Eddystone beacons broadcast a small amount of information, like URLs, to nearby BLE devices. The canonical source for this example lives at https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-ble/tree/master/BLE_EddystoneService

Eddystone beacons broadcast a small amount of information, like URLs, to nearby BLE devices.

The Eddystone Beacon sample application runs in two stages:

  • On startup, the Configuration Service (which allows modification of the beacon runs for a user-defined period (default - 30 seconds).
  • When the Configuration Service period ends, the Eddystone Service broadcasts advertisement packets.

Running the application


You should install the *Physical Web* application on your phone:

- Android version

- iOS version

Note: It is also possible to use a regular scanner to interract with your Eddystone beacon but it requires knowledge about BLE and Eddystone beacon specification out of the scope of this document.

Hardware requirements are in the main readme.

Building instructions

Building with mbed CLI

If you'd like to use mbed CLI to build this, then you should refer to the main readme. The instructions here relate to using the developer.mbed.org Online Compiler

In order to build this example in the mbed Online Compiler, first import the example using the ‘Import’ button on the right hand side.

Next, select a platform to build for. This must either be a platform that supports BLE, for example the NRF51-DK, or one of the following:

List of platforms supporting Bluetooth Low Energy

Or you must also add a piece of hardware and the supporting library that includes a Bluetooth Low Energy driver for that hardware, for example the K64F or NUCLEO_F401RE with the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1

List of components supporting Bluetooth Low Energy.

Once you have selected your platform, compile the example and drag and drop the resulting binary onto your board.

For general instructions on using the mbed Online Compiler, please see the mbed Handbook

Working with nRF51-based 16K targets

Because of memory constraints, you can't use the SoftDevice 130 (S130) to build for nRF51-based 16K targets. If you are using these targets, then before building:

  1. Open the ``config.json`` file in this sample.
  2. Change ``soft device`` to ``S110``.
  3. Save.

You can now build for nRF51-based 16K targets.

Setting up the beacon

By default, the beacon directs to the url ``http://mbed.org``. You can change this to your own URL in two ways:

  • Manually edit the code in ``main.cpp`` in your copy of the sample.
  • Build and run the application's default code as explained in the building instructions. When the beacon starts up, the Configuration Service runs for 30 seconds (this is the default value; you can change it in ``main.cpp``). While the Configuration Service runs, you can use a BLE scanner on your phone to edit the values the service presents.

Checking for success

  • Build the application and install it on your board as explained in the building instructions.
  • Open the *Physical Web* application on your phone. It will start to search for nearby beacons.


figure 1 Start of the *Physical Web* application version 0.1.856 on Android

  • When the beacon starts up, the Configuration Service runs for 30 seconds. During this time it is possible to change the URL advertised by the beacon. It is also important to note that during these 30 seconds, your device will not advertise any URL.


figure 2 How to open the beacon configuration view using the *Physical Web* application version 0.1.856 on Android

  • Edit the URL advertised by your beacon.


figure 3 How to edit the URL advertised by your beacon using the *Physical Web* application version 0.1.856 on Android

  • Save the URL which will be advertised by your beacon.


figure 4 How to save your beacon configuration and start advertising URL using the *Physical Web* application version 0.1.856 on Android.

  • Find your device; it should advertise the URL you have set.


figure 5 Display of URL advertised by your beacon using the *Physical Web* application version 0.1.856 on Android.

Note: You can use the Eddystone Observer sample instead of a phone application.



File content as of revision 43:00b5f99e0a15:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>


    #define YOTTA_CFG_EDDYSTONE_DEFAULT_URL "https://www.mbed.com/"

 * Macro to expand a 16-bit Eddystone UUID to 128-bit UUID.
#define UUID_URL_BEACON(FIRST, SECOND) {                         \
        0xee, 0x0c, FIRST, SECOND, 0x87, 0x86, 0x40, 0xba,       \
        0xab, 0x96, 0x99, 0xb9, 0x1a, 0xc9, 0x81, 0xd8,          \

 * Eddystone 16-bit UUID.
const uint8_t EDDYSTONE_UUID[] = {0xAA, 0xFE};

 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service.
const uint8_t UUID_URL_BEACON_SERVICE[]    = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x80);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Lock State
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_LOCK_STATE_CHAR[]       = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x81);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Lock
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_LOCK_CHAR[]             = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x82);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Unlock
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_UNLOCK_CHAR[]           = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x83);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service URI Data
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_URL_DATA_CHAR[]         = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x84);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Flags
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_FLAGS_CHAR[]            = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x85);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Advertised TX Power
 * Levels characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_ADV_POWER_LEVELS_CHAR[] = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x86);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service TX Power Mode
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_TX_POWER_MODE_CHAR[]    = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x87);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Beacon Period
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_BEACON_PERIOD_CHAR[]    = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x88);
 * 128-bit UUID for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Reset
 * characteristic.
const uint8_t UUID_RESET_CHAR[]            = UUID_URL_BEACON(0x20, 0x89);

 * Default name for the BLE Device Name characteristic.

 * Default URL used  by EddystoneService.

 * Enumeration that defines the Eddystone power levels for the Eddystone-URL
 * Configuration Service TX Power Mode characteristic. Refer to
 * https://github.com/google/eddystone/blob/master/eddystone-url/docs/config-service-spec.md#37-tx-power-mode.
enum PowerModes {
     * Lowest transmit power mode.
     * Low transmit power mode.
     * Medium transmit power mode.
     * Highest transmit power mode.
     * Total number of power modes.

 * Type for the 128-bit for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Lock and Unlock
 * characteristic value.
typedef uint8_t Lock_t[16];
 * Type for the 128-bit for Eddystone-URL Configuration Service Advertised TX
 * Power Levels characteristic value.
typedef int8_t PowerLevels_t[NUM_POWER_MODES];

 * Maximum length of an encoded URL for Eddystone.
const uint16_t URL_DATA_MAX = 18;
 * Type for an encoded URL for Eddystone.
typedef uint8_t UrlData_t[URL_DATA_MAX];

 * Size in bytes of UID namespace ID.
const size_t UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE = 10;
 * Type for the UID namespace ID.
typedef uint8_t UIDNamespaceID_t[UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE];
 * Size in bytes of UID instance ID.
const size_t UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE = 6;
 * Type for the UID instance ID.
typedef uint8_t UIDInstanceID_t[UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE];

 * Type for callbacks to update Eddystone-TLM frame Batery Voltage and Beacon
 * Temperature.
typedef uint16_t (*TlmUpdateCallback_t) (uint16_t);

 * Size of Eddystone UUID. Needed to construct all frames raw bytes.
const uint16_t EDDYSTONE_UUID_SIZE = sizeof(EDDYSTONE_UUID);

#endif /* __EDDYSTONETYPES_H__ */