Program to update the D7A modem's firmware.

Dependencies:   modem_ref_helper DebouncedInterrupt



File content as of revision 12:beabd59e0c35:

____    __    ____  __   ________   ________   __   __          ___      .______   
\   \  /  \  /   / |  | |       /  |       /  |  | |  |        /   \     |   _  \  
 \   \/    \/   /  |  | `---/  /   `---/  /   |  | |  |       /  ^  \    |  |_)  | 
  \            /   |  |    /  /       /  /    |  | |  |      /  /_\  \   |   _  <  
   \    /\    /    |  |   /  /----.  /  /----.|  | |  `----./  _____  \  |  |_)  | 
    \__/  \__/     |__|  /________| /________||__| |_______/__/     \__\ |______/  
               ___                      _   _             _   _    _              
              / __|___ _ _  _ _  ___ __| |_(_)_ _  __ _  | |_| |_ (_)_ _  __ _ ___
             | (__/ _ \ ' \| ' \/ -_) _|  _| | ' \/ _` | |  _| ' \| | ' \/ _` (_-<
              \___\___/_||_|_||_\___\__|\__|_|_||_\__, |  \__|_||_|_|_||_\__, /__/
                                                  |___/                  |___/    

Release notes:

---------- Version 4.7.0 ----------

This version is compatible with the Dash7 specification version 1.1

Several points should be taken into account before updating your modems:
    - This version is not compatible with previous versions.
    - This update is mandatory to use the Dash7Board.
    - This update will reset all users configurations to their default values.
    - The Dash7 files are now in big-endian order as specified in section 10.1. of the spec.
      (mbed is in little-endian order)
How to properly update:
    - It is preferable to update your Gateways first.
    - Update your modems.
    - The modems are no longer calibrated. For optimal performances, it is recommended to calibrate them.
        > First, check that your Gateway is up-to-date, up and running.
        > From mbed:
            # write 0x01 at offset 1 of file 70
            # wait 5s
            # read 1 byte at offset 1 of file 70
            # if 0x80 : calibration OK
            # if 0x81 : calibration FAILED
        > Form the Dash7Board:
            # In field 'Modem --> REMOTE CONTROL --> CALIBRATION'
            # Write the value 'START'
            # Wait 5s
            # Read the field, you should get 'OK' or 'FAILED'
        > You can check the FOF value by reading int16_t (big-endian) at offset 0 of file 1
        > In the Dash7Board, read: 'Modem --> FACTORY SETTINGS --> FOF'
            # if 0 : your modem is likely not calibrated.
            # else : this is your calibration value.