To be debugged

Dependencies:   FreescaleIAP mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of TFR_BAE_vr1_1_Debug153 by Bragadeesh S

--- a/ACS.cpp	Sat Jan 23 11:35:20 2016 +0000
+++ b/ACS.cpp	Mon Jan 25 17:27:26 2016 +0000
@@ -48,128 +48,380 @@
 float bcopy[3];
 float moment[3];
  ///////algo working well
-void FCTN_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float b[3],float omega[3])
+void FCTN_ACS_CNTRLALGO (float moment[3], float b1[3], float omega1[3], float b_old[3], int &alarmmode, int &flag_firsttime, int &controlmode)
-    float db[3];
-    float bb[3]={0,0,0};
-    float d[3]={0,0,0};
-    float Jm[3][3]={{0.2730,0,0},{0,0.3018,0},{0,0,0.3031}};
-    float den=0,den2;
-    int i,j;                   //temporary variables
-    float Mu[2],z[2],dv[2],v[2],u[2],tauc[3]={0,0,0};           //outputs
-    float invJm[3][3];
-    float kmu2=0.07,gamma2=1.9e4,kz2=0.4e-2,kmu=0.003,gamma=5.6e4,kz=0.1e-4;
-    //................. calculating db values...........................
-    if(ctrl_count!=0)
-    {
-        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-        db[i]= (b[i]-bcopy[i])/10;
-    }
+    float db1[3]; // Unit: Tesla/Second
+    float sampling_time=10; // Unit: Seconds. Digital Control law excuted once in 10 seconds
+    float MmntMax=1.1; // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+    float OmegaMax=1*3.1415/180.0; // Unit: Radians/Second
+    float normalising_fact;
+    float b1_copy[3], omega1_copy[3], db1_copy[3];
+    int i, j;
+    if(flag_firsttime==1)
+        {
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+                db1[i]=0; // Unit: Tesla/Second
+        }
+            flag_firsttime=0;
+        }
-        db[i]= 0;
-    }
-    ctrl_count++;
-    //..................................................................
-    printf("\n\r Entered cntrl algo\n\r");
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
-        printf("%f\t",omega[i]);
+            db1[i]= (b1[i]-b_old[i])/sampling_time; // Unit: Tesla/Second
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
-        {
-        printf("%f\t",b[i]);
-        }
-    //.........................algo......................................
-    den=sqrt((b[0]*b[0])+(b[1]*b[1])+(b[2]*b[2]));
-    den2=(b[0]*db[0])+(b[1]*db[1])+(b[2]*db[2]);
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+    }
+        if(max_array(omega1)<(0.8*OmegaMax) && alarmmode==1)
-        db[i]=((db[i]*den*den)-(b[i]*(den2)))/(pow(den,3));
-        //db[i]/=den*den*den;
+            alarmmode=0;
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-        b[i]/=den;
-    }
-    // select kz, kmu, gamma
-    if(b[0]>0.9||b[0]<-0.9)
+        else if(max_array(omega1)>OmegaMax && alarmmode==0)
-        kz=kz2;
-        kmu=kmu2;
-        gamma=gamma2;
+            alarmmode=1;
-    // calculate Mu, v, dv, z, u
-    for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++)
-        Mu[i]=b[i+1];
-        v[i]=-kmu*Mu[i];
-        dv[i]=-kmu*db[i+1];
-        z[i]=db[i+1]-v[i];
-        u[i]=-kz*z[i]+dv[i]-(Mu[i]/gamma);
+        b1_copy[i]=b1[i];
+        db1_copy[i]=db1[i];
+        omega1_copy[i]=omega1[i];
-    inverse(Jm,invJm);
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-            bb[i]+=omega[j]*(omega[(i+1)%3]*Jm[(i+2)%3][j]-omega[(i+2)%3]*Jm[(i+1)%3][j]);
-    }
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+    if(alarmmode==0)
+        {
+            controlmode=0;
+            controlmodes(moment,b1,db1,omega1,controlmode,MmntMax);
+        for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            b1[i]=b1_copy[i];
+            db1[i]=db1_copy[i];
+            omega1[i]=omega1_copy[i];
+        }
+            if(max_array(moment)>MmntMax)
+            {
+                controlmode=1;
+                controlmodes(moment,b1,db1,omega1,controlmode,MmntMax);
+            for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                b1[i]=b1_copy[i];
+                db1[i]=db1_copy[i];
+                omega1[i]=omega1_copy[i];
+            }
+                if(max_array(moment)>MmntMax)
+                {
+                    normalising_fact=max_array(moment)/MmntMax;
