Ultrasonic Audio File Player

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of TAU_ZOOLOG_Chirp_Generator by Yossi_Students

--- a/main_filter3.cpp	Tue Jul 11 14:08:31 2017 +0000
+++ b/main_filter3.cpp	Sun Jul 16 12:39:53 2017 +0000
@@ -329,33 +329,35 @@
                         printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
                         signal_low_threshold = SIGNAL_LOW_THRESHOD;
+                    // not used //
+//                   isSignalClipped = true;
+//                    while (isSignalClipped) {
+//                        printf("Enter amplitude scale parameter for predefined signal (default - %5.2f): ", SCALE_FOR_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT);
+//                        memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
+//                        gets(command);
+//                        scale_for_predefined_output = atof(command);
+//                        if (scale_for_predefined_output == float(0.0)) {
+//                            printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
+//                            scale_for_predefined_output = SCALE_FOR_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
+//                        }
+//                        isSignalClipped = false;
+//                        for (k=0; k < AMOUNT_OF_SIGNIFICANT_SAMPLES; k++ ) {
+//                            scaled_sounddata[k] = sounddata[k]* scale_for_predefined_output;
+//                            if (scaled_sounddata[k] < (float)-1.0) {
+//                                scaled_sounddata[k] = (float)-1.0;
+//                                isSignalClipped = true;
+//                            }
+//                            if (scaled_sounddata[k] > (float)1.0) {
+//                                scaled_sounddata[k] = (float)1.0;
+//                                isSignalClipped = true;
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        if (isSignalClipped) {
+//                            printf("With amplitude scale %5.2f, signal will be clipped !!!. Select smaller scale.\r\n",scale_for_predefined_output);
+//                        }
+//                    }  // end of while (isSignalClipped)
-                    isSignalClipped = true;
-                    while (isSignalClipped) {
-                        printf("Enter amplitude scale parameter for predefined signal (default - %5.2f): ", SCALE_FOR_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT);
-                        memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
-                        gets(command);
-                        scale_for_predefined_output = atof(command);
-                        if (scale_for_predefined_output == float(0.0)) {
-                            printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
-                            scale_for_predefined_output = SCALE_FOR_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
-                        }
-                        isSignalClipped = false;
-                        for (k=0; k < AMOUNT_OF_SIGNIFICANT_SAMPLES; k++ ) {
-                            scaled_sounddata[k] = sounddata[k]* scale_for_predefined_output;
-                            if (scaled_sounddata[k] < (float)-1.0) {
-                                scaled_sounddata[k] = (float)-1.0;
-                                isSignalClipped = true;
-                            }
-                            if (scaled_sounddata[k] > (float)1.0) {
-                                scaled_sounddata[k] = (float)1.0;
-                                isSignalClipped = true;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (isSignalClipped) {
-                            printf("With amplitude scale %5.2f, signal will be clipped !!!. Select smaller scale.\r\n",scale_for_predefined_output);
-                        }
-                    }  // end of while (isSignalClipped)
                     printf("Enter delay after signal in microseconds (default - %d): ", DELAY_AFTER_SIGNAL_TRANSMISSION);
                     memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
@@ -364,38 +366,39 @@
                         printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
                         delay_after_signal_transmission = DELAY_AFTER_SIGNAL_TRANSMISSION;
-                    printf("Enter number of cycles to detect threshold crossing (default - %d): ", NUM_OF_CYCLES_TO_DETECT_THRESHOLD_CROSSING);
-                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
-                    gets(command);
-                    num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing = atoi(command);
-                    if (num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing == 0) {
-                        printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
-                        num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing = NUM_OF_CYCLES_TO_DETECT_THRESHOLD_CROSSING;
-                    }
-                    printf("Use high pass filter with predefined output: Y/N (default - %s): ",
-                           USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT ? "Y" : "N" );
-                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
-                    gets(command);
-                    if ((command[0] == 'Y') || (command[0] == 'y')) {
-                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = true;
-                    } else if ((command[0] == 'N') || (command[0] == 'n')) {
-                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = false;
-                    } else {
-                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
-                    }
+//                    printf("Enter number of cycles to detect threshold crossing (default - %d): ", NUM_OF_CYCLES_TO_DETECT_THRESHOLD_CROSSING);
+//                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
+//                    gets(command);
+//                    num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing = atoi(command);
+//                    if (num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing == 0) {
+//                        printf("\r\nWrong input - default is taken\r\n");
+//                        num_of_cycles_to_detect_threshold_crossing = NUM_OF_CYCLES_TO_DETECT_THRESHOLD_CROSSING;
+//                    }
+                    // not implemeted filter not activated //
+                    //printf("Use high pass filter with predefined output: Y/N (default - %s): ",
+//                           USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT ? "Y" : "N" );
+//                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
+//                    gets(command);
+//                    if ((command[0] == 'Y') || (command[0] == 'y')) {
+//                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = true;
+//                    } else if ((command[0] == 'N') || (command[0] == 'n')) {
+//                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = false;
+//                    } else {
+//                        use_filter_with_predefined_output = USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
+//                    }
+//                    if (delay_after_signal_transmission == 0) {
+//                        delay_after_signal_transmission = USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
+//                    }
+//                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
-                    if (delay_after_signal_transmission == 0) {
-                        delay_after_signal_transmission = USE_FILTER_WITH_PREDEFINED_OUTPUT;
-                    }
-                    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
                     isInputNotValid = 0;
                 } else  if (UseFilterMode == TEST_OUTPUT_MODE) {
                     isInputNotValid = 0;
-                } if (UseFilterMode == HIGH_PASS_FILTER_MODE) {
-                    isInputNotValid = 0;    
+                } else  if (UseFilterMode == NO_FILTER_MODE) {
+                    isInputNotValid = 0;
+                } else if (UseFilterMode == HIGH_PASS_FILTER_MODE) {
+                    isInputNotValid = 0;
                 } else if (UseFilterMode == TRIGGERED_OUTPUT_MODE) {
                     // define threshold
@@ -444,7 +447,7 @@
                     saturation_detection = (bool)atoi(command);
                     printf("\r\nChosen - %d\r\n",saturation_detection);
                     // no point asking quations if not enabled
                     if (saturation_detection) {
                         // set saturation threshold