PwmOut Hello World

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of PwmOut_HelloWorld by mbed official

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The PwmOut API uses 8bit I2C addresses. That means you take your 7 bit address and left shift it by 1, then pass it to the API. The API will automatically add the read / write bits.

This code example sets the period in seconds and the duty cycle as a percentage of the period in floating point (0 to 1 range). The effect of this code snippet will be to blink LED2 over a 4 second cycle, 50% on, for a pattern of 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off.


#include "mbed.h"

PwmOut led(LED2);

int main() {
    // specify period first, then everything else
    led.period(4.0f);  // 4 second period
    led.write(0.50f);  // 50% duty cycle
    while(1);          // led flashing

The following example does the same thing. Instead of specifying the duty cycle as a relative percentage of the period it specifies it as an absolute value in seconds. In this case we have a 4 second period and a 2 second duty cycle, meaning the led will be on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds.


#include "mbed.h"

PwmOut led(LED2);

int main() {
    // specify period first, then everything else
    led.period(4.0f);  // 4 second period
    led.pulsewidth(2); // 2 second pulse (on)
    while(1);          // led flashing

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