+                    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+                {
+                        moment[i]/=normalising_fact; // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+                }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {   
+            controlmode=1;
+            controlmodes(moment,b1,db1,omega1,controlmode,MmntMax);
+        for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            b1[i]=b1_copy[i];
+            db1[i]=db1_copy[i];
+            omega1[i]=omega1_copy[i];
+        }
+            if(max_array(moment)>MmntMax)
+            {
+                normalising_fact=max_array(moment)/MmntMax;
+                for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                    moment[i]/=normalising_fact; // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+            }
+            }
+        }
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++)
-        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-            d[i]+=bb[j]*invJm[i][j];
-    }
-    bb[1]=u[0]+(d[0]*b[2])-(d[2]*b[0])-(omega[0]*db[2])+(omega[2]*db[0]);
-    bb[2]=u[1]-(d[0]*b[1])+(d[1]*b[0])+(omega[0]*db[1])-(omega[1]*db[0]);
-    bb[0]=0;
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-        d[i]=invJm[1][i];
-        invJm[1][i]=b[2]*invJm[0][i]-b[0]*invJm[2][i];
-        invJm[2][i]=-b[1]*invJm[0][i]+b[0]*d[i];
-        invJm[0][i]=b[i];
+        b_old[i]=b1[i];
-    inverse(invJm,Jm);
-    printf("\n \r calculating tauc");
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-            tauc[i]+=Jm[i][j]*bb[j];            // calculating torque values
-            printf(" %f \t",tauc[i]);    
-    }
-    //..........................tauc to moment conversion..........................
-    printf("\n \r calculating moment");
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-        bcopy[i]=b[i]*den;
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-        moment[i]=bcopy[(i+1)%3]*tauc[(i+2)%3]-bcopy[(i+2)%3]*tauc[(i+1)%3];
-        moment[i]/=den;
-        printf(" %f \t",moment[i]); 
-    }
-    printf("\n\r exited control algo\n");
-//..........................function to find inverse..................
-void inverse(float mat[3][3],float inv[3][3])
+void inverse(float mat[3][3],float inv[3][3],int &singularity_flag)
     int i,j;
     float det=0;
+        {
+        }
-    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    { 
-        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-            inv[i][j]/=det;
+    if (det==0)
+    {
+        singularity_flag=1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        singularity_flag=0;
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+            {
+                inv[i][j]/=det;
+            }
+        }
+float max_array(float arr[3])
+    int i;
+    float temp_max=fabs(arr[0]);
+    for(i=1;i<3;i++)
+    {
+        if(fabs(arr[i])>temp_max)
+        {
+            temp_max=fabs(arr[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return temp_max;
+void controlmodes(float moment[3], float b[3], float db[3], float omega[3], int controlmode1, float MmntMax)
+    float bb[3]={0,0,0};
+    float d[3]={0,0,0};
+    float Jm[3][3]={{0.2271,0.0014,-0.0026},{0.0014,0.2167,-0.004},{-0.0026,-0.004,0.2406}}; // Unit: Kilogram*Meter^2. Jm may change depending on the final satellite structure
+    float den=0,den2;
+    float bcopy[3];
+    int i, j;//temporary variables
+    float Mu[2],z[2],dv[2],v[2],u[2],tauc[3]={0,0,0},Mmnt[3];//outputs
+    float invJm[3][3];
+    float kmu2=0.07,gamma2=1.9e4,kz2=0.4e-2,kmu=0.003,gamma=5.6e4,kz=0.1e-4,kdetumble=2000000;
+    int singularity_flag=0;
+    if(controlmode1==0)
+    {
+        den=sqrt((b[0]*b[0])+(b[1]*b[1])+(b[2]*b[2]));
+        den2=(b[0]*db[0])+(b[1]*db[1])+(b[2]*db[2]);
+        if (den==0)
+        {
+            singularity_flag=1;
+        }
+        if (singularity_flag==0)
+        {
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                db[i]=((db[i]*den*den)-(b[i]*(den2)))/(pow(den,3)); // Normalized db. Hence the unit is Second^(-1)
+            }
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                b[i]/=den; // Mormalized b. Hence no unit.
