Tiny storage(file) system on MCU internal flash memory for Nucleo F4xx. The purpose of SOFBlock class is to provide a way to write data on flash memory in the same way of file handling class in the file system.

Dependents:   storage_on_flash_demo mbed_controller_demo mbed-os-example-blinky-2

March 26, 2015

Seeed Arch Max platform which is based on STM32-F407 is supported.



File content as of revision 0:7f4bc855cb46:

* @file SOFBlock.h
* @author hillkim7@gmail.com
* @brief Simple storage implementation on internal MCU flash memory.

The SOF in SOFBlock is abbreviation of "Storage On Flash".
The purpose of SOFBlock class is to provide a way to write data on flash memory
in the same way of file handling class in the file system.
It manages a chunk of data on the Flash memory efficiently by minimizing flash erase operation as little as possible.
Note: Currently I only support STM32F4xx series platforms.

The STM32 F4xx series from ST have plenty of internal Flash memory inside MCU core.
For example STM32 401RE has 512Kbyts Flash.
Typical size of firmware file is less than 256KB, so remaining area is free to use.
The simplest way of flash utilization as data storage is to use a chunk of Flash area as an unit of storage.
A block of Flash is called sector in STM32 domain. It requires to erase a sector before update bits in Flash.

Conceptually it is quite simple.
Here is write operation:
1) Erase sector #n
2) Write data to sector #n
Read operation:
1) Just read physical memory address of sector #n
The base address of STM32 Flash is 0x00000000.

There may be inefficiency in this Flash usage scenario when size of data is too small compared with sector size.
The size of sectors from #5 to #7 of STM32 401RE Flash 128KB. If I only need to maintain 1KB data,
whenever I need to update data I need to erase whole 128KB of sector.
This produces two problems.
One is time consumption of erase operation. The operation of ERASE128KB takes 1~4 seconds long.
The other is lifetime of Flash memory. More you erase and write and lifetime of Flash is shorter.

To overcome such problem, here simple flash management algorithm is used for.
By tracking data offset and size it can hold multiple data in a sector. Bear in mind that is impossible rewriting data on Flash.
Keeping tracking data along with data itself is crucial.
Data itself is growing from low address. On the other hand tracking data is growing down from high address.
Let's assume the size of data is 1KB and store it in sector #6 which address range is from 0x08040000 to 0x0805ffff.
<data>                                                                        <tracking data>
data grows ->                                                           <- tracking data grows
Writing data will be placed at the end of data always and reading data will pick the last data.
It is like simple file system that only keep a file only.

#pragma once

#include "SOF_dev.h"

/** SOF(Storage On Flash) usage example
 * Example:
 * @code
#include "mbed.h"
#include "SOFBlock.h"

int main()
	const uint8_t sector_index = 7;
	SOFBlock::format(sector_index);	// Erase flash sector 7 and make structure for storage.
	SOFWriter writer;
	SOFReader reader;
	writer.open(sector_index) ;
	writer.write_data((uint8_t*)"First Data", 10);
	printf("data %d bytes at %p :\r\n", reader.get_data_size(), reader.get_physical_base_addr());
	printf("%.*s\r\n", reader.get_data_size(), reader.get_physical_base_addr());
	// "First Data" printed
	writer.open(sector_index) ;
	// Overwrite previous data without erasing flash.
	writer.write_data((uint8_t*)"Second Data", 11);
	printf("data %d bytes at %p :\r\n", reader.get_data_size(), reader.get_physical_base_addr());
	printf("%.*s\r\n", reader.get_data_size(), reader.get_physical_base_addr());
	// "Second Data" printed

* Base class of SOF(Storage On Flash)
class SOFBlock

	virtual ~SOFBlock();

	void close();

	bool is_open() const { return hblock_ != NULL; }

	/*** erase flash sector and put signature to setup struct */
	static bool format(uint8_t sector_index);
	SOF_BlockHandle_t hblock_;

* It provides interface for writing data to flash memory.
class SOFWriter : public SOFBlock
	virtual ~SOFWriter();

	/*** Open for writing mode */
	SOF_Error_t open(uint8_t sector_index);

	/*** Return max available for writing */
	size_t get_free_size();

	/*** Write one byte of data */
	bool write_byte_data(uint8_t c);

	/*** Write n bytes of data */
	size_t write_data(const uint8_t *p, size_t p_size);

* It provides interface for reading data from flash memory.
* It can read data directly by accessing physical flash address or
* calling function like traditional file API style.
class SOFReader : public SOFBlock
	virtual ~SOFReader();

	/*** Open for read mode */
	SOF_Error_t open(uint8_t sector_index);

	/*** Return flash physical address of data for direct access */
	uint8_t *get_physical_base_addr();

	/*** Return data size */
	size_t get_data_size();

	/*** Return one byte of data */
	bool read_byte_data(uint8_t *c);

	/*** Return n bytes of data */
	size_t read_data( uint8_t *p, size_t p_size);