Dependencies: ADXL345 AigamozuControlPackets HMC5843 ITG3200 MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library XBee agzIDLIST mbed
Fork of Aigamozu_Robot_ver4_1 by
2015-05-29, by s1210160 [Fri, 29 May 2015 13:07:46 +0000] rev 36
define the range of error
2015-05-27, by s1200058 [Wed, 27 May 2015 12:10:20 +0000] rev 35
define the range of error
change kalman
2015-05-25, by s1200058 [Mon, 25 May 2015 11:06:34 +0000] rev 34
change kalman
change kalman
2015-05-24, by s1200058 [Sun, 24 May 2015 08:06:17 +0000] rev 33
change kalman
change a function Kalman()
2015-05-24, by s1200058 [Sun, 24 May 2015 06:38:54 +0000] rev 32
change a function Kalman()
if i use change command, timer is reset.
2015-05-19, by s1200058 [Tue, 19 May 2015 10:59:32 +0000] rev 31
if i use change command, timer is reset.
change aigamozuControlPackets
2015-05-19, by s1200058 [Tue, 19 May 2015 10:52:39 +0000] rev 30
change aigamozuControlPackets
change for test
2015-05-19, by s1200058 [Tue, 19 May 2015 10:27:43 +0000] rev 29
change for test
//2015/05/17; //Get_GPS()???longitude???138?140???;
2015-05-18, by s1200058 [Mon, 18 May 2015 02:36:59 +0000] rev 28
//2015/05/17; //Get_GPS()???longitude???138?140???;
2015-05-18, by s1200058 [Mon, 18 May 2015 02:31:55 +0000] rev 27