
Dependencies:   WS2812 PixelArray Adafruit_GFX

diff -r 000000000000 -r 27e31cadeb36 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jun 15 13:09:31 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "IRreflection.h"
+#include "ReceiverIR.h"
+#include "PCF8574.h"
+#include "hcsr04.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+#include "WS2812.h"
+#include "PixelArray.h"
+#define WS2812_BUF 77   //number of LEDs in the array
+#define NUM_COLORS 6    //number of colors to store in the array
+#define NUM_STEPS 8    //number of steps between colors
+Timer total;
+Timer Etime;
+Timer Otime;
+Timer AngleTimer;
+//WS2812 neopixel================
+PixelArray px(WS2812_BUF);
+WS2812 ws(D7, WS2812_BUF, 6,17,9,14);   //nucleo-f411re
+Thread neothread;
+// temperary=========================
+RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);
+//ultrasonic sensor=====================
+int limit = 5;
+HCSR04 sensor(D3, D2,pc,0,limit); 
+int turn = 0;
+int Ultra_distance = 0;
+PCF8574 io(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL,0x40);
+//IR_Reflection : declaration========
+TRSensors TR(D11,D12,D13,D10);
+static int sensor_for_end[NUMSENSORS];
+static int sensor_val[NUMSENSORS];
+static int calMin[NUMSENSORS];
+static int calMax[NUMSENSORS];
+PwmOut PWMA(D6);  //PB_10,D6
+PwmOut PWMB(D5);
+DigitalOut AIN1(A1);
+DigitalOut AIN2(A0);
+DigitalOut BIN1(A2);
+DigitalOut BIN2(A3);
+#define MIDDLE 2000
+int R_PWM;  
+int L_PWM;
+int weight; int P_weight;
+int P_temp; int Fix_temp;
+int print_c;
+int den;
+static int on_line[1];
+typedef enum{LEFT = 0, RIGHT} DIRE;
+DIRE direction;
+DIRE Over_direction;
+DIRE P_direction;
+DIRE Obs_direction;
+//IR_Remote : declaration===========
+ReceiverIR ir_rx(D4);
+RemoteIR::Format format;
+uint8_t IR_buf[32];
+uint32_t IR_buf_sum;
+int bitcount;
+typedef enum{NOK = 0, YOK}flag;
+// Nessary change to enum!!!
+flag flag_cal_Min;
+flag flag_cal_Max;
+flag flag_start;
+flag flag_over;
+flag flag_out;
+flag flag_IR;
+flag flag_end;
+flag flag_angle;
+flag flag_obstacle;
+flag flag_distance;
+flag flag_neo;
+void Initialization(void);
+void Motor_init(void);
+void Motor_Stop(void);
+void Calibration(void);
+void Driving(void);
+void Actuator(void);
+void Distance_check(void);
+void Obstacle_check(void);
+void Actuator_Obstacle(int dir);
+int End_check(int *sensor_values);
+int color_set(uint8_t red,uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
+int interpolate(int startValue, int endValue, int stepNumber, int lastStepNumber);
+void NeopixelOn(void);
+class I2CPreInit : public I2C
+    I2CPreInit(PinName sda, PinName scl) : I2C(sda, scl)
+    {
+        frequency(400000);
+        start();
+    };
+I2C i2c(D14, D15);
+Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c oled(i2c, D9, 0x78, 64, 128); 
+int main(){
+    neothread.start(&NeopixelOn);
+    oled.clearDisplay();
+    oled.printf("Welcome to Alphabot\r\n\r\n");
+    oled.display();
+    Initialization();
+    Driving();
+    if(flag_end){
+         oled.clearDisplay();
+         int duration =;
+         oled.printf("Congratulation!! \r\n");
+         oled.printf("Time is %.3f",;
+         oled.display();
+         flag_neo = YOK;
+    }
+void Initialization(){
+    //추후 다른 변수 초기화 전부 이곳에!!!