+            }
+            if(b[2]>0.9 || b[2]<-0.9)
+            {
+                kz=kz2;
+                kmu=kmu2;
+                gamma=gamma2;
+            }
+            for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+            {
+                Mu[i]=b[i];
+                v[i]=-kmu*Mu[i];
+                dv[i]=-kmu*db[i];
+                z[i]=db[i]-v[i];
+                u[i]=-kz*z[i]+dv[i]-(Mu[i]/gamma);
+            }
+            inverse(Jm,invJm,singularity_flag);
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+                {
+                    bb[i]+=omega[j]*(omega[(i+1)%3]*Jm[(i+2)%3][j]-omega[(i+2)%3]*Jm[(i+1)%3][j]);
+                }
+            }
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+                {
+                    d[i]+=bb[j]*invJm[i][j];
+                }
+            }
+            bb[1]=u[0]-(d[1]*b[2])+(d[2]*b[1])-(omega[1]*db[2])+(omega[2]*db[1]);
+            bb[2]=u[1]-(d[2]*b[0])+(d[0]*b[2])-(omega[2]*db[0])+(omega[0]*db[2]);
+            bb[0]=0;
+            for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                d[i]=invJm[2][i];
+                invJm[1][i]=-b[2]*invJm[1][i]+b[1]*d[i];
+                invJm[2][i]=b[2]*invJm[0][i]-b[0]*d[i];
+                invJm[0][i]=b[i];
+            }
+            inverse(invJm,Jm,singularity_flag);
+            if (singularity_flag==0)
+            {
+                for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+                {
+                    for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+                    {
+                        tauc[i]+=Jm[i][j]*bb[j]; // Unit: Newton*Meter^2
+                    }
+                }
+                for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+                {
+                    bcopy[i]=b[i]*den;
+                }
+                for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+                {
+                    Mmnt[i]=bcopy[(i+1)%3]*tauc[(i+2)%3]-bcopy[(i+2)%3]*tauc[(i+1)%3];
+                    Mmnt[i]/=(den*den); // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (singularity_flag==1)
+        {
+            for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                Mmnt[i]=2*MmntMax;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if(controlmode1==1)
+    {
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            Mmnt[i]=-kdetumble*(b[(i+1)%3]*omega[(i+2)%3]-b[(i+2)%3]*omega[(i+1)%3]); // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+        }
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+    {
+        moment[i]=Mmnt[i]; // Unit: Ampere*Meter^2
+    }
+//void FCTN_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float b[3],float omega[3])
+//    float db[3];
+//    float bb[3]={0,0,0};
+//    float d[3]={0,0,0};
+//    float Jm[3][3]={{0.2730,0,0},{0,0.3018,0},{0,0,0.3031}};
+//    float den=0,den2;
+//    int i,j;                   //temporary variables
+//    float Mu[2],z[2],dv[2],v[2],u[2],tauc[3]={0,0,0};           //outputs
+//    float invJm[3][3];
+//    float kmu2=0.07,gamma2=1.9e4,kz2=0.4e-2,kmu=0.003,gamma=5.6e4,kz=0.1e-4;
+//    //................. calculating db values...........................
+//    if(ctrl_count!=0)
+//    {
+//        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//        db[i]= (b[i]-bcopy[i])/10;
+//    }
+//    else
+//    {
+//        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//        db[i]= 0;
+//    }
+//    ctrl_count++;
+//    //..................................................................
+//    printf("\n\r Entered cntrl algo\n\r");
+//    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
+//        {
+//        printf("%f\t",omega[i]);
+//        }
+//    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
+//        {
+//        printf("%f\t",b[i]);
+//        }
+//    //.........................algo......................................
