展示会用です 内容をすっきりさせました

Dependencies:   ADXL345 AigamozuControlPackets_展示会 HMC5843 ITG3200 MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library XBee agzIDLIST mbed

Fork of Aigamozu_Robot_ver4 by CanSat2015aizu

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Oct 24 08:15:16 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

AigamozuControlPackets.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Kalman/Kalman.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Kalman/Kalman.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
agzIDLIST.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 19a9a37a5658 -r 5cd6d4964f65 AigamozuControlPackets.lib
--- a/AigamozuControlPackets.lib	Thu Oct 29 07:52:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/AigamozuControlPackets.lib	Mon Oct 24 08:15:16 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 19a9a37a5658 -r 5cd6d4964f65 Kalman/Kalman.cpp
diff -r 19a9a37a5658 -r 5cd6d4964f65 Kalman/Kalman.h
diff -r 19a9a37a5658 -r 5cd6d4964f65 agzIDLIST.lib
--- a/agzIDLIST.lib	Thu Oct 29 07:52:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/agzIDLIST.lib	Mon Oct 24 08:15:16 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 19a9a37a5658 -r 5cd6d4964f65 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 29 07:52:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 24 08:15:16 2016 +0000
@@ -4,43 +4,16 @@
 //  Program name: Aigamozu ROBOT
 //  Author: Mineta Kizuku
+//  Yokokawa
-//2015/05/13 Yokokawa
 #include "mbed.h"
@@ -49,19 +22,8 @@
 #include "AigamozuControlPackets.h"
 #include "agzIDLIST.h"
 #include "aigamozuSetting.h"
-#include "Kalman.h"
 #include "math.h"
-#define SIGMA_MIN 0.0001
-//************ID Number*****************
-//Robot   ID: 'A' ~ 'Z'
-//Base    ID: 'a' ~ 'a'
-//manager ID: '0'(数字のゼロ)
-const char MyID = 'D';
-//************ID Number*****************
 //Pin Setting
@@ -92,26 +54,9 @@
 AigamozuControlPackets agz(agz_motorShield);
-//For Kalman data
-#define FIRST_S2 0.000001
-#define COUNTER_MAX 10000
-double x_cur,x_prev,y_cur,y_prev;//緯度と経度の時刻tと時刻t-1での推定値
-double s2x_cur=FIRST_S2,s2x_prev=FIRST_S2,s2y_cur=FIRST_S2,s2y_prev=FIRST_S2;//緯度経度のの時刻tと時刻t-1での共分散
-double s2_R=FIRST_S2;//GPSセンサの分散
-double Kx=0,Ky=0;//カルマンゲイン
-double zx,zy;//観測値
-void Kalman(double Latitude,double Longitude);
 int change = 0;
-LocalFileSystem local("local");  // マウントポイントを定義(ディレクトリパスになる)
-FILE *fp;
-char filename[16] = "/local/out0.txt";
 //Plus Speed
@@ -126,112 +71,7 @@
-//Send Status
-void Send_Status(char SenderIDc){
-    XBeeAddress64 send_Address;
-    if(SenderIDc == '0'){
-        send_Address = manager_Address;
-        agz.createReceiveStatusCommand(MyID,SenderIDc, agz.nowMode,
-                                        agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi());             
-    }
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'A' && SenderIDc <= 'Z'){
-        send_Address = robot_Address[SenderIDc - 'A'];
-        //Create GPS Infomation Packet
-        agz.createReceiveStatusCommand(MyID,SenderIDc, agz.nowMode,
-                                        agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi());
-    }
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'a' && SenderIDc <= 'z'){
-        send_Address = base_Address[SenderIDc - 'a'];
-        agz.createReceiveStatusCommand(MyID,SenderIDc, (int)agz.gpsAuto(),
-                                        agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-                                        agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi());    
-    }
-    //send normal data
- /*   
-    //debug***************************************************
-    printf("latitude:%f,longitude:%f\nlatitudeK:%f,longitudeK:%f\nCovlat:%f,Covlongi:%f\n",
-            agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-            agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-            agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi()
-            );
-    for(int i = 0; i < RECEIVE_STATUS_COMMNAD_LENGTH; ++i) printf("%d ",agz.packetData[i]);
-        printf("\n");
-    //debug end***************************************************
- */   
-    //Select Destination
-    ZBTxRequest tx64request(send_Address,agz.packetData,agz.getPacketLength());
-    //Send -> Base
-    xbee.send(tx64request);
-//Get GPS function