+    flag_over = NOK;
+    flag_IR = NOK;
+    flag_distance = NOK;
+    TR.calibrate_init(calMin,calMax);
+    Motor_init();
+    Calibration();
+void Motor_Stop(){
+    pc.printf("===============================Motor Stop!\r\n");
+    AIN1 = 0;
+    AIN2 = 0;
+    BIN1 = 0;
+    BIN2 = 0;
+    PWMB.pulsewidth_us(0);
+    PWMA.pulsewidth_us(0);
+void Motor_init(){
+    AIN1 = 0;
+    AIN2 = 1;
+    BIN1 = 0;
+    BIN2 = 1;
+    PWMB.period_us(500);
+    PWMA.period_us(500);
+    den = 0;
+    R_PWM = 0;
+    L_PWM = 0;
+    weight= 0;
+    print_c = 0;
+void Calibration(){
+    while(flag_cal_Max == NOK){
+    if ((ir_rx.getState() == ReceiverIR::Received)&&(ir_rx.getData(&format, IR_buf, sizeof(IR_buf) * 8)!=0)) {
+        for(int i =0 ; i<4; i ++){
+            IR_buf_sum |=(IR_buf[i]<<8*(3-i));
+        }   
+        pc.printf("%X\r\n",IR_buf_sum);
+            if(IR_buf_sum == 0x00FF0CF3){
+                 io.write(0x7F);
+                 TR.calibrate(sensor_val, calMin, calMax);
+                 wait(0.5);
+                 io.write(0xFF);
+    for(int i = 0; i<5; i++){
+        pc.printf("Min_sensor_value[%d] = %d\r\n",i+1,calMin[i]);
+        pc.printf("Max_sensor_value[%d] = %d\r\n",i+1,calMax[i]);
+    }
+    pc.printf("================================\r\n");
+                 flag_cal_Max = YOK;
+                }
+        IR_buf_sum = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    while(flag_cal_Min == NOK){
+    if ((ir_rx.getState() == ReceiverIR::Received)&&(ir_rx.getData(&format, IR_buf, sizeof(IR_buf) * 8)!=0)) {
+        for(int i =0 ; i<4; i ++){
+            IR_buf_sum |=(IR_buf[i]<<8*(3-i));
+        } 
+        pc.printf("%X\r\n",IR_buf_sum);
+            if(IR_buf_sum == 0x00FF18E7){
+                 io.write(0xBF);
+                 TR.calibrate(sensor_val, calMin, calMax);
+                 wait(0.5);
+                 io.write(0xFF);
+for(int i = 0; i<5; i++){
+pc.printf("Min_sensor_value[%d] = %d\r\n",i+1,calMin[i]);
+pc.printf("Max_sensor_value[%d] = %d\r\n",i+1,calMax[i]);
+                 flag_cal_Min = YOK;
+                }
+        IR_buf_sum = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    while(flag_start == NOK){
+    if ((ir_rx.getState() == ReceiverIR::Received)&&(ir_rx.getData(&format, IR_buf, sizeof(IR_buf) * 8)!=0)) {
+        for(int i =0 ; i<4; i ++){
+            IR_buf_sum |=(IR_buf[i]<<8*(3-i));
+        } 
+        pc.printf("%X\r\n",IR_buf_sum);
+            if(IR_buf_sum == 0x00FF5EA1){
+                pc.printf("===============start!===============\r\n");
+                flag_start = YOK;
+                }
+        IR_buf_sum = 0;
+        }
+    } 
+//Using logic control=================================================================
+void Driving(){
+    total.start();
+    Etime.start();
+    while(!flag_end){
+    Etime.reset();
+   // Obstacle_check();
+    if(flag_distance == NOK){
+        Actuator();
+    }
+    Distance_check();
+    do{
+    }while(<0.00300001);
+    }
+int End_check(int *sensor_values){                                                                                        
+    int avg = 0;
+    int sum = 0;
+    for(int i = 0; i < NUMSENSORS; i++){
+        sum += sensor_values[i];
+    }
+    avg = sum / NUMSENSORS;
+    //pc.printf("\tavg function: %d\r\n",avg);
+    return avg;
+void Actuator(){
+    den = 30;
+    //int temp = TR.readLine(sensor_val, calMin, calMax,on_line,1) - MIDDLE;
+    int temp = TR.readLine(sensor_val, calMin, calMax,on_line,1);
+    //pc.printf("new temp: %d\r\n",temp);
+    TR.readCalibrated(sensor_for_end, calMin, calMax);
+    int avg = End_check(sensor_for_end);
+    if(avg <= 100){
+       pc.printf("avg:%d\r\n",avg);
+       Motor_Stop(); 
+       flag_end = YOK;  
+       total.stop();
+    }
+    temp = temp - MIDDLE;
+    if(temp>=0) direction = LEFT;
+    else        direction = RIGHT;
+    weight = abs(temp)/den;
+    if((print_c%500) == 0){
