:
             switch (row) {
                 case 0:
@@ -496,6 +533,7 @@
 // Not sure about this one, seems wrong.
+// Left in for compatibility with original library
         case LCD16x2B:      
             return 0x00 + (row * 40) + column;
@@ -587,12 +625,15 @@
             return 8;
         case LCD12x2:        
+//        case LCD12x3:                
         case LCD12x4:        
+//        case LCD12x4B:                
             return 12;        
         case LCD16x1:        
         case LCD16x2:
         case LCD16x2B:
+//        case LCD16x3:                        
         case LCD16x4:        
             return 16;
@@ -629,8 +670,13 @@
         case LCD24x2:        
         case LCD40x2:                
             return 2;
+//        case LCD12x3:                
+//        case LCD16x3:                
+//            return 3;
         case LCD12x4:        
+//        case LCD12x4B:                
         case LCD16x4:
         case LCD20x4:
         case LCD24x4:        
@@ -899,6 +945,11 @@
   _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
+  // Setup the I2C bus
+  // The max bitrate for PCF8574 is 100kbit, the max bitrate for MCP23008 is 400kbit, 
+//  _i2c->frequency(100000);
 #if (MCP23008==1)
@@ -1083,6 +1134,86 @@
 //---------- End TextLCD_I2C ------------
+//--------- Start TextLCD_I2C_N ---------
+ /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native I2C interface
+   *
+   * @param i2c             I2C Bus
+   * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (default = 0x7C)  
+   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)     
+   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = ST7032_3V3)                     
+   */
+TextLCD_I2C_N::TextLCD_I2C_N(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) : 
+                               TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
+                               _i2c(i2c){
+  _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
+  // Setup the I2C bus
+  // The max bitrate for ST7032 is 400kbit, 
+//  _i2c->frequency(100000);
+  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
+  if (bl != NC) {
+    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
+    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
+  }
+  else {
+    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
+    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
+  }  
+  _init();
+TextLCD_I2C_N::~TextLCD_I2C_N() {
+   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setEnable(bool value) {
+// Set RS pin
+// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister and native I2C or SPI
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setRS(bool value) {
+  if (value) {
+    _controlbyte = 0x40; // Next byte is data, No more control bytes will follow
+  }
+  else {
+    _controlbyte = 0x00; // Next byte is command, No more control bytes will follow     
+  }
+// Set BL pin
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setBL(bool value) {
+    if (_bl) {
+        _bl->write(value);   
+    }    
+// Write a byte using I2C
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_writeByte(int value) {
+  char data[] = {_controlbyte, value};
+  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, data, 2);
+// Not used in this mode
+void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setData(int value) {
+//-------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------
 //--------- Start TextLCD_SPI -----------
--- a/TextLCD.h	Fri Jun 13 19:02:26 2014 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.h	Sat Jun 14 17:04:25 2014 +0000
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@
  * SPI spi_lcd(p5, NC, p7); // MOSI, MISO, SCLK
  * //TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);                          // RS, E, D4-D7, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, E2=NC, LCDTCtrl=HD44780
- * //TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);                    // SPI bus, CS pin, LCD Type  
+ * //TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);                    // SPI bus, 74595 expander, CS pin, LCD Type  
  * TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4);                  // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
  * //TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::WS0010); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type, Device Type
  * //TextLCD_SPI_N lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, p9);                                // SPI bus, CS pin, RS pin, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3   
+ * //TextLCD_I2C_N lcd(&i2c_lcd, ST7032_SA, TextLCD::LCD16x2, NC, TextLCD::ST7032_3V3); // I2C bus, Slaveaddress, LCD Type, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3  
  * int main() {
  *   lcd.printf("Hello World!\n");
@@ -68,8 +69,8 @@
 //LCD and serial portexpanders should be wired accordingly 
 //Select Hardware module (one option only)
-#define DEFAULT        0
-#define ADAFRUIT       1
+#define DEFAULT        1
+#define ADAFRUIT       0
 #define DFROBOT        0
@@ -247,6 +248,15 @@
 //const char udc_bar_4[]  = {0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x00};  // Bar 1111
 //const char udc_bar_5[]  = {0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Bar 11111
+//const char udc_ch_1[]  =  {0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00};  // Hor bars 4
+//const char udc_ch_2[]  =  {0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f};  // Hor bars 4 (inverted)
+//const char udc_ch_3[]  =  {0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15};  // Ver bars 3
+//const char udc_ch_4[]  =  {0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a};  // Ver bars 3 (inverted)
+//const char udc_ch_yr[] =  {0x08, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x02};  // Year   (kanji)
+//const char udc_ch_mo[] =  {0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // Month  (kanji)
+//const char udc_ch_dy[] =  {0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F};  // Day    (kanji)
+//const char udc_ch_mi[] =  {0x0C, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // minute (kanji)
 /** A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
@@ -263,10 +273,13 @@
         LCD8x2,     /**<  8x2 LCD panel */          
         LCD8x2B,    /**<  8x2 LCD panel (actually 16x1) */                  
         LCD12x2,    /**< 12x2 LCD panel */                          
+//        LCD12x3,    /**< 12x3 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                  
         LCD12x4,    /**< 12x4 LCD panel */                  
+//        LCD12x4B,   /**< 12x4 LCD panel, special mode PCF21XX */                                          
         LCD16x1,    /**< 16x1 LCD panel (actually 8x2) */          
         LCD16x2,    /**< 16x2 LCD panel (default) */
         LCD16x2B,   /**< 16x2 LCD panel alternate addressing */
+//        LCD16x3,    /**< 16x3 LCD panel, special mode ST7036 */                
         LCD16x4,    /**< 16x4 LCD panel */        
         LCD20x2,    /**< 20x2 LCD panel */
         LCD20x4,    /**< 20x4 LCD panel */
@@ -278,11 +291,13 @@
     /** LCD Controller Device */
     enum LCDCtrl {
-        HD44780,    /**<  HD44780 (default)       */    
-        WS0010,     /**<  WS0010 OLED Controller  */    
-        ST7036,     /**<  ST7036                  */   
-        ST7032_3V3, /**<  ST7032 3V3 with Booster */   
-        ST7032_5V   /**<  ST7032 5V  no Booster   */           
+        HD44780,    /**<  HD44780 (default)        */    
+        WS0010,     /**<  WS0010  OLED Controller  */    
+        ST7036,     /**<  ST7036  3V3 with Booster */   
+        ST7032_3V3, /**<  ST7032  3V3 with Booster */   
+        ST7032_5V   /**<  ST7032  5V no Booster    */           
+//        PCF210X,    /**<  PCF210X 5V no Booster    */                   
+//        PCF211X     /**<  PCF211X 3V3 with Booster */                           
@@ -639,11 +654,12 @@
     /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native I2C interface
      * @param i2c             I2C Bus
-     * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (default = 0x)  
+     * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (default = ST7032_SA = 0x7C)  
      * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
+     * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)       
      * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = ST7032_3V3)                     
-    TextLCD_I2C_N(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress = 0x40, LCDType type = LCD16x2, LCDCtrl ctrl = ST7032_3V3);
+    TextLCD_I2C_N(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress = ST7032_SA, LCDType type = LCD16x2, PinName bl = NC, LCDCtrl ctrl = ST7032_3V3);
     virtual ~TextLCD_I2C_N(void);
@@ -657,8 +673,10 @@
     I2C *_i2c;
     char _slaveAddress;
-// Internal bus mirror value for serial bus only
-    char _lcd_bus;   
+// controlbyte to select between data and command. Internal value for serial bus only
+    char _controlbyte;   
+    DigitalOut *_bl;    
 //---------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------