+//    den=sqrt((b[0]*b[0])+(b[1]*b[1])+(b[2]*b[2]));
+//    den2=(b[0]*db[0])+(b[1]*db[1])+(b[2]*db[2]);
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        db[i]=((db[i]*den*den)-(b[i]*(den2)))/(pow(den,3));
+//        //db[i]/=den*den*den;
+//    }
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        b[i]/=den;
+//    }
+//    // select kz, kmu, gamma
+//    if(b[0]>0.9||b[0]<-0.9)
+//    {
+//        kz=kz2;
+//        kmu=kmu2;
+//        gamma=gamma2;
+//    }
+//    // calculate Mu, v, dv, z, u
+//    for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+//    {
+//        Mu[i]=b[i+1];
+//        v[i]=-kmu*Mu[i];
+//        dv[i]=-kmu*db[i+1];
+//        z[i]=db[i+1]-v[i];
+//        u[i]=-kz*z[i]+dv[i]-(Mu[i]/gamma);
+//    }
+//    inverse(Jm,invJm);
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+//            bb[i]+=omega[j]*(omega[(i+1)%3]*Jm[(i+2)%3][j]-omega[(i+2)%3]*Jm[(i+1)%3][j]);
+//    }
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+//            d[i]+=bb[j]*invJm[i][j];
+//    }
+//    bb[1]=u[0]+(d[0]*b[2])-(d[2]*b[0])-(omega[0]*db[2])+(omega[2]*db[0]);
+//    bb[2]=u[1]-(d[0]*b[1])+(d[1]*b[0])+(omega[0]*db[1])-(omega[1]*db[0]);
+//    bb[0]=0;
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        d[i]=invJm[1][i];
+//        invJm[1][i]=b[2]*invJm[0][i]-b[0]*invJm[2][i];
+//        invJm[2][i]=-b[1]*invJm[0][i]+b[0]*d[i];
+//        invJm[0][i]=b[i];
+//    }
+//    inverse(invJm,Jm);
+//    printf("\n \r calculating tauc");
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+//            tauc[i]+=Jm[i][j]*bb[j];            // calculating torque values
+//            printf(" %f \t",tauc[i]);    
+//    }
+//    //..........................tauc to moment conversion..........................
+//    printf("\n \r calculating moment");
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//        bcopy[i]=b[i]*den;
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    {
+//        moment[i]=bcopy[(i+1)%3]*tauc[(i+2)%3]-bcopy[(i+2)%3]*tauc[(i+1)%3];
+//        moment[i]/=den;
+//        printf(" %f \t",moment[i]); 
+//    }
+//    printf("\n\r exited control algo\n");
+//..........................function to find inverse..................
+//void inverse(float mat[3][3],float inv[3][3])
+//    int i,j;
+//    float det=0;
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    { 
+//        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+//            inv[j][i]=(mat[(i+1)%3][(j+1)%3]*mat[(i+2)%3][(j+2)%3])-(mat[(i+2)%3][(j+1)%3]*mat[(i+1)%3][(j+2)%3]);
+//    }
+//    det+=(mat[0][0]*inv[0][0])+(mat[0][1]*inv[1][0])+(mat[0][2]*inv[2][0]);
+//    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+//    { 
+//        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+//            inv[i][j]/=det;
+//    }
 I2C i2c (PTC9,PTC8); //PTC9-sda,PTC8-scl  for the attitude sensors and battery gauge
@@ -282,6 +534,9 @@
     //            pc_acs.printf("%f\t",gyro_data[i]);
+            gyro_data[0] = (gyro_data[0] + 1.52) * (3.1415/180);
+            gyro_data[1] = (gyro_data[1] - 2.44) * (3.1415/180);
+            gyro_data[2] = (gyro_data[2] - 1.06) * (3.1415/180); // in radians
        //     pc_acs.printf("\nMag Values:\n");
             for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                 //concatenating mag LSB and MSB to get 16 bit signed data values
@@ -291,6 +546,9 @@
       //          pc_acs.printf("%f\t",mag_data[i]);
+            mag_data[0] = ((mag_data[0] - 0.8089)/0.9566)/1000000;
+            mag_data[1] = ((mag_data[1] + 1.6722)/1.095)/1000000;
+            mag_data[2] = ((mag_data[2] + 4.7846 )/1.03)/1000000; // in Tesla
             for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                // data[i]=gyro_data[i];
                 actual_data.AngularSpeed_actual[i] = gyro_data[i];
@@ -314,7 +572,7 @@
 void FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(float Moment[3])
-    printf("\n\rEntered executable PWMGEN function\n"); // entering the PWMGEN executable function
+ printf("\n\rEntered executable PWMGEN function\n"); // entering the PWMGEN executable function
     float l_duty_cycle_x=0;    //Duty cycle of Moment in x direction
     float l_current_x=0;       //Current sent in x TR's
@@ -324,7 +582,7 @@
     float l_current_z=0;       //Current sent in z TR's
-    for(int i = 0 ; i<3;i++)
+    //for(int i = 0 ; i<3;i++)