+        pc.printf("flag_out = %d\r\n", flag_out);
+        pc.printf("temp = %d\r\n", temp);
+        pc.printf("online = %d\r\n", on_line[0]);
+        }
+    R_PWM = 140;
+    L_PWM = 140;
+    //if(weight > (2000/den)*2/3) weight = (2000/den)*3/4;
+    if(weight >= (2000/den)*3/4){
+        if(direction == LEFT){
+        PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+0.0*weight);
+        PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-2.1*weight);
+        }
+        else{
+        PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-2.1*weight);
+        PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM+0.0*weight);
+        }
+    }else{
+        if(direction == LEFT){
+        PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+0.0*weight);
+        PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-1.4*weight);
+        }
+        else{
+        PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-1.4*weight);
+        PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM+0.0*weight);
+        }
+    }
+    if(weight >= (2000/den)*2/3 && flag_over == NOK)
+    {
+        flag_over = YOK;
+        P_direction = direction;
+        P_weight = weight;
+    }
+    if((flag_over == YOK) && (abs(weight)<= (2000/den)*1/5)&&on_line[0]==1)
+    {  
+        if(P_weight >=(2000/den)*2/3 && P_weight<=(2000/den)*4/5){
+            if(P_direction == LEFT){
+            PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-P_weight);
+            PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM); 
+            }
+            else{
+            PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM);
+            PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-P_weight);
+            }
+        }
+    if(P_weight>=(2000/den)*4/5){
+            if(P_direction == LEFT){
+            PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-1.0*P_weight);
+            PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM+1.0*P_weight); 
+            }
+            else{
+            PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+1.0*P_weight);
+            PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-1.0*P_weight);
+            }
+        }
+       // pc.printf("I'm Here\r\n");
+        wait(0.12);
+    flag_over = NOK;
+    }
+    P_temp = temp;
+    print_c++;
+void Distance_check(){
+    if(flag_distance == NOK){
+    sensor.distance();
+    Ultra_distance = sensor.returndistance();
+   //pc.printf("distance = %d\r\n",flag_distance);
+    if((Ultra_distance >= 16 && Ultra_distance <= 19)) flag_distance = YOK;
+    }
+    if(flag_distance == YOK){
+     while(1){ 
+           // pc.printf("distance check. turn left!!\r\n");
+            PWMB.pulsewidth_us(100);
+            PWMA.pulsewidth_us(100);
+            AIN1.write(1);
+            AIN2.write(0);
+            BIN1.write(0);
+            BIN2.write(1);
+            //pc.printf("ABS == ")
+            if((abs(TR.readLine(sensor_val, calMin, calMax,on_line,1) - MIDDLE)<=400 && on_line[0] == 1)){
+                Motor_init();
+                flag_distance = NOK;
+                PWMB.pulsewidth_us(0);
+                PWMA.pulsewidth_us(0);
+                break;
+            }
+        } 
+    }
+void Obstacle_check(){
+    //io.write 체크
+    //flag_IR 변경 YOK
+   // pc.printf("flag_out = %x\r\n",;
+    if( == 0x7F){     //왼쪽읽음 
+        flag_IR = YOK;
+        flag_obstacle = YOK;
+        Obs_direction = LEFT;
+    }
+    else if( == 0xbF)  //오른쪽 읽음
+    {
+        flag_IR = YOK;
+        flag_obstacle = YOK;
+        Obs_direction = RIGHT;
+    }
+    if(flag_IR){
+        Otime.start();
+        //flag_IR = NOK;
+       // pc.printf("\tActuator Obstacel start\r\n");
+        while(flag_obstacle == YOK){
+        //while( != 0xFF){
+             Actuator_Obstacle(Obs_direction); 
+             pc.printf("obstacle!\r\n");  
