prog de test carte eclairage kiffy

Dependencies:   mbed

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Mon Oct 08 14:36:17 2018 +0000
Commit message:
version de base carte eclairage mbed

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 08 14:36:17 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define PERIODE 10
+DigitalOut myled(LED3);
+DigitalOut AvD(PB_0);
+DigitalOut AvClD(PB_1);
+DigitalOut AvG(PF_0);
+DigitalOut AvClG(PF_1);
+DigitalOut myled3(LED3);
+DigitalOut Buz (PA_8);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+DigitalIn InClD (PA_1);
+DigitalIn InClG (PA_3);
+DigitalIn InRoute (PA_5);
+DigitalIn InCrois (PA_7);
+DigitalIn InBuz (PA_6);
+int iClD,iClDOld,iClG,iClGOld,iRoute=1,iRouteOld=1,iCrois,iCroisOld,iBuz,iBuzOld;
+int TimCl=0;
+bool bStcld=false,bStclg=false,bSroute=false,bScrois=false,bBuz=false,bTim1=false;// state of output
+int iState=0,iTim1=0;// 
+State Light = OFF3;// startup value as ROUTE beam
+int giCommodo;
+Ticker tick100ms;
+void lect_commodo (void)
+{giCommodo=giCommodo |(((!InClD)&0X1)+ ((!InClG)&0X1)<<1+((!InRoute)&0X1)<<2+((!InCrois)&0X1)<<3+((!InBuz)&0X1)<<4);
+giCommodo=giCommodo &(((!InClD)&0X1)+ ((!InClG)&0X1)<<1+((!InRoute)&0X1)<<2+((!InCrois)&0X1)<<3+((!InBuz)&0X1)<<4);
+ }
+void Gest_Event (void) // gestionnaire d evenement global
+{;;;;;// read input
+    if ((iRoute==0) && (iRouteOld==1)) // passage en mode Route
+    { bSroute=true;// switch to high beam
+    }
+    if ((iRoute==1) && (iRouteOld==0)) // sortie mode Route
+    { bSroute=false;// switch to high beam
+    }
+    if ((iCrois==0) && (iCroisOld==1)) // passage en mode croisement
+      { bScrois=true;// switch to high beam
+    }
+    if ((iCrois==1) && (iCroisOld==0)) // sortie  en mode croisement
+      { bScrois=false;// switch to high beam
+    }
+   /*  if ((iClD==0) && (iClDOld==1)) // cligno D actif
+      { bStcld=true;// switch to high beam
+    }
+    if ((iClD==1) && (iClDOld==0)) // clign D inactift
+      { bStcld=false;// switch to high beam
+    }
+     if ((iClG==0) && (iClGOld==1)) // cligno g actif
+      { bStclg=true;// switch to high beam
+    }
+    if ((iClG==1) && (iClGOld==0)) // clign g inactift
+      { bStclg=false;// switch to high beam
+    }
+ if ((iBuz==0) && (iBuzOld==1)) // buzzer actif
+      { bBuz=true;// switch to high beam
+    }
+   /* if ((iBuz==1) && (iBuzOld==0)) // buzzer inactift
+      { bBuz=false;// switch to high beam
+    }*/
+    if (iTim1>0){iTim1-- ; bTim1=true;}
+    else bTim1=false;
+    // update old event value for next time
+    iBuzOld=iBuz;
+    iClGOld=iClG;
+    iClDOld=iClD;
+    iCroisOld=iCrois;
+    iRouteOld=iRoute;
+void init_gene(void)
+     AvD=0;// front beam OFF
+AvG=0;// front beam OFF
+    AvClG=0;
+    }
+void Tick100ms_(void)
+   //;;;;;
+   Gest_Event();// call event manager
+            switch (iState)
+        {
+             case OFF3:
+            AvD=0;AvG=0;// front beam off
+            if (bSroute==true )
+            {  iState=ROUTE; 
+            }
+         /*   else{if (bRoute==true) &&(bTim1==true))
+                { iState=CLIGN; iTim1=30*PERIODE;}*/
+             break;
+            case ROUTE:
+            AvD=1;AvG=1;// front beam on
+            if (bSroute==false)
+            { iTim1=(int) 30*PERIODE;
+            iState=OFF1; }
+            break;
+             case OFF1:
+             AvD=0;AvG=0;// front beam off
+            if ((bSroute==true) &&(bTim1==true))
+            {  iState=CROIS; }
+            if ((bSroute==true) &&(bTim1==false))
+            {iState=ROUTE;}
+             case CROIS:
+             AvD=1;AvG=1;// front beam on
+            if (bSroute==false)
+            { iState=OFF2; 
+            iTim1=30*PERIODE;}
+            break;
+             case OFF2:
+             AvD=0;AvG=0;// front beam off
+            if ((bSroute==true) &&(bTim1==false))
+            {  iState=ROUTE; }
+            if ((bSroute==true) &&(bTim1==true))
+            {iState=CLIGN;}
+            break;
+             case CLIGN:
+             AvD=1;AvG=1;// front beam on
+            if (bSroute==false)
+            { iState=OFF3;
+            iTim1=30*PERIODE; }
+            break;
+        }
+     if (iBuz==0)// commande klaxon
+     Buz=1;
+     else Buz=0;
+    // allumage clignotant
+    if (TimCl==4)// 0.5s elapsed
+    {TimCl=0;
+        // clignotant droit
+        if (iClD==0) // clid d actif
+            if (bStcld==false) //cld off
+            {bStcld=true; AvClD=1;}
+            else
+            {bStcld=false; AvClD=0;}
+         else
+         { bStcld=false; AvClD=0;}//   
+          // clignotant gauche
+         if (iClG==0) // clig d actif
+            if (bStclg==false) //cld off
+            {bStclg=true; AvClG=1;}
+            else
+            {bStclg=false; AvClG=0;}
+         else
+         { bStclg=false; AvClG=0;}//    
+        }
+        else TimCl++;
+    }
+int main() {
+    char cChoix;
+    tick100ms.attach(&Tick100ms_,(1/(float)PERIODE)); // main ticker 100ms 
+    init_gene();
+       while(cChoix!='q' and cChoix!='Q')
+{pc.printf(" veuillez saisir un choix parmi la liste proposee: \n");
+ pc.printf("a: on/off avD \n");
+  pc.printf("b: on/off avG \n");
+   pc.printf("c: on/off ClavD \n");
+  pc.printf("d: on/off ClAvG   \n");
+    pc.printf("e: on/off Buz   \n");
+    pc.printf("f: lecture commodo   \n");
+ pc.printf(" q:quitter \n");
+ /************* multithreading : main thread need to sleep in order to allow web response */
+ while (pc.readable()==0) // determine if char availabler
+ {//Thread::wait(10);
+  wait_ms(10);
+ } // wait 10 until char available on serial input
+ /************* end of main thread sleep  ****************/ 
+ pc.scanf(" %c",&cChoix);
+ switch (cChoix){
+     case 'a': 
+     AvD=!AvD;
+     break;
+     case 'b': 
+     AvG=!AvG;
+     break;
+     case 'c': 
+     AvClD=!AvClD;
+     break;
+     case 'd': 
+     AvClG=!AvClG;
+     break;
+     case 'e': 
+     Buz=!Buz;
+     break;
+       case 'f': 
+    lect_commodo ();
+   // pc.printf(" commodo=%2X \n",giCommodo);
+   pc.printf ("clD:%d lcG:%d Rou:%d Crois%d Buz:%d \n",,,,,;
+     break;
+     case 'q': 
+     break;
+     }
+} // end while
+   } 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon Oct 08 14:36:17 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file