Import of CSR's demo for SirfV. Has minor cleanup.

Dependencies:   CsrLocation mbed GPSProvider

Fork of CsrLocationDemo by jie zhao

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00001 /* CSRLocation class for mbed Microcontroller
00002  * Copyright 2014 CSR plc
00003  */
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00006 #include "GPSProvider.h"
00008 #define PINMAP_GPIO_BTN  D5
00009 #define PINMAP_GPIO_TEST D10
00010 #define LOC_LED1         D7
00011 #define LOC_LED2         D6
00013 #define APP_DBG_PORT_BAUD       115200
00014 #define CSR_APP_LOG_INFO(...)   sSerialDebug.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
00016 /* appliation commands */
00017 typedef enum AppCmd {
00018     APP_CMD_IDLE,           // No special command
00019     APP_CMD_HELP,           // Show the supported commands
00020     APP_CMD_START,          // Start location
00021     APP_CMD_STOP,           // Stop location
00022     APP_CMD_PM_FULL,        // Set full power mode
00023     APP_CMD_PM_PTF,         // Set low power PTF mode
00024     APP_CMD_PTF_GETPOS,     // Get location immediately in low power PTF mode
00025     APP_CMD_RESET,          // Debug command, pull reset pin high level
00026 } eAppCmd;
00028 static void _AppShowCmd(void);
00029 static void _AppBtnPushed(void);
00030 static void _ConsoleRxHandler(void);
00031 static void _AppCmdProcess(char *pCmd);
00033 static int         sAppCmd  = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00035 static DigitalOut  sLedLocOn(LOC_LED1);
00036 static DigitalOut  sLedPosReport(LOC_LED2);
00037 static InterruptIn sBtn(PINMAP_GPIO_BTN);
00038 static DigitalOut  sPinTest(PINMAP_GPIO_TEST);
00040 Serial             sSerialDebug(USBTX, USBRX);
00042 void
00043 locationHandler(const GPSProvider::LocationUpdateParams_t *params)
00044 {
00045     if (params->valid) {
00046         /* application specific handling of location data; */
00047     }
00048 }
00050 int main(void)
00051 {
00052     sLedLocOn     = 0;
00053     sLedPosReport = 0;
00054     sPinTest      = 1;
00055     sBtn.mode(PullUp);
00056     sBtn.fall(&_AppBtnPushed);
00058     /* initialize the debug serial port */
00059     sSerialDebug.baud(APP_DBG_PORT_BAUD);
00060     sSerialDebug.attach(&_ConsoleRxHandler);
00062     GPSProvider gps;
00063     gps.setPowerMode(GPSProvider::POWER_FULL);
00064     gps.reset();
00065     gps.onLocationUpdate(locationHandler);
00066     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("Success to new csrLocation.\r\n");
00068     _AppShowCmd();
00070     while (true) {
00071         switch (sAppCmd) {
00072             case APP_CMD_HELP:
00073                 sAppCmd = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00074                 _AppShowCmd();
00075                 break;
00076             case APP_CMD_IDLE:
00077                 gps.process();
00078                 sleep();
00079                 break;
00080             case APP_CMD_START:
00081                 sAppCmd = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00082                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("start location.\r\n");
00083                 gps.start();
00084                 sLedLocOn = 1;
00085                 break;
00086             case APP_CMD_STOP:
00087                 sAppCmd = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00088                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("stop location.\r\n");
00089                 gps.stop();
00090                 sLedLocOn = 0;
00091                 break;
00092             case APP_CMD_RESET:
00093                 sAppCmd   = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00094                 gps.reset();
00095                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("reset on.\r\n");
00096                 break;
00097             case APP_CMD_PTF_GETPOS:
00098                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("lpm get pos.\r\n");
00099                 sAppCmd = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00100                 gps.lpmGetImmediateLocation();
00101                 break;
00102             case APP_CMD_PM_FULL:
00103                 sAppCmd  = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00104                 gps.setPowerMode(GPSProvider::POWER_FULL);
00105                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("fpm set.\r\n");
00106                 break;
00107             case APP_CMD_PM_PTF:
00108                 sAppCmd  = APP_CMD_IDLE;
00109                 gps.setPowerMode(GPSProvider::POWER_LOW);
00110                 CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("lpm ptf set.\r\n");
00111                 break;
00112         }
00113     }
00114 }
00116 static void _AppShowCmd(void)
00117 {
00118     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("Location commands:\r\n");
00119     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    help     - help to show supported commands\r\n");
00120     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    start    - begin location\r\n");
00121     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    stop     - end location\r\n");
00122     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    fpm      - full power mode\r\n");
00123     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    ptf      - ptf low power mode\r\n");
00124     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("    getpos   - get location immediately in low power ptf mode\r\n");
00125 }
00127 static void _AppBtnPushed(void)
00128 {
00129     sAppCmd = APP_CMD_PTF_GETPOS;
00130     //  sLedLocOn = !sLedLocOn;
00131 }
00133 static void _ConsoleRxHandler(void)
00134 {
00135     static char cmd[32] = {0};
00136     char        ch;
00138     ch = sSerialDebug.getc();
00139     sSerialDebug.putc(ch);
00140     if (ch == '\r') {
00141         sSerialDebug.putc('\n');
00142         if (strlen(cmd) > 0) {
00143             _AppCmdProcess(cmd);
00144             memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
00145         }
00146     } else {
00147         cmd[strlen(cmd)] = ch;
00148     }
00149 }
00151 static void _AppCmdProcess(char *pCmd)
00152 {
00153     if (strcmp(pCmd, "help") == 0) {
00154         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_HELP;
00155     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "start") == 0) {
00156         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_START;
00157     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "stop") == 0) {
00158         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_STOP;
00159     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "fpm") == 0) {
00160         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_PM_FULL;
00161     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "ptf") == 0) {
00162         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_PM_PTF;
00163     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "getpos") == 0) {
00164         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_PTF_GETPOS;
00165     } else if (strcmp(pCmd, "reset") == 0) {
00166         sAppCmd = APP_CMD_RESET;
00167     } else {
00168         CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("\r\nUnknown command %s\r\n", pCmd);
00169     }
00171     CSR_APP_LOG_INFO("\r\n");
00172 }