+             //pc.printf("\t\tActuator Obstacel start\r\n");
+        }
+        Otime.stop();
+        Otime.reset();
+        flag_IR = NOK;
+    }
+void Actuator_Obstacle(int dir){
+    R_PWM = 100;
+    L_PWM = 100;
+if( <= 0.5){
+         if(dir == 0){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-20);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-100); 
+              }
+         else if(dir == 1 ){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-100);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-40);
+           }
+}else if( <= 1.0){
+         if(dir == 0){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+5);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM); 
+              }
+         else if(dir == 1 ){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+5);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM);
+           }
+}else if( <= 2.0){
+         if(dir == 0){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-100);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-40); 
+              }
+         else if(dir == 1 ){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM-20);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM-100);
+           }
+        if((abs(TR.readLine(sensor_val, calMin, calMax,on_line,1) - MIDDLE)<=400 && on_line[0] == 1)) flag_obstacle = NOK;
+        PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM);
+        PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM);
+    }
+int color_set(uint8_t red,uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
+  return ((red<<16) + (green<<8) + blue);   
+// 0 <= stepNumber <= lastStepNumber
+int interpolate(int startValue, int endValue, int stepNumber, int lastStepNumber)
+    return (endValue - startValue) * stepNumber / lastStepNumber + startValue;
+void NeopixelOn(){
+    int colorIdx = 0;
+    int colorTo = 0;
+    int colorFrom = 0;
+    uint8_t ir = 0;
+    uint8_t ig = 0;
+    uint8_t ib = 0;
+    ws.useII(WS2812::PER_PIXEL); // use per-pixel intensity scaling
+    // set up the colours we want to draw with
+    int colorbuf[NUM_COLORS] = {0x2f0000,0x2f2f00,0x002f00,0x002f2f,0x00002f,0x2f002f};
+    // Now the buffer is written, write it to the led array.
+    while (flag_neo) 
+    {
+        //get starting RGB components for interpolation
+        std::size_t c1 = colorbuf[colorFrom];
+        std::size_t r1 = (c1 & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+        std::size_t g1 = (c1 & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
+        std::size_t b1 = (c1 & 0x0000ff);
+        //get ending RGB components for interpolation
+        std::size_t c2 = colorbuf[colorTo];
+        std::size_t r2 = (c2 & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+        std::size_t g2 = (c2 & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
+        std::size_t b2 = (c2 & 0x0000ff);
+        for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_STEPS; i++)
+        {
+            ir = interpolate(r1, r2, i, NUM_STEPS);
+            ig = interpolate(g1, g2, i, NUM_STEPS);
+            ib = interpolate(b1, b2, i, NUM_STEPS);
+            //write the color value for each pixel
+            px.SetAll(color_set(ir,ig,ib));
+            //write the II value for each pixel
+            px.SetAllI(32);
+            for (int i = WS2812_BUF; i >= 0; i--) 
+            {
+                ws.write(px.getBuf());
+            }
+        }
+        colorFrom = colorIdx;
+        colorIdx++;
+        if (colorIdx >= NUM_COLORS)
+        {
+            colorIdx = 0;
+        }
+        colorTo = colorIdx;
+    }    
+else if( <= 2.0){
+         if(dir == 0){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+5);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM); 
+              }
+         else if(dir == 1 ){
+             PWMA.pulsewidth_us(L_PWM+5);
+             PWMB.pulsewidth_us(R_PWM);
+           }
\ No newline at end of file