      //   printf(" %f \t ",Moment[i]);  // taking the moment values from control algorithm as inputs
@@ -343,30 +601,23 @@
     l_current_x = l_moment_x * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
     pc_acs.printf("current in trx is %f \r \n",l_current_x);
-    if( l_current_x>0 && l_current_x < 0.006 ) //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+    if( l_current_x>0 && l_current_x < 0.0016 ) //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
-        l_duty_cycle_x =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_x,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_x,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_x,2) + 149.19*l_current_x - 0.0008; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation 
+        l_duty_cycle_x =  3*10000000*pow(l_current_x,3)- 90216*pow(l_current_x,2) + 697.78*l_current_x - 0.0048; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation 
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
         PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;
-    else if( l_current_x >= 0.006 && l_current_x < 0.0116)
-    { 
-        l_duty_cycle_x = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_x,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_x,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_x,2) - 199.29*l_current_x + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
-        pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
-        PWM1.period(TIME_PERIOD);
-        PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;             
-    }
-    else if (l_current_x >= 0.0116 && l_current_x < 0.0624)
+    else if (l_current_x >= 0.0016 && l_current_x < 0.0171)
-        l_duty_cycle_x = 212444*pow(l_current_x,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_x,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_x,2) + 120.91*l_current_x + 0.3878; // calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_x = - 76880*pow(l_current_x,3) + 1280.8*pow(l_current_x,2) + 583.78*l_current_x + 0.0281; // calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
         PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;            
-    else if(l_current_x >= 0.0624 && l_current_x < 0.555)
+    else if(l_current_x >= 0.0171 && l_current_x < 0.1678)
-        l_duty_cycle_x =  331.15*pow(l_current_x,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_x,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_x,2) + 158.59*l_current_x + 0.0338; // calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_x =  275.92*pow(l_current_x,2) + 546.13*l_current_x + 0.5316; // calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trx is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_x);
         PWM1 = l_duty_cycle_x/100 ;            
@@ -383,11 +634,12 @@
         g_err_flag_TR_x = 1;
     //------------------------------------- y-direction TR--------------------------------------//
-    float l_moment_y = Moment[1];         //Moment in y direction
+   float l_moment_y = Moment[1];         //Moment in y direction
     phase_TR_y = 1;  // setting the default current direction
     if (l_moment_y <0)
@@ -399,34 +651,27 @@
     l_current_y = l_moment_y * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
      pc_acs.printf("current in try is %f \r \n",l_current_y);
-    if( l_current_y>0 && l_current_y < 0.006 )//Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+        if( l_current_y>0 && l_current_y < 0.0016 ) //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
-        l_duty_cycle_y =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_y,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_y,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_y,2) + 149.19*l_current_y - 0.0008; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_y =  3*10000000*pow(l_current_y,3)- 90216*pow(l_current_y,2) + 697.78*l_current_y - 0.0048; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation 
         pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
         PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;
-    else if( l_current_y >= 0.006 && l_current_y < 0.0116)
-    { 
-        l_duty_cycle_y = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_y,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_y,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_y,2) - 199.29*l_current_y + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
-        pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