-void Get_GPS(Adafruit_GPS *myGPS){
-    static int flag = 0;
-//    static int save_counter = 0;
-    if (myGPS->fix) {
-        agz.nowStatus = GPS_AVAIL;
-        agz.reNewRobotPoint(myGPS->latitudeH,myGPS->latitudeL,myGPS->longitudeH,myGPS->longitudeL);
-        if(flag < COUNTER_MAX){
-            flag++; 
-        }
-        if(flag == 15){
-            x_prev = agz.get_agzPoint_lati();
-            y_prev = agz.get_agzPoint_longi();
-        }
-        if(flag >= 16){
-            if(abs(x_prev - agz.get_agzPoint_lati()) < 0.001 && abs(y_prev - agz.get_agzPoint_longi()) < 0.001){
-                Kalman(agz.get_agzPoint_lati(), agz.get_agzPoint_longi());
-                change = 1;
-            }
-            else{
-                change = 0;
-            }
-/*            if(save_counter < 10){
-                fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-                fprintf(fp, "%d %.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14le %.14le \n",
-                    change, agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-                    agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-                    agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi());
-                fclose(fp);   
-                if((flag - 16) % 500 == 0){
-                    filename[10]++;
-                    save_counter++;
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-                printf("%.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14le %.14le \n",
-                agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(),
-                agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(),
-                agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi());
-    }
-    else agz.nowStatus = GPS_UNAVAIL;
@@ -245,154 +85,7 @@
-//Get Status
-void Get_Status(char SenderIDc,uint8_t *packetdata){
-    //マネージャからデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc == '0'){
-        printf("get manager Status\n");
-    }
-    //他のロボットからデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'A' && SenderIDc <= 'Z'){
-        printf("get other robots Status\n");
-    }
-    //基地局からデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'a' && SenderIDc <= 'z'){
-        printf("Get Base data\n");
-        int id = SenderIDc - 'a';
-        agz.reNewBasePoint(id,&packetdata[13],&packetdata[21]);
-        agz.reNewBasePointKalman(id,&packetdata[29],&packetdata[37]);
-        //debug
-        for(int i = 0;i < 4;i++){
-        printf("BASE:%d\n",i);
-        printf("latitude:%f,longitude:%f\nlatitudeK:%f,longitudeK:%f\n",
-            agz.get_basePoint_lati(i),agz.get_basePoint_longi(i),
-            agz.get_basePointKalman_lati(i),agz.get_basePointKalman_longi(i)
-            );
-        }
-    }
-void Get_Status_Kalman(char SenderIDc,uint8_t *packetdata){
-    //マネージャからデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc == '0'){
-        printf("get manager Status Kalman\n");
-    }
-    //他のロボットからデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'A' && SenderIDc <= 'Z'){
-        printf("get other robots Status Kalman\n");
-    }
-    //基地局からデータが来たとき
-    if(SenderIDc >= 'a' && SenderIDc <= 'z'){
-        printf("Get Base data Kalman\n");
-        int id = SenderIDc - 'a';
-        agz.reNewBasePointKalman(id,&packetdata[29],&packetdata[37]);
-        //debug
-        for(int i = 0;i < 4;i++){
-        printf("BASE:%d\n",i);
-        printf("latitudeK:%f,longitudeK:%f\n",
-            agz.get_basePointKalman_lati(i),agz.get_basePointKalman_longi(i));
-        }
-    }
-void Send_Request_Base(int basenumber){
-    printf("send\n");
-    agz.createRequestCommand(MyID, basenumber);
-    //Select Destination
-    ZBTxRequest tx64request(base_Address[basenumber],agz.packetData,agz.getPacketLength());
-    //Send -> Base
-    xbee.send(tx64request);
-void auto_Move(){
- bool result;
- int i;
- result = agz.gpsAuto();
- //agz.set_agzAutoGPS();
- //agz.set_agzKalmanGPS();
- if(result == true){
-        printf("Out Area\n");
- }
-else if(result == false){
-        printf("In Area\n");
-for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
-    printf("%d: %f, %f\n", i, agz.get_basePointKalman_lati(i), agz.get_basePointKalman_longi(i));
- }
- printf("robot: %f, %f\n", agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(), agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi());