-        PWM2.period(TIME_PERIOD);
-        PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;             
-    }
-    else if (l_current_y >= 0.0116&& l_current_y < 0.0624)
+    else if (l_current_y >= 0.0016 && l_current_y < 0.0171)
-        l_duty_cycle_y = 212444*pow(l_current_y,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_y,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_y,2) + 120.91*l_current_y + 0.3878;// calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_y = - 76880*pow(l_current_y,3) + 1280.8*pow(l_current_y,2) + 583.78*l_current_y + 0.0281; // calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
         PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;            
-    else if(l_current_y >= 0.0624 && l_current_y < 0.555)
+    else if(l_current_y >= 0.0171 && l_current_y < 0.1678)
-        l_duty_cycle_y =  331.15*pow(l_current_y,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_y,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_y,2) + 158.59*l_current_y + 0.0338;// calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_y =  275.92*pow(l_current_y,2) + 546.13*l_current_y + 0.5316; // calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for try is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_y);
         PWM2 = l_duty_cycle_y/100 ;            
-    }
+    }        
     else if(l_current_y==0)
         printf("\n \r l_current_y====0");
@@ -439,10 +684,9 @@
       g_err_flag_TR_y = 1;
     //----------------------------------------------- z-direction TR -------------------------//  
     float l_moment_z = Moment[2];         //Moment in z direction
     phase_TR_z = 1;   // setting the default current direction
@@ -455,30 +699,23 @@
     l_current_z = l_moment_z * TR_CONSTANT ;        //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
      pc_acs.printf("current in trz is %f \r \n",l_current_z);
-    if( l_current_z>0 && l_current_z < 0.006 )//Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+        if( l_current_z>0 && l_current_z < 0.0016 ) //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
-        l_duty_cycle_z =  6*1000000*pow(l_current_z,4) - 377291*pow(l_current_z,3) + 4689.6*pow(l_current_z,2) + 149.19*l_current_z - 0.0008;// calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_z =  3*10000000*pow(l_current_z,3)- 90216*pow(l_current_z,2) + 697.78*l_current_z - 0.0048; // calculating upto 0.1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation 
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
         PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;
-    else if( l_current_z >= 0.006 && l_current_z < 0.0116)
-    { 
-        l_duty_cycle_z = 1*100000000*pow(l_current_z,4) - 5*1000000*pow(l_current_z,3) + 62603*pow(l_current_z,2) - 199.29*l_current_z + 0.7648;// calculating upto 1% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
-        pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
-        PWM3.period(TIME_PERIOD);
-        PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;             
-    }
-    else if (l_current_z >= 0.0116 && l_current_z < 0.0624)
+    else if (l_current_z >= 0.0016 && l_current_z < 0.0171)
-        l_duty_cycle_z = 212444*pow(l_current_z,4) - 33244*pow(l_current_z,3) + 1778.4*pow(l_current_z,2) + 120.91*l_current_z + 0.3878;// calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_z = - 76880*pow(l_current_z,3) + 1280.8*pow(l_current_z,2) + 583.78*l_current_z + 0.0281; // calculating upto 10% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
         PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;            
-    else if(l_current_z >= 0.0624 && l_current_z < 0.555)
+    else if(l_current_z >= 0.0171 && l_current_z < 0.1678)
-        l_duty_cycle_z =  331.15*pow(l_current_z,4) - 368.09*pow(l_current_z,3) + 140.43*pow(l_current_z,2) + 158.59*l_current_z + 0.0338;// calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
+        l_duty_cycle_z =  275.92*pow(l_current_z,2) + 546.13*l_current_z + 0.5316; // calculating upto 100% dutycycle by polynomial interpolation
         pc_acs.printf("DC for trz is %f \r \n",l_duty_cycle_z);
         PWM3 = l_duty_cycle_z/100 ;            
@@ -499,8 +736,8 @@
     //-----------------------------------------exiting the function-----------------------------------//
     printf("\n\rExited executable PWMGEN function\n\r"); // stating the successful exit of TR function
\ No newline at end of file