-void print_gps(int count){
-    printf("%d times:\n", count);
-    printf("%f, %f\n", agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(), agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi());
-//Kalman Processing
-void calc_Kalman(){
-  //calc Kalman gain
-  Kx = s2x_prev/(s2x_prev+s2_R);
-  Ky = s2y_prev/(s2y_prev+s2_R);
-  //estimate
-  x_cur = x_prev + Kx*(zx-x_prev);
-  y_cur = y_prev + Ky*(zy-y_prev);
-  //calc sigma
-  s2x_cur = s2x_prev-Kx*s2x_prev;
-  s2y_cur = s2y_prev-Ky*s2y_prev;
-void Kalman(double Latitude,double Longitude){
-    zx = Latitude;
-    zy = Longitude;
-    calc_Kalman();
-    //更新
-    x_prev = x_cur;
-    y_prev = y_cur;
-    s2x_prev = s2x_cur;
-    s2y_prev = s2y_cur;
-    //agzPontKalmanとagzCovに格納する
-    agz.set_agzPointKalman_lati(x_cur);
-    agz.set_agzPointKalman_longi(y_cur);
-    agz.set_agzCov(s2x_cur,s2y_cur);
@@ -411,33 +104,15 @@
     //GPS setting
     gps_Serial = new Serial(p28,p27);
     Adafruit_GPS myGPS(gps_Serial); 
-    Timer refresh_Timer;
-    const int refresh_Time = 1000; //refresh time in ms
     Timer auto_Timer;
     const int auto_Time = 2000; //refresh time in ms
-    int count = 0;
-    const int straight = 30000, turning = 34000, wait = 31000;
-    myGPS.begin(GPS_BAUD_RATE); 
-    Timer collect_Timer;
-    const int collect_Time = 2000; //when we collect 4 GPS point, we use 
-    int collect_flag = 0;
-    char SenderIDc;
-    //GPS Send Command
-    myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ);
-    myGPS.sendCommand(PGCMD_ANTENNA);
     //interrupt start
-    refresh_Timer.start();
-    collect_Timer.start();
@@ -453,8 +128,6 @@
             if (xbee.getResponse().getApiId() == ZB_RX_RESPONSE) {
                 uint8_t *buf = zbRx.getFrameData();//フレームデータを格納する
-                uint8_t *buf1 = &buf[11];//データの部分のみを格納する
-                SenderIDc = buf1[5];//送信元のIDを取得する
                 char Command_type = agz.checkCommnadType(buf);//コマンドタイプを取得する
                 //Check Command Type 
@@ -464,9 +137,7 @@
-                    case STATUS_REQUEST:{
-                        Send_Status(SenderIDc); 
-                        printf("%c\n", SenderIDc);                  
+                    case STATUS_REQUEST:{                 
                     case CHANGE_MODE:{
@@ -474,7 +145,6 @@
                     case RECEIVE_STATUS:{
-                        Get_Status(SenderIDc,buf1);
@@ -483,60 +153,12 @@
-        myGPS.read();
-        //recive gps module
-        //check if we recieved a new message from GPS, if so, attempt to parse it,
-        if ( myGPS.newNMEAreceived() ) {
-            if ( !myGPS.parse(myGPS.lastNMEA()) ) {
-                continue;   
-            } 
-            else{
-                count++;
-            }    
-        }
-        //一定時間ごとに自分のGPSデータを取得し、AigamozuControlPacketsないのagzPointとagzPointKalmanに格納する
-        if (refresh_Timer.read_ms() >= refresh_Time) {
-            refresh_Timer.reset();
-            //print_gps(count);
-            Get_GPS(&myGPS);
-        }
-                 //get base GPS
-        if( collect_Timer.read_ms() >= collect_Time){
-            collect_Timer.reset();   
-            Send_Request_Base(collect_flag);
-            collect_flag++;
-            if(collect_flag == 4){
-                collect_flag = 0;
-            }    
-         } 
-        if(agz.nowMode == AUTO_GPS_MODE && auto_Timer.read_ms() >= auto_Time){
+     if(agz.nowMode == AUTO_GPS_MODE && auto_Timer.read_ms() >= auto_Time){
-           auto_Move(); 
+           agz.gpsAuto();
-     if(agz.nowMode == AUTO_GPS_MODE){
-        if(agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() < straight){
-           agz.test_Auto(0); //straight
-        }
-        if(agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() > straight && agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() < wait){
-            agz.test_Auto(1);
-        }
-        if(agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() > wait && agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() < turning){
-            agz.test_Auto(2); //Turn Right
-        }   
-        if(agz.Move_Timer.read_ms() > turning){
-            agz.test_Auto(3);
-            wait_ms(200);
-            agz.Move_Timer.reset();
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file